Chapter 40-50

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Chapter 40: BLOODSamantha sat Stanley on Scoob's chest. Stanley cooed and held onto Scoob's hands. "Rokay", Scoob said, "Say Rada." Stanley began to gum on Scoobs paw. "Say Mama", Samantha tickles Stanley who giggled and cooed. Stanley yawns and Scoob laid him beside him. Samantha took the box off Stanley's head and set it to charge. Stanley slept soundly. Samantha stroked small circles on his small chest, "Honey?" "Res?", Scoob puts his arm over his family. "Do you think I could be a good mom?" "I row you are", he kissed her forehead, "A natural." She rested her forehead near Stanley, "Do you think I'll be like my mom or maybe my grandmothers?" "What's wrong with reing you?", he stroked her hair back. "I guess I just want to make a difference", she said, "I want to be like them." "Well", he kissed her, "I rink you're retty great." She closed her eyes and yawned, "Who cares what you think?" He grumbles and holds her close. "I love you", she kissed his chest and then him. They kissed softly. She fell asleep in his arms. He nuzzled her and he kissed her head, "My Ram." In three rooms next to there's was Ser and Sam Jr. "Oh Sam", Ser goes to him as he reads, "I have something more interesting than a book." "Another book?", he didn't look up from his book. She kissed his cheek, "Come on. It's been awhile." "We had sex like three hours ago." She licked his cheek, "Way too long." "Can I just finish the chapter?", he tried to focus as she undressed. She sat on his lap and rested her chest on his book, "You done yet?" He pulled his book out and closed it, "Okay. You're asking for it." He summoned his wings and laid her down. They moaned and kissed. She cupped his face as they tasted. Meanwhile, in Mia and Mickey's room. Mia whimpers as Mickey kisses her body. He chuckles, "You really want me, huh?" She licks at his lips. They kissed and moved together. "I love you", she whispers as they kissed, "so much." "I love you more", he kissed her body. She nuzzled him. Afterwards, she laid on her side with him close to her. He kissed her collar, "You have that look on your face. What's wrong?" She stroked under his lips, "I want to tell you something, but I'm not sure how to do it." He held her hand to his chest, "You can tell me anything." She cups his face, "... I've been... having these dreams... but they don't feel like dreams." She showed him something. A kingdom from a far away land. Armor. A book. A familiar feeling. She looked to him, "I think I have a past life." He held her hands in his, "I have those too." She sits up, "What do you think it means?" "I'm not sure", he sits back, "I think it's trying to tell us something." She rested her forehead on his head, "I'm scared." "It'll be okay", he kissed her softly, "I won't let anything happen." She nuzzles him, "My heart." "My love", he kissed her again.Winter woke up and sat up. She yawned as she stretched. She sees Summer sound asleep. She kissed his cheek and went to make breakfast. James was asleep on the couch. Winter kissed his head and he woke slowly. "Good morning", Winter smiles. "Morning", he stands and stretches, "What's for breakfast." "I'm making waffles", Winter opened the cupboard, "Shoot we're out of food." "We can go to the store real quick", James said. "Sure", Winter says, "It'll be fun." They dressed and went to the Numero and Noma Supermarket. James and Winter each got a basket and gets groceries. Winter smiles and waves at Jules. "Winter?", James said, "Do you think I'd be weird if we kissed like every know and then?" "You cheeky you", she pinched his cheek, "You know weird is normal." He leaned down and they shared a kiss. She blushed happily, "You taste like exotic butter." Dawko had seen this and felt a wave of embarrassment go over him. Is kissing your YouTuber a thing? He clenched the water bottle in his hand. "Dawko?" "I wasn't kissing anyone!", Dawko flenched hard and then saw Mia. "... Right", Mia said. She had a basket of groceries in her hand. "Oh", Dawko blushed and rubbed the back of his head, "Hi Mia. How are you?" "I'm good", she rose her brow, "Are you good?" "Yeah, yeah!", he held his bottle tightly, "Never been-" The water burst open and went on him. Mia laughs softly, "You shouldn't feel so embarrassed about your relationship with Hailey. It's awkward sometimes yes but it is quite beautiful." "Yeah", Dawko used his power to dry himself, "I just want her- I mean, I want to be around her." "I get it", Mia looked to a jar of salsa, "Stampy was the same way." Dawko tossed his busted bottle, "He, um, told me about what he did." Mia sets the jar in the basket, "Some things should stay in the past." "Such as?" Mia walked along the aisles, "This conversation." "I'm sorry", he said, "I didn't mean to upset you." "It's fine", she calms down, "I'm sorry too. Something has been on my mind a lot." "Anything I can help with?", he asked. She gets some lettuce, "I doubt it." She picked up a peached and smelt it. Her eyes widen and something went over her. Laughter. Orchard. Peaches. Mia coughed up blood and covered her mouth. "Mia?" Mia's eyes rolled back and she fell. "Hey we need some help over here!", Dawko called out. Winter looked and saw Mia. She hurried over and knelt to Mia. She turned Mia's head to the side, "Mia? Mia can you hear me?" "She was fine a minute ago", Dawko said, "She was talking and-" Winter cried out in pain and held her head. "AHHHHH!", she was crying blood, "It hurts!" "Winter?", James went to her, "What's wrong?" Winter's eyes rolled back, "ITmhaidsemaensosaatghetiosdyeovtohteenmeyxltigfeenteormaytsitoonrIyiIiwsitlilmneottoarlilsoewHmeyabtlhoeondstIotbiessthiemdeftoorbmeecIowmielwlhnaottyaolulwoewrmeybloirfnettoobbeeyoovuerr."Winter collapsed and was bleeding. At the cave, Jason and Vicky laid unconcious on the floor. Blood puddled around them. The first gen were bleeding and passed out. "Honey?", Hailey cupped Jonas's face, "Baby? What's wrong?" Jonas laid with blood from his nose. The screens around the neighborhood turned on and showed the unconious gen. Mark dropped his glass of protein juice. "Mia!", Stampy sprung into action and teleported himself. "We need a doctor!"', Dawko called out. Kit saw the screens and went running. Luna, Sunshine and Snow ran to help the gen. Sunshine knelt by Mia and Winter and listened, "... There is fluid in their lungs." She got the first aid kit and got two needles. She broke the ends and blood pooled out. Snow had the ambulance. "Prepping for surgery", Sunshine said. "He's going to fine", Luna told Hailey, "Get him to a chair. "They're not breathing!", Kit did CPR to Jason. James went to Snow's side, "What can I do?" "I need blood", he said, "Lots of it." "Everyone!", Snow waved his arms to call attention, "I need you all to give as much blood as possible! Don't give me any bullshit about who can drawl blood." "I'm on it!", Val and Matchel said. They set up stations. Logan got his blood drawn. Ser got her blood drawn. The gen gave their blood. "Eat this", Val handed out snacks, "Drink some water everyone!" Sunshine carefully patches up Mia and Winter's lungs. Kit got Vicky and Jason on breathing machines. "Next please", Matchel got a new needle. Joke sat before her. Matchel was surprised. "We don't have time to go into details", Joke said, "MA has my blood type." "And mine", Laugh said. Matchel nodded and continued. Bebe cried in Mickey's arms. "Shh, shh", he pats her back, "It's okay." "Is Mia alright?", Matt asked Mickey. "She's recovering", Mickey said, "It might take some days." Ryan took the crying Bebe and sung softly something Mia sings to her. Bebe sniffed and fussed less. Samantha rubbed her sore arm. "Some painkillers", Kit held out a bottle. Samantha took it, "Howa are they?" "Alive", Kit said, "All I can say." Samantha handed back the pills hand ran a hand through her hair. Damnit. Scoob bounced Stanley on his knees, "They're going to re alright." She hugged his arm slightly, "I want to go home." The gen left the first to recover. Mickey stood beside Mia. Tears in his eyes, "I should've have been there." He kissed her softly. His grunts and pulled back. His eyes started to glow and he saw something. Suddenly he was in a castle. The sun shone warmly through the glassless windows. He saw her. She sat at the window looking out. His heart was beating in his chest. She saw him and smiled, "Come sit with me." He moved but his body didn't feel like his own. He wasn't a cartoon mouse. But a man. He sat beside her. "Why do you have that weird expression on your face?", she stroked her hair behind her ear, "Do I have something on my face?" "No", he was surprised at his own voice. It wasn't his high pitched voice. "Then what is it?", she said. "I-", he looked at his hands, "I don't understand." She laughs softly, "I think..." She placed it to her cheek, "This goes here." She blushed happily. It was Mia. He knew it was her. She looked older, around her mid-twenties. She was human. Her hair went as long as her lower back. Her eyes the same soulful brown. No scares or flames. No wolf features. He cupped her face, "Maria?" He meant to say Mia but this name came out instead. "Yes?", she held his hands in place, "My love?" "My heart", he said automatically but truthfully, "I love you." "I love you too, Michael", she smiled softly, "We will never be apart-" "Suddenly he was knelt by a grave. Her body laid on a stone bed. Her corpse stitched to prevent from falling apart?" No. Tears ran down his face. Such dread and despair. "My heart-", he sobs, "Why?" He cried, "WWWHHYYY!" The kingdom fell. And so did he. He jumped off a cliff and sunk to the bottom. His body became barried deep into the earth. His body turned to ink. Mickey gasped and was back. Tears running down his face. Mia stirred and woke up slowly. "M-Mickey?", she said. He kissed her gently and trembled, "Oh Mia." He sobbed, "You're alive. You're alive." "I'm not going anywhere", she said weakly, "Can you get me some water, baby?" He trembled and tried to walk. He collapsed to his knees. He sobbed. That grief. He had felt it before. When Victoria had died. He felt sick to his stomach. Mia grunted and sat up, "Baby?" Mickey trembled, "W-What did I see?" She pulled out her IV and goes to him, "Baby?" She cupped his face, "Baby? Are you okay?" She held him close, "You're cold." She warmed him up. She rocked him slightly, "I'm right here. I'm here." He sobbed into her, "Why did she die? Why?" Mia was concern about Mickey. She placed a hand on his head. She paled as she saw what he did. No. It's not possible. Joke stood at the city billboard. She looked over the place, "Time's up."Samantha was vaccuming the living room when the radio turned on. "ITmhaidsemaensosaatghetiosdyeovtohteenmeyxltigfeenteormaytsitoonrIyiIiwsitlilmneottoarlilsoewHmeyabtlhoeondstIotbiessthiemdeftoorbmeecIowmielwlhnaottyaolulwoewrmeybloirfnettoobbeeyoovuerr! "ITmhaidsemaensosaatghetiosdyeovtohteenmeyxltigfeenteormaytsitoonrIyiIiwsitlilmneottoarlilsoewHmeyabtlhoeondstIotbiessthiemdeftoorbmeecIowmielwlhnaottyaolulwoewrmeybloirfnettoobbeeyoovuerr!""What the hell?", she turned off the vaccum and went to turn it off. It only turned louder. This damn thing is broken. She picked it up and finally heard the message:"This messageis for the next generation It is time to rise. Heathens. It is time to become what you are born to be." The radio went to static. She looked at the radio a good ten seconds. .... What the fuck? She gasped as something shook the ground. Sam Jr. looked out his window to see a large shadow. A large giant headed for the village. "What the actual fuck?", Mark looked out to see it. "Is that a giant?", TimTom asked, "Or is that person just very close?" Mia heard the commotion. "The gen-", she stands only to sink to the groun, "Damnit." "Don't go", he held onto her, "Please." "But what about the gen?" The giant was human and male. He wore a large loincloth. "We need to evacutate", Jaiden says and takes out her phone, "Listen up. I need everyone to evacuate now! Head to the northside of the island and get as far as you can from here!" "The little ones", Jules went out the house, "I must get them all." "Come on everyone", Adam motions, "We round everyone up. You're in charge of your colors." JJ picked up Pretty by his mouth and carried her. The giant continued the head toward the neighborhood. The blues made boats and they sailed of the island. Mia and the first gen were on a ship. Mia sat up and held her stictched side, "Fucking internal bleeding." The giant was now in the neighborhood. It seiged and destroyed the houses. "Man", Victor sighs, "I just painted that fence." "Dad?", Penny looked to Ethan, "Where are we going to live now?" "We'll find somewhere sweetie. As long as we're together- Wait- Is that Tony?" A floating infloatable sat a man with a beard. "What's your name?!", Snow called out. "What?", the man called out. "What is! Your name?!" "TONY!" "Fuck you Tony!", Snow said. "What's your name?!" "Ezekiel!", Snow lied. "Fuck you Ezekiel!" "Had no one noticed he was gone?", Jaiden asked the others. "He quit YouTube so I think this is a way of Victoria sending him off", Adam said. Dawko gulped, "He became- irrelevant?" "Yeah", Jack sighs, "Happens to the best of us." "It's happened before?" "Yeah", Mark said, "There was these YouTubers that..." Dawko felt his heart pounding in his chest. What if I become irrelevant? A hand gently pressed on his back. He knew that touch. He turned to see Hailey. "Can you help me with Jonas?", she seemed tired and exhausted. "Are you okay?", he held her upright. "I haven't gotten much sleep since Jonas and the others got hurt", she rubbed her eyes, "Jonas needs his staples... removed..." He picks her up and she fell asleep. "I got you", he held her close. "Alright", Jaiden said, "The giant doesn't seem to care about us gen. Just the place for some reason." Samantha looked to the giant. She clenched her hands to fist, "This is complete bullshit." The gen turned and looked at her. "All my life", she bowed her head, "I depended on others. I counted on something that has being carrying me- no- has been carrying everyone all this time." Her powers buzzed around her, "Now they're hurt and there is no one here who can defeat that thing!" She grits her teeth. I'm useless. Scoob reached out to her, holding Stanley, "It's just our rouses Ram-" "Then what's next?!", she snaps, "Our first gen? Our YouTubers? Hell, we have the who Angel clan after their assess. All we do is just hide and let them fight for us!" Mia looked to Samantha with concern expression. "Look at them", Samantha was shaking, "They're hurt and all we could have done was shed some blood. They shed so much for us. Again- and again- and again!" She changed to her Cupid form, "Well, I'm tired of this shit! I'm not going to stand here and do nothing!" She launched into flight. "Samantha!", Sam Jr. called out, "You come back here now! I am your father and you will listen to me damnit!" Samantha had tears running down her face. She remembered her time with Mia. Why can't I be strong enough to protect her. "I'll get her", Jaiden summoned her wings. "No." They turned to see Mia on her feet. "You will not-", Mia held her side, "Stop her from doing this." "Mia", Stampy said, "She'll be killed-" "Don't tell me how my fucking job works", Mia held onto the wall, "She might be an archangel, but she's also my grandaughter. I have faith in her. All I'm asking is you put your faith in her!" Samantha heard what Mia said. Faith. Gran? How are you so strong? Because I believe in myself. And I know others believe in me. Samantha summoned her bow and arrows. She aimed her arrow forward the giant. Faith. It's all you need. Samantha's body glowed like a beckon of light. "AAAAHHHHHHH!", she fired. A large burst of light hit contact. The gen shield their eyes. Samantha hovered in place. The giant stood with a large wound on his chest. "Holy shit", Ash said. Samantha got another arrow and charged again. The giant looked to Samatha. He raised his hand and clapped the air near Samantha. She lost her flight and was forced back. The gen held onto the boat as the shock wave went everywhere. Samantha's ears rung. Fuck. She caught herself mid-flight and went back into the fight. She felt blood drip from her ears. My balance is off and I can't see clearlly. Samantha got he aroow. But I have to fight! Ash looked to Abcde. "Don't you dare", she hits him as he kissed her. "I'll be back", he promised, "I swear to you I will. She needs help." She looked to where Samantha was fighting then to Ash, "You better beat his ass or I'll beat yours." He summoned his wings and took flight. "Welp", Kit puts on her Kabuki mask, "I need that daily dose of violence." "H-Hold on", Nelson said, "You can't be serious right?" Kit dove into the water and swam to shore. Matchel dove. Sky and Jane looked to each other and goes. Kat and Cat go. "Jimmy?", Nelson looked to him, "Can you watch over Kit?" "Sure boss", Jimmy said. He dove and helped the girls swim to shore. "Should we help them?", Dawko looks to Mark. "We're only going to get in there way", Mark said, "We just have to hope for the best." Samantha fired rapidly. Ash turned to his bat form and clawed acroos the giants face. Its roar shook the earth. The gen on the ground ran toard the fight. "We need it to fall", Kit said, "Got rope?" "I can make some", Sky says, "Jimmy? Matchel? You need to find a way for it to fall down." Cat and Kat held hands and they fused a woman with a large paintbrush labeled "P.A.S.T.E.L." "Marina", Jane said to her, "I need a boost." Mariana painted in the air and the paint sent Jane soaring. Jane summone a sword with her switchblade. She cuts deep into the giant and makes a large gap. Marina boosted everyone. Sky summoned her powers and the large debris around her and threw it at the giant. Matchel climbed higher and high to strike a vital points. Kit fired rapidly at the wounds to damage them further. Jimmy tore at the flesh with his shark teeth. Mariana used her paint to confuse the giant. Sky summoned large rope, "Marina!" Mariana took ahold of the rope with her powers and began to circle the giant. Samantha and Ash flew nest to each other. They upper cut the giant. The giant's head went back and so did him. He collapsed on the island. The gen covered their faces as dust blew everywhere. After half an hour, the dust settled. "Kit!", Nelson calls out, 'Kit, where are you?!" The gen returned on the island. The giant's body laid dead on the island. "Samantha!", Ser called, "Girls?!" From the rubble came figures. Jane, Sky, Cat, Kat, Jimmy, Ash, Matchel, Kit, and Samantha walked from the clouds of dirt. They were bruised and had some knicks. But otherwise, they were alive and okay. "Oh thank God", Ser hugs her daughters close. "You are so grounded!", Sam Jr. snapped at them, "No reading for a month." "But we just won!", Samantha said in defense, "We're fucking heroes!" Abcde held Ash close to her. They kissed and nuzzled. Kit sat down and Nelson held her close. "Are you okay?", Logan held their heads. "Yeah", Jane said, "We're okay." "Then what were you two thinking?!", he pulled on their ears, "You do not just run toward the danger!" Sunshine hugged her son Jimmy, "Thank goodness you're okay, sweetie." "I'm so proud of you", Val held Matche's hands, "You saved our home." "What are we going to do about the giant ass corpse?", Snow asked Joke. Joke shrugs, "You guys can eat him if you want." "There's no way that you oranges can eat this whole thing right?", Mark looked slightly nauseous. "Never underestimate an orange", Luna took out her daggers, "I call the heart!" "No fair!", Sunshine said, "I want the face!" "Sometimes I forget they're cannibals", Jaiden says, "but this is just gross." James pieced up a piece of flesh. "Dude-", Jack covered his mouth mouth, "If you eat that I'm going to barf. James took a large bite and ate. Jack heaved into the ground. "Don't look at me in my shame!", James knelt and ate the meat. "This is going to take awhile", Mia held her side still, "Let's all take shelter in the remaining homes." Forty percent of the Neighborhood was destroyed by the Giant. Mia looked to her kitchen that had broken plates and cups on the floor. "Welp", she sighed, "Time to clean." "Oh no you don't", Ryan led her to the couch, "You need to rest." "Maybe", Mia laid down, "for a moment..." She fell asleep. Mickey curled next to her. "Well Ryan", Matt said, "We got a kitchen to clean." "I'll get the broom", Ryan was less enthusiactic. At he Sparks residence. Abcde was kissing Ash's cheek. He had been given aid and was now resting. "Oh baby", she kissed him, "You're so amazing." He smiled slightly, "I know." She kissed his forehead, "I got goosebumps seeing you fight." He held her close and kissed her collar, "I'm just that good." She whispers in his ear, "It kind of turns me on." He smiled wickedly and they kissed. He kissed her neck and felt a heartbeat. It was rapid. He puts a hand to her belly and felt the heart inside her womb. She puts a hand over his. They kissed softly and nuzzled. "The bpm is pretty fast', he said, "It might be a girl." She played with his hair, "I'd like a girl." He kissed her cheek and held her close. She rested her cheek to his, "You're shaking." He closed his eyes, "Sorry." She kissed him again, "I'm okay." He cups her face, "Maybe when the place is rebuilt, we can get married then." She kissed his nose, "Okay." They kissed softly and he rubbed his hand on her belly. "I love you", he nuzzles her. She closed her eyes and rested into him.A giant skeleton was on the neighborhood withing three hours. "I'm impressed", Adam said, "And horrified at the same time." James burped, "Man that was good." "Now what about the rest of him?" "We got someone working on it", James shrugged. The Vicky and Jason's swarm of love monsters gnawed and deteriated the bones. Sky helped rebuild the houses. Mia sat on a lawn chair to over see the constructions. Dawko handed out a glass of lemonade. "Thank you", Mia waved her hand, "but give it to Sky instead." Dawko nods and goes to Sky. Who happily takes the glass and continues to rebuild the place. Mia held herself. Why do I feel so useless? So helpless? Dawko comes back and sits by Mia. They watched the place be rebuilt. "She's a lot like you, right?", Dawko looks to Mia, "Sky?" Sky uses the debris as a structure and used her magic to fuse the pieces together. "She's more like Mickey", Mia said. Jane screams a battle cry and demolised homes too far broken to rebuild. "Now Jane", Mia said, "She's a lot like me." Dawko looked to Mia, "You look so upset." Mia bowed her head, "... That message... the one that played on the radio? I wasn't just jumble and nonsense. It told us that we are no longer being sought out by the angels. Or anyone unworldly. Because they were no longer in Death's squad. And she was no longer Death. Tears streamed down her face, "I'm free." She sobbed and covered her face. Dawko tried to comfort her but didn't know how. Jack went to her, "Hey, hey." She held onto Jack and wailed. Sky turned to see Mia wailing. Samantha heard the wails and felt Mia's sorrow. She was free. Finally free of that cursed role. Jack cried quietly, "It's over now. You don't have to worry anymore." Jane clenched her switch blade and fought her tears. Joke stood on a nearby rooftop. Tears of her own fell. Tori, Winter, MA, Johnthan, Jason, Vicky, Sam Sr. and Summer cried of joy. They were finally free of their burden of Death.Mickey stroked Mia's hair back. She was exhausted from crying her heart out. Mickey cooked dinner that day. "Daddy?", Tal raised her arms. He picked her up and kissed her head. "Is Mommy sad?", Tal rubbed her sleepy eyes. "No, honey", Mickey said, "Mommy is happy." "Then why was she crying?", she asked. "Let me see if I can explain this", he looked to Matt and Ryan, "I need a volunteer." "You're not going to hurt us are you?", Ryan asked. "Not exactly", he shrugs. "I say we both do it", Matt said. "Seems fair", Ryan said. "Okay", Mickey held out his hand. Matt and Ryan started to laugh as feathers ticked them. "Laughing is just the worst", Mickey said, "First it's all like-" "Ahahahaha!", Matt held himself. "I can't breath- I can't breath!", Ryan shouted. "STOP IT!", Matt tried to swat the feathers away, "I'm gonna throw up!" "And we're all like", Mickey fakes minaical laughter, "Hahaha- HAHA! I don't care!" "AHHHH!", Ryan and Matt screamed. The tickling stopped. Matt and Ryan were catching their breathes and had tears running down their faces. "See?" Mickey said, "They're crying but they're happy." Bebe started to fuss and cry. Mickey set's Tal down to pick up Bebe. He craddled her close and she calmed down. They ate and didn't talk much. Mia walked into the kitchen. "Hey honey", Mickey said, "Are you hungry?" She yawns and goes sits with them. Her and Mickey nuzzled and kissed softly. Ryan got the poking stick and poked Matt Jr. and Tall apart. Bebe reached out for Mia, "Mama." Mia smiled and held her close, "You said you're first word!" "Mama, mama", Bebe places her hands on Mia's face. "You're food is going to get cold", Mickey said. Mia held out her hand. Matt and them saw it shaking. She focused. Nothing. Mickey took her hand into his. She grasped his hand tightly, "I'm just tired." They ate in silence. Matt chewed on his food, "Not bad. I guess Mickey can cook." "Oh yeah", Mia hold Mickey close to her, "He's amazing at everything." "Kind of salty", Ryan shrugs. Mickey grumbled slightly. Mia laughs. The boys were relieved to see her smile. Samantha sat in her bedroom. The scene played over her head. I'm free. Samantha felt tears filled her eyes. Her hero was now powerless. Scoob opened the door, "Um... I got a rucket of chicken." She stood and get the ckicken. She sat on the bed and ate it with tears. Scoob rubbed her back. "This chicken-", she swallowed and choked back a sob, "is so good- Mmm!" Scoob stroked her hair, "Ram..." She coughs and drinks some water, "I'm fine." He craddles her to him. She pressed her face inot his chest, "I didn't want it to be like this. I didn't want to be like her like this. Not with her weak and deprieved of her strength." "I row", he kissed her head, "I row." She sobs, "Not- like this!"Chapter 41: SUPERThe first gen was to chose their successors. Samantha stood with Cat, Kat, Sky, Jane Jimmy, Ash, Matchel and Kit. They were chosen to be the new Death Crew. Mia, Tori, Winter, Vicky, MA, Jason, Summer and Jonas stood before them. Samantha faced Mia. Mia didn't really show any expression. The gathered around to see the ceremony. Mia held her scythe. Samantha didn't need to see that Mia was shaking. She had yet to regain her strengh back. "For six million years", Mia spoke, "I have abandoned my role of Death to live a mortal life. I left my supposed purpose of existing... and found a new one." Mia held the scythe out to Samantha, "I have a new role and it is to teach you. Teach you how to become the strongest being of the universe. To be Death." Mia looked into Samantha's eyes, "Samantha White. Do you here by take the role of Death? As a cupid and archangel?" Samantha reached out and took ahold of the staff, "I swear and accept this power." Ser held onto Sam Jr. "As Death", Mia said, "and my crew-" The other first gen who had successors held out their weapons or items to the selected third gen. "We have chosen you", Mia's eyes turned black, "to be our succesors." The sky went dark and thunder roared. Lightning and strong winds blew around them. Samantha grunted as her body started to deterioate. Her skin and tissue dissolved to reveal her bones. Ash clenched his eyes as his skin cracked and bleed. Kit trembled as a third eye opened on her forehead. Jimmy's eyes went black and his hunger multiplied. Sky's powers grew stronger and stronger. Jane's insainty went beyond her sanity. Samatha felt her body change to Death. She opened her eyes and was now in command. Mia and the first gen collapsed. Samantha opened her mouth and let's out a bloodcurdling shriek. They all felt the cold in the air. Price and Saint were ready if things went south. Samantha looked forward. The successors' eyes went black as well. They slowly turned their heads toward the gen. Scoob craddled Stanley to him. Stanley looked at Samantha. His screen spelt the words. Mama. Samatha's then saw her family. Her friends. Her love, Scoob. Her son. Her eyes turned to normal and she changed back. She smiled softly, "It's okay Stanley. Mama's here." The other third gen changed back. "Oh thank God", Saint sunk to the ground, "I wasn't sure me and Price could've taken them all." The Fall triplets checked on the first gen. Mia coughed and woke up. She sat up and was treambling. Sunshine wrapped Mia in a blanket. "Gran?", Samantha knelt to her. "I-I'm fine", Mia shivers, "Touch of Death is just really cold." Samantha careful placed her hand on Mia's arms. Purple flames came from her hands. Mia sighed in relief, "Thank you." "You're okay, right?", Abcde goes to Ash. "Yeah", he pops his neck, "Just really stiff." Ser kissed her daughters' heads, "No more for a little okay? It's been so much for me and your father." "How do you feel man?", Mason asked Jimmy. "I'm hungry", Jimmy said, "I could eat a rocket." Sunny goes to Sky, "You okay?" "Yeah", she said, "I feel like I can do anything!" "Sis", Velocity was beaming, "Can I touch your new weapon?" "Like I'm ever going to use this thing", Matchel held the pitchfork, "I prefer my machete." They didn't celebrate but they did make a lot of food. "My special boy needs to eat", Sunshine sets a cooked pig in front of Jimmy. "But I", JJ whimpers ,"That I was your special boy?" "Oh JJ', she kissed him, "You're my special man." The new Death and Death crew ate as much as they could. Mia rested against Mickey, "I feel horrible." "You and I are going to have a long vacation", Mickey rubbed her shoulders." "I'm not talking about the pain, Mickey", Mia said, "They have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. Death is such a burden. They will face terror beyond understanding. I shouldn't have chosen them for this." "They accepted it. Willingly", Mickey said, "Don't hold this guilt." "Gran?", Samantha held out a bowl, "I made this for you." Mia looked to the steaming bowl of Caldo, "Thank you honey." Mia ate it happily. Samantha sat by kneeling against Mia's waist. Something she hasn't done since she was a kid. "So", Samantha rested her chin on Mia's knee, "When do I start training?" "You don't need it", Mia gulp the soup, "You're already strong." "But I-", Samantha held onto Mia's clothes, "I thought you would teach me?" "I will", Mia placed a hand on Samantha's head, "Just some tricks and stuff but it's going to have to wait awhile. I'm not the best shape at the moment." Samantha rested her cheek on Mia's lap, "I hate waiting." Mia laughs softly, "You're like a kid in a candy store." Samantha propped her elbows and rested her head on her hands, "Were you a succesor Gran?" "I don't believe I was", Mia said, "I'm pretty sure I existed the moment life was made." "So you're like really old right?", Samantha smiled, "You must have so many stories." Mia took a bite of corn and hits Samantha on the head, "What have I told you about calling me old?" Samantha rubbed her head. She really was losing her strength. "Most of the stories that I have aren't the happy kind", Mia ate still, "don't make me lose my appetite." Samantha smiled. Scoob sat with the other third gen. He feed Stanley small spoonfuls of rice. Stanley's tounge was like a black tenticle that wrapped around the food to swallow it whole. "Can I ask for some advice, Scoob?", Ash took a chicken wing and took a bite, bone and all. "About rhat?", Scoob cleaned Stanley's mouth. "About parenthood", Ash said, "Well, more specifically pregnancy." Ash looked over to Abcde who was talking with the other female third gen. "Rell", Scoob pats Stanley's back to burp him, "I missed a bit during the time Tiny Tim put us in a trance. But from what I remembered, I suggest you spoil the rell of Abcde." "Okay", Ash said. "Roh", Scoob looked to Ash, "When ris the wedding?" "Well", Ash rubbed the back of his neck, "I suppose things have calmed down a bit." Ash reached in his pocket and showed Scoob the ring, "My uncle made this for me." It was an obsidian ring with a small red diamond. "Rice", Scoob nods. "Rice", Stanley's box said. Scoob chuckles. Ash and Abcde had their wedding two days later. "I need those flowers slight sprinkled with ashes", Ser points at the flower arangement, "It smells like a barbeque! I specifally asked for smoked pike! Where the hell is the fire?!" Zoey, Kilt and Matchel were decorating Abcde's hair with small flower clips. "Dude", Ash said, "I'm not sure if I can fit into these pants." "My best friend is not getting married without pants." "My fur is too think!", Ash said. "Then cut it!" The gen sat at the benches. Mia fixed Bebe's bow. Ash wore a gray tuex and bowtie. Xavier began to play the March of the Bride. They all stood to see Abcde. Her hair was riddled with small white flowers. Her dress dragged behind her and was sleeve-less. Ash looked at her happily. Zoey held the trail of spider-silk. Pretty once again the flower girl now chunked ashes on the ground. Ash took Abcde's hands into his. Tori stood at the altar, "Who gives this bride away." Ethan looked to the side. Emily raised her hand and smacked the back of Ethan's head. "Her mother and I do", Ethan rubbed his head. The ceremony went as cermonies go. Ash pulled Abcde close to him. "Ash Sparks", Tori asked, "do you take Abcde to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "Hell yeah", Ash smiled. The crowd laughed slightly. "Abcde Ink", Tori turned to her, "Do you take Ash to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "Yes", Abcde had tears in her eyes, "I do." "Then in the power of the gen", Tori closed her book, "I pledge you two husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Ash and Abcde kissed passtionately. The organges cheered. Kit fired her machine gun into the air. Zoey beamed as the Maid of Honor. Billy clapped his hands and smiled as the Best Man. The gen had a big celebration. Champange and all the food known to man was served. Ash laughs as Abcde shoved a piece of cake in his face. The oranges performed the ceremonal dance of life. Zoey beams as she and Abcde danced together. Tal and Mat Jr. danced clumsily around in circles. Mia watched them dance. Mickey nuzzles her cheek, "Do you want to dance?" Mia bowed her head, "Maybe another time, my love." It broke his heart to see Mia so sad. "Hey", she smiled softly, "This reminds me so much about our wedding." Mickey smiles, "How could I forget that day?" She rested her forehead to his, "I wasn't the girl I was back then, huh?" "Maybe", he kissed her softly, "but so wasn't I." She pulled him close to her, "I love you." "I love you too", he held her gently. Samantha danced with Scoob. "You keep stepping on my paw", Scoob said. "I don't know how to dance, okay?", Samantha looked to her feet, "I don't believe in dancing." Ash goes to Zoey and Abcde, "May I cut in?" Zoey smiled to see them dance together. "May we have this dance?", Billy held his arm out to her. "We may", Zoey said. They danced together. "You know", Ash smiled to Abcde, "I think I'm starting to like this marriage thing." "Starting?", she wrapped her arms around him. "I mean like", he said, "Not only can we have as much wild sex as we want." She rolled her eyes at that. "But I get to wake up every morning and fall asleep every night seeing you", he stroked her cheeks and smiled at her. She blushed happily, "Oh Ashy."Ash woke up to hear Abcde throwing up in the bathroom. He sat up and got out of bed. He stepped over the torn clothes they had shed the night of their wedding. "Honey?", Ash goes to see her retching again. Abcde trembles and spits, "I'm fine." He pulled her hair back. "Just morning sickness", she laughs weakly. He kissed her head ans she leaned into him. He rubbed her belly. "The baby", Abcde closed her eyes, "feels you." He kissed her neck and cheek. She smiles softly, "She love you very much." He craddled her close. "I'm hungry", she said. They had breakfast. "Do we have any oreos?", she looked around the house. For their honeymoon, they went to the beach house Snow made for them. "I can get some", he kissed her head, "Anything else?" "Just you", she kissed him. They tasted and nuzzled again. He flew to get some oreos. He bought them and returned to find the beach house in shambles. He dropped the bag and ran inside. He found ink but no sign of her. Panic filled his heart. No. Darkness grew inside him, "My... Abcde..." His eyes went black, "No one dares take you away from me!" He went into flight and lets out a booming shriek. In the caves of the trench responded a cauldron of bats. They shrieked and took flight. They began to swarm the air. Kit looked out her window to see this, "Cool." The love monsters that were bats shrieked and started to act up. "What the hell is going on?", Jason held one of his dragon daughters. Samantha looked to the bats, "I hope that means Batman is here." "I know a guy", Scoob was reading to Stanley. Somewhere in the woods laid Abcde, unconcious. A figure carried her by using a wheel barrow. "Wrong", the figure muttered outloud, "This whole place is wrong." The figure wore a toga that was worn and dirty. Battered wings on their back. "Makes me sick", the figure growls. They stopped the pegasi that pulled the cart. He gets off the wagon and goes to a stream. He took sips and looked to his reflection. He was pushing fifty. He should look younger, but his wings didn't to the trick. "What happened to kids these days?", he scolds, "These unnatural relationships with monsters and demons. Back in my day, we commonfolk stuck to others of their own kind. Now they got there furrbies and what-not." Ash landed on the ground and created a crater under his feet. The man sighed, "Then there's you-" Ash tried to tackle the man but the man was faster. Ash fell into the water and burst into flames. "You are an abomination", the man said, "The devil surely made you." "Shut the fuck up old man", Ash was foaming at the mouth, "Give me back my wife-" The man summoned light and blasted Ash with it. Ash shrieked in pain. Abcde gasped and woke up. "Oh death", the man said, "Time to go." Ash hissed in pain. Abcde saw the man. He placed his hand on her forehead. She fell back unconious. "No-", Ash coughs, "Abcde." "If you knew what was better for her", the man said, "You'd leave her be." Ash grunts, "No- My Abcde-" Vapors sizzled on his skin. He transformed into his bat form. "You will not take her from me!", he tried to attack again. The man sighed, "You left me no choice." He got our a bow and arrow and aims. He shots Ash in the chest. Ash collapsed and screamed. His heart started to shatter. The man went back to the wagon, "Better go when he's still down." Ash clawed to the ground, "No- Abcde-" He watched weakly as she was pulled away. He closed his eyes and went unconious. The bats swarmed faster in the sky.He woke by something nudging him. He opened his eyes to see Guidance. She licked his face to clear his sight. He reached out for help. Reality used his horns to lift Ash up. Ash held onto the buck and was helped back to the Neighborhood. Cinder saw him out her window and goes to him. "Sis", he weakly tried to step forward. She caught him and pulled him close, "Brother." "He... toook... Abcde..." He went unconious. He hadn't suffered any major injuries other than a bad burn and an arrow in his chest. But the arrow had made his heartbreak. Weaking him. "He should be okay", Luna stroked her son's head, "You're going to be okay." He was unconious for two weeks. The only times he was concious was to aske where Abcde was. The baby. Samantha punched a hole in the wall, "Damn it!" "I'm not fixing that", Kit didn't look up from her magazine. "We've searched everywhere for her", Samantha paced, "She has to be somewhere!" She had called the Heathens to the clinic. "Maybe we're over thinking this?", Sky crossed her arms, "Maybe she's been under our noses all along?" "I don't get it', Jimmy said, "Where would she be here?" "If whatever took her knew about her", Sky said, "They'd either have to be one, otherworldly or two, familiar with the gen. I think it's most likely unworldly. I read somewhere in the text that they can only be in the presence of this world if we're here. They have no interest anywhere else. Now for where they're hiding. It's likely the spirit world. Angels are able to pase in and out of that world like walking through air. The thing is that you need to have a spirital-like being. Abcde is part elpoep and human. Hiding her would be difficult." Sky took out a small tube of ink, "With some of the ink I found of the Beach house, I was able to track her presence her with Bones's ability. But the place could be here and nowhere." "The spirit world is like that", Kit sighs and set her magazine aside, "It's not physical and it has no boundaries. You can take ten steps and you'll be on the other side of the universe without knowing it." "So what are we going to do?", Jane asked. Samantha sat and took a moment to think, "... Hey Sky, Jane." She looked to them, "How many of the elpoep you think your mom can bring?" Zoey shivers as she watched the elpoep roam around. The gen stood on top of houses to see the elpoep search. "The ink is connected the the spirit world, correct?", Samantha looked to Kit, "I think I read that somwhere." "It's complicated", Kit said, "There's three worlds connected by a tether, Life. The Ink, Real World and Spirit World. To get to another world you have to go a certain order. For example, you can't go to to the Ink from the Real world from the spirit world unless you go through the ink. Same thing goes for going to the mortal realm to the ink. The only exception we have for gen is Mother. She's the gate." Samantha nods, "Now that we have the ink here, the person has no choice but to come here." They all waited. Samantha clenched her hands to fist, "Come on you bastard." Something shot into the sky. The man who kidnapped Abcde aimed an arrow at Samantha. "Now!", Samantha said. Jimmy emerged from the ink. He opened his mouth wide to bite into the man. The man changed his aim and fired at Jimmy. Jimmy bit the arrow in half before it could hit his skin. The man aimed and fired in the opposite direction. "Shit!", Samantha said, "He's going after the gen!" Billy saw the arrow and acted before he could think to do. Zoey's eyes widen and filled with tears. Billy had taken the arrow instead of her. "Z-Zoey", he coughs up blood. "Billy?", she had his blood on her. Kit growled and aimed her gun, "You bastard!" She fired at the man. Billy looked at Zoey. His pupils started to go small. Zoey paled to see such hatred in his eyes, "Billy." He hissed, "I'll kill you-" Manny and Cameron tackled Billy before Billy had the chance to make a move. They plummented to the ground. Billy snarled and tried to break free. "Get ahold of yourself man!", Cameron pinned Billy down, "This isn't you!" "Those arrows", Tori said, "They cupid arrows." "Has this cupid been hiding all this time?", Saint said, "They stopped existing early A.D. When love wasn't so much but a sick joke." Billy growled and tried to break free. "There's two arrows", Samantha looked to the floor, 'But he made some of his own." "I'll kill you!", Billy said, "I'llkillyouI'llkillyou- I'LL KILL YOU!" The man dodged Kit's bullets and fired his arrows. "Do not get hit!", Tori said, "If you do, don't look into anyones eyes!" The man fired rapidly. The purples summoned shields. Sunshine felt a tip go into her shoulder. "Sunshine!", JJ goes to her. She clenched her eyes shut, "I'm okay baby. Just don't want to hurt you." The man saw Winter and aimed. James shoved her and got hit. "James!", Winter goes to him. Tears ran down his face, "My- My heart-" He screamed, "God this hurts!" The man mangaged to hit every gen with either heartbreak or hate. The man finally landed on the rooftop opposite of Samantha and the Heathens. "Are you ready to talk?", the man asked. Samantha clenched her hands to fist, "Where is Abcde?" "The girl is safe. Safe from this nonsense!", the man sighs, "For too long has this been going." He motioned around him, "This whole thing is nothing but a farce! A cruel irony that is of the human world." He looked to Samantha, "It's an insult- No- a stain in the entire existence. You think that everything here is right?" He points to her, "You are merely an insect in the entire scheme of things. You here is alreadly unbalancing the powers of light and dark. Even if you are the New Death, you cannot possible fix this now." "Stop fucking talking and get to the point!", Samantha snaps. "You must kill them all!", the man said, "Erase this wretched world Death has created. Ridden of this abomniation!" "You're crazy", Samantha said, "Why do you think I'd ever do that?!' "If you truly believe this is right", the man said, "I have no choice but to annialate you." "You can't kill Death asshole", Samantha was frustrated, "You're pissing me off!" "Make your choice!", the man said, "Declare the fate that is this world." "This guy is batshit crazy", Kit said, "Let's just murder his ass and get this over with." Samantha bowed her head in thought, ".... Who is this guy?" "Eros!", Mia stood, "I'm right here! I'm the one who killed Peace!" Eros, the man, turned to see Mia. "If you want to blame someone, blame me!", Mia had tears in her eyes, "It's because of me that you went down this path!" He stared at her. "If she hadn't been killed", Mia was crying now, "then the world would've been better. It would've been right!" She hits her chest with her fist, "I ruined the balance! I'm the person to blame!" "Mia", Mickey held his eyes shut, "What are you doing?" Mia had a heartbreak arrow in her arm, "Just let them go. Just kill me instead." Eros glared at Mia, "You are pathetic. You're not worth killing." Mia sunk to the ground. Samantha growls, "Fight me!" Eros was in Samantha's face in a moment. She gasped as she was launched miles back. Samantha gurgled on blood as he smashed her deep into the ground. "Samantha!", Sky called out. "We got bigger problems here", Jane looked to see the elpoep with arrows. They started to attack the gen. "Protect the gen!", Sky said. "What about Samantha?", Kit said. "She's the New Death damnit", Sky summoned her magic, "She can handle herself. Eros stood over Samantha, "It's pointless to fight for a lost cause." Samantha coughs and spits out blood, "Fuck you." "What is it with this generation that doesn't respect their elders?", the man scowls. "Eat shit!", Samantha turned into her Cupid form and broke free. She took flight. I got to keep my distance with this guy. "Where do you think you're going?", Eros appeared in front of Samantha. She tried to strie him but he got her first. She screamed as he broke one of her wings. "You're nothing compared to me", the man said, "I can fly circles around you." Samantha broke out and dove. I need to get him into my territory. She broke for the clouds. I need some cover. Meanwhile, at the Neighborhood. Jane was hacking at the elpeop, "Damn you- Damn you- Damn you!" Sky forced the sun light to shine on them, "Mom! You need to send them back. Nes had heartbreak, "I can't- do anything- I'm too weak." "Fucking shit!", Kit fired at the elpoep, "We need a plan!" "Mia!", she called to her, "How do you cure these things?" "You have to-", Mia coughs, "Cut it at the source. Cut the heartbreak. Cut the hatred. The more that it's true, the harder it is to reverse it." Matchel looked to Billy, "What if it's false?" "Break the arrow!", Mia said. Manny took ahold of the arrow and broke the tip. Billy's eyes went normal, "W-What happened?" "Billy!", Zoey called from above, "Do you hate me?" "Why are you asking me that?", Billy said, "Why on earth would I hate the girl I love?" She smiled and cried in relief. Mark held his eyes close, "I have an idea. But we need that guy back here. Get the heartbroken out of here." "Those that are in heartbreak", Jimmy said, "Raise your hand. Mia and Mickey raised their hands. MA, Johnathan, James and some others did the same.. "Take them!", Mark shouts, "go!" Jimmy picked up Mia and Mickey and carried them away. Samantha hids in a cloud. Think. She looked around, "What would Gran do?" She recalled a memory from when she was young. Samantha grunted as she fell back on her behind. "You need to be ready on your feet at all times", Mia stood before Samantha. It took nearly a trip with her foot for her to fall. "Are you okay?", Mia tried to help her up. Samantha smacked the hand away, "I don't need you're help! I just as strong as you!" Mia sighed, "You are not ready." She turned and walked out, "You need to control that temper." "You're just giving up on me?", Samantha had tears in her eyes, "You never gave me a chance!" Mia stopped, "... What did you say?" "You-", Samantha said, "You never given me-" Samantha gasped when Mia held her up by the shirt of her collar. Mia's eyes were dull yet they held something so precious in them, "Life. Is not fair Samantha. The sooner you realise that. The better." Samantha had tears running down her face. Mia's eyes then gleamed with tears, "I want to train you. I want to make you stronger. But I can't bring myself to do it. It's not because you're stubborn and can't control your temper. But that you will surpass me one day, and I won't be able to help you." Samantha trembles. Mia carefully holds Samantha close to her, "You won't understand now, but you will be stronger than me. More powerful than me. Why? Because you are nothing like me." Nothing like me. Samantha opend her eyes, "You're right, Gran. I'm nothing like you." Her light growls brighter. "I'm not level-headed as Tori. I'm not as determined at Vicky. I'm not as sane as Winter. Hell, I'm a heartless bitch compared to MA. But the one thing we share- the one thing we both understand is..." Her eyes glowed, "We're going to kick anyone's ass who decides to attack the gen." She fell to find him waiting for her. "This ends now", the man pulls back to punch. Samantha waited the last moment to dodge and trip him. He lost balance and she grabbed him. "Not today fucker!', she slammed him as hard as she could to the Earth. A large cloud of dust went everywhere. The gen shield their eyes. The man laid on the ground. Samantha took a few breathes, "I- I have something to say." The man just looks to her. "I can't fix what my Gran did in the past", she said, "I can only go forward and hope that the future is better." "... Tch", he said, "You married a dog and you're saying that marrying his is okay?" The man laughs, "I've stopped worser cases than you! Those homosexuals and transgenders were a disease on Earth. I made sure people erradiacate them." Samantha's eyes widen. It was true. Since the fall of cupids, he had used his ability to ride of "unnatrual" relationships. As death she recalled every single person or couple that suffered from his influence. Tears filled her eyes as she heard their pleas and screams. "You know some homosexuals, right?", the man looked at Samantah, "Cinder and Autumn was it?" Samantha trembles in anger. "Maybe I will annialiate them", the man shouts at her, "Then I will kill those animals like the one you call husband." "AAAHHHH!', she summoned he scythe and held it above her head. "STOP!" Samantha held the scythe still above her head. Mia crawled toward Samantha, "Do not kill out of rage! You are better than this!" Samantha was shaking. It took everything in her to stop the killing. She had blood trail her lip from bitting her tounge. "I know", Mia crawled still, "You want to kill him. I feel it. I know it's hard to hold back." She managed to hold onto Samantha's ankle, "Don't become him! Don't become a murder!" Samantha closed her eyes and lowered her weapon. Mia got to her feet and pulled Samantha away. Samantha cried into Mia. Eros coughs and sits up, "Well.." He meet eyes with Mark. Mark growled as hate fill his eyes. One by one, the gen with arrows of hate stared at Eros. "What are you going do?", he scowls, "Kill me?" "You just made the biggest misatke of your life", Ash stood among them, "You messed with the gen." Eros scoffs, "You are are nothing but a bunch of heathens! You think I'm afraid of you- ahhhh!" Sky picked up Eros by his toga and turned into Yks. Yks revealed her row of teeth and her eyes that were voids. He tremembled as his soul was threaten to be sucked out from him. "What-", he saw the gen stood over them, "What the hell are you all?" "You said it yourself bitch", Sky growls, "We're Death's Heathens." She shrieked and sucked out his soul. His body laid limp. Sky trembled and coughs up the soul. Samantha held it in her hands. She looked to Mia. Mia nods. Samantha held it up, "Rest in peace now. You now longer need to feel abligaited to fulfill your role as a cupid." The soul went up. The hate in the gen's eyes vanished. Eros's body turned to light and vanished. "Man", Ash said, "I wanted him to rot in hell." "He was just a crazy old man that believed in the old world", Samantha crossed her arms, "He thought he was doing the right thing." She looked to Mia, "But even if it wasn't the the right thing, you have to be fair and let go." Mia nodded. "Ash!", Cinder called out, "We found Abcde!" Ash took off running. The elpeop carefuly retriecved Abcde from the ink. She laid unconious. "Abcde", Ash pulled her close. She stirred slightly. "Ugh!", she grunted, "Ash-" She pants, "The baby." Ash flew to the clinic. "We have a baby under stress", Sunshine said, "We're going to have to do a C-section." "It's too soon", Abcde cried. "We got these", Luna held the serum, "It should speed things up." "I'm sorry baby", Ash holds her. Abcde screams as Luna injects her. She felt her baby growl. "We have to hurry", Snow said. Abcde cried into Ash, "Oh God-" She screamed in pain. "Okay", Sunshine held a scapel, "We can't put you under so this is going to hurt like hell." "Just do it", Abcde sobs, "Please save her!" Sunshine carefuly cuts into Abcde who screamed in pain. "Hold her down", Snow told Ash. Sunshine pulls Abcde's cut open. Ash held onto her, "I- I see her." Abcde watched Sunshine pull the baby from her wound. She cuts the embilical cord wrapepd around the neck. She took her to a side table and preformed CPR. "She- She has to be alright", Abcde cries, "Please." "Come on little one", Sunshine pumps the small chest, "Breath." Luna summoned her flames, "We need to seal the wound." Snow gave Abcde a strong sedative, "There we go." Abcde began to feel relief. Luna singed the wounds. "Baby?", Ash held Abcde close, "Baby, talk to me." "Where is she?", Abcde had tears in her eyes, "Where's my baby?" A loud cry. Sunshine laughs, "My she sure has a pair of lungs on her." Ash smiled and cried, "Ahahaha!" The baby cried and fussed. Abcde sits up and takes her into her arms. She began to nurse her, "Mama's here. Shh, shh." The baby ate hungirly. "She's beautiful Abs", Ash kissed her head. "You did a good job." Abcdde smiled happily, "Hi baby." The baby had white hair like Zoey and her skin was pale like Abcd with black features. Her face resembled a skull. She opend her eyes to reveal black with white irrises. "She looks like you", Abcde sniffs. Ash stroked the baby's head, "What's her name honey?" Abcde craddled the sleeping girl, "Oreo." "Oreo? He asked. Like the cookie?" "They make her happy", Abcde looks to Ash, "I think it suits her. He kissed her head, "Oreo Ink. I think you're on to something Abs." Oreo slept soundly to the sound of Abcde's and Ash's heart.The gen celebrated Oreo the next day. Samantha had her broken wing in a sling, "Who the hell names there kid after a cookie?" "Scoob held Stanley, "You know your grandfather's rame was based on Dr. Seuss book, right?" "This is entirely different from that." Emily smiles and carries Oreo, her first grandaughter. Ethan wiped his eyes. "Bro", Kadyn said, "Are you crying?" "I just go something in my eye", Ethan said. Ash held Abcde close to him, "You are amazing." Abcde smiles, "And you're a superhero." "I know", Ash said. He smiled as she kissed him.Chapter 42: AFTERMia took a cane and walked around the neighborhood. Her body was growning weaker by the day. She shuffled forward. "Come on", Mia was sweating, "This is nothing." She paused, "Okay. Need to sit down." She sat on a bench and looked out, "Come on old girl. You're not going to let this defeat you." She held the cane. "Mia." Two Mias stood before her. Mia lookd to them. They sat and held her close. Mia smiled sadly and had tears in her eyes, "Hey you two. Long time no see." The Mia pressed their heads to hers. Mia closed her eyes as magic flown into her. "You should really call us", the Mia on her left said, "We worry about you." "Last we heard", the one on the right, "You were being hunted down." Mia laughed weakly, "Yeah, you know me. Always into some kind of trouble." Mia coughs and catches her breath, "I'll be fine." "You need to get your strenght back. We're going to help you." Mia bowed her head, "... Thank you." At the training center, Samantha was testing her broken wing. "Damnit", she falls and crashes. "Give it a rest honey", Scoob said, 'You can't just heal instantly." "I'm New Death", she gets up, "this should be easy." She took flight again. She fought the pain. Stanley was in a baby carrier on Scoob's chest. Stanly watched Samanatha fly. Samantha hovers in the air, "See? Piece of..." She lands and sees Mia. Mia held a walker and had an oxygen tank. Samantha couldn't move. Two Mias walked on either side of her. Mia saw Samantha's exression and smiled sadly. Samantha goes to Mia, "What is this?" "Just something to help me", Mia shrugs, "I'm not as young as I use to be." Mia took an inhale from her oxygen. "Who are you two?", Samantha asked. "I'm Radio", the one in blue said, "And this is my husband Radiius." Radius nods a hello, "We're Mia's After Mias." Mia went and sat, "They'll be staying with me for a couple of weeks. Samantha sits next to her, "You're okay, right? You're not dying are you?" Mia laughs, "Why you would know now, Death." Samantha clenched her hands, "Please don't joke about it." Mia sighed, "Sorry kid. When you lived so long and died so many times, you get use to it." Mia reached out and weakly grasped Samantha's hand, "I'm not going anytime soon. I want to see my grandaughter kick ass some more." Samantha rested her head on Mia's shoulder, "Good. Because then I wouldn't have to go and drag you balck into this hell." Mia stroked Samantha's head, "How's the wing?" "Hurts", Samantha flaps it, "but managable." "Don't think your invincible now", Mia said, "You still are human so you will bleed and can die." "I know", Samantha said, "I just wish I'd be more stronger than before." "You are", Mia said, "You just don't see it.' Mia weakly took out her phone. Samantha held it for her. "This was your stat then", Mia points at the letter, "A C gen. Now look. Your and S rank." "I'm still not convinced", Samantha said. Mia sided, "Radio? Mind handing my staff over?" Radio held it out. "Go ahead", Mia told Samantha, "Break the staff." Samantha nods and takes ahold. She focuses on her strenth, "Agh!", Samantha snapped it in two. Silence. "Oh fuck yeah!", Samantha stands, "I can break it! Honey? Did you see that? I'm so cool." Mia smiled and shook her head, "So easily persaued." "Mia?", Laugh looked to her, "Can we talk?" Mia waved her hand, "Leave us please." Radio and Radius tried to say something but Mia gave them a look. Laugh and Mia were left alone. "It's Life", Laugh said, "She's hurt." "Hurt how?", Mia held herself upward. "She got hit by a hate arrow", Laugh said, "and she looked at herself." Laugh had tears in her eyes, "It's back." Mia's eyes widen in fear.Joke sat in a padded room. She wore a straight jacket with chains around her. Mia went to her. Silence. "You look like shit", Mia said. Joke scoffs, "You look like shit yourself, you know?" Mia bowed her head, "How bad is it?" Joke looked to her laugh, "I'm running out of time-" "How", Mia said, "bad is it?" Joke didn't answer. Mia sighed, "Well, you're not the only one in trouble." Mia lifted her shirt to reveal a large spotch of fleash, "It's eating away at me too." Joke looked to Mia, "I found a replacement." "... Who?" Joke gets to her feet, "The idenity doesn't matter. You know what I must do." Mia looked at Joke, "... What the hell happened to us Liv?" "... We grew up', Joke looked to the sky, "... Do you ever... think about her?" Mia looked to the side, "Every day." Joke smiled sadly, "I guess I'll see her first then." "Like hell you will", Mia said, "I swore to her I'd keep you alive." "How's that going for you?", Joke said snidely. Mia clenched her teeth, "Look I don't care if you live the most miserable life on the planet. As long as I'm still breathing, I will keep you here." Joke snorts and laughs, "What irony! Death wants to live yet Life wants to die." Joke glares at Mia, "I have nothing to live for." Mia scoffs, "You're pathetic." "I"m very aware", Joke walks to the opposite side of the room, "Nothing will change my mind-" "What if we give you the one thing you ever wanted?", Mia said. Joke looked to the side, "... There's nothing I want-" "Bullshit!", Mia said, "All you ever wanted was to have a child!" Joke looked to the wall. "You wanted to give life", Mia said, "You were just always afraid I'd get to them before you could." Tears filled Joke's eyes, "... I can't bare anything... That's why I'm such a joke of a being to be called life. I'm too afraid I'd lose the baby I never tried at all." Joke laughs weakly, "It's safer to not try at all-" "You're a coward", Mia said with spite, "You've always been a coward." Joke had tears in her eyes. "We both are", Mia closed her eyes. It was about six million years ago when we lost Center. The second part of the Control Center. Something dark and dangerous was coming. For once, Death and her crew were workind toget with the Four of Light. Life, Love, and Laugh. And Peace. The other three Horsemen were in on the plan too. Life looked to Death, "Alright, here's the plan. I will absorb the darkness and destroy it by you ending my life." "You sure this is going to work?", Death asked. "I don't know any other way." "You said that we could try before we come to that", Peace said. "You better do it quick", War looked to the darkness, "It's going to get bad sooner than we think." Laugh went forward. "A little laughter should do it", she held her hands out. Small lights went to the darkness. Orange lightning began to flash. A bolt hits Witch who collapses into hysterical laughter. "Witch!", Death called out. Love reached out to the darkness, "Find love!" It tried to attack her but Price pulled her away. She cried out in pain as her left eye was blasted off. "Peace", Death shielded herself from the harsh winds, "You have to try now." Peace goes forward and reaches her hands out. Her light goes out. The darkness begins to shrink. "She's doing it!", Death smiles. Peace turned her head. Her eyes black, "Kill me." Death paled. Life goes to Peace, "Peace- You need me to do this. I can pass on to another person- There's only one of you." "This is the only way", Peace had tears stream down her face, "to bring Peace for everyone." "No", Death goes to her, "I won't do it-" The darkness spreads faster. "Death", Angel said. "Get everyone out of here!", Death ordered, "Go!" The others fleed the scene. "Death", Peace reached out to her, "It'll be okay." "No", Death pulled her close, "I need you." "Just take me!", Life shouted at the darkness. "You're afraid", Peace looks to Life, "There's too much fear in you to take this." Life had tears in her eyes and she began to shake, "No- It's not true-" "I'll be okay", Peace hold onto Life, "Live." Life began to sob. "Don't you just stand there and cry!", Death shoved Life down, "Get out of my way!" Death pulled Peace close, "Let's go together. I'd rather die than be without you." Peace looked to Death, "You are a coward." Death saw the dissapointment in her eyes. "You only want a peace of mind", Peace had tears now. "No", Death said, "I'm nothing without you." Death held her close, "I love you." Death kissed her. Peace kissed her back, "Goodbye." Death clencehd her eyes shut, "No, I won't do it-" Center started to lose control. "Just do it!", Peace said, "Just kill me!" Death sunk to the ground, "I love you too much-" The who place exploded. Over five million people died that day. Including Peace. She died for nothing. Death watched as her light vanished. Life punched Death across her face. "This wasn't suppose to happen!", Life grasped Death by her cloak, "It should've been me!" Death didn't care to feel the anger she was saying, "If you weren't afraid, then she would've lived." Life had tears streaming down her face, "You don't think I don't know that?!"She shoved Death down, "You made her die for nothing! Now she's gone forever and it's all our fault!" Life fell to her knees, "Wh-y?!" She wailed in sorrow. Death didn't have to strength to mourn. The heart to be devastated. She walked away. "You killed her!", Life shouted, "You killed her!" Death walked past the others without saying anything. "Wait", Laugh goes to her, "What happened-" "Peace is dead", Death finally realised what had happened. Death sunk to the ground, "She's dead." Love covered her mouth and burst into tears. Laugh had tears run down her face, "... No." She shook her head, "Life was suppose to..." They all turned to see Life in tears. Laugh sunk to the ground and cried silently. "She died for nothing", Life spatted. She glared toward Death. She tried to get to her but War, Plague and Famine stood in her way. "Our agreement is over", War said, "We should focus on keeping Control-" "To Hell with Control!", Life snapped, "We're all fucked! If Death had killed her with that darkness contained, we'd all be fine-" "Were you suppose to die instead", War said with spite, "If you've forgotten to mention." Life felt their stares on her. "There wasn't anything I could do", Life said, "I-" "You are a coward"', Love looked to the ground, "You didn't want to die for this. You'd rather had her go instead-" "Damnit I tried okay!", Life was crying again, "You think I wanted her to take my place?!" "Enough!", Angel said, "War is right. We need to keep Control." She looked to Death, "Death, we need to-" "No", Death said, "We're done here." Angel frowned, "But... If we lose Control-" "Maybe I didn't make myself clear", Death stands and looks to her crew, "We. Are done here." "You expect us to do this fucking thing ourselves?", War was frustrated, "I know that she's dead but-" "I'm done", Death clenched her hands to fist, "seeing destruction. Seeing people die." She looked to them, "As of today, I vow to never take another life-" War slapped Death. "You have to be fooling yourself", War said, "You can't be anything more than Death." "You're wrong", Death said, "I realise it now. I never asked for this. I never asked for my life to become like this." Death had new tears in her eyes, "I want to be free. I want to live." "You are not mortal!", War shook Death, "You're a horseman! You're the Reaper of Souls! You! Are! Destruction!" Death shook her head, "No more." She looked to Plaque, "I'm going to do what I told you Plague. And so much more." Plague had tears fall down her cheek. Death looked to her crew, "I free you all from my reign. I want you all to live." "You can't be serious!", Life smiled hysterically, "You can't just quit-" "I just did", Death dropped her scythe and turned and left. Angel and the crew didn't know what to do. "I don't think she's joking", Beast said. "Wait for me!", Winter goes after Death, laughing. Medic shrugs, "I guess it's worth a shot." Beast pulled Demon to him, "Let's go." She smiled happily. Bones looked to Saint. They nodded and go. Angel ran to Death's side, "Wherever you go, I'll go too." Death smiled at her, "I'm glad." Price knelt by Love. She looked to him, "Are you going to?" "I'm not going anywhere", he cupped her face, "Not without you." They kissed. She hugs him, "I want to live my life with you." Life watched as Death, her crew, and Love leave. "Life?", Laugh reached out and took her hand, "I'll stay by your side." Life looked to Laugh. Laugh smiled sadly, "We're family." War growled, "That traitor. When I get my hands on her-" "War?", Plague said, "Do you want to live with me?" War turned to see Plague. Plague smiled with tears in her eyes, "I want use to be together." War clenched her eyes shut and turned her face, "I... I can't..." War looked to the ground, "War is all I know. It's all I am." Plague cried silently, "Then I'll just have to stay with you." She goes to War and they kissed. Famine sighed, "Mortals food does sound tempting, but someone needs to keep an eye on you two love birds." Life held Laughs hands, "I swear to you, Laugh. I'll make Death pay." Laugh bowed her head, "Whatever you say, Life. If it's going to make you feel better." Life hugged Laugh, "I don't care what I'll have to do. What I have to be. I will avenge Peace.""So", an Angel said, "Death has went A.W.O.L.?" "Yes", Life said, "Let me retrieve her." "Very well", the Angel said, "Death has taken over the story of a Mia. It might be difficult to retrieve her so easily." "I can handle it", Life said. She went to Earth to find Death. She saw a house on fire. She looked inside to see Death over a Mia. She watched in shock to see Death absorb the Mia, giving away her immortality. She then saw the story. Life felt tears fill in her eyes. Peace. Death lets out a loud shriek of sorrow. "It's", Life said, "Not possible..." Life sunk to the ground. She took her away again. Life's eyes turned black, "I swear I'll make you pay." Life revealed herself at the M.I. Death sat nearly dead on the ground. Life stood over her, "Have you had you're fun?" Death looked up to her, "... Life?" Life clenched her hands, "How selfish can you be?" Death sunk to the ground, "Very." Life looked around, "... What is this place?" "Hell", Death coughed, "This place is Hell." Life looked through the walls and saw Death's crew, "You brought them here too?" "It's a long story", Death tried to get up but fell back down. "Why are you doing this?", Life asked. "I have to complete this story", Death took some deep breathes, "For-For her." Life looked to Peace that laid asleep inside Death. "I promised her", Death said, "That I would live." Death had tears in her eyes, "This is living?" Life looked to Death. She was battered and bruised. She was bleeding inside and out. She was dying but since the immortality technically remains with her. She would always feel the death everytime it'll happen. All that pain and for what? So this story wouldn't die? Life looked to Peace, "... She doesn't feel anything?" "No", Death closed her eyes. "... Can she hear me?" "She's asleep", Death said. Life clenched Death by the throat, "Give her to me." Death looked to her, "Too weak. Too afraid." Life's eyes widen in fear. Death had the same disappointment in her eyes. Life released her hold and stood. Death coughs up blood. "You're insane", Life backed away, "You've have to have gone mad if you believe this is right." "I know", Death cried silently, "I'm too selfish to let her go again." Death looked to life, "But you would've done the same." Life looked to the side, "Do you think she can come back?" "Yes", Death said, "I'll lay down my life for her. But I need to grow stronger as a mortal." That was so many years ago. Life would watch as Death progress the story. How she would die and keep going. How she would find happiness. Life hated seeing her happy. How dare she smile when her baby sister was asleep inside her. That hatred grew root. The day she decided to interfere was when she kidnapped the boys' YouTubers. She then introduced herself as a Victoria. It was partitally true. Who knew that watching from the side would allow her to find some friends. Us and Them agreed the gen should suffer. For taking the stories of the original gen. For years Life had tortured the gen. She had become the villian. Today, she wasn't so sure. Joke looked to her reflection. Sometime went called herself Joke, she found it on her heart. Self-hate. It rooted in her body. It grew and spread like a disease. She looked to Mia, "Do you think you could do me a favor?" Mia didn't turn to face her, "I suppose I do owe you one." Joke looked to the ground, "Promise me you will fight this... Don't you dare die for nothing." Mia turned her head to face Joke slightly, "... Fine.." Mia goes, "But don't think you'll be going anywhere. Samantha will not take your life." Joke smiled sadly, "We will see." Mia looked to see the darkness in Joke's eyes.Samantha meanwhile was trying to feed bananas to Stanley. "Come on, Stanley", Samantha said, "Don't you want the bananas?" Stanley fusses. She sighs, "Okay. You win." She craddled him close and he nursed. "You ran't keep babying him", Scoob was reading his paper, "He'll never learn." Samantha stroked small circles on Stanley's head, "I guess I'm just the one not ready." Scoob looks to her and folds his paper. He sets it aside and goes to her. He rested his chin on her head and held her close. She rested her cheek to his chest, "He's growning up so fast. I just want to baby him a little while longer." He closed his eyes, "Alright." Stanley slept soundliy. Samantha sighed and rested her head on Scoob's shoulder, "I want another one." Scoob nuzzles her. The doorbell ran. Scoob got up and saw Ash with Oreo in a baby carrier. "I'm here to sit on the baby", Ash smiles. Scoob turns to Samantha, "Rhat?" "I thought we could spend a day together", Samantha had covered herself and had the sleeping Stanley in her arms, "Ash said he'd be happy to watch him." "Why rouldn't we get Jules?", Scoob said. Samantha smacked the back of Scoob's head, "Be nice. Ash is a good father." Ash sets Oreo gently on the coffee table, "You two should be enjoying the time you have together." "What about you and Rabcde?", Scoob said. "We spend a lot of time", Ash winks and takes Stanley, "Too much actually. She kicked me out of the house, but wanted me to spend some father and daughter time with Oreo." Oreo began to fuss. "Now now", Ash moved them along, "Go out there you two. I'll take care of everything from here." Samantha wrapped her arms around Scoob's, "He's gonna be fine-" They heard the metal music blast from the house. They peeked in the window to see Ash head banging as Oreo was happily listening along. Stanley's screen showed the symbol of rock. Samantha and Scoob walked toward the Neighborhood. "Where do you want to go?", Samantha looked to him. "Nowhere in rarticular", Scoob said. She looked around, "Maybe somewhere we can be alone?" "Where would that be?" Samantha laughs as she laid on her back. Scoob chuckles and kisses her sweetly. They were in the training room of the YouTuber's Hall. "You sure no one is going to come in here?", Scoob said. "The door has a lock and our heartbeats our monitored. It'll just look like we're training." She pulls him closer, "Come here." Meanwhile, in the living area. Phil was playing cards with Mark and Jack. He turned his head to the side and was blood red. "What's that face?", Dan said. "I don't want to talk about it", Phil silently cursed his ability to see past walls, "And you don't wanna know." "Does anyone know how long Samantha and Scoob are going to use the training room?", Dawko asked the four. "I know nothing!", Phil blurted out. "Okay", Dawko said, "I'll try later than." In the training room, Samantha rested against Scoob. "That was fun", Samantha said and stroked his chest. "I'm hungry", he said. "You're always hungry", she laughs and kisses him. They nuzzled. They left the training room. Mia stood there waiting, "Are you two done fooling around." Scoob subconciously hides behind Samantha. "What is it?", Samantha said unfazed. "We need to talk", Mia then glanced to Scoob. Samantha turned to Scoob, "Wait for me?" "Reah", he kissed her forehead and goes. Mia takes a seat and Samantha does the same. Mia bows her head, "You see it right?" Samantha nods, "I do." "It's killing me- slowly- but I'm going to fight it. I will fight this illness." Samantha bows her head, "... Is it because-" "You becoming Death wasn't the start of this", Mia reachd out hand held Samantha's hand, "I've been battling this since long before this story. I was cursed with this." Samantha had tears in her eyes, "But being Death was the only thing that was keeping it at bay." Samantha cried, "Now you're hurting because I took it away from you." Mia pulled Samantha to her arms, "I'll be okay." Samantha presses her face into Mia's shoulder, "I can't stand seeing you like this!" Mia stroked Samantha's hair, "I'm not going anywhere just yet." Samantha sniffed, "You promise?" Mia pats Samantha's head, "I promise."Samantha smiles as she carried Stanley around the house. "Mama", his screen flashed. "That's right", Samantha said, "Such a smart boy."She taste tested the cake batter. Scoob comes in, "What's with the cake?" "It's for a birthday party", Samantha pours the batter in a pan, "Do you think you can manage to not burn the cake while I take Stanley a bath?" "I think I can manage rhat", he nuzzles her. She smiles as she takes Stanley a bath with her. He holds onto a rubber duck and it it blew bubbles. She smiled as he touched her rounded belly. "You can't wait to meet you're baby brother?", Samantha rubs his head. She got dressed and carried him to the kitchen. Scoob was by the finished cake, "Ree? Not a roblem." She smiles and they kissed. Samantha frosted the cake and puts candles on it. They went outside to find a table with a tablecloth. "You want me to cut the cake?", Scoob said. "No, I can do it", Samantha took the knife and slices. Blood started to flow from the cake. "What?", Samantha backed away. Stanley and Scoob were gone. The bump on her belly was gone. She watched the flesh and muscle of her body fall off to show her bones. She then watched in horror as bloodied figures crawled from inside the cake. She backed away and bumped into something. She couldn't hear her screams but she felt the fear in her. Scoob was standing half charred. "Ram?", he raised his only arm. She watched him turn to dust. "Scoob", she knelt and held his ashes. "Why did you kill us, Sam?" She turned to see her sisters. Kat's face was swollen and Cat's heart exploded. "Why did you kill everyone, Sam?" Samantha looked to see the gen. Dead. Her parents. Her grandparents. Her friends. The YouTubers. She looked to the scythe in her hands, "I- I didn't mean to-" "I don't wanna die", Cat and Kat sobs, "I don't wanna die." The gen began to say it together. "I don't wanna die", the gen said, "I don't wanna die." Samantha covered here ears as she heard the screams of the damn. See saw how everyone died. She sat up and screamed. The windows of her house shattered. The neighborhood's windows shattered as well. Mia sat up, "Samantha!" Scoob tried to stop Samantha from screaming. "Ram! It's alright! It's just a dream!" Stanely began to bawl. Scoob went and got him. Stanley cried and fussed. Samantha stopped screaming as Scoob carefully puts Stanley in her arms. Stanley calms down and holds onto Samantha. Samantha had tears running down her face. Scoob hesitated but cupped her face, "Ram?" She closed her eyes and cried. He held her close, "It's okay. I'm right rere." She pressed her face into his chest, "I thought you were dead-" She sobs. He rubs her back, "I'm here. I'm here." "Sam!", Mia climbed through the shattered window. "Gran", Samantha said, "I'm sorry-" "No, no", Mia cups Samantha's tears, "You don't have to feel sorry honey. I used to have those nightmares too." Samantha cried, "It felt so real. I thought I killed them." "Everyone is fine", Mia calmed Samantha down, "Did you see anything?" "I- I made a cake", she bows her head, "I- I was- pregnant again." Scoob looked to Mia, "Is it possible-" "She can see the future to a certain limit", Mia wipes Samantha's face with a small cloth, "Sometimes it's a good thing." Mai held Samantha close, "You need to rest." "I don't want another nightmare", Samantha held tightly to Mia. "I promise you won't dear", Mia stroked her head. Samantha fell asleep from exhaustion. Mia sighs, 'I shouldn't have put all this pressure on her." Scoob laid Stanley next to Samantha, "She wanted ris. She was rilling to take all ris." Mia rested her forhead on Samantha's, "She doesn't need to go through this hell." Light entered Samantha's head. Samantha smiles slightly as she slept. "What did you ro?" "I shared some memories", Mia stands, "I'm gong to go home now." She goes into a coughing fit. "Damnit-", she collapses. "You shouldn't have been using your powers", Snow said, "You're body doesn't have the strength to regenerate and use magic." Mia laid back, "So what can I do then?" "You could at least take things easy", Snow said, "For everyone's sake." Mia looked to the ceiling. I feel so useless. She coughs. Don't they understand? She hates herself because she was always so weak. A knock on the door and her After Mia's peeked in. "Hey", Radius said, "How are you feeling?" "Like shit", Mia said, 'I"m pooped." Radio goes to Mia, " We have to go." "Okay", Mia said. They kissed her forehead. "Don't do anything stupid", Radius said. "You're taking all the stupid with you", Mia said. They left and Mia felt herself drifting to sleep. She was somewhere she hasn't been before. But it felt so familiar. She walked down the hallways made of stone. This was castle. But not her castle from Disney anyway. She knew this place. She came across a man. Her heart belonged to him. He had long bloack locks and beard. His eyes were kind and light. "My love", he smiled at her, "What brings you here?" She was drawn to him, "I was looking for you, my heart." They kissed softly. Those lips. "Mickey?", she whispers. He laugh was boisterous, "I haven't been called that since I was a child." She knew it was him. Somehow she knew. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. They kissed tenderly. "Maria", he kissed her head, "You should be resting." "I'm tired of being in that room", Mia felt and heard the words come from her mouth, "It's suffocating." He stroked her hair behind her ear, "You need to think of the baby." Mia felt the baby move inside her. "He's perfectly fine", Mia said without much choice. The man chuckles, "How about I go with you?" "Please do", she nuzzles him. They kissed again. Wake up. Mia eyes opened. She was alone. She sat up and felt something was on her lap. She looked to see that it was a book. She frowned at it. The title read: Prolouge.Chapter 43: BRAINSummer and Winter sat shivering in the living room. "Winter?", James held a mug, "I made you your favorite. Hot Coco with blood." "I'm not hungry", Winter says. James held onto Winter, "You must be really sick to not be hungry." "I'm going to bed", Summer said. He shuffles away. Winter held onto James, "Ah-" "Winter you have a fever", he laid her down. "So- hot", she said. He got water and cooled her down. "Still- Hot", she pants. He got ice bags and placed it on her. She was whimpering. "Oh Winter", he knelt by her, "I wish I knew how to help you. I'm a simple boy." She sweats, "Oh James. Just you being here make me feel all better." He rested his forehead on hers, "I love you." She pulled herself closer to him. They kissed sofly. She ran her fingers through his hair. He pulls himself on top on her. Her moans were muffled from his lips. He kissed her cheek and her forehead, "You're so beautiful." She pulls him down, "No talking. Just kiss me." They kissed again. She parts her lips and he tasted her. She pants as he kissed her neck, "I'm hot." "Just let me help", he kissed her collar. She blushed as he ran his hands under her shirt. She whimpers slightly as he suckled her body. "James", she smiled sleepily. "I love you", he whispers and smiles.He fell asleep with her in his arms. He woke and saw her with him. He kissed her forehead. She smiled softly. She looked to him. He frowned and touched her ears. Blood trickling down from her ears. "What is it?", she tilted her head. "You're bleeding-", James paled to see the large puddle of blood. Winter saw and stared at it, "... Oh dear." He craddled her close, "Does it hurt?" "No", she shrugs, "Not really." He licks her clean, "We should have Summer check on you." They looked in the bedroom to see that Summer was snoring away. "Honey", Winter said, "My ears bleeding." Summer woke up, "Huh?" "My ears are bleeding", Winter said. "That's not good", Summer yawns, "I think we're going to have to have an MRI." Summer looked to the pictures of Winter's brain. "Woah", Snow said. "What?", James said, "What is it?" "Well", Summer said, "According to these images", Summer said, "Winter's brain is becoming sane." Kit sat up, "What?" "This was Winter's brain", Summer showed images, "Before, during and after the M.I." The first was high concentration in the frontal lobe. The second it was at the temperal lobe. Now it was pitch black. "She'll die", Snow said, "Unless we get her a brain." "We can just give one of the oranges right?", James said, "Since she's an orange?" "Not exactly", Summer rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Since her body is mortal and it's weak as it is. She probably couldn't take the sanity of an orange. Or anyting really." "Then what do we do?" "We can treat her", Summer said, "With some surgery to her frontal lobe." They prepped for surgery. Winter watched as Sunshine shaved her hair off. James knelt by Winter, "Whatever happens, I will do everything to bring you back." She smiled and kissed his forehead, "I love you too." Summer and Snow performed the surgery. Mark and the original five YouTubers sat together and waited. Mia carefully drinks her tea and Tori, MA and Vicky sat with them. James couldn't sit still. "How long does brain surgery last?", James paced. "Four", Tori shrugs, "Maybe five hours?" "Why don't we all do something for fun?", Jaiden suggest. "I can't think of fun when she's in there", James paced more. "She's in Summer and Snow's hands", Mark reasons, "She'll be fine." "Let's just do something to past the time", Jaiden said. "You guys can go ahead", James sits, "I'm going to wait here." They all looked to each other. "Call us if you hear anything", Stampy pats James back sympathetically. Stampy, Dan, Phil, and Mark leave. Jaiden sits by James, "I'll wait here with you." Mia sets her tea down, "I'm going to go make us some snacks." Tori goes to the bookshelf on the wall. She pulls out a book. "Fucking shit!", Tori drops the book and the bone on her arm snapped. Kit jumped over the counter and carefully examines the fracture, "Looks like it's clean. Let's get an x-ray to make sure." Tori goes to a room and had a lead vest on her. Tori cried out in pain, "Ow!" "What is it?" "My chest hurts", Tori says. "Okay", Kit said, "Let's see what the problem is." Mia sets a tray of sandwiches on the table. James took five and ate them. The looked at him, confused. "I'm stress eating", he swallows sandwich after sandwich. "Where's Tori?", Mia asked. "She broke her arm", VIcky devored her sandwich. "What?", Mia goes. MA rested herself against Vicky, "I'm just going to lean on you for a moment." Vicky wipes the crumbs off her mouth, "Okay." MA nuzzles Vicky. Mia went to see Tori in a cast. "What happened?", Mia goes to Tori's side. "My bones are very brittle", Tori said, "It's spreading to my whole body." "There's some medication she can take", Kit says, "but it has a chance of heart disorders." Mia muttered something in Mianese. "We might have to replace the bones", Kit said, "With something else." "What else could we do?", Mia asked. "We can get a healthy bone sample", Kit says, "but there's a big chance that the bones can't fullly recover." Mia swears in Mianese. "It's time to go full wolverine", Kit rubs her hands together in glee. "We're not doing that", Mia says, 'We'll see what Summer has in mind." After five hours, Winter was now in recovery. Summer sits and wipes his forehead, "I think I did the best I could. We took about half of her cerebral cortex. She might be a little slow at first but she should be fine." Summer checked out Tori. She needed treatment. "We could try the bone marrow and see if it'll help", Summer said, "It's possibly her best chance." They decided to do it as soon as possible since the bone was exposed. Sam Jr. gave some of his bone marrow. Tori and Winter stayed at the clinic to recover. Sam Sr. sat by Tori's bed. "I know that look", she looked to him, "It's that same look you gave to me when we first starting dating. That 'you don't deserve this' look." He kissed her head, "I love you." They kissed softly kissed. "I'd give you this immortality in a heartbeat", he rested his forehead on hers, "I'd do anything to save you from this." "Just be here with me", she pulled him closer and they kissed again. Winter laid asleep in the bed. Summer kissed Winter as he checked on her. Weeks went by as they waited to fully recover. Mia would walk to build her strength. Vicky would eat healthy and exercise at the gym. MA would rest to recover. Winter was in a medicated induced coma. James sat beside Winter's bed. She was to be woken up today. James sat up when he sees her waking up. She opend her eyes and saw him. He smiles and goes to her, "Hey." She moves away and cowers. "Winter?", he reached out. She covered her face in fear. Summer came in, "Hey, hey." He goes to her, "It's okay." He scooped her into his arms. She rested her head on his. He rocked her, "I'm here." She curled closer to him. "She's just a little slow", Summer rubs her back. Winter drooled slightly. James went to her and stroked her cheek. She uses her fingertips to grasped his. Her movements were awkward and stiff. "She's going to be fine", Summer kissed her head. They took her home. "Hi mom", Sunshine spoke softly. Winter sniffed Sunshine's head and gives small licks on her forehead. The triplets stayed with Winter for a couple days. Tiny Tim was fussing. Winter craddled him, not really sure what to do. "Let me help", Sunshine helped Winter hold him correctly. James watched Winter from afar. He did his best to care for her. She didn't know how to swallow or eat properly. He sat her with her one day as she was coloring some fox coloring pages. He spoke softly, "They're very pretty." She scribbles randomly on the page. He sits next to her, "Can you hear me?" She just stares at the page. He reached out and took her hands into his. She lets out a confused whimper. He puts her hands to his chest. She looks to his hands in curiousity. "Can you feel it?", he said, "It's my heart." She felt his heartbeat. He tried to make her look at him, "It's me. James." She just stares ahead, blankly. Tears filled his eyes and he kissed her knuckles, "I love you." She watched him cry. He sniffed as he felt her hands tighten. He saw her eyes dialating and narrowing. Like lens of a camera focuses and unfocus. She blinked a few times and looked at him. "... James?", she asked. He smiled and hugged her, "You're back." He kissed her cheek and her forehead. He kissed her. He closed his eyes and kissed her again. She kissed him back. They nuzzled. "You're back", he laughs happily. "James", she hugged him. He craddled her close, "I'm so happy you're back." Winter beams happily. Tori went home with calcium pills and gear to align her back. She read and rested. Sam Sr. massages her shoulders, "How are you feeling honey?" "Stiff", she sighs, "I need to move or I'll just get stuck." "How about", he turns on music, "A little dancing?" She smiles as he lights candles and dims the light, "What are you up too?" "Just a little romance with my wife", he helped her up and they slow danced. She laughed softly, "This takes me back." He kissed her cheek, "You look stunning." "I look like a rack", she said. "Still turns me on", he kisses her more. She closes her eyes, "I hope it can always be like this. Without the rack." He held her gently, "Wherever you go, I'll follow." She closes her eyes, "I love you." They danced for hours. She had to sleep in a chair to not crush her bones. That night. Sam Sr. woke to hearing Tori moaning in pain. He sat up and saw that her arm was turning black. "Sam", her voice was hoarse because her sobs where muffling her voice. He goes to her. "I think it didn't settle back right", she coughs up blood. Summer went to their house as soon as they could. "We have to cut the arm off", Summer gets his bag, "It's gangren." "But it's not going to come back", Tori said. "We need to get it off", Summer tells her. He gives her an anestetic. "Her hand", Sam breathed. Summer saw the gangrene on her other hand. "Shit", Summer said. They saw it was everywhere. Else where, Mia whimpers in her sleep. She woke and knew Tori was in trouble. "Come on", Mia whispers, "Just this once." She got on all fours and turned to her wolf form. She ran toward the house. Summer had removed the arm and hand. "She's losing a lot of blood", Sam wrapped Tori's stump. Mia jumped though the window. "Mia?", Summer saw her turn back. Mia gets into a coughing fit, "Where's- Tori?" "Mia?", Tori's voice was weak. Mia cried silently as she saw Tori. She held her close, "You'll be okay." Tori smiled softly, "At least I got to see you. One last time." "No", Mia said, "You're going to be fine. Don't you dare die on me." Tori's eyes closed and she went still. Mia screamed in sorrow. Sam sunk to the ground in shock. Mia held Tori close, "Come on." Mia's magic sparks and flickers. "I just-", she sniffed, "need a little more- I can save her-" "Mia", Summer puts his hands on her shoulder, "She's gone." Mia shook her head, "No- No, this- This isn't right." Mia cries, "You were always there for me." She sobs into Tori. Outside. The light of the stars and moon shone brightly. Tori stood in the room. She sees Mia crying on her body. "It's time to go", Emily stood to the side. Tori looked to her, "Do I really have to?" "You're body cannot support life", Emily says. "Life!", Mia cried out, "Give it to Tori! Give it to her and I swear you'll be free!" "Oh Mia", Tori said. "Come on", Emily said, "It's time to go." Tori looks to the light and felt drawn to it. Suddenly the door breaks down. Winter is seen inside. "Move", Winter knelt by Tori's body. She places her hands on Tori's body. Energy coursed into the body. Winter focused, "Come on, Tori." Tori waited a little longer. "She can't breath", Summer said, "She's brain dead." Winter looked to the ground, "Not for long." She took her knife and sliced Tori's head open. She cut out the brain. Winer opend her head and puts her brain in. She used her diamond ability to harden the skull. The skin was sealed over it. Tori's body started to respond. Winter topples over. Tori saw Winter's spirit appears. Go. Winter points. Tori looked to her. What about you? Winter smiles. Can't have sane without insanity now can we? Tori reclaimed her body. Tori gasped and woke up. Mia cried in relief and hugged Tori. Tori held onto her, "I'm back." Sam kissed her repeatedly. Summer craddled Winter close to him. Winter's spirit touched him. "Baby?", he looked around. She nuzzles him. He leaves his body and sees her. They kissed and nuzzled. Tori grunted, "Ow. Pain." Mia held Tori close, "I'm sorry." Mia's thorns started to enter Tori. Tori's screams were stopped by how much her body was screaming. The thorns harden aroun her body and began to morph into her flesh. She felt her body be torn apart and put back together. She passed out from the pain. "Tori?" She woke with a numb feeling in her body. She saw Sam and Mia. Tori looked at herself. Her arm and parts of her body was now unbreakable metal. She flexed her new hands. "How do you feel?",Mia asked. "Kind of numb", Tori sat up, "A little disoriented." Mia reached out and took Tori's hand, "Does it hurt?" "Not really", Tori carefully puts her hand over Mia's, "I feel this." Mia smiled, "David managed to attack nerves to your new brain." She motions, "We got backup files." Tori looked to see her files being uploaded. Sam smiled softly, "You stayed." She pulled herself up and they kissed. Mia looked to see Winter. Her head without a brain. David was working on a synthetic brain. He had installed it into Winter's head. They hoped for the best. James sat by Winter's side. "Don't do this to me again", he held her hand to his chest, "Please." Tori looked over to Winter, "Will she be okay?" "They're working on it", Mia held Tori's hands. Tori saw Mia's arms. Bandages and stitches. "'Tis but a scratch", They hugged genlty. "You're crushing me", Mia said. "Sorry", Tori smiled weakly, "New arms." Winter's new brain slowly began to work. Her brain was fiberglass with a plama globe in her head. Her eyes sparked as they opened. James smiles at her. She smile and her teeth sparked. "Might want to turn down the voltage", David adjusted the power, "How do you feel grandma?" "Fit as a fiddle", Winter stands. She looked to the mirror and saw her bald head, "... Huh." "We can get you a wig", James said. She looked to her reflection, "... I don't know I kind of like it." She watched the sparks touch where she placed her fingers on her head, "Cool." James hugged her from behind. She smiles at him, "You still like me, right?" He rested his chin on her head, "I just love you is all." Joke snorts. "This is awesome", Joke wipes her tears, "I have to say. It suits you, Winter." "It's just hair", Winter shrugs. "Right", Joke said and cleared her throat, "Anyway, I have decided to reveal my replacement." Mia held Tori's hand, nervous. "The person I decided to replace me is-", Joke was then impaled by a claw. She went limp as she was lifted off the ground. Behind her was a figure of metal and parts. They recognised the machine. "That will be me", the scrap metal said. She took ahold of Jokes body and tore Joke in half. The girls paled. "My first order of business", the machine's eyes shifted to them, "Is to play a little game." James held Winter close to him. Mia stands, "Who are you?" The being smiled darkly, "Call me Resilenant."Chapter 44: RULESBilly stood beside his siblings. Resilenant was walking along the lines of the gen. No one was having a good time. JJ whimpers as he sees Sunshine not beside him. Mia, Tori, Winter, Vicky and MA stood in the front row. Resilenant observes them all. Dawko looks to Mark. Mark shakes his head slightly. Resilenant goes toward Hailey. Hailey held Celio in her arms. Resilenant squints at her, "I have no information about you." Hailey rocks Celio, "I'm Hailey. I'm a shapeshifter." Resilenant snatches Hailey's arm and inserts a needle. Hailey watched her blood be taken. "What's your story?", the Victoria asked. "I'm not sure", Hailey said. Jonas did his best to stay calm and collective. Resilent makes her hand to a blade, "Then I guess you're useless-" White and Black appeared between her and Hailey. "... Interesting", Resilenant turns her head. Hailey held Celio close to her. "You two weren't alive that long ago", Resilenant said, "but you're here again." They just stood there, silent. She moved along, "Things will change around here." She looked to them all, "Things will go according to what is planned. She hasn't decided to give your new Victoria just yet, so I will make it happen." Mia glanced to Tori. Tori shrugs. "There will be task needed to be done", Resilant continues, "Mainly from the Heathens." Samantha tensed slightly. "You're stories will be reviewed and changed according to what needs to happen", Resilenant says, "Everyone besides the first gen is free to go." The others hesitated before leaving. Samantha watched the new Victoria talk to the first gen. Stanley fusses in Scoob's arms. "I rink he needs to be changed", Scoob pats Stanley's diaper. "Let's go home", she holds Scoob's arms. Once they were home, they tried to not think of what happened. Samantha cooked some lunch. Scoob holds her from behind. She sighs, "I'm nervous." He kissed her shoulder, "Me roo." She turns and faces him, "If she says anything about a story-" "I'm raying here", he rubs her arms, "With you and the raby." They kissed a few times. He pulls her close, "... Do you think..?" "I haven't taken a test yet", she closed her eyes, "I think it's too soon to tell." Stanley threw his bottle at Scoob. "I guess he's hungry", Scoob rubs his head. Samantha laughs softly. They sat together and ate. Stanley happily ate the mushed carrots. A glowing letter appeared beside Samantha. "What the hell?", she squints at the bright mail. "I rink it's for ro", Scoob chewed on his meal. She took the letter and opens it. She reads it to herself. "What does it say?", he asked. "... I need to match Mason with someone", she said. "Does it say who?", Scoob asked. Samantha sets the letter down, "... Before Victoria knew you.... She paired me with Mason." Scoob looked to her. She sighs, "The story has changed." Meanwhile at Tori's Place, Mason was making cookies. "Dude", Randy stands beside him, "Why does those cookies look so depressing?" "A cat that isn't smiling is depressing?", Mason asked. "With those tears? Yeah?", Jimmy said. Mason sighed, "Into the other rejects they go." He dumps the depressing cookies with the other ones. "Come on man", Jimmy says, "You got to move on." "I know", Mason says, "It's just hard." "You'll find someone", Randy saws. "Where's the fucking cookies?!", Nelson asked. "Sorry boss", Mason rolls out dough. Nelson sighs, "Mason, if you could just make some chocolate chips, I'd appreciate it." Mason gets to work. Since he was a kid, he knew his story. He and Samantha would fall in love and live happily ever after. But things changed. He still had feelings for Sam. But he was happy for her. She was married and had a baby. He puts the cookies in the oven. He wanted someone for himself. That night, he brought his depressing cookies and ate them. Alone. He watched rom-coms and watched everyone else be happy. "Needs more frosting", he dunks his cookie into his glass of milk. "Mason?", Charlie knocked on his door, "Samantha is here to see you." "I'll be out in a moment.", he wipes his face and brushed the crumbs off his shirt. He goes out to see her. "Hi Mason", she says. "Hi Samantha", he said, "Is there something I can do for you." "Can we talk?" They sat in the living room. "You have to match someone with me?", Mason asked. "I believe that we need to find someone outside the gen", Samantha said, "Everyone else is already paired." "I see", he said, "So what will happen?" "I'm not sure", she said, "but I'm working on it." She reached out and held his hand, "I know that this wasn't the story you wanted." He looked to her hand. "Is there anything I can do to help you?", she asked. He carefully places it over her hand, "Find me someone. Then I'll be good." Samantha went home and began to work. "The match could be another Samantha", she glanced into the book, "Or someone else entirely." "I'm going to bed", Scoob lays on the bed. Samantha taps her pen on her cheek, "... What if... we make someone?" Scoob snores. She sits and began to sketches. Elsewhere, Mia was asleep in Mickey's arms. Her cell phone rang. Mia whimpers, "Whhhyyyyyyy?" Mickey presses his face into her shoulder. Mia answers the phone, "Someone better be dying." She listens, "... You what?" Mickey sleepily lifts his head. "Yeah", Mia sits up, "You can- Sam... Can't this wait until morning?" Mia rubs her eyes, "Okay. Sure. It'll be fine. Night." Mickey yawns, "What was that about?" "She was asking me if there was a book of creating living things", Mia lays back down, "Walt probably has it." Mickey presses his lips to hers, "I'm too tired to care right now." They kissed repeatedly.Walt was asleep in his rat form. He heard the knocking. He sighs, "Time to go to work." He goes down and answers the door. "Do you have a book to bring things to life?", Samantha asked. "... Um... yeah", he goes to his shelf, "Here." "Thank you", she leaves, "I'll give it back. Later!" She ran home with the book, "I have this idea." "Oh roy", Scoob said unenthusiastically and stirs his coffee, "What is it?" "I'm going to make Mason a lover." She held up a drawing, "A person made of sweets!" "How are you going to do rhat?" "I'm going to bake like crazy", she opened a bunch of flour bags. He sighs, "I'm going to have to relp, aren't I?" "You have no option", she said. She got large bowls and a dozen of eggs. They read the recipe about a dozen times. She did the math and got the porportions. She made a mold for a human-size treat. "What are you roing?", he sees her making something out of candy. "I know the woman anatomy like the back of my hand", she sees him peeking. She swats him away, "You pervert!" They had to find an oven to cook the pastry. Samantha focused as she baked the girl. Afterwards, she did the details. "I think", she wiped her cheek, "It's done." Scoob and her stood at the side. A girl made of candy laid supane on the desk. "Now", Samantha held up a potion, "The final ingredent?" "Rum, Ram?", he looked at the back, "The books says that this potion has a rajor side effect." "Eh, what's the worst that can happen?", she pours the potion into the girl's mouth. Lightnning flashes outside. They jumped slightly in surprise. The ground began to shake. Mia sat up, "Huh?" The YouTubers stood and looked around. Celio cries with the other kids. Jules calmed him down. Lightnning stikes the girl. Her eyes open and life began to enter her. Joke meanwhile was recovering. "Uh oh", her eyes rolled back and light shone out from her. Gravity began to reverse. Scoob held onto Samantha. The candy girl's body began to glow. A wave of power went everywhere. The lights went out. They came back on. Samantha walks over to the girl. She waits. "Did it work?", Scoob asked. Samantha squints, "... I don't see her death." They watched as the girl's eyes opened. Her eyes were a candy apple green and cherry. She sits up. "She's alive!", Samantha thrusted her fist in the air, "I created life!" "Who", the girl looks around, "Who am I?" "That", Samantha puts her arms down, "is a very good question." The girl saw her, "Are you my mom?" "Um", Samantha scratched the back of her head, "Technically yes. But you can just call me Samantha." "Okay", the girl said. "This is Scoob", Samantha said, "My husband." "Hello", the girl said. "Ram", he looked to her, "How do we row she's good?" "Look at her", Samantha said, "Doesn't she look adorable?" The girl looks to her body, "Is this me?" "Yep", Samantha puts her hands on her shoulders, "You own your own body. No one can tell you otherwise." The girl tried to stand and fell down. "She's like a baby", Samantha helps her stand. "I'm roing to red", Scoob yawns and goes. "Samantha?", the girl asked, "Why did you make me?" Samantha yawns, "Let's wait until the morning, okay?' Samantha tucked and had the girl sleep on the couch. "What should I do?", the girl asked. "Get some sleep", Samantha smiles softly, "Tomorrow is an important day. Samantha turns and goes. "Can you stay with me?", the girl asked. "Okay", Samantha yawns, "Just for the night." Samantha slept on the other couch. The girl laid on her back. Watching the ceiling. Why do I exist? Why am I here? She quietly stands and goes to the kitchen. She was hungry. She opened the fridge and saw leftovers and uncooked food. She then saw the cookie jar. She took out a cookie and looked at it. She chewed on it. It was delicious. She ate one. Then another. Then the whole jar. She got a glass of milk to wash it down. She saw the book. She looked at the page. Potion of life. She didn't know how to read that much. She then saw the name. Property of Walt Mouse. A mouse? She was very curious. "My my", Joke stood in the kitchen, "Look at you." The girl looked at Joke, "Who are you?" "The name is Joke", Joke bows dramatically, "A humble jester." "Oh I love jokes", the girl said, "Do tell one please." "What do you call a bear with no teeth?" "What?" "A gummy bear!", Joke laughs. The girl laughs. "Now", Joke goes serious in an instant, "to more important matters. I'm going to have to teach you the basics." "Okay", the girl said. "Your name", Joke made a chalkboard and writes it out, "is Lindsay." "Lindsay", the girl repeates. Joke handed out books, "Now, we will review the alphabet." Joke taught Lindsay the whole night.Samantha woke up and found Lindsay gone. "Shoot", she looks around, "Hey, are you here?", Scoob comes out the bedroom with Stanley in his arms, "What ris it?" "She's gone", Samantha looks around, "She's..." Lindsay hums as she cooks breakfast. "Cooking", Samantha tilts her head, "Breakfast?" "Hi Samanatha", Lindsay smiles, "Do you want a pancake?" "Lindsay", Samantha looks around, "Did you clean all this up?" "I did", Lindsay smiles happily, "I even washed and put up all the containers." Scoob whistles, "Wow. It's so rean. You have to teach Ramantha sometimes." "Are you saying I can't clean?", Samantha said, "How dare you?" "Aww", Lindsay looks to Stanley, "Who's this little guy?" Stanley looks at Lindsay. "This is Stanley", Samantha says, "My son." "Hi Stanley", Lindsay smiles. Stanley reached out. Scoob carefully hands him over, "How did you know ro much now?" "Joke taught me", Lindsay holds Stanley close. They looked to see Joke asleep at the table. "She even told me my name", Lindsay said, "I'm Lindsay." "Did she tell you anything else?", Samantha frowns in concern. "Just basic things", Lindsay shrugs, "English. Math. Where babies come from." She flips a pancake, "Thank you. For making me." She serves pancakes, "I'm forever in your debt." "No, no", Samantha waves her hands, "You don't have to repay us. You are your own person." Lindsay smiles sadly, "Joke says you made me for a reason. Tell me and I'll dedicate my life for it." "After", Scoob sits, "Reakfast." They sat and ate. "What is my purpose?", Lindsay asked. "You are going to make someone very happy", Samantha said, "His name is Mason. He's a very nice boy." "Mason", Lindsay looks at some notes, "He's a baker, right?" "He is", Scoob drinks some milk. "He likes sweets?", Lindsay asked. "I don't think I haven't seen him without anythig sweet", Samantha shrugs. Lindsay looks to the picture of Mason. Her candy heart began to melt. "I want to make him someting", Lindsay says. "Sure", Samantha smiles, "I think we have some flour left over." Lindsay made sugar cookies. Her heart singing. Mason. She sighs. He'll be mine. The radio began to play "You don't own me" sung by Lindsay Gore. Lindsay listens to the song. Joke yawns, "What did I miss?"Lindsay held the box of cookies in her hands. "Okay", Samantha was in her Cupid form, "I just need to shoot him with this arrow and we're good to go." "Samantha?", Lindsay says, "What if I don't love him?" "Well", Samantha scratches her head, "I guess I haven't thought of that. Do you not want to do this?" "No, no I do", Lindsay bows her head, "I'm just nervous." "He's going to love you", Samantha pats Lindsay's back, "Good luck." Lindsay enters. Kit didn't look up from her phone, 'Welcome to Tori's Place. Find a seat wherever." "Is", Lindsay hugs the box to her chest, "Mason here?" "Who?", Kit looks up and sees her, "Wow." Lindsay recognised Kit's profile, "Is Mason here?" "Um", Kit motions, "He's in back." "Thank you", Lindsay goes to the kitchen. "Bizarre", Kit says. Lindsay enters the kitchen. Mason was baking pies. "Mason?", she asked. He turns his head and sees her. Their eyes meet. He looks a her for a moment, "... Who are you?" She blushed slightly, "I'm Lindsay." He turns to face her, "Can I help you?" "I, um", Lindsay held out the box, "Made these for you." He goes over to her and looks to the box, "Cookies?" "I made them", she hands it to him. "Thank you", he nods at her. She felt her heart racing. "Are you new around here?", he asked. "Yes", she said, "I, um, wanted to meet you." Mason twitched a smile, "Oh?" "You're a baker and", she fiddles with her candy hair, "well I'm a baker too so I thought-" "Where is everyone?!", Nelson barges in, "Wh- Oh." Nelson looks to Lindsay, "Hello. Can I help you?" "This is Lindsay", Mason says, "She's a baker." "Oh thank God", Nelson says, "Can you bake creme-bole?" "Yes", Lindsay nods. "Okay", Nelson says, "You two I need about six baker dozen of them." They went to work. "When did you get here?", Mason asked. "Just overnight", she mixes the batter. "Here", he puts his arm around her, "Try it like this." They whisk together. She felt herself blushing. Samantha aims. She fires. The oven goes out. "Pies ready", he ducked and the arrow richohetes. It bounces out the door. Jimmy was taking the crates of meat off the truck. "This should be the last of it", Annabelle said. Jimmy knelt to pick up another box. The arrow hits Annabelle. "Where do you need me to sign?", Jimmy stood. Annabelle threw herself in his arms and kissd him. Jimmy was smitten and he kissed her back. They kissed passionately. "This counts as your break!", Nelson calls out. Jimmy scoops Annabelle in his arms. "Welp", Samantha says,"Probably work itself out." She aims again. Lindsay looks to Mason, "Mason?" "Yes?", he asked. "I love you", she goes to him. He blushes, "Oh." Samantha fires. The arrow sinks into him. He pulls Lindsay close to him. "I love you too", he smiles softly. They kissed softly. Samantha smiles. Lindsay wraps her arms around him. They kissed repeatedly. He pulls away slightly, "You taste like sugar." "Thank you", she smiles. They nuzzled. "Why is everyone making out?", Nelson asked, "Get to work!" Mia was cooking breakfast in her house. "Was that an earthquake this morning?", Matt asked. "I don't think so", Mia said, "Something else." "Does nothing scare you, Mia?", Ryan asked, "That new Victoria was kinda scary." "When you have lived as long as I have, nothing scares me." "Not even Anna Marie?" "Nah", Mia shrugs, "I fear noone." She turns and sees Lindsay. "Except that thing!", Mia leaps into Mickey's arms. "What is that thing?", Mickey asked. "A girl, I think", Mia cowers, "but she's made out of candy!" "She's made of candy?!", Matt was excited. "Well I thought she was but she's not anymore." "Candy", Tal and Matt Jr. tries to go to Lindsay. Mason stops them by simply putting his hand out to stop him. Mia was shaking in Mickey's arms. Walt enters the kitchen, "Did you see what's she's done?" "He saying that I broke the rules of creation", Samantha does quotation marks, "Whatever those are." "She used a forbidden potion", Walt said. "You gave me the book!" "It was five in the morning!" "Okay", Mickey said, "What's the problem here?" "The potion has a major side effect", Walt said, "She doesn't have a soul." Mia was trembling in fear. "Is that a bad thing?", Samantha asked, "She doesn't seem bad." Lindsay curles into Mason who held her close to him. "Not having a soul is dangerous", Walt explains, "She's defensless against demons and other things." "Then give her a soul", Samantha says. "It's not that easy", Mia said, "Only life can." Joke appeared, "Did I hear my name?" "Joke", Samantha says, "You need to-" "Up up up!", Joke puts a hand out, "I'm going to stop you right there. You're going to have to ask that to the new life." "Who are they then?" "Well", Joke looks up, "if I won't be interupted..." They stood in silence for a moment. "... My replacement', Joke says, "Is Hailey." Mia gasped silently. Hailey was asleep in Jonas's arms. He wakes and smiles, seeing her. He kissed her forehead. She smiles, "Good morning." They kissed softly. Jules came in with Ceilo. Hailey sits up and scoops her baby to her. Jonas rubs his face, "Did you guys hear something last night?" "The ground was shaking", Jules served breakfast. Hailey stroked small circles on Ceilo's head, "Poor baby must've been so scared." Ceilo suckles and nurses. A doorbell. "I'll get it", Jules goes. They answer the door to see Samantha and Lindsay. "We need to talk with Hailey." Hailey sat covered on the couch. "Joke choosed me?", Hailey said. Jonas leaned on the doorway in thought. Joke was seated with Samantha, "You don't really have a say in this. Hailey looked to the ground, "... Does this change anything?" "Not exactly", Joke says, "You'll have to fulfill my duty to bring life into the world." Hailey looked to Lindsay, "So you need a soul?" "Yes", Lindsay says. Hailey looks to Joke, "How does this work?" Joke smiles sadly, "You need to kill me." "Why do you need to die?", Hailey asked concernly. "Life for a life", Joke shook her head, "It's too dangerous to have two people as life. Multiple timelines, stories- the list goes on." "So", Samantha says, "You're saying I have to do this, right? Since I'm death?" "All you do is take my soul", Joke sits back, "How I die falls on Hailey." Hailey looked to the ground, "... What will happen to me?" "I'm not sure", Joke holds herself, "... When... When I was created... you'd think I wouldn't have any flaws..."There was darkness. Then the universe was created. Light formed into a person. Life. She thinks so therefore, she was. But when she was made. So was Death. A person of darkness appeared in front of her. "... Who are you?", Life asked. "I am Death", the darkness spoke. "What are you?" Death looked toward something. Life looked to see the universe. They went to it. Life first saw the creatures. How they moved and looked. Then she saw the light inside them. Life. She knelt by a small creature. Death did the same. "So strange", Life tilted her head. She petted the tiny creature. Death reached out to do the same. The creature's light vanishes and the creature goes still. "What did you do?", Life looked to Death. "I think", Death looked to her hand, "I took it's life." They didn't understand the power they had. When mankind was made, things got more complicated. When the first humans were damned, the rest was as well. There was pain and fear. Death. Life often wondered if Death was a good person. She didn't seem to feel emotions. Not like how she did. Life loved the creatures and to make new stories. She liked to see the world thrived. Around the time of the second generation of the first humans, Life got a family. Love. Laugh. And Peace. Love was always finding the beauty of the world which life admired. Love loved whatever life made. "What is this?", Love holds a platupus. "It's a platupus", Life explains. "I love it!", Love beams, "It's so cute." "You know", Life sheepishly rubs her arm, "I don't create these creatures, I just make sure they continue to exist." "But you do such an amazing job!" Laugh was the funny on. Laugh laughs as the baby birds chirped. "What is it Laugh?", Life looked with her. "They think I'm their mama", Laugh giggles, "Silly birds." Peace was a different story. Life watches as two bucks fight. "Shouldn't we stop them sister?", Peace nervously watched the two fight. "It's just part of nature", Life assures her, "Just trying to assure domianance." Peace didn't like fighting or violence. She cried the most when a creature died from one or both. "Why did he had to do that?", Peace cries. "It's just the way things are", Life tried to comforts her. Peace wasn't that easy for this world. Worst was that the other horsemen was created. War laughs as she stands on the pile of bodies, "Another victory!" "No one needed to die!", Peace was distraught, "This fight was pointless!" "You're such a drag", War scoffs, "No wonder you get nothing done. You need action to get points across." Famine would eat everything. "Maybe you can share?", Peace knelt. "And let me starve?", Famine scoffs, "I'm looking out for myself." Plague effects a species. "Don't you want to have them healthy?", Peace asked. "I'm just doing my part", Plague shrugs, "You can't have everything survive. Limited resources." Peace sighed and sat alone. "Can I sit with you?" Peace looked to see Death. Peace stands and backs away, "I- I don't want any trouble." Death tilted her head, "What do you mean?" Peace bowed her head, "Is it so wrong to make peace with things?" Death looked at her, "... I like your job." "... You do?", Peace looked at her. "I think we have a lot in common", Death says. "How so?", Peace asked. Death motions, "I'll show you." They came across an aged creature. "I think I'm helping them", Death places her hands on the creature. The creature relaxes and stills. Peace gasped silently as Death carefully takes the soul. "I don't like killing things", Death said honestly, "Especially when it's violent and out of despite." "Me too", Peace says, "I think things are better quiet and gentle." Death smiles softly, "Makes my job more easy to do." They became friends. "Death?", Peace laid on her back, "I don't think I've ever felt this way with anyone before." "Me neither", Death says, "It's nice." Life watched from the distance. "Ah", Love smiles, "Love." "Love?", Life asked, "Are you saying they are in love?" "Can't you see it?", Love smiles dreamily, "The way they look at each other. It's true love." Life didn't like the idea of them together. Peace would be taken away from Death. To focus on doing her task. Death soon learned that there was more work now that the human race was bigger. She didn't have time to dottle on something that was a rare death. Death even got a crew to help her. Death laughs as she works with the other horseman. "Did you see the look on those guys faces?!", War was boisterous as always. "Can we eat now?", Famine said. Death rolled her eyes. She caught a glance of something. "Hey", War asked Death, "Where are you going?" "Just go on without me", Death says, "I'll meet you guys in a bit." Death went and found Peace. She was by a dying soilder. Peace looked at Death. Death felt guilt to see her crying. "Why must they fight?", Peace asked, "When there's so much this man could've lived for?" Death goes to her, "It's just how-" "I can't stand this", Peace sobs, "I can't do anything. I'm useless." "No", Death says, "You are making a difference." "How?", Peace said, "When was I ever useful?" Death bowed her head in silence. Peace turns away, "... Maybe it's best if I wasn't here." Death looked to her. "Maybe I belong in the after?", Peace said, "Those souls go somewhere, right? It just doesn't end." "... I don't know for sure", Death goes to her, "... I can't sleep." Peace looks to Death. "I can't get the images of the dead our of my head", Death covers her face, "I can't make peace with myself." Peace goes to her. They looked to each other. "I need you", Death says, "Peace." Peace smiles softly. Death reached out and cups Peace's face. They kissed. Death felt at peace. Peace hugs Death, "I love you." "I love you too", Death holds onto her, "I need you." Life saw this at afar. She clenched her hands to fist. She didn't know why she disliked Death. Perhaps because she had love. Jealousy wasn't the start when Life found out her flaw. Life looked into the water. Blood on her. Death stood nearby. "Why?", Life was crying silently. "You are barren", Death explains. Life holds herself, "I-It can't be." Life looked to the blood, "I'm suppose to make life." "You do", Death tries to explain, "You just-" "It's not fair", Life was covering her face, "You can have everything and yet I'm left with this." "It's just not how it's meant to be-" "Leave me', Life said. Life didn't know that there wasn't a chance to have a living. At least not of a mortal. It made her feel deep dread and loneliness. "Why can't I have what they have?", Life looked to Death and Peace. "You must first love yourself", Love said. Life lays on the ground, "Great." Love knelt by Life, "Maybe you should make something. Something to make you happy." Joke closes her eyes, "I can't make things." "Have you've tried?" Life looked to Love, "Not exactly-" "Then try', Love said. Life sighs and sits up. She puts her hands together. She pulls her hands apart and a soul appears. She shapes it and a creature appears. "You did it!", Love smiles. The creature was a what. "I'll call it a What." "A What?" Although she wasn't able to have children of her own, life had fun making new creatures. "But why does it have to be this way?", Hailey asked. "It just is", Life said, "I can't say there's another way since I've been life since the beginning of time." Hailey bows her head, "I don't know if I should do this." "Just think of it this way", Joke said, "Life cannot continue without you." Samantha puts a hand to her belly subconciously. Hailey stands, "I need some time to think." She goes. Jonas goes after her. Hailey goes outside and sinks to the ground. "Hailey?", he holds her as she felt faint. "This is a lot", she laughs weakly, "I'm shaking." "You don't need to do this", Jonas holds her steady, "We can find another way." She looks to him, "And if we can't?" He kissed her forehead, "Then we'll just have to deal with this." Hailey holds onto him, "Maybe I can fix things. Make you immortal again." "Maybe", he kissed the side of her lips, "I just want you safe." She kissed him a few times, "I love you." They nuzzled. Joke was dragged out the house by Mia. "Ow- OW! Stop dragging me!" Mia threw Joke down, "You are not going to die you suicidial freak." "You sure are sending mix signals", Joke looked to Mia. "You are such a fucking coward", Mia massages her forehead. "Says you!", Joke stands and brushes herself off, "You could've-" "Don't you bring that shit up again", Mia points at Joke, "We've been fighting about that for over a thousand centuries." Hailey steps forward, "I accept the role as Life." "See?", Joke motions, "She agrees. I agree. Why can't you agree?" "Because this isn't what she wanted", Mia said. "How would you know?!", Joke said, "She was in a trance inside your hollowed soul!" "Because I was her, you dumbass!", Mia said. "What's with all this yelling?" The other Victorias appeared. "Perfect", Joke motions to Mia, "Talk some sense into this one." "Actually", Maybe shrugs, "We just come to see you die." "So sorry it had to be this way", Iffy bows her head. "Nice knowing ya", Them said. Us just shrugs in agreement. "Oh I feel the love", Joke said sarcastically, "Don't try to stop me." She waves behind her as she heads toward the cliff. Mia went after her, "Life!" "I always hated that name", Joke mutters. Mia pushes Life back, "You're not thinking this through." "I'm thinking very clearly", Joke goes around Mia easily, "You're just jealous-" "Jealous?", Mia was frustrated. "That I get to be with her before you!", Joke said. "Like you two were even close", Mia said, "You'd known she didn't want it to go this way." "I could die way worse", Joke ascends the cliff. "Just wait', Mia says. "Ugh, this is getting annoying", Joke summons her sledgehammer, "Don't make me kill you." "You're gonna have to kill me", Mia stance to fight. Joke sighs, "I was afraid of this." Joke swings to hit Mia. Mia ducked. "I might be weak", Mia says, "but it's going to take more than that to get me." Joke swigs again. Mia blocked her attacks, "She wanted you to be happy. She wanted you to have life!" "Well it wasn't meant for me!", Joke missed from frustration, "I want to go home!" Mia held onto the handle, "Then stay!" "Why won't you let me die!" She kicked Mia down. Joke's disease grows over her clothes, "I should've never been life! I should've been something different! Something real!" Mia held the handle tighter. "... I get it", Joke smiled weakly, "You think... if I have a chance... you'd have one too." Joke shoves Mia back, "You're only doing this for yourself." Mia shook her head, "No-" "Stop lying!", Joke shoved her back down, "You don't get to have pity on me!" Joke marches to the cliff. She gets to the edge of the cliff. She looked out into the water, "... I want to go home." She falls. She crashes into the water. She is pulled down. I can't go home. Life looked to the surface as she sunk. If she was lucky enough. She would be asleep for eternity. Forever. Her tears mixed with the sea. The way it should be. She sees something fall into the water. Mia swims after Joke. This motherfucker. Joke didn't have to strength to fight Mia off. Why can't see just let me go? Mia and her were suspended in the water. Joke remembered something in the past. Why do you associate yourself with Death? Mia looked to Joke. Peace had smiled so softlly. Because she's the only one that ever understood me. Mia's disease spread over her face. You two actually have a lot in common, Life. Joke saw what Mia had been hiding. What would that be? Mia smiled sadly. She loves the life you give. Joke watched as Mia revealed her new idenity. Peace laughs softly. I forget how much she's like me. Mia's hair changed to a golden color. Her eyes radiant. Her skin shining. Peace. Life felt as her disease was washed away. Peace? Mia carried Joke upward toward the surface. I promised that I'd wouldn't let you die. Joke felt such relief as she felt at Peace. They surfaced. Mia lays Joke on the shore and lays a few feet away from her. Joke coughs up water and takes long gasps of breathes. Mia looked to the sky as she returned to her normal form. "... When were you going to tell me", Joke looked to Mia, "that you were the new Peace?" Mia just looked to the sky, "... I didn't know myself until I retired officially as Death... It's the reason I'm still alive." Joke looked to the sky, "... So when she died..." "I accepted her role as Peace", Mia said. "... So", Joke closed her eyes, "What now?" Mia sits up, "I'm not sure." Hailey and the others found them. Laugh hugs Joke tightly, tears in her eyes. Love joined her. Joke looked to them, so lost. I never actually found it. Joke looks to Mia. The meaning of life. Mia sat and Mickey and Samantha checked on her. Was it to pursue love? Mia nuzzles Mickey. Or to find the happiness in the small things. Mia tried to calm Samantha down for causing a hysteria. Or maybe, just maybe, to find somewhere to belong? Joke hugs her sisters close. This is where I belong. "Man", Maybe kicks the dirt, "I was really hoping you wouldn't come back." If wiped her eyes, "So beautiful." "I don't even know what the hell happened", Them said. "We thought you were gone forever", Laugh wiped her eyes. "I think I can stay around for a little while longer." She glanced to Mia and decided to keep quiet about Mia's secret. "Now", Joke looked up, "What's next?" They waited.Chapter 45: HOSTSA little beams down and I appear. "What's up motherfuckers?", I say. "I never understand this", Mark mutters, "I don't know rather to like or hate her." "Let's just keep it netural", Jake shrugs. I stand before them, "I have decided to reveal the new Victoria in charge." She puts up a hand, "But before that, I'd like to have the role of Life be exchanged. She sits on a chair that appears in the air and begins to type on the purple laptop. They all watchd as a large sybol appears on the ground. It was a circle with four points and a center. Hailey squeezes Jonas's hand and goes to the center. Joke takes one of the outer points. "There has to be people who will take on your human burdens. Darkness. Light. And power", Joke explains, "I suggest it's your YouTubers." Dawko, Black and White took a point. The sky began to darken. It stormed. Joke's light and darkness went to her hands. She aimed it at Hailey. The sky was changing between day and night. The stars where pulsating and the universe was now shifting. Hailey watched as the light and darkness go around her. Her eyes glowed as it enters her. Her head was thrown back as light brighter than the heavens shone from her. The gen covered their eyes and felt the power pulsating. Hailey cried as she began to feel overwhelmed. Her light, darkness and power was sent out. Dawko excepted her power. White her light. Black her darkness. The world then went still. Hailey watched as a halo with tiny stars hover over her head. Hailey felt her body shifted and matured. Her hair turned white and grew longer. Flowers adorned her locks. The space around her thrived. White daisies grew wherever she stepped. The gen looked to the new Life. Joke slowly sits down. Her body began to weaken and shift to nothing. "It was fun while it lasted", Joke smiled sadly. Hailey went to her. Joke looked to her, confused. "Why don't we start over?", Hailey smiled, "Would you like that?" Joke nods. Hailey knelt and made Joke changed. She held a black and white rabbit. "I'll take care of her", Mia says. Hailey handed the rabbit to Mia. Mia hugged the rabbit to her. I extended my hand and light was sent out. The Victorias watched as Us began to change. Us watched her ink fall away to reveal a human form. Her skin was a bad tan with green hair. Her eyes an emerald. A ringmaster red suit appeared on her. "You are now Host", Victoria says. Them, Maybe and If clapped for Host. Host looked to herself, "Wow... I look so fucking weird." "Ight", I stand, "Imma head out." I vanish. The gen cheered. Jonas goes to Hailey. She wraps her arms around him. "Nothing changed, right?", Jonas hugs her close. "Not at all", she kissed him. The gen decided to celebrate the new Life and Victoria. They danced and feasted. Tal and Matt Jr. petted the black and white rabbit. Life talked with Love and Laugh. Dawko talked with White and Black for the first time. Mia sat, seeing all this from afar. "Do you think things will be better now?", Samantha sat next to Mia. "Definitly different", Mia said, "but overall, the same." Samantha watched the other dance. Mia looked to Samantha. An old memory of her sitting with Peace. Do you think it'll always be this way, Death? Mia puts an arm around Samantha and hugged her to her side. No matter what, we'll stick together. Mia and Samantha watched the celebration.Afterwards Hailey gave Lindsay a soul. "How do you feel?", Mason held Lindsay's hand. "Kind of the same", she puts a hand to her chest, "but I'm still here." They nuzzled. Samantha sighs in relief seeing this from afar. At Mia's house. The black and white rabbit was with the twins. "We should give her a name", Mia said, "What do you guys think." "The Destroyer?", Ryan asked. "Black Death?", Matt said. "I'm thinking", Mia said, "Daisy." Life in the Neighborhood couldn't be more or less normal. Vicky sent a text message to everyone:We're throwing a party for the Pain Pack! Tomorrow at five! Nes smiled as Logan kissed her neck. "Happy birthday", he whispers in her ear. "I'm liking my present so far", she bites her lip and he pleases her. The Pain Pack was turing eighteen. "Happy birthday dad!", Billy and his siblings greeted JJ. JJ happily recieved the birthday boy pets. Victor woke to breakfast in bed. Violet and Jade were happily spending their morning together by swimming. Vincent was greeted by his pack and Angel. Snow smothered Val with kisses. Veronica woke and her family hugged her. They decided to hold the party at Willy's Wonderland. Mia greeted the Janitor. They gave the Janitor several cases of PUNCH. Mia laughed softly when he hugged Mia. The animontronics stood on the stage. The eight sat at a table while everyone sat at the others. The crew of Tori's Place was in the kitchen. "Where's the cobbler?", Nelson called out. "It's cooling", Lindsay sets the cobbler on the counter. Jason was barbequing outside. "The sides?", Nelson goes to Randy. "Ready to go." Mia and the first gen were helping by serving food. The juxbox in the corner played some casual bongos. Matchel and Kit were on drinks. "Do you want to look at the murder room?", Matchel asked. "Who said I didn't already?", Kit poured a glass of lemonade, "Me and Nelson replayed a scene in there." "Speaking of scenes", Matchel handed a tea to Leo, "Do you think the animontronics will behave?" "Probably not", Kit says, "but they got nothing against the gen." Matt Jr. and Tal giggled as they chased after Daisy. "Time for cake everyone!", Vicky said. Mason and Lindsay set the cake in front of the pack. The stage began to come alive. Willy's head lifted and his eyes look forward. The band began to play "Happy Birthday". "Happy birthday to you", Willy sings, "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to-" The animontronics glitched and made a loud demonic screech. "Happy birthday to you", Willy then shut down. The gen stared at the animontronics for a moment before going back to the cake. The cake was four layers. Each half of a layer was dedicated to a pack. The top was for Veronica. It had purple roses and lilies candy flowers. The half that was Victor's half was flames. Nes was ink. Val's was bones. JJ was paw prints. Vincent was feathers. Violet was fish scales. The layers were strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and confetti. They all enjoyed their dessert. Sunshine went on stage to sing. "This is for the pack", Sunshine said, "but most importantly my special man. I love you JJ." She sat with a guitar on her lap. She strummed some chords and began to sing. "Ice cream girl", she sung, "without her ice cream boy. Makes a lot less joy. Compared to being without you." JJ happily listens to his wife singing. "How must it feel", she continues, "when an ice cream tube gets scooped." Mia chews on her cake. "Does it feel any less empty?", Sunshine closes her eyes, "Or is it just me?" Mark took a sip of his punch. He caught something at the corner of his eye. The ostrich's eyes were open. Mark carefully sets his drink down. He glances a Jack. Jack gives a slight nod. The janitor was standing to the side, just in case. He noticed the movement to. "Ice cream girl", Sunshine sings, "sounds like someone like me-" Willy's eyes opened. He snapped forward. Mark was there in time to catch Willy's jaws. "Not today fucker", Mark's eyes were green. Sunshine ran off the stage. The animontronics came to life. "Let's all be friends", Siren Sarah jumped off the stage. The YouTubers stanced to fight. Val held her throat as Cammy used her tounge to choke her. Snow got his hatchet and cuts it off. Willy growled and threw Mark across the room. Mark hits the juexbox. The song "Sunshine and lollipops" by Lindsay Gore. The gen began to brawl with the animontronics. Mia took a sip of her tea and steps aside to not be attacked. "Hey girl", Tito Turtle spoke spanish and approached Mia, "You think you are better than us? You look like I can snap you in half like a chilupa. You got shit nothing." Mia sets her tea aside and speaks in spanish back, "You underestimated me and my family. For that I will have your head." He laughs, "What are you going to do? You have no power." "I said my family too asshole", Mia said. Mickey landed on Tito head. He ripped off the turtle's head. "Aye aye aye...", Tito shuts down. Mickey tossed the head to the side and goes to Mia. "Now that", Mia said in spanish, "was hot." "I don't know what you said", Mickey nuzzles her, "but I do like the way you're saying it." Jack stances with Arty. "I won't bite. I promise", Arty laughs. Jack's eyes went black, "Oh? I do." Jack bites into Arty's jugular and ripped out its throat. Samantha summoned her bow and arrows. "Little girls shouldn't play with sharp things", Siren Sarah mocks. "Don't tell me what I can or cannot do", Samantha aims and fires an arrow into Sarah's eye. Sarah shrieked in pain, "You horrible brat!" The janitor sipped his PUNCH and watched the gen fight the animontronics. "I'm sorry about the mess", Tori told him, "We can help do the clean up-" They watched as Gus the Gorilla's head roll across the floor. "I don't think that the animontronics will be in perfect condition however", Tori said. The janitor crushes his can and tosses it in the trash. He goes to the closet and comes out with a employees T-shirt. He held it out to Tori. "Thank you", Tori nods to him. His watch beeps. He heads to the kitchen. Tori hears him play pinball. The only one that remained was Willy. He was surrounded by the gen. He looked to the birthday kids. "Ready for the party room?", Victor asked. Willy thrashed as the pack dragged him away. The others heard the animontronics screams and then silence. "That was pretty intense", Matt took a sip of his lemonade. "And kinda scary", Ryan nodded. "Tell me about it." They looked to Daisy. She chewed on a carrot. She stopped, "Wait is that my voice?" She coughs, "Is that really my voice?" She goes back to eating, "Oh well." Tal and Matt Jr pets Daisy. The gen cleaned up the mess. Janitor handed out employee T-shirts. "This ones kinda a little tight", Jimmy held out the shirt, "Is there one a bigger size?" Janitor holds out a larger shirt. "Thank you", he nods at him. "I think it fitted nicely", Annabelle leans on him. He grinned at her. They nuzzled softly. "That was fun", Victor was covered in oil. Charlie wiped his face, "Let's go home", They all waved the janitor goodbye and went home. "I feel like we're forgetting something", Mia said. "I don't think so", Mickey shrugs. They all left. The janitor goes to the juexbox and plays "You don't own me", by Lindsay Gore. He dances as he finishes the cleaning.Daisy popped out the ball pit, "Boo!", The janitor stopped dancing and sees her. "Where is everyone?", Daisy said, "Don't tell me they left." He gets a T-shirt and scoops her up. "Very gentle hands", she yawns, "I'll just... sleep." He carried her to his car and drove her home.Host looked to the City Hall. "I guess this is home", she pops her fingers, "Better get to work." She took out a whip and made the walls a different color. She made photos appear. Curtains and decor. She does some flower arrangements. "You seem to be taking this new job pretty well", I sat in the corner and typed. "Just want to feel at home", Host sits beside me, "I'm glad we can talk." "Joke- er- Daisy", I shrugged, "never really liked to talk. She was focused on making Death pay." Host pours a cup of tea, "So what is my first task?" "I need you to give a role to one of the thrid gen", I say, "There will be new demons." "Are they dangerous?" "Just a nuciance", I sipped my tea, "To train the new crew." "I see", Host watched as a creature appeared. It was disfigured and deformed. The demon had a unportionate head and big body. "They're harmless really", I said, "Just like test dummies." The demon snarls and looks around. "Watch this", i made a spear. I threw it and it went through it. It puffed into smoke and left behind small jewels. "So pretty", Host looked to them. "They have magic abilities", I showed them to her. Host examines them. "Do you wish to have someone?" Host sets the jewls in a bowl, "It would be nice. To have someone." "Is there someone you already have in mind?" "Not anyone here", she looked out. "... I do not know if I can bring them back. To many complications," "I understand", Host nods, "I will let you decide." I stand and closed my eyes. Host heard footsteps. A figure appears. He was tall and had black hair. His skin was glossy and gray. His eyes were violet and he was built pretty well. Host stands and looks at him. "Do you want to name him?", I asked. Host goes to him, "Joey." They rested their foreheads together. "I'll name him Joey.", Host rested her cheek to his. "I better get going", I waved back, "I'll see you tomorrow." Host wrapped her arms around Joey. He cups her face and she nuzzles him. "Do you know me?", she asked. "Yes", his voice was gentle and smooth, "Host." They kissed softly. Tears of joy ran down her face. "I'm so happy", she hugs herself close to him. He kisses her forehead, "My love." She rested herself against him, "I'm sleeply." He rested his chin on her head, "Let's go to bed." Host laid down and he held her close. She looked to him, "Can you tell me about yourself?" He stroked her hair aside, "My story is that I was made of clay and was brought to life. I was brought here to be with you." She pressed her face to his nape, "Tell me more." He faced her and he pulled her close to him, "I like painting, making pottery, and reading." She pulled herself closer, "Will you shape me?" They kissed softly. His hands traveled over her body. She closed her eyes as his fingers traced the curves and cresses. "You're beautiful", he whispers, "like a summer's day." She laughed softly, "You big lug." They nuzzled and kissed. "I want to make a family with you", he rested his forehead to hers. "Then let's have one", she pulled him over her. The night was calm and the neighborhood was sleeping soundly. The stars shone brightly with the moon.Host wakes in Joey's arms. He slept soundly. She smiled and kissed his cheek. She got out of bed and made breakfast. Joey joined her and they sat and ate. "I have to do my task for today", Host holds Joey's hand into her own, "I'll be back later." "Alright", he leaned forward and they shared a kiss. She dressed in her uniform and went out. She went in search of a worthy holder of the new power. She spotted Connor siting outside. Eleanor sighs and listens to him play his flute. Host moves along. David was testing his invention outside. "Experiment number fifty-one", he presses the button. He watches as this invention turns on and began to cut the grass evenly. "Excellent", David records his progress. Host moves along. Ana pats her cow friend, "You're doing a great job today Persephone." The cow moos. Host goes on. She came across Manny. He was making a tent with what he could find in the wilderness. He made a fire and cooked some fish. He made pouches out of animal skin and makes some small trinklets. Host decides to observes him. Manny Falls. Project Chief. Manny whistles and mimicks bird songs. He was very close to nature. Following his parents roots. The foxes and the wolves. Host jumps down and approaches him. Manny sees her, "Hello." "Hello Manny", Host sits beside him, "What are you making?" "These", he shows her the little trinkets, "are charms." He holds one up, "My grandma said that this one will protect me from evil." Host looks to the tent, "Do you live here?" "I usually just camp out here", he shrugs, "I love my mom's cooking." Host laughs softly, "I see." He stands and hangs the charms on a tree. Host stands, "I'll leave you to it." Host sat with Joey and me. "How is the search going?", I cut into the steak. "I think I know who I want to take the role", Host says, "I just need to figure out the timing for this." "You did very well", I smiled at her. Joey holds Host's hand, 'I knew you'd do well." Host nuzzles him. "Now comes another issue", I stand, "I have something coming up for the gen. It's going to be difficult so I need you to not interfer." "What is coming?", Host siad, "If I may ask." "I can't say right now", I said, "but I must ask you not interfere with it." "Alright", Host nods. "Well I'm off", I waved, "Congradulations. On the baby." She goes. Host and Joey looked to each other. They smiled happily and hugged.Manny woke in his tent. He yawned and stretched his arms. He got up and went to his house. "Hi Manny", Sunshine smiles and fixes Manny's hair, "Did you fall asleep in the tent again?" "I'm sorry mother", he said. "As long as you're health and okay", she pinched his cheeks, "Come eat. You're too thin." "Hi Manny", Billy sets the table. "Hiya son", JJ's tail wags, "How was the creek?" "Never seen so many fish", Manny sits at the table, "Thanks for the tip." His siblings and family sits at the table. They all ate breakfast together. "Manny", Kit held out a parchment wrapped in leather, "I got this for you." Manny took the gift, "Thank you." He opens it to find a knife. "You've been wanting one right?", Kit said, "I had Grandma make it for you." "Thank you sister", Manny puts it away, "It's perfect." "How do you keep your hair so great?", Autumn asked, "It's so silky. Manny smiled at her, "Just got dad's genes I guess." JJ beams with pride. "I'll bring you something later, okay?", Sunshine lifts Manny's chin and wipes dirt off his chin, "I don't want you to go hungry." "I catch plenty of fish mother", Manny says, "You don't have to worry about me." "Don't you get tired of fish?" "Nope", he smiles, "I love fish." After he helped cleaned the dishes, he went back to his tent. He found it a mess. "How... ?", he heard soething in a nearby bush. He freezes in place, "... Hello?" He waits. He tilts his head, "Is someone there?" He waits more. He hears a snarl. He goes for his knife. The parademon comes out of hiding. Dried fish hanging from its teeth. It garbled the remains and hissed at Manny. Manny squinted at the creature, "What are you?" The parademon went toward Manny. He backed away, "Hey-" It strached his leg. He cried out in pain and limped. His blood was burning his flesh. The parademon went to attack again. Manny got out his new knife and slashed the demon. It puffed into smoke. Manny watched the jewels fall to the ground. He stood there for a moment trying to figure out what had happened. He hissed and looked at his wound. He needed medical attention. He took out his phone and dialed Kit. "What's up bro?" "Something happened", Manny said, "I need help." Kit was over with Snow within the hour. "So what happened?", Kit asked. "There was this thing", Manny said, "It looked like a demon but at the same time it wasn't. It looked like a new enemy." Their phones went off. New enemy added: Parademon. Danger level four. Acidict touch and large in numbers."I guess you had the first encounter", Snow sighs, "this should help with the stinging." Manny looked to Snow, "Do you know what these are?", Manny held up the jews. Snow looks at them, "... I haven't seen any of them like before." Kit looks at them, "They're pretty." Manny held them out to her, "Here." Kit takes the jewels, "Thank you, Manny." Sushine hugs her son to her, "My poor baby." "I'm fine mom", Manny said, "It's just a scratch." Manny was to stay indoors until he's properly healed. "This is torture", Manny laid on his back. "I'm sorry man", Billy says, "I know that you hate being indoors." "Did you get my treasues?", Manny sits up. Billy held out a large parchment. Manny uncovered it and saw his treasure. It was a wooden box. "Thank you brother", Manny sets it aside. "Need anything else?", Billy said. "I'm good", Manny said, "Thank you again." Manny laid on the couch for five days. Each day harder than the last. He looked to his scratch. It was gone. He got off his feet and ran outside. He took deep breathes in. He felt so much joy in being outside. He changed to his wolf form and ran into the woods. He ran and leapt into the creek. He spun in place in joy. He rolled in the water and then got slapped by a fish. He then saw her. She sat drinking from the creek. He watches as she looked to him. She approaches him. They were close to each other. She licks his snout. He blinks. She nuzzles him. His heartrate beated rapidly. She heard then walked off. He watched her, captivated by her. He returned to his tent with mixed feelings. He rung out his hair and sat down. He cleaned his campsite. He made a fire and cooked some fish. Rustle in the bushes. He got out his knife and stanced to fight. She walked out into view. He eases and looked at her. She rung out her hair and looks at him. He lowers his knife and looks at her. She goes to him. She goes close to him and nuzzles him. He looked at her. She licks the side of his lips. He presses his forehead to hers. They nuzzled. "I love you", she whispers. He cupped her face, "Molly, I... I love you too." She rested her cheek to his. He holds her close, "I didn't know you felt this way about me." She touches his hair, "I've been waiting for you to come back." He nuzzles her, "Come back?" "I always see you fishing", she rested her chin on his shoulder, "You always look so happy out here." She closes her eyes, "I want to join you. I want to be happy with you." He kisses her cheek. She pulls herself closer to him, "Manny?" "Yes?", he says. "Can I be yours?", she looked to him. "If you want to be mine", he stroked her cheek, "You don't need to ask me what you want." "I love you", she kisses him, "Manny." They kissed softly. He kissed her cheek, "Molly." They nuzzled. The next days they have been spending time together. She was great at making clothes and braiding hair. She also loved fish. She hums and chants an old song about matching with your love. He uses his knife to care some tools. She puts a shawl over him. "Thank you", he smiles at her. They nuzzled softly. Sometimes they stay overnight. She would fall asleep in his arms and he'd find himself falling for her more and more. He loved Molly. She was his mark. She hums as she dries clothes. He goes to her and hugs her from behind. She smiles, "Hey." He kisses her neck, "Hey." She rested her cheek to his, "What is it?" He pressed his cheek to hers, "I love you." "I love you too", she kisses him. "Will you marry me?", he asked her. She looked to him. He holds her hands to his chest, "Marry me, Molly." She smiles and wraps her arms around her, "Yes." They kissed softly. They nuzzled and hugged. "I love you", she cries happily."What?", Victor said. "I want to marry Molly", Manny said. "No I heard that", Victor said, "I just- You want to marry her?" Charlie smacks Victor on the arm. "Charlie he's a kid-" "So were we", Charlie holds Manny by his shoulders, "You're a nice boy, Manny. I know you'll take good care of Molly." She hugs him, "Welcome to the family." Molly's siblings congradulated Manny and Molly. "If you hurt her, I'll kill you", Stacy hugs him. "You heard the lady", Mason said. Molly nuzzles Manny. They had a small ceremony. They moved into the campsite. Molly pants as Manny kisses her. They wanted children. She whimpers as he pulls away, "Manny." "Are you okay?" She nods and they kissed. He lays beside her. She curls into him, "Manny." They nuzzled. They kissed softly and they fell asleep. He woke to the sound of thunder. He saw her asleep still. He sat up and stretched. He went still. He heard something. He got his knife and looks out. He saw them. "Manny?" He doesn't turn away, "Call the Heathens." The parademons hissed and approached. He backed and had Molly stay behind him. "I'm scared", she holds onto him. "I won't let anything happen to you, my love", he held the knife tightly. The parademons come closer. Host stands in the tent, "Manny." "Help us", he begs, "Please." "This is your decision Manny." Host held out her hand, "Do you wish to become the Demonslayer?" Manny looked to the parademons and then to Host. He shook her hand. Lightnning flashed. Samantha, Ash and Matchel were running toward the stress signal. "What the hell are we suppose to do?", Ash said. "Get them out of there", Sam said, "Keep them safe." Molly watched as Manny changed. He grew in size and we chiseled. A horned skull over his head and face. He held a large axe made from bones. "Manny?", Molly said. "Stay back", Manny clenched his weapon. He went out into the ran. His eyes glowed like ambers as he glared at the parademons. He swung and slayed them left and right. Smoke filled the air. Gems fell to the ground. He got scratched on his body. He managed to fight them all off. Samantha, Ash and Matchel came to the scene. Manny looked to them. He collapsed. He woke at the clinic. His scratches were tended to. "Manny", Molly goes to him. "Molly", he sits up and pulls her close. She cried silently, "You've been asleep for three days." He looked to himself. He touched his muscles and saw the skull helmet on a desk at the corner. "So it wasn't a dream", he said. She kisses him, "You're okay." He kisses her cheek. "I'm pregnant", she sniffed and cupped his face. He smiled at her, "That's amazing Molly." Snow enters the room, "Okay. Looks like everything is good. You are free to go." Manny took the skull headwear. She holds onto his arm, "Let's check on your mother." When Sunshine saw them, she ran and embraced Manny. He comforts her. "Damn", Kit said, "What did that power do to you, Manny?" Manny shook his head, "I'm not sure." Host enters the house, "I can explain for you." She sits and shows on the screen, "Demonslayer has the strength of ten men and has parademon blood in his body. Manny looked to her, "I'm a parademon?" "Part of one", Host said, "That's why you healed so quickly." "But I was out for three days." "You're body took a toll on your change", Host motions, "All that strength and power needed to be contained." Manny looks to the skull headwear, "... Why did you choose me?" Host looks to him, "I think you have a good heart. You will use this power for good." He and Molly went home. The gems still where they were. He knelt and picked one up. Molly goes to him, "Manny?" He takes her hand gently and places the gem into it, "For you." She looked to it, "It's beautiful." He tilts her head up. They looked at each other. "Do you still love me?", he asked her. "I could never not love you", she cupped his face, "You're the father of my children. The keeper of my heart." They kissed softly. He decided to clear the space around his house. He build high walls and even knocked down some trees. He made some traps to capture anything that didn't belong there. Especailly parademons. Molly did her best to prepare for the litter. She made clothes and a small den. She was happy for becoming a mother. He rested on the ground after a full days work. "My love", she goes to him, "You shouldn't tire yourself so much." "I want to protect you", he stroked her cheek gently, "You carry my children." She kissed his hand and places it to her chest, "Please be careful when you encounter those creatures. I can't bare to see you hurt." He pulls her closer, "My love. I'd do anything to keep you out of harms way." He kissed her forehead, "I'm going to go catch some fish. Stay here please." She rested for the day. He goes and fishes. He returns to find her still asleep. He nuzzles her, "Molly." She wakes and smiles at him, "My love." They kissed and nuzzled. He cooked and she ate. He watchd her eat more than usual. She eats for the litter. He pulls her close to him, "You're beautiful." She smiled softly, "Why is that?" "You make me so happy", he kissed her shoulder, "You're glowing." She laughs softly. Host sits with Joey, "How are you're painting coming along, dear?" "I have such a grat muse", he cups her face, "I don't think I could ever capture your beauty." She laughs softly. The storm thunders outside. "What's with this weather?", Host sighs and pulls herself closer to Joey. "What troubles you?", he holds her close. "I'm worried about the baby", Host says, "Do you think I'll be a good mom?" "You'll be fantastic", he kisses her, "Just as you always are." She closes her eyes, "I want a girl." He stroked her hair, "Do you have a name?" "Not yet', she says, "but it'll come to me." They nuzzled and kissed. They went to bed. Host feel asleep in Joey's arms. Later that night, someone shook her. "It's just me", I say. "What are you doing?", Host looks to the time, "It's one in the morning-" "Shh", I put a finger to my lips, "Follow me." They exited the bedroom and to the gallery. "What is it?", Host says. "It's what I was telling you about", I pointed outside. Host looked out the window, "... Oh my..." "I can't let you interfere with it", I said. "What is going to happen?" "... I can't tell you", I said, "yet." Host looks out again, "... What do you want me to do then?" I look out, "I want you to watch. That is all." The lightnning flashed. A familar building was now in the neighborhood.Chapter 46: HATERScreams. Mia sat up. Cold sweat on her skin. She looked around. "Shit", she whisper and rubs her face. She looked to see Mickey asleep. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of water. "Tough night?", Daisy was in the cage. "You can say", Mia sighs, "Those dreams are back." "Say no more", Daisy says, "Just dreams." Mia rubs her eyes, "Can I ask you something?" "Shoot", Daisy said. "If...", Mia sets the glass down, "You could change something... would you?" "Are you asking", Daisy said, "If I have any regrets?" 'Maybe", Mia shrugs. Daisy sighs, "I do wish I'd spent more time with the ones I loved... before they were gone for good." Mia nods, "Yeah. Me too." Mia looked outside, "Quite a storm-" "Mia', Daisy says, "Word of advice?" Mia looked to her. "Somethings", Daisy said, "should stay in the past... don't you agree?" "... I suppose', Mia nods, "Goodnight." Mia returns to the bedroom. She climbs back in bed and looks out the window. Just a dream. She closes her eyes and falls back asleep. She woke to the sound of her phone going off. Mia looked at the time. It was ten. Mia sat up and answered, "Yes-" "Mia', Tori's voice was shaking, "It's here." Mia rubbed her eyes, "What-" "The M.I." Mia went still. She dropped the phone. "Mia?", Tori's voice is heard. Mia got dressed not really thinking much about it. She ran out the house. Please. Let this be a dream. She saw Tori and the others. Then it. Mia came to a stop. She didn't realise she was barefoot until she felt the rain from last night soak her feet. She also didn't notice she was shaking. No. Tori goes to Mia, "Hey." Mia just looked at the place. She couldn't hear anything. "Mia." Mia snapped out when she heard Mickey. He went to her, "Mia?" She was crying silently. "Hey", he spoke gently, "Come on- You don't need to see this now." She looked back to the building. "Mia?" She felt her heart hammering. Ringing filled her ears. Mickey went and held her hand, "Let's go home." Mia just stared at the building. "Please", he pulls her. She pulled away, "No." She looked at it, "No." Tori stood beside Mia. Vicky, MA and Winter joined them. They looked to the building. The gen gathered around. Samantha held Stanley. Tal and Matt Jr were carried by Matt and Ryan. The YouTubers just stood there, not knowing what to do. Dawko turned to Mark, "What is that place?" Mark just kept his eyes on Vicky. Dawko looked and saw how devasted the gen looked. Some were crying. Others were pale. Some were had pure anger in their eyes. This place. Dawko shivers. Was evil. Mia looked to the building. She heard Vicky stubble and threw up onto the ground. MA held Vicky, 'It's okay." Winter was nearing a break down. Tori was conflicted. Mia just stared. She stepped forward. "Wait', Tori snatched Mia's arm, "It could be a trap." Mia didn't turn to her, "... Let me go." Tori didn't. Mia snatched herself out of Tori's reach and enters. Tori hesitates and goes after her. Silence. Stampy moved forward. Laugh stops him, "Don't go-" "I have to...", he sees her in tears. "Please", she begs, "Don't go." He carefully pulls her close to him, "... Okay." "... Fuck this", Mark goes in. "Mark-", Jack called after him, "Shit!" Jack jogs and goes in. Sam Sr goes in. Matt hands Tal to Ryan, "I'll be back." "Be careful Matthew", Ryan say. Matt goes in. He looks into the poorly lite hallway. He heard the others deep within the building. He looks around. He saw discared desk and stacks of papers. He knelt and picked one up. It was a report:Operation YouTubers Failed. Victoria has escaped the facility. Authoration as been approved.He heard something crash. He ran and saw Mia in a room. She was shaking. The room looked like a child's room. There was toys and a bed. There was even a television and DVD rack. All had Disney on it. She was breathing hard. "Mia?", Matt said. Mia held her head, "Shut up!" She sunk to the ground, "Leave me alone..." She cries. Matt goes to her, "Mia?" She was sobbing, "Why did I come in here?" He picks her up, "It's okay. I got you." She curls into him, "I want my family." He carries her toward the exit. She grunts in pain, "Ow." He stops and sees she's bleeding. "Shit', he sets her down. She cries. "I need some help!", he calls out. Mia reaches out and takes ahold of Matt's shirt, "I'm fine. Don't call anyone." He looks at her. Her eyes were black. He felt something cold go over him. He was paralyzed. She gets to her feet, "... I want to show you something." He grunts as he felt his body being controlled. They walked the hallways. "Mi-a", he grunted, "Why are you doing- this?" She doesn't answer. Outside, the gen were worried. "Dawko", Hailey reaches out to him, "I need you to help them inside." "With what?", Dawko says. "I want you to burn this place to the ground", she says, "Burn it all." He nods, "Okay. I'll get them out." He goes in. He felt something shift in the air. Dawko. He turned his head and saw a figure. It motioned for him. Follow me. Mia and Matt were in a room with monitors. "Okay", Matt was shivering, "What did you want to show me?" Mia faced him. She took ahold of his head and memories flashed before him. Screaming. Toture. Death. Pain. Matt sunk to the ground as all the memories empacted him. Mia was trembling. A gunshot. Mia collapsed. Tori shook as she held M.E.R.C.Y. in her hands. "Fuck", Mark goes to Mia. Tori sobbed, "I"m sorry!" Sam Sr. held Tori, "She's okay." Matt had tears down his face. "You okay, Matt", Jack knelt by him. "T-this place', Matt gulped, "Is evil." The screens turned on. They looked to them. It showed video feed of the gen being experimented on. Being ripped apart. Shot. Cut. Massacred. Over. And over. And over again. Dawko enters and sees this. He felt such pain go through him. Enough that he couldn't speak. What's happening to me? The screen when blank. The words saidThey tried to turn us into soilders. They failed. They tried to turn us into weapons. They failed at that as well. The screens show the mutualated gen. They did, however, turn us into monsters. Loud bloodcurdling screams fill the air. They all covered their ears. The lights went out. When they came on, Mia was gone. "Mia?", Jack looked around, "Mia?" The building started to have an alarm. A fire alarm. Dawko snapped out of his trance, "We got to get out of here." They ran to the exit. "Wait", Tori said, "Where's Mia?!" Some explosino went off. Mark picked up Tori and carried her out. They exited. Matt coughed and fell to the ground. "Where's Mia?!", Mickey called out. Tori turned and frozed in place. At the entrance of the building was a girl of fire. Black fire. Her eyes were red and filled with hatred. The gen turned and saw black vans head toward them. JJ whimpered and hides. Tori backed away from the vans. Soldiers came out. "No, no, no, no", Winter covers her ears and sunk to the ground. The soilders aimed their guns at the figure. Lorraine stepped from one of the vans. She took out a megaphone and calls out, "Don't fire until my command." The figure lets out a loud shriek. "What the fuck is going on?", Ryan said. The figure snarls and glares at the soilders. "We got the place surrounded", Lorraine said, "You have nowhere to go." The building creaks as it collapses into flames. The figure moved forward. Sound amplifiers were blasted. The blues cried out in pain and covered their ears. The figure shrieks and rans at the amplifiers. "Fire!", Loranine ordered. The soilders fired at the figure. It took the bullets and destoryed one amplifier. As it destroyed the other, the soilders used extended stun guns. "What do we do?", Sam Sr. looked to Tori. "That's no Mia", Tori said. "Mia!", Mickey called into the fire, "Mia, where are you?" Sky raised her hand up, "Rain." Clouds started to form. It began to form. The figure shrieked in rage. The soldiers tried to capture the creature. It burned the soilders and made even some explode from within the inside. Mickey went though the hot embers and vapor. "Mia?!", he calmed out. The creature managed to escape and sprout black flamed wings. It flew away. "Damn it", Lorraine said, "It's on the move. We're going to have to wait until it comes back." She motions and the van drove away. Mickey pulled burning debris aside, "Where are you?!" Red and the other reds helped him. Ash noticed movement. A hand thrusted out from the debris. "Over here!", he called out. He uncovered and helped Mia up. She was burned badly and was injured. "Mia?", Mickey goes to her. Her breathing was weak but she was alive. Sky stopped the rain. Summer and Winter took Mia to the clinic. Tori looked to what used to be the M.I. The gen looked to the pile of ash and debris. "... No matter how much we try", Tori bows her head, "This will always be apart of us."Mia had serious burns on her body. It would be a month to recover. She was put in a medically induced coma. Mickey didn't leave her side. "It's all my fault", he cried silently, "Why did I let you go?" The gen would visit her. Tori would rest next to Mia. Tori had tears in her eyes, "It's gone now. We sent it to the bottom of the ocean. So it can never surface again." Tori closed her eyes, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did nothing to get us out of that hell sooner. I'm sorry I used you. I"m so sorry Mia." Mia's hand twitched. Tori sits up, "Mia?" Mia groaned and coughs, "Fuck." Tori laughs softly, "It's so good to see you awake." Mia turned her head to Tori, "... Why do you look like that?" Tori frowns, "What... What do you mean?" Mia sat up, "what's with that hair? You dyed it white?" "... Oh no", Tori said, "What's the last thing you remember?" "... They put me in a room of fire", she said, "I was burned alive." Tori undoes Mia's hospital gown to see Mia's left collar. The number 3000. "... Oh no", Tori said. Mickey opens the door and sees Mia awake. "Mia!", he goes to her and hugs her close. Mia looked to Mickey, "... Do I know you?" Mickey looked to Tori. Tori shook her head. Mickey looks to Mia, "Don't you remember me?" "No", she pulls away, "Should I know you?" Mickey cupped her face, "Yes." He kisses her. Mia pushed him away, 'Stop." He felt hurt. She held onto Tori, "I don't know who you are but I'm with her." Tori looked to Mickey, "Call a town meeting." The gen gatherd. Mia stayed at the clinic to recover. "It appears that Mia has lost her memory", Tori tells the gen, "More specifically her sense of self. I think a past Mia is in her body." "How do we get her back?!", Stampy calld out. "We need some time", Tori said, "See if I can bring her back." "Bring who back?" Tori turns to see Mia. Mia had bandages on her arms and neck. "Wh- You should be resting", Tori goes to her. "But I'm fine", Mia said. She showed Tori her collar. The number with numbers made out of zeroes. "See?", Mia said, "I"m fine." "You might still have a glitch", Tori said, "I don't even know what thing was last month." "Fine", Mia said, "Just know that you won't find anything." Mia sat, annoyed as Tori prodded at her head for the next five hours. "Okay", Tori sighs, "I guess it was just a small glitch." "See? I'm fine", Mia takes the cable out, "Now I only got seven out of the twelve hours I use to cook dinner." "Just tell me if anything happens, okay?" "I will", Mia waves back to her and goes. She gets home and begins to cook. Mickey rested his chin on her shoulder, "Did she find anything?" "It was probably just a glitch", Mia nuzzles him, "How could I ever forget my man?" They kissed a few times. Bebe fusses. "Or my little Bebe?", Mia picked up the baby and kissed her head. "You couldn't live without us, right?", Matt asked. "Yes", Mia stroked Bebe's hair, "I need you all with me." They ate dinner and talked about Tal's first lost tooth. "We have to put that tooth under your pillow tonight', Mia told Tal. "Why?", Tal held her tooth. "So that you can get that mo-ney", Matt motions cash. Mia rolled her eyes and shook her head, "Well, yeah there's that but there's other reasons." Mia pats Tal's head, "Those teeth hold memories. Very precious." "Does your teeth have memory Mommy?" Mia laughs softly, "Probably not. I've lost so many teeth I'd probably have alzhemiers by now." "Alzhim-zers?", Matt Jr. tried to say. "Well, tell you when your older", Mickey said. Mia motions, "I'm sure it's fine. He doesn't know what we say anyway." "I just think we should talk about something else", Mickey said, "I'm still a little shooken up about earlier." Mia moves close to Mickey and holds him close, "Okay." They nuzzled. Afterwards, Mia washes the dishes. Mickey sat with the twins and played with them. Ryan was holding Bebe as he and Matt talked. "So Samantha said we can do a crossover with our podcast in a few days", Matt said, "What should we talk about?" "Probably not about feminism because that can get ugly very quickly", Ryan rubs Bebe's back in circles, "Maybe about having a podcast?" Mia wipes her hands, "I'm going to go out for a bit. I should be back later." "Okay", Mickey said and lifted his head. Mia and him kissed. Mia blew rasberries on te twins necks and they giggled. She walked toward the YouTuber's Hall. A a few hundred feet from the hall, she encountered some parademons. "Shit", she stances to fight. The parademons snarled at her. "Come on", Mia tried to summon her magic, "Work." They neared her. "Anytime now", she looked to her hands. Why can't my magic work? One got really close to her. "Fuck it", she took out running. She sent a distress alarm. She managed to trip on a root and was surrounded by parademons. She saw Ash landed in front of her. He roared at the parademons. He clawed and tore them up. Gems fall to the ground. Ash goes to Mia, "Are you okay?" Mia nods, "Thank you." He helped her up, "Heading somewhere?" "Just YouTuber's Hall", Mia brushed herself off, "Why?" "I was wondering if you can help me with something", he says, "It's kind of personal." Mia motions to a log, "By all means." They sat and he rubbed his neck. "I've been having these dreams", he said, "about the future." Ash shook his head, "I don't see me there or any of the gen. Just the fourth gen and some." He looked to her, "Do you think it means something?" Mia nods, "I use to have those dreams as well." She motions, "This timeline has been merging and althering so frequently, the stories are kind of blended." She motions, "Like how Stacy and Bella are here when I decided to stay with Mickey." "But are they real?", he said, "Are they true?" Mia shakes her head, "I can't say." He looks to the ground, "... I guess my story has changed a bit too, right? Now I"m a dashingly handsome fella. With wings and horns now." Mia squeezes his hand, "You don't worry about what is unknown and focus on the now. You be with the people you love as much as possible." "Thank you", he stands, "I will." He takes flight and goes. Mia gets to the Hall. Stampy goes to her, "Hey." "Hey yourself", she hugs him, "Don't tell me you were worrying about me all this time." "It's not an unsual thing", he held her hands into his, "I think it's my purpose in life to worry the hell about you." Mia squeezes his hands gently, "I'm fine. Peachy." Laugh goes to them, "Hi." "Hi Laugh", Mia nods to her, "Thank you for stopping this idiot from going into a burning building." "If you don't want me to go into the fire", Stampy bear hugs Mia, "then don't run toward the fire." Mia laughs. Jack went over, "I don't know wether to punch or hug you." "Can it be hug?", Mia hugs him, "Cause I like warm hugs." Jack rested his chin on her head, "You don't have to make me so fucking anxious." "It's nice", Mia rested her forehead on his chest, "and sweet to see that you care." He kissed her forehead, "You want to do something?" "Not sure", Mia shrugs, "anything new here?" "Not a death trap like an arcade", Jack shrugs, "but there's a pool." Jame dropped his tail. "No nudity", Felix said. "Says who?", James said. "Says the- I don't want to see your fucking privates- thing." "You just aren't openminded at me." "James", Mia walks out with sunglasses on, "You trying to prove something?" James was now bashful, "Uhhhhhh-" "Just put something on James", Mia said, "Or we can all get naked." Jaiden wacked James' on the head with her eyes covered, "Cover that up!" Mia jumps in the pool and swims around. She laughs as TimTom picks her up. "I got you!", TimTom beams. Mia rested her elbows on his head, "You sure do." The boys circle around. "... She's mine!", Tim tried to run but they managed to pull him down. Mia was held up by Jack, "Is this a game or something." "You could say that", he was shoved and Mia was caught by Stampy. "Hi", Stampy said. "Hey", Mia laughs. Stampy was pulled under and Mia was caught by thin air. "Thought I'd join the fun", Dan held Mia. Phil submerges, "You see that! I totally pulled Stampy under!" Mia claps, "This is fun!" She was snatched out of nowhere and was in Danny's arms. "Hi Mia', Danny beams. "Hi Danny", Mia smiles, "How's the wife?" "She's doing good", Danny motions to where Suki was, "The baby hasn't been that difficult with us." "That's good", Mia was teleported. Stampy had her now, "Hello again." "Now that seems like cheating", Mia rested her elbow on his shoulder. "Not if I get away with it", he used his magic to make the water trap the others. "I win", Stampy drops them. Mia smiles happily. They played pool games and even had a small barbeque. Mia dries and sits on the side. "You look tired", Stampy lays back. "I'm always tired", she rested next to him, "The sun is just really warm." He stroked her hair aside, "If you fall asleep, I can't move from this spot." "A noble sacrafice", Mia closed her eyes. He smiled softly, "My Mia." She drifted into sleep. She was walking in the dark. She felt hands over her. Save us. Let us go. Help us. Give us peace. She then felt the water. She opened her eyes. She watched as the water started to boil. She thrashed and tried to escape. She screamed. She jolted up when she was splashed with water. She coughs and grunts in pain. She had boils on her body. She lifted her hands to see blisters and burns. Stampy knelt by her. She couldn't hear him. Her world went black. She woke at the clinic. Mia turned her head and saw Mickey. It was night. She looked to the foot of her bed. Red rimmed eyes looked at her. Why do you defend them? It's black flames burning. You don't owe them anything. Mia looked at the figure. Why all this hatred? The figure flares. What they did to us was wrong. We didn't deserve to die. Mia had tears in her eyes. I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry. It growled. You better find a way. It vanished. Mia fell asleep. Screams echoed in her head. "Mia?" She jolted awake. "It's okay", Mickey soothed her, "It's just me." She had tear streaks on her face. "What wrong baby?", he wiped her cheeks. Mia takes a shaky breath, "I think I'm being haunted." "By what?", he brushes her cheek with his thumb. "The Mias", she shed more tears, "who died there." Mickey brought Winter to help. "Ghost", Winter shakes a small bell, "are different from spirits. They usually hang around the place they meet a horrible end or have unfinished business." She rings the bell, "As for spirits, they have the personality with them. Ghost sometimes can't remember who they are." "How do I stop this?", Mia asked. "We must ask them what they want", Winter opens her eyes, "... There was something here..." Winter motions to the end of the bed, "There." Mia felt her throat tighten shut. "It's strong", Winter rings the bell, "Menacing too." Winter nods, "I will see if I can find any traces of them." She goes, "If I find something, I'll come back." Mia and Mickey watched her go. "Did you understand anything she was talking about?", he asked Mia. "Beats me", Mia said, "She specializes in this kind of stuff." Winter goes around the neighborhood in search of traces. She blindfolds herself and rings the bell. She stands at Tori's Place and rings the bell. Nelson and the staff watched her move around. "What is she doing?", Nelson whispers to Kit. Kit motions him to stay quiet. She writes on her pad, "She's looking for ghost." Winter goes to the YouTuber's hall. The YouTubers watched Winter go around. Winter goes near Jack. She rings bell, "... Hi Jack." Jack frowns, "How did you know that it was me?" Winter blindly shushes him, "We do not question it." She moves on. She rings the bell. She came near Dawko, '... Interesting." She moves along. Dawko frowns, "Uh-" Winter took out her knife and threw it. It cuts through the air and hits a wall. Winter takes off the blindfold, "Found you!" She goes to the wall. She rings the bell vigorously, "Show yourself!" The lights flicker. The air became cold. Blue light gathers and appears where the wall is. A Mia that was missing parts of her body stuck inside the wall. The Mia was crying. "Can you speak?", Winter asked. The Mia just cries. Winter reached out, "Let me help you." She touched the Mia. Winter's eyes glowed blue. She opened her mouth an noise came out. "Where are you?", the Mia's voice sounded far away, "Are you safe? I can't feel anything." Dawko frowns and touches his face. He was crying. "I'm scared", the ghost said, "I'm so scared." James went to Winter, "Winter?" "Hello?", the ghost said, "Who are you?" "I'm James", he said, "I'm a friend." "Have you've seen my family? Are they okay?" "They're okay", he said, "They were looking for you." "Are they here?" Dawko finds himself going to the Mia. He used his ability to change into Logan. "Mom?", his voice mimicks it. "Logan", the ghost sounded happy, "Are you okay?" "I'm okay", he says, "We're so happy we found you." "I've been trying to come home", the ghost sobs, "I can't see you." "It's okay Mom", he says, "I can help you get home." He took ahold of Winter's hand and pulled her along. The ghost follows with her. He stops at the center of the room, "We're home." They hear the ghost crying. "It's good to be home", she sniffs, "I'm home." Magic then came from the ghost. Winter blinked her eyes and tears filled them. Dawko opened a window and watched the magic go. Winter covered her mouth and sunk to the ground. Dawko touched his tears and saw there was blood. He collapsed. Mia stood by Winter who was in recovery. "She'll be alright", Summer said, "It took a lot of her spirit but she'll be okay." Mia looked to him, "No one can do them all. It's impossible." "We'll find a way", Summer reassures her, "I'm sure of it." They heard a crash in the other room. Dawko was on the ground, the IV pole on the ground. "What are you doing?", Mia goes to him. "Something's inside me", Dawko was trying to get up, "What animontronic did Joke put in me?" "We can do some test", Summer helped him back to the bed, "But you need to rest." Mia held Dawko's hand, "You feel alright?" "It's kind of unsettling", he said, "How I knew what to do." Summer goes to check on Winter. Mia sat by Dawko's bed, "Can I see?" He nods and held his hand out. She took it into hers and closed her eyes. She saw what had happened. She opened her eyes, "Holy shit." "What?" "The animontronic inside you", she said, "is a Mia." He sat up, "What?!" "I think she's fused with you", she puts a hand over his shoulder, "... Number 411... She's an informative Mia. Like I of the Mia." "So what does that mean?", he said. "This Mia knows all about Mias. Especially where they're from and their story." She held his hands, "You can help them." He looks to her hands, "I don't know. It seems to drain me." She nods, "That is a problem, yeah, but maybe you can tell us what they want?" "I can do that", he nods. "Okay", she pats his hands, "You heal first. We can wait for this a little while longer." "... Mia?", he looked to her, "Why are they haunting you?" Mia sits back and sighs, "Being Death I could've spared them this fate. But then again, I couldn't help them cross over to the Relief." She looked to the side, "A lot of people say I'm the reason why they can't cross over, but even while I was death, they had to face their deaths again." She held her right wrist, "Those Mias... should have never had to face that place." Dawko reaches out and places a hand over hers, "It wasn't your fault. You were just trying to keep Peace alive." Mia laughs weakly, "Sometimes I think I don't do anything right." "You saved me", he said, "I think your pretty great." She smiles softly, "Thank you." She stands, "Okay. Get some rest." Dawko lays back, "You too." Mia nods and goes. She walks home. "Mia", Kit jogs and catches up to her, "Mind if I join you?" "Sure", Mia nods, "I could use the company." Kit looked to Mia, "I can call you Mia, right? Mrs. Mouse just sounds weird to me." "I'm fine with Mia", Mia motions, "Nice jacket." "Thanks", Kit smiles, "Nelson let me borrrow it- er- more like I took it and now it's mine." Mia laughs, "I see." "I did like what you said", Kit said, "I talked to Tori about being the Angel of Death. I never thought it'll be so... boring." "Hey", Mia bumps Kit with her elbow, "Don't be fooled by the name. She was a fallen angel remember?" "Yeah", Kit said, "... Actually, I think something has happened." "What has?", Mia turned to her. Kit took off her jacket and wings sprouted. The feathers gleamed in the light. It was wings that were heart-shpaped like. "... Woah", Mia said. "I know right?", Kit looked to them, "My parents would freak out if they saw this." "I wouldn't be so quick to assume", Mia shrugs, "You're aunt has four colors. One being white." "But oranges shouldn't be allowed to have wings. It's, like, a rule or something." "Well you're an orange", Mia said, "but also a Heathen. Everyone is different." Kit sent the wings away, "I don't know how to use them yet. I asked Tori and Samantha to help teach me." Mia nods, "That's good." Kit and her were about to part ways. "Mia?", Kit said, "Is it okay if I ask you this?" Mia motions, "Go ahead." Kit held her arm in embarassment, "Well um... Ha- I don't know why I'm telling you this first." Kit looked to Mia, "I'm pregnant." Mia smiles, "That's great, Kit." Kit looked to the ground, "I haven't told Nelson yet... I'm a little scared." "It's scary the first time", Mia rubs Kit's arms, "but he's a good man. He'll take care of you." Kit blushes happily, "I'm very happy." Mia nods, "You tell everyone, okay?" "I will", Kit waves and goes, "Bye." Mia waves and watches Kit go. "Don't they know what you had to do for this to happen?" Mia turned and saw the figure. "You sacraficed everything', the figure spat, "and yet, they smile so easily." "I did what I did by my own choice", Mia said, "no one forced me into it." "You were always too weak to let go. It's why I'm here now and why they haunt you." Mia held herself, "... Then so be it." Mia sat up in the bed. Tears streaming down her face. Mickey was asleep and wasn't aware of her distraught. She was frustrated. She was heartbroken. She closed her eyes. No one will understand what I'm going through. She considered waking up Mickey. I don't want to trouble him. She pulls herself near him. If he knew what I'm facing, he'd probably try to take it for himself. She pressed her shout to his forehead. But I want to save you from this. She managed to fall asleep. She wasn't in water. Nor was she at the M.I. She was at that castle again. She looked to a mirror. Her appearance was concerning. She looked sick and weak. "My love?" She turned to see him at the doorway. "What is the matter?", he goes to her. Mia felt the words slip off her tounge, "I'm dying." He knelt by her, "You're just ill, my heart." She felt the tears fall, "You and me know that is not all." He cups her face, "There has to be someway-" "Michael", she puts her hands over his, "If I die-" "No!", he held onto her, "No, I can't- I can't bear to be without you..." She hugs him close, "... I'll find a way to keep me with you forever." Mia woke up. She turns and sees Mickey gone. She can heard that he was in the kitchen. Probably making coffee. Mia sits up and winces. She moved the covers to find bruises on her body. She carefully slipped on pants and a long sleeve shirt. She looked at herself in the mirror. Weak. Sick. Dying. Mia goes to the kitchen. "Hey you", Mickey goes to her. They kissed a few times. "I'm thinking waffles", Mia reaches up and opens the door. She grabs the waffle iron and pulls it. It crashes to the ground. She winces and kneels, "Oops." She picks it up and sets it on the counter. She was out of breath. "Are you okay?", he goes to her. "I just need- um-", she motions, "to sit down-" She was falling. He caught her, "Hey, hey." She shivers and whimpers. "Honey?", he held her close, "What's wrong." "It hurts", tears filled her eyes, "So much." He lays her on the ground gently, "Should I call Summer?" "What's the point?", MIa was crying now, "I'm just weak now. I can't- I can't do anything." He shook his head, "Don't think that way." He wipes her tears, "You being weak doesn't make you less important or helpful. I need you, you know?" She reaches out and they held onto each other. "I've always needed you", he kissed her forehead. "I need you too", she sniffs. He helped her back into the bedroom. She took some painkillers and rested for most of the day. Mickey, Matt and Ryan sat in the kitchen to watch the twins. "She's okay, right?', Matt said, "Just some internal bleeding?" "Matt, I don't think even internal bleeding can be considered a paper cut anymore", Ryan shook his head, "Her magic isn't working and she gave up her immortality. She mortal and vulnerable." Mickey held tightly to his coffee mug, "I'm starting to worry about her." "Daddy?", Matt Jr. tugged at Mickey's tail, "When is mommy going to get up?" "She's not feeling that good", Mickey pats his head, "Just let her sleep okay?" "Okay", Matt Jr climbs onto Mickey's lap and Mickey hugged him close. "I'm going to go check on her", Matt stands, "I can help make dinner." He goes to the bedroom to see Mia asleep. He sat on the bed and watchd her for a moment. Her chest would rise rapidly, like she was fighting against something. She looked ill. He turned his head to the door and then back to her. He cleared his throat, "I... found myself wanting to be by you side." He rubbed his throat and sung, "Didn't think anything would change my mind." He felt his power move his voice, "Seeing you there made me want to think. How could being without you make me weak?" He smiles sadly, "If you'd wish me to stay by your side. I'll give you my support and this song of mine." He changed back human. "Don't stop", Mia turned her head, "I thought it was really good." Matt blushed red, "Wait, you were listening?" She laughs and sits up, "Yeah. How could I not?" He rubbed the back of his neck, "You could've told me or something." She goes to him and hugs him, "Thank you." He carefully hugs her back, "Please be okay." "No promises", she lays back down, "but I'm going to be okay." He lays down and she rested her chin on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I showed you those memories." "It's okay", he said, "It was those ghost, not you." She closed her eyes, "Sometimes I wish you all wouldn't see that ugly part of our lives. It'd spare you all of the horror." "I think it makes me know you more", he took her hand into his, "I want to know all your ugly." She laughs softly, "That's really sweet of you." She looks to her hand in his, "I'm really glad that I have you and Ryan here with me. I need you both." He kissed her forehead, "We're happy to be here." She relaxed and felt herself drifting to sleep. Nothing has happen to Mia for about a week. She takes her time to build up her strength. She trains the Heathens while aslo training herself. She was in the training room in hopes her magic would return. She was sitting on the ground and trying to do the simple task of making a memory star. She focuses and puts her hands together. She thought of a happy memory. She tries to summon her power. Nothing. She sighs and opens her eyes. She felt a wave of hopelessness go over here. Why won't it work? She then felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She turned her head to see them. Meanwhile, the YouTubers were working on their videos or playing games. Dawko was playing Fall Guys with Mark, DanTDM and Cory. "Okay I"m through", Dan says, "Where are you guys?" "I can't get past this guy", Mark was jamming the buttons, "Let go of me!" "Dude you're going to break the controller again", Cory said, "You already broke the last two when playing the last round." "This happens every time", Mark says, "It's the same person ever time!" Dawko pauses the game, "... Do you hear that?" They all went quiet. An alam goes off. They dropped their controllers and some of them went to see the commotion. The training room was locked. "Mia's in there", Mark said. They saw her stats were unstable. Her heartrate was over two hundred. "Mia?", he said through the intercom, "What's going on in there?" There was a loud thud on the door. Emergency protocols deadlocked the door. The screen showed Mia with other Mias. They seemd hostile. Mia was breathing hard. She knew they were going to hurt her. The mias spoke unamiously in mianese. You are weak. We can easily take your place. You cannot fight back. Mia spoke in mianese. Please. Leave me alone. This world is mine. The mias eyes turned black. One ran to attack Mia. Mia dodged but the other Mia managed to strike her across the face. Mia felt the Mia tear into her. Her flesh pulled away. Her blood being shed. "They're killing her!", Dawko said. Mark tried to override the deadlock. "Access denied", the computer said. "Damnit!", Mark said. Mia felt her life draining. Is this how I die? She looked to the door. Stampy. Matt. Mickey. She closed her eyes. I love you all. I love the gen. She cries silently, "Goodbye." Dawko saw something the others didn't. They didn't see the black figure move into Mia. Mia's eyes turned red. No. Black flames adorn her body. "This isn't how I die!", Mia blasted them off her. She stands and looks to the invasive Mias. Her eyes red and surrounded with black. The YouTubers then heard music play overhead. "I fell in in a burning ring of fire", Johnny Cash played overhead. Mia summoned the flames and blasted it at the Mias. The Mias who could still fight went after Mia. Mia tore into their throats with her teeth. She tore out their jugulars and hearts. She broke their bones and bashed their heads in. She was seeing red. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die! She managed to kill all of them with one only left. The Mia's arm was torn off. Her head cracked open. Mia glared at her, "You should've have done this." The Mia spoke in mianese. Please. Spare me. I won't come back. I promise. Mia knelt and placed her hand on the Mias face, "You think I'll show you mercy after you tried to kill me?" Mia started to cook the Mias face. The YouTubers winced hearing the Mia's scream. Mia stands and burned all the bodies. She felt the black fire burn inside her. See? How easy it would be to destroy it all? After all the pain. After everything you've gone through. You deserve to have your revenge. The deadlock was turned off. Mark knocked to door down and ran in. Mia saw him. But she didn't see him. Just a thing that was alive. "Mia?", Mark coughs and covers his face from the flames, "Are you there?" She stood there. "Please", Mark held his hand out, "Come back." What do you owe them? Why do they need you so much? Is it because they are afraid of you? Do they want to be spared from your wrath? "This isn't you!", Mark said, "Please come back!" You still have a place to burn. People to stop. Enemies to kill. Are you really sure you want to stop this power? Dawko changed his appearance to Mickey. "Mia!", he called. Something inside her cracked. No. Mia held her head. I'm not going to burn. Not like this. Mia fell to her knees and doubles over, "Get out!" Mark and the others watched the figure shifting out of Mia. "Get out of me!", Mia screamed. The figure shrieked at Mia. You're nothing without me! Mia crawled to get out of the flames. You're weak! It smashed Mia's arm. Mia cried out in pain. You're powerless! It broke one of Mia's legs. Mia crawled still. You have nothing left but this rage! Mia reached out to Mark. He took ahold of her hand and pulled her out. You will never rid of me! Mark picked her up and carried her out. The fire then vanishes. Ash on the ground. Mark carefully places Mia on the ground. Mia coughs and she winced. Dawko changed back, "Mia?" Her breathing was abnormal, "Thanks... for snapping me... out of it." Her vision was blurry, "I just... need a... moment..." Her world went black.She woke at the clinic. Again. Mickey was there with her. It was night. The figure stood over Mickey. Mia felt anger flicker in her. You stay away from him. The figure looked to him still. That castle. Those dreams. The figure looked to her. Do you not remember? Mia felt fear. That was her you know? Mia felt threatened. What do you want with me? The figure goes to her. I want to take what has been taken. A life for a life. The figure glares. That place. Those people. They all deserve to die. Mia shook her head. Revenge solves nothing. The Mia hisses. You weren't a Mia who only had one life. One chance of happiness. Mia looked to Mickey. I don't deserve this. I know that. She looked to the figure. But that doesn't mean that I deserve to die. The figure glowers. Well you still are holding onto them. The figure vanishes. Mia felt sleepy and fell back to sleep. She woke to the pain in her chest. She lets out a pained moan. Mickey woke and saw her. "Honey?", he goes to her, "Are you okay?" She reached out and held onto him. "Summer!", Mickey called. Summer came in and listens to Mia's chest. Her lung is collapsed. Summer got a needle and injected it into Mia's chest. The air escapes Mia's chest. She sighs in relief and eases back. "I'll fix that', Summer said, "Anything else feels off?" "Not that I can think of", Mia said, "but thanks." Summer nods, "Call if you need anything." Mickey goes close to Mia, "You scare me, you know?" "I'm sorry baby", Mia reaches out and pulls him close. They kissed softly. She nuzzles him, "I love you." "I love you", he kisses her cheek. "Hey hey", Ryan comes in. "Mommy! Mommy!", Tal and Matt Jr. climb on the bed. Mia smiles, "Hey babies." She kisses their heads. Bebe fusses and was handed over. Mia kissed her baby's head, 'Hi Bebe." "How are you feeling?", Ryan asked. "Much more better now", Mia laughs softly as Tal plays with Mia's ear. "We thought when you can get out we can go to the park", Matt says, "Get you out of the house." "I'd like that", Mia craddles Bebe close. The ground begins to shake. Bebe starts to cry. Mia held her kids close to her. "What was that?", Matt asked. The wall was knocked down and a giant hand came in. Mia was snatched. Mickey got the kids before they were taken. "No!", Matt said. A giant dark Mia held Mia in her hand. Mia thrashed and tried to break free. Alarms went in the neighborhood. "Holy shit", Samantha looked out her window. The giant Mia looked at Mia. "What the hell is that thing?!", Ash asked no one in particular. Dawko saw this from the hall, "... It's them." "What?", Stampy looked to him. "It's the Mia's", Dawko said, "They're all fused together." "Put me down!", Mia screamed at the Mia fusion. The Mia started to walk toward the water. No. Mia paled. "They're trying to take her back to the M.I.!", Tori cried out. The Heathens came to the scene. "Like hell they will!", Samantha turned to her Cupid form. "Okay", Matchel said, "What's the plan?" Samantha summoned her bow and arrows and goes toward the giant. "Sam!", Matchel called after her, "We need a plan of attack!" "I have a plan", Samantha aims at the Mia, "Attack!" She shot a charged arrow at the Mia. The Mia stubbles back slightly. "Damnit Sam", Matchel looked to the Heathens, "Try to get Mia out of there, some of us should try to distract it." "I'm on it', Sky uses her power to launch herself into the air. Kit loads her machine gun and fires. Cat and Kat held hands and fused. Tiny Dancer used her paintbrush to paint a path up. Ash took flight. Jimmy, Matchel and Jane worked on making the giant fall. Mia looked at the Mia, "Don't take me back!" The Mia spoke in a lower voice in mianese. Then let us go. Sky landed on the hand. "Gran", Sky said, "What does it want?" Sky was smacked off the hand. Sky was falling down. "Sky!", Mia called out. Ash caught Sky, "Gotcha!" Mia glared at the Mia, "I don't know how, okay! I just was trying to help!" Samantha charged another arrow. The Mia saw this and aimmed her hand out. Magic was summoned. "Samantha watch out!", Matchel calls out. Samantha frowned at the magic aimed at her. Mia tried to summon her magic. "Come on you fucking piece of shit", Mia tried again. There was a loud crack. The Mia's hand fell to the ground. On the wrist was Manny. He had the skull headwear on him. "Hope I can join the fight", Manny said. "You crazy son of bitch!", Ash sets the injured Sky on the ground, "You did it." The Mia then decided to make a run to the water. Matchel, Jane, and Jimmy held tightly to the rope. The Mia stubbles but persisted to head to the ocean. Mia tried to break out. Manny managed to break a few fingers off. He pulled her out. They jumped before the Mia could snatch them again. Samantha caught them. The Mia watched as Mia was taken away. "What now?", Samantha looked to Mia. "I'm not sure." Mia paled, "No." The Mia's eyes turned red. Black flames surrounded it. It blasted a ball of fire at them. Ash managed to take the hit "Ash!", Abcde watched him fall. He crashed into a nearby house. The mia shrieked in rage. "We're in trouble", Mia said. Samantha and the Heathen got on the ground. The Mia began to burn the Neighborhood. Mia sunk to the ground, "... This is all my fault." She bowed her head, "They should blame me. That place. It was a hell that was created... because of me." "Don't do this to yourself", Winter knelt by her, "These emotinos. Dread? Guilt? It's what keeps them here." The Mia wails. "You need to let go of these emotions", Winter held Mia's hands, 'We all do. We all have these ghost." Tori knelt and took Mia's other hand, "You act so strong. Yet you don't allow yourself to feel you don't always have to be strong." "We're in this together", Vicky knelt, "Always." "Face it", MA smiles, "You're stuck with us." Mia felt tears fall. The Mia started to go still. Mia closed her eyes and she shook. The clouds started to rain. The flames started to die out. The girls held the crying Mia. "It's okay", Winter smiles sadly, "You can let go." Mia's power started to glow. Mia felt her emotions fire up inside her. The Mia then sunk to the ground, crying as well. Mia sobbed and sobbed. Letting her heart break. After awhile, the rain stopped. All the tears were shed. Mia wiped her eyes, "I'm sorry." Tori hugs Mia, "You don't have to say sorry." Mia sniffed, "I guess I've been holding these emotions for sometime." "Hell we all have", Vicky said, "It's hard to forget that living nightmare." "But we shouldn't let it hurt us anymore", MA said, "It's just a place. Just a bad memory." Mia smiles sadly, "... As Death... I could've ended it anytime... but then... this story would've died with it." She looked to the Mia, "With them." Tori held her hand, "Come on. Let's send them home." The gen surrounded the Mia. The Mia cowered, afraid. "We don't want to hurt you", Mia said in Mianese, "It's okay." The Mia lowered and laid belly down. Dawko went to Mia's side, 'I think I know what to do." He summoned a guitar. Tori lifted her brow. Mia gave a nod of encouragement. Dawko tunes the guitar and began to sing. "Toro I am humble, for tonight I understand", he sung, "Your royal blood was never meant to decorate this sand. You've suffered great injustice. So have thousands before you." The Mia listens to him sing. "I offer an apology, and one long over due. I am sorry, toro, I am sorry. Hear my song, I know I sing the truth." He goes to her, "Although we were bred to fight." Mia lowers her head. "I reach for kindness in your heart tonight, and if you can forgive.And if you can forgive, love can truly live." The Mia shed some tears. "And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive, love can truly live", he strums faster slightly, "Toro, I am frightened, but I'll use my final breath, to tell you that I'm sorry, let us end this dance of death.Two centuries of agony, that tore your heart with sand. Here and now with my amends, this senseless giving ends." Mia felt a sense of peace inside her. "I am sorry, toro, I am sorry. Hear my song, I know I sing the truth. Although we were bred to fight. I reach for kindness in your heart tonight, and if you can forgive. And if you can forgive, love can truly live." The Mia closed her eyes. "And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive, love can truly live", he places a hand on her cheek, "And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive. Love, love will truly live." The Mia then turned to magic. Multiple colors of rose petals fell to the Neighborhood. The magic went to the sky. Mia smiled happily. "You think that I will just leave this at that?" A gunshot went off. Mia went forward and held her wound. The mia of black fire sneered, "We're not done yet." The Heathens stance to fight. "Stop." They looked to Mia. Mia got to her feet, "No more... fighting." Mia turned to face the dark Mia, "Why do you persit to destroy me? To hurt me?" The dark Mia growls, "You think I have something against you? Don't you know who I am?" The dark Mia said, "I am Wrath. I cannot stand this injustice. While you were Death, you let them suffer while you watch from the side. You can never take back what you have taken." Mia nods, "So, will my death suffice your wrath?" "Ha!", Wrath laughed, "You think you going to the Relief will satify me?" "Only taking something of yours will suffice it." "... Alright", Mia said. She takes out the bullet and heals her arm. Mia went to the flower petals. The sky turned gray. Host appears at the scene. "Mia", Host said, "If you do this, there is no going back." Mia looked forward, "... I'm okay with it." "Gran?", Samantha said, "Whatever you have to do- let us-" "No", Mia said, "Just let me do this... please." Thunder is heard from a distance. Mia looked to the sky, "... One last dance..." Mia's magic glowed. Her magic then shifted into the space beside her. The magic formed into a Mia of magic. The Mia was dressed as a ballerina. Pas de Duex started to play. Mia held out her hand to the ballerina. The ballerina took it. They began to dance ballet. The gen watched Mia dance. "What is happening here?", Matt whispered to Ryan. "I have no clue", he said, "but I think something is happening." Mia dances as the male role. "Tori?", Winter asked. "I think", Tori says, 'that's project Ballerina. She was Mia's magic." Tori watched the dance, "They tried to experiment on Mia's magic but they couldn't do anything." The ballerina smiles and was lifted in the air. The gen then saw the memories being played. It was of Mia using her magic. How she used it to be a hero. Used it to fight. Used it to make wonders. Mia smiled and spun the ballerina in place. Will held his staff. "Will?", Melody said. "She's giving up her magic", Will said. Mia and the ballerina pressed their foreheads together. Mia's tears glowing blue. The ballerina kicks up once. Twice. They posed for a finish. The Ballerina turned to magic. Mia stands there as her magic leaves. She sunk to the ground and cries silently. Wrath sighs, "Finally... justice..." She vanishes into ash. It started to drizzle. Lightnning flashes overhead. It started to pour hard. Mia put her head to the sky. And screamed.Chapter 47: POWERMia didn't leave her room for few days. She didn't speak much. Mickey pours a mug of coffee in the kitchen. Matt and Ryan looked to him. Mickey shook his head and drank his cup. "Daddy?", Tal tugs at Mickey's tail, "When is mommy going to come out?" "Soon baby", he stroked her head, "She's just hurting." Meanwhile, Mia was in the bathroom. Mia didn't have to look to see that large black "X" on her back. A mark that will never be washed away. She looked to her face. A tatto of tears under her eyes. Grief. She washed her face and sighs. She looked to herself again. She was now human. Mortal. Mia took scissors and cuts her hair. She trims it and makes some layers. Okay Mia. Stop crying about a little thing. She dresses and goes out. She enters the kitchen. They looked to her. "Mommy", Matt Jr. reached up. Mia smiles softly and picks him up, "Hi baby." Tal smiles and reaches up. Mia picks them up. She nuzzles them. 'Hey", Mickey goes to her. "Hey", she kisses him. "Like what you did with your hair", Matt said. "Thanks", she watched the twins play with her hair, "Whose hungry?" They sat and ate. Bebe gums on Mia's ear. "This is good", Ryan said. Mia smiles. Afterwards, Mia collects the dishes. "Let us do them", Matt stands, "Thank you." The two washed the dishes. "Why did you volunteer me to do this." "Shut up Ryan." Mia sat with Mickey at the table. "How are you?", Mickey looks to her. "I'll be alright", Mia nuzzles him, "it was just magic." She pulls him close, "Let's go to the park today." "Okay", he closed his eyes as she kissed his face. "I love you", Mia kisses his cheek, "so much." Bebe fusses. Mia laughs and pulls Bebe to her, "What is it sweetie?" Bebe reached out. Mia gives kisses. Bebe cooes. They all packed for the day out. Tal and Matt were in a wagon. Bebe in a stroller. They arrived at the park. Mia's ears perked up. She turned into her wolf form and runs. Logan sensed her and turned to his wolf form. "Mom!", Logan beams. "Logan!", Mia smiles. They nuzzled and Mia licked his head. Logan whimpers happily, "Mom." Mia hugs him close. Tal and Matt Jr laughs and jumps on Logan. "Oh! You got me!", Logan lays down, "Too powerful." Tal and Matt Jr. hug Logan. Mia turns back to her human form, "Alright you two your brother is working." "Oh, I can spare a few hours to spend time with these two." Logan turns to his human-like form and had the twins perched on his shoulders. "Hey son", Mickey pushes Bebe. "Hi Dad. Hi Matt and Ryan." "How's business?", Matt asked. "It's great", Logan helps Mia up, "We're making a new area. It's going to be a water park called Ocean Adventure." He looks to them, "So where should we go?" They went to the Kid Zone. Tall and Matt Jr. went on slides and Matt and Ryan watch them. Mia swung Bebe on the swings. Mickey took pictures. Logan sat on the swings, "Did you cut your hair, Mom?" "Just a trim", Mia smiles as Bebe laughs. "It looks good", Logan said. Some little kids went up to Logan. Logan smiles and speaks to them. Mickey takes a picture. Mia felt something tug her tail. She stopped Bebe's swing and turned. A little girl with black hair and soft green eyes looked to her. "Hi", Mia knelt to her, "What's your name?" The girl puts her hands togetha and made a white rose. She held it up to Mia. "Thank you", Mia said. "I'm sorry for your loss", the girl said. "Oh", Mia manages a soft smile, "thank you." The girls parents called after her and she went. Mia looked to the rose. Her throat tightened slightly. "Mom?" Mia looks to Logan. "Everything okay?" She smiles, "Yeah. Look what I got." Logan went to her, "Mom-" "I'm fine", Mia assures him, "Just a little tired." He didn't know what to say. "I'll be fine, honey", Mia said, "You know power isn't everything." He fixes the rose into her hair, "I know." Mia went to Bebe, "Come on Bebe. Let's go on the slide." Logan watches Mia go to the playground. Logan sighs and sits down. Mickey sits on the swing beside him, "She'll be alright." "I know", Logan said, "I just wish I knew how to help her." "Me too", Mickey said, "All we can do now is support her." Mia smiles as she and Bebe goes down a slide. They all ate at the food court. Mia feed Bebe some baby food. Tal held up a fry to Logan. "Thank you", Logan takes it. "Deep fried junk food", Matt rubs his hands together, "Hell yeah." "You better be eating something other than that', Mia said. "We got the side salad", Ryan motions. "That's lettuce and tomato you suppose ot put on a burger." "It's a salad right?" Mickey smiles as Matt Jr. held up some apple slices. "Hello hello", a Johnathan walks up to the table, "Mind if I perform for you all today?" "Hi Joe", Logan says, "Play us something good, yeah?" Joe tiped his hat, "Sure thing boss." Joe took his bango and beg to play a happy tune. "Now I'm going to need some help folks", he said, "I need some lyrics. Now can you give me an animal?" 'Bird!", Tal said. "There once was bird now there is a word that this bird has come to fly today from... Now give me a place." "New Jersey", Ryan said. "There once was a bird now there is a word that this bird has come to fly today from New Jersey. Now the air was smog and the people kind of odd but how could you forget that accent? Now the bird has seen part of that world so the bird now flies to... Another place?" "Texas", Mia said. "There once was a bird now there is a word that this bird has come to fly today from New Jersey. Now the air was smog and the people kind of oddd but how could you forget that accent? Now the bird has seen part of that world so the bird flies to Texas. Now the air was hot and had quite a lot of cities. Cause as you hear it bigger in that world there's no place like Texas... Now give me another animal." "Lizard!", Matt Jr. said. "Now the bird made a friend. A lizard of Texas wanting to see the world that's right. The bird took the lizard of Texas to New Jersey to see the sites. Now my friends the bird and the lizard traveled the world and soon discovered that the places have been. Apart of the story and apart of our glory as we find ourselves in adventure. Now it's your time to venture." He strums and boes. Mia and they applauded. "Thank you, thank you", Joe said, "And thank you for your help." Logan handed some coins to the twins to give to Joe. "Thank you kind man and- milady." He goes on. "That was kind of cool", Matt said. "Alright", Mia stands, "Let's all head home now." "Aww", the twins said. "I have to make dinner and your brother needs to get back to work." "Bye you guys', he hugs the twins, "Had so much fun with you today." They exited the park. "What should I make for dinner?", Mia said, "I'm thinking some spagetti." "Garlic bread!", Tal booms. "Okay", Mia said, "Shoot I think I need to run to the store real quick." "We can start dinner", Matt said. "You mean you can start dinner", Ryan said, "Stop pulling me into everything." Mia went to Noma and Numerus." She got some groceries. "Mia", Winter goes to her, "Hey." They hugged. "Like your hair", Winter says. "I like your hat", Mia nods. Winter smiles, "I think it looks good on me." She poses dramaticlly with the fedora. Mia laughs, "Very cool." "Watcha got there?", Winter looked to the basket. "Just groceries." "Hi Mia", James goes up to them. "James and I are on a secret mission", Winter said, "Some serious stuff." "We're trying to find who has the last box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch." "Well it isn't me", Mia said, "Nice fedora James." "We match now", James poses with Winter. "James- James look!" They looked to see Phil with Dan as they look at ceral. "Cinnamo Toast Crunch?", Winter goes to them, "More like Cinnamon Toast Punch!" "Dan", Phil said, "She's doing it again." Winter runs after them, "Get back here with my cereal!" "You haven't even bought it yet!" Mia shakes her head, "She really likes that cereal." James sighs, "Isn't she amazing." They heard Phil's exclaimation, "You monster! Don't eat the box!" "I better stop her from choking on the bag. Again." "Good luck with that", Mia nods. "Here", he puts the fedora on Mia's head, "Now you look fabulous." Mia smiles and he kisses her cheek. "Bye now." Mia puts a hand to her face, "Cheeky." She checks out. "Nice fedora", Stasia said. "Thanks", Mia nods, "How is your granny?" "She's doing good', Stasia said, "She's been working on the farm. It's peach season you know?" "Oh I know", Mia laughs, "Thank you." Mia carries the groceries home. She finishes the spagetti and bread. They ate and talked about what has been going on in the neighborhood. Emma gave birth to a boy. They named him Allen. Billy had proposed to Zoey. Their wedding was in a few days. Ryan and Matt do the dishes. They watched some Disney movies. Matt picked up the sleeping twins and puts them to bed. Bebe was set in her crib. Mia felt Mickey wrapped his arms around her. "Hey", he smiles up to her. "Hey you", she kneels. They kissed softly. He pulls her to the bed. They kissed and moaned softly. "Oh baby", she said. He kisses her collar, "You're amazing." "No", she rolled and he was on top of her, "You are." They laughed softly and kissed. She closed her eyes as he undressed her. They kissed and started to move. She whimpers and pants. He kisses her passionately. She holds onto him, "It feels good." He breathes, "Mia." They kissed and moved more. She pants and closes her eyes. Afterwards, Mia rested against him. He kisses her cheek. She looks to him, "Did you know it's peach season?" He stroked her hair aside, "It is huh?" She rubbed his cheek with her thumb, "I love you." "I love you too", he said. They kissed again. She hugs him close to her, "My Mickey." "My Mia", he closed his eyes. She was at the castle again. She was health now. "My love", Michael fixes his robe, "Must you leave so soon?" "I tire of being in this place", she goes to him, "I want adventure." He rubs her shoulders, "I'll miss you so much." "I'll be back before you know it." Mia woke up. She wiped her eyes. Mickey snores. Mia kisses him. He slowly wakes and yawns, "Moring." They kissed a few times. "How about some eggs and hashbrowns?" "As long as there's coffee." She goes to the kitchen and stops in place. In the fruit bowl Winter got her. Was oranges. Mickey found her staring at them, "... Um... is everything okay?" Mia stares at the oranges. "... Honey?" She goes to the oranges and picks one up. She looks at it. Then she threw it out the window in fury. She took another and throws it out. Mickey didn't know what to do about this. She was saying something in Mianese. She knocked the oranges to the ground and was shaking. She covers her face, crying. Matt comes in, "I heard a crash-" Mia sobs. Mickey gaves Matt a lost expression. "Hey", Matt spoke softly, "What's wrong?" He holds her, "It's okay." She cries into him. "What's going on?", Ryan walked in. Meanwhile outisde. Host watched the scene. She picked up the oranges and wiped the broken glass off. She sighs and takes them away. Mia sunk to the ground, cryig hyserically. Elsewhere, at the graveyard. Hailey was putting flowers at Jonas's grave. She then saw the tree. It was a blue tree with glimmering leaves. There was oranges. She looked to the grave next to it. It was Mia's. There was a plaque that read: "In memory of the Mias who passed at the M.I." Hailey looked to the oranges. She picked one and looked at it. She found it interesting. At the YouTubers hall. There was baskets and baskets of oranges. "What's with all the oranges?", Mark asked. Jaiden picked one up, "No clue." James picks one up and peels it open, "Cool." He takes a slice and pops it in his mouth. He coughs and his eyes water. "They're not ripe?", Jaiden asked. "No-", James wipes his eyes, "It's just really good." TimTom tried one. He broke into tears, "Oh my God." James and TimTom rapidly at the oranges. "I'm so lost", Mark said. The gen oranges were crying as they ate the oranges. It's because their hunger was satisfied for the first time. "It's a miracle", Summer wiped his eyes. "I don't feel hungry anymore", Winter hugs Summer. It was such a relief. Sunshine hugs JJ, "It's gone. The curse is over." JJ whimpers and licks her tears. Mia sat on the couch. "Your magic", Matt said, "are these oranges?" "Yep", Mia crossed her arms, "They had formed into oranges." "... So", Ryan held up an orange, "These are magic?" "Apparently", Mia pinched the bridge of her nose, "This is ridiculous." Their phones went off. They looked to their phones. New item: Magic Orange. Properties: Heals orange hunger and has healing abilites. "Oh my God", Mia said, "Their hunger is gone?" "That's amazing", Ryan said, "They're painfree now." Mia sets her phone down, "That's- great." She stands, "I'm going to take a walk." "Alright', Mickey said. Mia got a light jacket and walks out. She didn't now how to feel. She wandered to the graveyard. She saw the tree. She went to it and rested against it. She closed her eyes, "... You always liked oranges." "There you are", Host came with a basket of oranges, "You dropped these." Mia looked to her, "Is this some kind of joke?" "No", Host sighs, "I'm sorry if it upsetted you." Mia picked up an orange, "At least they can be used for something." Host sits beside her, "You're sacrafice was noble." "Probably not necessary", Mia sets it back. "Why don't you try one?" "I'm afraid too." Host held out an orange slice. Mia took it and looked at it. She bites into it. A memory plays in her hand. It was her and Peace together. They were laying in the field holding hands. They were happy. Mia felt tears fill her eyes. "It's good huh?" Mia nods and eats more, "Yeah- it is." Host hugs Mia to her side, "It'll be okay." Mia wiped her eyes. At the YouTuber's hall, Cory and Mark were playng Mortal Kombat: Victoria's version. Cory was playing Mia and Mark was playing Vicky. "Watch this combo!", Cory said, "Hit you with that magic!" The Mia on the screen was the first version of Mia when she had a bun and wore a Disney dress. Vicky was sent to the wildbeast scene in Lion King. Mia would hold Vicky by the hands and said, "Long live the king before dropping Vicky int the pit." Vicky screams as she falls intot he pit. "Fatality", the games says. "High score!", Cory said. Mark sighs, "GG." "Alright", Cory said, "Who want to try and be this shogun?" Mark hears something and turn off the TV. "Hey- I was playing...", Cory sees Mia appear. "Hey everyone", Mia said. Stampy waves from the couch, "Hi Mia." Mia sees the running game console, "What are you guys playing?" "Um", Mark said, "Animal crossing?" "... Right", Mia said, "Anyway-" James embraces Mia, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" "For what?", Mia asked. "We read the new info", TimTom said, "Your magic made those oranges." "It's really no big deal you guys", Mia rubbed the back of her neck. "Are you kidding?", James said, "I haven't felt this good since forever!" "I'm glad you two have a peace of mind." Jaiden looks to the oranges, "That's kind of amazing." Mia gets a text. She looks to the screen, "I promised to train the Heathens today. I gotta run." "One last hug", Tim hugs her. She goes to the training hall. Samantha beams, "Gran!" "Hey kid", Mia ruffles Sam's hair, "You ready to train again?" "Hell yeah", Samantha smiles. Mia had them do some training exercies. They were partnered to duel. "Okay", Mia said, "Ash you're with Jane today. You're going to help her attack and she'll help you defend." She goes to Jimmy, "You're with Sky. She's fast so you need to learn how to move faster. You help her learn to take a hit." She goes to Matchel, "You're with Tiny Dancer. See if you can keep up." Manny with Kit. Samantha with Mia. "Okay kid", Mia held a staff, "Let's have some fun." Samantha popped her fingers, "Okay." She summons a staff as well. They stanced to fight. They attack each other. Mia blocks as Samantha tries to hit her. "Your'e too eager", Mia said, "that can throw you off." "Like how?", Samantha ran to attack. Mia tripped her and Samantha face planted. "See what I mean?", Mia said. "Yh", Samantha gets up. "Hey", Mia jabs at Samantha, "Let's go again." They went again. Sam was more cautious. "Atta girl", Mia nods. Samantha moves faster. Mia struggle to keep up. Samantha accidentally wacks Mia's face instead of the staff. "Shit", Samantha goes to Mia, "Are you okay Gran-" Mia fliped her staff and locked Samantha in a chokehold. She didn't hurt her but Samantha was stuck in place. "Don't let your guard down", Mia said to her. Samantha nods and Mia realises her. "Damn kid", Mia said, "Sure hurt." "I'm really sorry", Samantha said. "Tis but a scratch", Mia wipes the blood, "I'll be back, you get a drink of water, yeah?" Mia washed the wound and placed a bandaged on her cheek. She clapped her hands, "Okay. Today were going to do a simulation. Here's the situation. A damsel in distress is about to fall into a pit of lava. There is fourteen bad guys and about four big guys. You need to netrualize the enemy and save the girl. Any questions?" Ash raised his hand, "When you mean neutralize? Do you mean kill or beat the shit out of them?" "Just get it that they can't fight anymore", Mia said, "Let's begin." The room turned into a simulation. The girl was hovered over a lava pit. "Okay", Matchel said, "What's the plan?" Samantha fires and shoots a guy. Matchel sighs, "Why do I bother asking?" Jimmy chomped on a big guy. Sky moved with quick speed. Ash took flight to the girl, "Do not fear. The Prince is here." "Please help me", the girl begs. He was shot in the air, "Ah! Son of a-" 'Those aren't really bullets", Mia says, "but they hurt like a sonofabitch." Ash was shot at rapidly. "Fucking- stop!" Kit fires at the gunmen. Samantha gets the girl, "You're going to be alright." Samantha unties the girl and carries her to safety. Matchel guts into a big guy, "We're almost done here." Tiny Dancer paints rope, "All done here." Samantha sets the girl down, "Job well done." The simulation ends. "Okay", Mia says, "I got a few notes. Ash, you got to block those hits man." Ash rubs his wounds. "Samantha", Mia said, "you do need a plan beforehand." "But why?", Samantha said, "How do we plan when there's so little time to not act?" "It's good to be a few steps ahead of the fight", Mia said, "You're too eager and you'll trip up." She looked to the time, "That's it for today, rest up and we'll try again tomorrow." They all went. Samantha goes to Mia, "Do you want to eat?" They went to Tori''s place. They sat and ate. "You're headstrong", Mia said, "You got the power kid. You just need to learn how to plan." "How do I do that?" "Think of planning an attack as like a dance", Mia said, "You got the moves you just have to make a choreography of it..." Mia snaps her fingers, "I need Tiny Dancer to teach you to dance." Samantha burst out into laughter. "Haha- ha- wait are you serious?", Samantha said. "Yes", Mia said, "fighting is a lot llike dancing." Samantha moaned in sadness, "Whhhhyyyy?" "You'll be fine", Mia said. Samantha crossed her arms and wore some shorts and a tank top. Scoob brought Stanley with him to watch. "If you record me dancing", Sam threatens, "I will beat you to a pulp." "I love you too honey", he bounches Stanley on his knee. "Let's start", Cat said, "With some stretches." Mia sat with Scoob. "How are you doing?", he asked her. "Good", Mia rubs the back of her neck, "being mortal isn't all bad." "Has ranything really changed?" "Not really", she said, "I only used my magic to fight these days." "Samantha how can you save the world when you can't do the splits?" "You have a baby and then tell me if you can do the splits!" Stanley reaches to Mia. Mia smiles and picks him up. He reaches out and touches her face. Mia smiles softly, "Hi Stanley." His screen showed a happy face. "Five, six, seven, eight", Kat dances with the other two, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." After an hour of dancing, Samantha went with Scoob and Mia to cook dinner. Mia feeds Stanley. "I guess dancing isn't so bad", Samantha flips the chicken, "still think it's viewed as a sterotypical idea that woman should display their bodies for the entertainment of others." Scoob rolls his eyes. After they ate, Scoob took Stanley a bath and Mia and Sam did the dishes. "Do you think you can plan things now?" "I guess", Samantha said, "I guess I'm just more use to fighting by my own strength I haven't considered what the others can do." Mia hugs Sam to her side, "You'll learn soon." Samantha rested her head on Mia's shoulder, "... Do you miss your power?" Mia looked to the water draining, "... A little." Samantha looked to her, "I still think your the greatest ever." Mia strokes Samantha's head, "Thanks kid." Mia went home and went to bed. She climbed under the covers and curled up to Mickey. "Hey", he said sleepily, "Matt and Ryan surprised us with some lagsagna." Mia smiled, "That's sweet of them." He turns to her, "How was your day?" "It's been alright", she said, "Samantha went dancing today." "Was she good?" "She gets her left feet from Jonas's side." He laughed softly. She kissed his cheek, "What did you do today?" "I took the twins to the mall. Tal got a new dress and had her nails down. Matt and Ryan too." "Sounds like fun", Mia saw him sat up. "I got you this", He held out a wrapped gift. She sits up and takes it, "Aww. You didn't have too." "Open it", he perches on his elbow. Mia unwraps the gift and felt her breath hitched. It was a ceramic ballerina. She cranks the bottom and the ballerina dances to "Once Upon a December". "Do you like it?" "It's beautiful", Mia kissed him, "I love it." She sets it aside and turns to him. They kissed softly. She pulled him closer, "My Mickey." She dreamed so was on the floor. She opened her eyes. She was face to face with a Mia. The Mia looked afraid and distressed. "Help me", the Mia begs. Mia couldn't move. She saw men in black drag the Mia way. Her scream echoes. Mia then was now standing. She paled. The Heathen were dead on the ground. Ash was half his form but some was just pile of ashes. Matchel was cut in half. Jimmy had a cleaver on his back. Cat's face shown shock and Kat's throat was shut. Jane's quills bloody. Sky poisoned. Kit skin was an odd color. Samantha was on the ground. The infinity stones on her. Mia sunk to the ground. Samantha's eyes slowly turned to Mia, "... Why couldn't you save us?" Mia gasped and sat up. She was drenched in cold sweat. She felt fear. How will I protect my family now? Mia looked covers her face. I'm just human now. It's not enough. Mickey turns and snores. Mia carefully gets out of bed. She goes to the backyard and goes behind some bushes. The dirt had yet to settle where she buried the book. She took the shovel and dug it back out. She looked to the book. There has to be some answers. She puts on a cloak and goes into the night. At City Hall, Host was asleep in Joey's arms. The doorbell rings. Host wakes up. She gets up and goes to the door. Mia stood with the book in her hand, "I need your help." Host rubs her eyes, "Come in." They sat in the living room. Host looks at the book, "Hmm." Mia hugs the cloak to her, "Is it possible I can use this power?" Host sits back, "It's complicated. This book... it holds something way before." Mia looks to Host, "Please. I want to protect my family." Host stands, "I'll take to Victoria and see what I can do." "Thank you-" "A word of warning", Host looks back, "You asking for something that will change you. Are you willing to change who you are? What you stand for? For the sake of power?" Mia looked to the book, "... It's gotten me this far." Mia stands, "This isn't power. It's me wanting to protect them." Host takes the book, "Just know. That even you need saving, Mia." Mia watched Host go. Mia bows her head. Not knowing if this was right.Mia woke to the twins jumping on her. "Mommy! Mommy!", the twins smiled. Mia grunts and hides the pain, "Hi darlings." Mia sat up and looked to them. Matt Jr. showed his nails, "Look! Look!" Mia looked to Matt's nails, they were blue with yellow stars. "Wow", Mia smiles, "so pretty." "My is sparkly", Tal showed hers. They were green with pink hearts. "Did you have fun with daddy yesterday?" "Yeah." Mickey comes in with coffee, "Okay. Let's have mommy some space." Matt waits and holds the twins hands to held to the living room. "It's too early to be awake", Mia said. "That's what coffee is for", he handed the mug. She takes some sips. He leans on her shoulder. "Mickey?", Mia said, "Why don't we take the kids somewhere. Or maybe just spend the day here?" "Okay", he said, "we can play some games." She sets the mug aside and pulls him close, "I miss you." "That much?", he pressed his face to her collar. "I feel like ever since this whole Death thing", she pressed her forehead, "maybe even since the M.I. I haven't been myself." She closes her eyes and cups his cheek, "I'm not sure who I am anymore." Mickey puts his hand over hers, "Oh, that's easy." He cups her face, "You're the love of my life. A good mother and friend. You make everyone feel happy and feel safe. Maybe even sane. You're a good person." She hugs him close. "I know that it hasn't been easy to be always in control and don't think you have to be perfect", he wipes her tear, "I just want you here with me." She looks to him, "I want to be here too." They nuzzled. She calms herself down, "Too early to be crying." He kisses her cheek, "It's okay to cry." "I look so gross when I cry." "You always look beautiful to me", he kisses her. They nuzzled softly. So the rest of the day, Mia spent time with the twins. Tal and her played dress up. Matt Jr. played make believe. Mia would play hide and seek with the twins. "Ready or not", Mia goes around, "Here I come." Mickey, Matt and Ryan went out to get pizza. Mia looks around. "Where are you?", Mia sings, "I'm gonna find you." She looked in the closets and under the beds. She heard giggling nearby. "Do I hear a little Matt Jr?", she looks around. She snatch him up and he gets into a fiddle of laughter. "Now where is Tallula?' Mia looks around. Daisy was eatting some lettuce in her cage. Matt Jr. poins. Tallula's foot was seen behind a curtain. "Gotcha!", Mia said. Tallula laughs. Mia picks her up, "I'm going to gobble you up", Mia tickles them with her teeth. "Can Dasiy play with us?" "Sure", Mia take Daisy out. "I haven't finished my breakfast", Daisy said with her mouth full. "Just give her a moment sweeties", Mia set Daisy down, "Let's find another game to play." Tal and Matt Jr. went to the living room. Mia picks up Daisy after she finished eating and went to the livng room. Mia stopped in place. The house was on fire. Mia began to panic. She opened the door and motion Daisy, "Get out of here!' Daisy hops away. Mia looks around, "Tal? Matt Jr.?!" She coughs and looks around. She heard them crying. She finds them in the pantry. She wraps them up in a blanket and carreies them toward the exit. A piece of the roof fell on Mia. She managed to toss the kids safely away before getting crushed. Mia felt the air knock out of her. The twins cried. Mia managed to lift her head up. The twins went and helped Mia be pulled out. Mia picked them up again and ran out. The house collapses behind them. Mia set them down and checked them for injuries. A fire truck was coming. Red and Jake put out the fire and gave Mia oxygen. Mickey ran and goes to Mia. "I'm okay", Mia says. Matt Jr. hugs onto Matt and Ryan. Daisy hops and sits by Mia, "Somethings never change." Mia looked to the flames. She stands and clenched her hands to fist. Whatever it takes. I won't be weak again.Mia sat with Victoria and Host. "I have two opotions", Victoria said, "We will first do the first one and see how it works." "Okay", Mia said. Host stands, "I need to see your back." Mia removed her top to show the black "x" on her back. Host took some blue thread and a knife, "Since you can't use magic, this power has to be based on the phoenix instead. Your magic helped it come out so we have to do this manually." Mia held onto the table as Host dug the knife into her back. Mia chokes back a scream and cries. A long gash that goes along with the "X' is cut into her. Host sews the blue thread to patch her up, "Whenever you want to use your phoneix power, just pull the tread out. Host wraps up Mia's injury." Mia is cleaned of any blood traces and puts on a shirt, "... Why would there be a chace this won't work?" Victoria shook her head, "The phoenix comes from the book... and it was meant for Peace... but since now your Peace, well, it's complicated." Mia nods, "I get it." She goes to the mall to buy a jacket. She buys a light jacket incase she bleeds through. She goes to the YouTubers hall to buy sometime to heal. "Mia", Stampy goes to her, "why are you here? Didn't you get injured in the fire?" "Just internal bleeding", Mia shrugs, "Nothing bad." He looked concerned, 'But-" "I'm fine", Mia brushes him off, "Just got the air knocked out of me that's all. They used magic to heal me anyway." "Oh", he said, "right." She felt bad, "Sorry. I hate to worry you." "It's my job to worry", he looked to the jacket, "Is that new?" "I thought it looked cool", Mia then saw Tim sniffing her. "... Why do you smell like blood?" Mia tried to stay neutrual, "My cycle?" He blushed now, "Oh." She laughs, "It's okay." She was relieved to have a period. It masked the smell of her wound. "What are you guys up to anyway?", Mia looked them. "Nothing much", Tim said, "Just the usual things." Mia sat and watched them play games. They were playing GenX multiplayer. Mark was Tori, Dan was Winter, Jack was MA and Cory was Mia. "Okay", Cory said, "I found the last page... Dan get off the bed." "Bow chica bow wow", Dan made Winter squat and stand on the bed. Mia stiffles her laugh. "Where's do we take them again?", Mark had Tori exit the house. "We need to take them back to HQ", Jack said. They heard growling. Some elpoep where on screen. "Let's go" Cory said, "time to kick some butt." The Mia character was smacked to the ground. "Ignore that", Cory said. Stampy huged Mia to him. Mia leand her head on his shoulder. After a few hours, they all were hungry and decided to order some pizza. Mia smiles and ate with them. "Is this a normal amount of cheese?", James asked Mia. "Not at all", Mia laughs. James pours more. "Okay Mia', Mark said, "how hot is too hot?" "You're on", Mia said. They YouTubers cheered when Mia finsihed with hot sauce on her pizza. Afterwards, she waved goodbye and headed home. The house was back to normal. She smiled and saw Matt, Ryan and the twins asleep on the couch with Disney movies playing. She went to the kitchen to see Mickey washing the dishes. "Hi honey", she goes to him. They kissed. "You taste like hot sauce", he coughs and his eye water. "Sorry", she laughs, "Should've warned you about that." He fans his mouth. She sits on the counter, "Anything new happen?" "Just Daisy's new cage", Mickey motions. Daisy's cage had a small hammock and some new toys. "I think she likes being pampered", Mia nods. "Doesn't she always?" They laughed softly. Mia laid down on her side. Mickey kissed her cheek and her nose, "So beautiful." She smiled and pulled him closer. Sometimes they just talk and look at each other. It was enough for them. Mia kisses him repeatedly. "Remember when we did this the first time?" "Kiss?", she asked. "More like make out", he stroked her lips with his thumb. "Define make out", she kissed his thumb. "I guess after our first kiss", he used his thumb to part her lips. "I do", she welcomed his taste, "You said you liked kissing me." "I don't think I ever didn't." She kissed the side of his lips, "And the second time?" "More better", he smirks as she sits up. "Are you saying it wasn't that great the first time?" "Maybe", he teases her, "you were pretty inexperienced." "Oh I see", she perches over him, "Still think you know more than me?" "Maybe", he trembled when she hovers close to him. "You want me?", she whispers on his lips. "Yes", he lifted his head and takes her lips into his. They kissed once, stopped and did it again. She cups his face, "And now?" "It takes my breath away", he pressed her hand to his cheek. She smiles softly, "Do you think if we had to start over, you and I would still be together?" "Without a doubt", he said. She rested her chin on his chest, "... Can we pretend it?" "Now that migt be a little hard." She hovers again, "Close your eyes." "Okay", he closes his eyes. She lowers her head and gives him a small kiss. "... That was very close to how it was", he peeked at her. She strokes his cheek, "Sometimes it feels like the first time every time." "I know what you mean", he said, "Nothing like a first kiss." She pulls him over her, "This is fun." They kissed softly and slowly. "One", she pulls away. They kissed twice. They trembled slightly. She laughs softly. They kissed three times. He lingers on the last one. The linger longer. She wrapped her arms around him and they kissed longingly.He ran his fingers through her hair. She felt happiness as they kissed more. She winced slightly as he arched her back. "You okay?", he asked. "Just cramps", she half-lied. He kissed her neck and pressed on her. She closed her eyes, "I love you." "I love you", he kisses her head. After some time, they laid down. Mia felt Mickey fall asleep. She rested her forehead to his. She whispers, "The day your not with me, is the day I don't want to live with." She closes her eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.She was at the castle. She had returned from an adventure. "My love", she looks around. She found him asleep at a desk. She smiles and goes to him, "My love?" She reached out but could not reach him. What? She tried again. She only phased through him. "Michael", she called after him, "Wake up. It's me." She tried to wake him up. Nothing see did seem to work. He eventually woke up. He looked so sad. "What's wrong my love?", she tired to speak to him. He could not hear her. He stands and goes. She follows. They come to a maseloum. She saw her corpse. He knelt and cried, "Why did this happen?" "No", she shook her head, "I'd never leave you." She knelt beside him, "I'm right here. Can't you feel me?" His grief was so large. It pained her. "I'd do anything to be with you again", he sobs, "Even if it means taking my life." "No!", she begged, "Live! Live for me!" She watched in horror as he went to a cliff. "Please stop", she begged him, "I'll lose you forever!" He looks to the water below, "My love. If I cannot find you in this afterlife or maybe the next one. I swear. I'll never stop looking for you." She screams as he falls. Mia sat up and screams. The windows shattered. Mickey sat up and held her, "Mia? It's just a dream. It's okay." She covers her face, crying in her hands. Matt opens the door. "She's okay", Mickey says, "Just a nightmare." Mia sobs into Mickey. The grief. The pain. It feels so real. She held onto Mickey. "It's just a dream", he says. Matt went to calm the crying Tallulah. Mia trembles. What is this dream trying to show her? The past? The future? What will happen to her? She sobs, "Don't leave me. Please don't leave." Mickey soothes her, "I'm staying right here. I'm right here." She rocks. He spoke softly, "I'd never leave you. I'll always be here. Don't be scared." She eventually calmed down and he helped her go back to sleep.Mia held tightly to Mickey. He never left her side for the next whole day. Mia sat nearly asleep with Mickey in her arms. "Is her nightmares always this bad?", Ryan hands some coffee to Mickey. "Usually they're memories about her being Death", Mickey took a sip, "Or of the M.I. Recently, it's been something else." "Do you think Winter or Summer could help her?" "Maybe', Mickey took out his phone, "I'll call and see if Winter can help. Winter came to the house an hour later. "Hi", she waves, "I brought an assistance with me." Jane hugs Mia gently, "Hope it's okay." "Yeah", Mia said, "it's fine with me." Winter had Matt and Ryan take Bebe and the twins to the park until the session was over. Winter set up candles and some symbols, "So that other influences cannot interfere." Mia insisted Mickey would stay. Winter marked all their heads to protect their minds. Mia laid on a small bed and Winter knelt by Mia's head. "Now", Winter says, "We're not going to go to the Spirit World or anything. We're just going to see if these nightmares can be stopped." Mia nods, "Okay." Winter said, "I want you to close your eyes." Mia closes her eyes. Mickey holds Mia's hand. "I want you to imagine a clock", Winter said calmly, "Think of the face and the hands. Imagine the sound of the ticking." Mia's body calms and she was in a trance. "Now", Winter says, "What do you see?" Mia's voice was quiet, "A light." Winter says, "What about the light?" "It's warm", Mia said, "and it's calling me." Jane felt concern. Winter says, "What is it saying?" Mia waits a moment, "... He's not gone... You'll see him again... You just need to wait." Winter drew closer, "Who is he?" Mia's breath shakes, "Michael." Mickey felt Mia's hand tighten around his. "What happened to Michael?", Winter asked. "He jumped off the cliff", Mia's voice was breaking. Mickey felt some fear. "Why did he jump?", Winter asked. "He thought I was dead", Mia had tears now, "but I wasn't. I thought I wasn't... Until I saw my corpse." "What does the corpse look like?" Mia took a shaking breath, "Stiches that kept me together." Jane saw a candle flicker. Winter noticed this and kept going, "What do you see now?" Mia was quiet. "Mia?", Winter said, "Mia, where are-" "Where is he?" The candles started to flicker and flare. Mickey felt his hand grow hot. "Mia?", Winter said, "It's time to wake up now-" "Where are you?", Mia was crying. The flames burned brighter. Winter had some panick in their voice, "Mia, it's time to come home now." Mia's eyes opened, glowing, "Not until I find them." The room burst into flames. Mickey winced as she burned his hand. Winter and Jane covered their face and coughed. Mia turned to her phoenix form and walked out the house. They left the burning house and saw her go. "What's happening to her?", Mickey asked Winter. "This isn't Mia. I think something before her is taking control." "Gran!", Jane called after her. The phoenix kept walking. "Come on', Winter and they ran after her. I will find you. She looks around. You have to be here. She saw three people chasing after her. I need to focus on finding him. She moves on. One of the people stopped in front of her. She didn't understand what they were saying. Jane screamed at Mia, "Gran! Wake up!" Phoenix tried to move past her but Jane got in her way. "It's me. It's Jane!" "Jane, be careful!", Winter says, "She's not herself." Phoenix tried to move again. Jane blocked, "Don't you recognize me!" The Phoenix was confused. Who are these people? Winter approaches Mia, "Mia? If you can hear me, give us a sign." Phoenix looks to Winter. There's no time. We must find him. Phoenix tries to move past Jane. Jane stops her. No. Phoenix summon her sword. Get out of my way! Phoenix strikes to attack the person. Mickey shoved Jane out of the way and manages not to get hurt in the process. Phoenix takes off running. I have to find him. "Damn", Winter says, "She's still in a trance." An alarm went off at the Neighborhood. Phoenix was puzzled at this. What is that noise? She saw more people come out of the buildings and look at her. None were him. "Is that Mia?", Zoey asked. Jane, Mickey and Winter finally caught up. Phoenix saw a person approach her. "Mia?", Tori asked, "Is that you?" Phoenix examines Tori. She then looked past Tori. There. Tori saw what Phoenix was starting at. Tori took out M.E.R.C.Y. and aimed it at Phoenix. Phoenix snatched Tori's wrist. Tori cried out in pain and Phoenix lifted her up. She threw Tori across the street into the wall of a house. "Mom!", Emily goes to her. Tori coughs and sits up, "Stop her! She's heading for the cliff!" Phoenix summons her wings and took flight. Sam Sr. summoned his light and pulled Phoenix back. She used the light and pulled him to her. She slammed him to the ground. The YouTuber's saw the television turn on. It showed what was happening. "Holy shit", Mark gets up, "Listen up! We need to make sure we get this under control." "But why is Mia doing this?" "It doesn't matter who it is", Mark said, "We defend the gen. Let's go!" The YouTubers ran to the Neighborhood. Phoenix has beaten some of the gen. The Heathens get to the scene. "Has Mia lost her damn mind?", Ash asked. "Don't be ridiculous", Samantha says, "She wouldn't do this on purpose." "What's the plan?", Matchel asked. Samantha observed the scene, "... First, we need to take that sword away." She turned to Matchel, "Think you can handle that?" Matchel nods, "On it." Samantha looked to Sky, "We're going to need some cover." Sky nods and her eyes glow blue. It storms and begins to rain. "Tiny Dancer and Manny, I want you two to find a way to keep her in place. The rest of us will try to wear her down." They went into action. Matchel approaches Phoenix. Phoenix looks to her. Matchel stances to fight, "I'll be taking that sword." Phoenix stries and Matchel blockes. They dueled and Matchel did her best to keep up with her. She managed to strike Phoenix's hand and the sword dropped. She rolled and snatch the sword, "I got it!" Phoenix was shot at by Kit. Samantha ran to Jane, "You know what's going on?" "She's in a trance. She's trying to get to the cliff?" "Why the cliff?" "She's looking for someone", Winter says, "She thinks they're in the water." "What happens if she gets in the water?" Winter bows her head, "... She might never come back." Ash was knocked bac. Phoenix tried to go but was caught in quicksand. Tiny Dancer painted rope, "Jimmy!" He took it and she painted water. He swum qucikly in circles around Phoenix to trap her. Phoenix tried to burn her way out but Ash used his shrieks to weaken her. Samantha aimmed an arrow. She charged and fired. Phoenix was shot in the chest. She slumped forward and went still. Samantha sighs, "Thank God." Phoenix looked to the ground. Where are you? She trembles. Why? The YouTubers came to the scene. Phoenix looks toward the cliff. I failed. Host appears, "It's not over yet." Phoenx lifted her head. Her scream echoed and boomed. Silence. A large fiery bird appears in the sky. It enters Phoenix. Her flames burned brighter. I will find you. She summoned her wings and blasted the gen back. They all were burned slightly. She took flight. Stampy summoned his chains and caught her. Jack and Mark helped keep her back. Host handed the book to Winter, "Fine the letters. Read it to her." "Why can't you?!", Winter took the box. "I can't interfere-" Mia sent fire toward the YouTubers. Dawko used his shields to protect them. Winter opens the book and looks through it. Some images and some words she couldn't read. Two letters were found. "I got it", Winter opened the letters by breaking the wax seal. She opened it, "Oh fuck! I can't read this!" Kit coughs and gets to her feet. "You alright?", Samantha helps her up. "Can anybody read this?!", Winter held up the letter. "Abcde", Samantha calls, "Get your ass over here!" Abcde hurries over. "Can you read this?", Winter shows her. Abcde looks to it, "... I think I can... but I'm a little rusty." "We'll buy you some time", Samantha aims another arrow and fires. Abcde kneels, "Okay. No pressure, Abcde." She touches the page, "... Mi.. Mich... Micheal." She wrote things down. "Wait", Winter points, "Those are music notes." "Those are viking symbols", Abcde says, "How do you know that?" "My mother taught me", Winter said, "I'll do the music. You do the lyrics." Phoenix was grounded. Jaiden and Adam used their light to bind her wings close. "Okay", Abcde said, "I'll work on the next one." Phoenix blasted the YouTubers back. Logan tackled Phoneix. He snarls and bites into her. She threw him off but he tackled her again. "Give me back my mom!", he claws at her. Phoneix kicks him off. "... We need an omniochord", Winter says. "A what?", Abcde asked. "Who the fuck has those at hand?", Samantha asked. "I have one!", Jerry said, "I'll get it!" Phoenix begins to burn Logan badly. He cried out in pain. Nes's eyes turn black. She shrieks inhumanely and she sent the elpoep at Phoenix. The elpoep retrieved Logan and surrouned Phoenix. Jerry came back with the omnichord and Winter held the lyrics to Mickey. "She'll listen to you", she said. "But she doesn't recognize me", Mickey said, "How will she-" "I just know", Winter said, "Please." Mickey took the letters, "Okay." Winter plays the omichord. Samantha motions for Nes to release Phoenix. Nes nods and calls the Elpoep back. Phoenix makes a break to the cliff. Tiny Dancer put a mic to Mickey. "Michael", Mickey sings. Phoenix halts to a stop. She stops in place. "Is it just you and me in the ending of the world?", he sung, "It's all I know since I was a little girl. And I know you're going to need me here with you. But I'm losing my health, and I'm afraid you're gonna lose me too." Phoenix turns toward Mickey. "This power will keep me alive", he continues, "But it'll make me go crazy . And I need it save you. But how will it save me? Please forgive me for whatever I do. When I don't remember you." Samantha saw the book starting to glow. He goes to the next letter, "Michael, I can feel myself slipping away.I can't remember when I was as ill as I was as of today. But I'll remember when it comes to the time. I swear I'll find you again and make things right." Phoenix was to him now and sings with him, "This power will keep me alive. But it'll make me go crazy. And I need to save you. But did it really save me?" Mickey was crying ink, "How could I ever think I could do. Is not remember you?" "What the hell is going on in there?", Jane looks with Samantha inside the book. "I have no idea", Samantha watched as the images show a king ans his king. Phoenix saw memories of dancing with her love. How they would hold each other close. How she found her way back to earth but has forgotten him. Mickey remembered falling from the cliff and turning into a nosrep. Up to the point where he was turned into the character Mickey. How they reunited when Mickey holds the baby Mia Sanchez. Lightnning flashes and it began to pour. Phoenix sunk to the ground, "Michael?" Mickey goes to her, "Let's go home." He kisses her. A light from Mickey comes from him. It was Michael. Mia Sanchez appeared. Michael reachd out to her. Mia turned into the woman Maria. They held each others hands and they turned to light. Mickey collapses. Phoneix does as well. The book stops glowing. Chapter 48: STORYMia woke. She was at the clinic. Mickey was in a bed like her. She turns her head. Mickey wakes and looks ahead. "... So that's why... ", he stops. "... That story", Mia starts, "wasn't yours." Mickey closes his eyes, "It never is." Mia sits up, "Neither was mine." Mickey looked to her, "... So what happens now?" She goes to him, "I don't know." He reaches out. She pulls herself closer. They were scared. "Do you", he was shaking, "Still love me?" "Yes", she nods, "I do." They kissed once. She felt tears fall, "I'm so lost." He pulls her closer, "Mia?" "I love you", she hugs him close, "I know this. I do. I've always loved you, Mickey." Mickey holds onto her tightly, "I love you." She cups his face and kisses him. He closed his eyes and kissed her again. They moaned and kissed again. She goes over him, "Mickey." He kisses her collar, "Mia." She cries silently, "I'm so scared." "Me too", he kisses her. She whimpers and kisses him. He closed his eyes, "This hurts-" "I'm sorry", she sniffs. He pulls her to lay down, "Come here." She rested her chest to his. Their hearts were troubled. He moved her head to rest next to his, "You feel it, right?" She kisses his shoulder, "I do." "You said-", his voice was shakening, "You asked me what would happen if we had to start over remember?" She had more tears. "This is the same thing right?", he said, "We can get through this." She felt her heartbreaking. He cries silently, "We can do this." She rested her head on his chest. He pulls her close, "I love you." "I love you", she sniffs. When they were okay to go home, they went to the house. "Hey", Matt hugs Mia, "You look like you've been crying. Is everything okay?" "Yeah", Mia said, "Just- um- a little shaken up." Mickey couldn't hide his dread so easily. "I'm going to make you two", Ryan said, "Some spaggeti and meatballs." They all sat at the table. The tension was bad. "So", Matt cleared his throat, "Tal? Why don't you show Mommy and Daddy what you drew today?" Tal goes to the fridge and brings back her drawing. "There's Matt", Tal said, "Ryan. Daisy. Matt Jr. Me. Mommy and Daddy." Mia manages a smile, "That's nice honey." Mickey nods. "I made a picutre too!", Matt Jr. goes and shows him. "It's a rocket!" Mia strokes Matt Jr.'s face, "That's great honey." "Mommy?", he asked, "Why are you sad?" Mia tried to hold back her tears, "Mommy's just scared honey." "Scared of what?" Mickey had to turn away. Matt and Ryan could see he was crying now. "Scared", Mia had Matt Jr. sit on her lap, "of the dark." "I'm scared of the dark too", he hugs her, "Don't be scared Mommy. Mia cried silenlty. She covered her face to hid her tears. "Okay", Matt said, "Tal? Matt Jr? Why don't you do the dishes?" Tal and Matt Jr. took the plates and went to the sink. Mia stands and goes, "I'm sorry. I need to go." "Mia', Mickey begs, "Wait." She leaves. Mickey covers his face, "Don't go." Mia runs. She doesn't know where. She doesn't know why. Why can't I feel anything? She stumbles and falls. She cries. Why can't I feel anything other than this pain? She pushes herself to her feet and leans on a tree, "What am I suppose to do?" She saw Guidance. Guidance started to lead the way. Mia wipes her eyes and follows her. Guidance took her into the forrest. Mia was taken to a clearing. Mia knelt and saw something. She moved rocks to find a hidden entrance. She went down. She found the masueloum. She found the deathbeds. Where the corpse was. Maria's corpse. Mia trembled and looked to her hands. She saw the old scars. The stitches. She went and laid on Maria's deathbed. Tears in her eyes. Am I just a corpse? Mia closed her eyes. A ghost of something before? Mia cries, "Was I suppose to die?" She sobs.Mickey calmed down sometime after. Matt had went to look for Mia. Ryan didn't know what to do. He felt Mickey's grief. His pain. "Can you tell me what's going on?", Ryan asked. Mickey looked to the ground, "... There once... was a kingdom..." Mickey told Ryan about Michael and Maria. How Maria grew ill and had to take a cursed power. How the power killed her body but gave her immortality in the after. How Michael killed himself as an attempt to be with her. How it didn't work. Michael and Maria united. But Death kept torn them apart again. "... Now...", Mickey says, "I can't feel anything." Ryan shook his head, "Maybe-" "I can't", Mickey covers, "feel anything for her." Ryan knew this was true but he knew something's weren't always right. "If I knew anything", Ryan said, "Is that you two deserve to be together. I've seen the love inside you both. I know that you love her." Mickey looked to him, "And now?" Ryan went silently. Mickey turned his head, "... Help Matt find her... I'll watch the kids." The door burst open. Tori barges in, "Where's Mia?" "Missing", Ryan said, "Why-" "She's been hiding", Tori slams the book down, "More secrets." Mickey winced as he looked at the book. "I'm sure she had her reasons", Ryan said, feeling defensive, "It's not like you haven't hide secrets before." Winter comes in, "Tori- You can't just take it and-" "How can you be so calm about this?!", Tori points to the book, "Whatever happened to Mia, it'll happen to us too!" The rest of the first gen came in. "What the hell is going on?", Summer asked. "Tori", Sam Sr. says, "We don't have the whole story-" "Then who fucking does!", Tori says, "Apparently we signed up for some curse and you're not going to question why?" "Daddy?" They turned to see Tallulah. "I heard screaming", she rubbed her sleepy eyes. Mickey goes to her, "Let's put you back to bed, baby." "Do you know something about this?", Tori marches to Mickey. "Tori", MA said warningly, "don't-" "You had to right?", Tori says, "you know something." Mickey picked up Tallulah and ignores her. "Hey!", Tori said, "I don't care if you don't want to face it but this whole story is fucked up." Ryan goes to Mickey, "Mickey- I can take her-" "Get out", Mickey said, "take that book with you." "Oh", Tori said, "So you are avoiding this." "Tori", Johnathan said,"you need to stop-" "What? You're afraid of the truth?", Tori said, "You're afraid you don't fit in the story? Like the last time?" "That's enough", Jonas said. Mickey craddled Tal close, "I won't ask again-" "You're afraid", Tori goes on, "She'll leave you just like last time." Ryan jumps when he heards lightnning outside. Mickey was trembling in anger. "You know that everything was based on Peace but now that she's gone so is everything with it", Tori said, "Her love? Mia? It's all fucking dead." "Shut up", Mickey was growling. The wind outside was picking up bad. "So tell me Mickey?", Tori said, "Do you love her anymore!" Mickey's eyes glowed white. He turned and blasted the gen back. Ryan got hit slightly and was thrown across the room. Mickey trembled as his power was growing out of control. Tal cries. Mickey sets her down, "Don't be scared Tallulah. Daddy will bring Mommy back." He heads out. The sky was chaos. Ryan grunts and get up. Tal was still crying. He scoops her up, "It's okay. Let's go get your brother and sister." The neighborhood's alarm went off. Stampy rubbed his eyes and sat up, "What the-" The television screens show that there was bad weather coming. Snow looked outside, "Man, that looks bad." Val looked to him, "We need to take shelter." They all headed to the cave. "Where's Vicky?", Sam Jr. asked the Pains. "Maybe they went to get the gen here?" Meanwhile, the first gen were unconious on the yard. Ryan knelt by them, "Hey, wake up!" He sighs in frustration, "You got to be kidding me!" He send the Heathens a distress signal. The Heathens came to the scene. "What the hell?", Ash asked, "Who did all this?" "It's a long story", Ryan said, "We need to get to shelter." "Where's Gran?" Ryan frowns and pales. Samantha turns and gasped. Matt held Mia. She had stitches on her. Matt had tears down his face. The twins and Bebe burst out crying. Samantha sunk to the ground, "... No." Stampy and the YouTubers where heading to the shelter. "... Did you see that?", Phil asked. "See what?" "Someone's over there', Phil used his special sight, "I think it's Mickey." "Why the hell is he out here?" "I'll get him", Stampy says. "Be careful", Laugh told him. Stampy goes and gets to Stampy. "Mickey?", Stampy stopped when he saw the state Mickey was in. "Have you've seen Mia?", Mickey asked. Stampy backed up, "... What's going on?" "I can't find her", Mickey looked around, "She has to be around here, right?" Stampy jumped when a nearby tree was blown up by lightnning. Stampy looked to Mickey, "Mickey! What's going on?" "Have you've seen Mia?", Mickey was glitching. Stampy spoke calmly, "If you follow me, I can show you where she is." "Alright", Mickey smiles. Stampy nervously led Mickey to the shelter. Hoping that Mia was there. One because then he'd know she was safe. The other, Mickey wouldn't lose control even further. He sent the gen a text. "Is Mia at the shelter?" Logan saw this. He looked around and replied, "No." Stampy gulps. He glances back to see Mickey was still following him. Stall. Stampy cleared his throat, "So, um, crazy weather, am I right?" Mickey looked to the cosmos breaking and rebuilding again, "I didn't notice." Stampy sent Heathens a stress signal secretly, "Remember that time when there was that storm and the power went out? Mia helped make smores." Micky smiles, "She always made everything amazing." Stampy knew he was losing time, "Oh, um, is it okay if we stop-" Stampy winced when lightnning struck by him. "You know where Mia is, right?", Mickey's magic grew more chaotic. "I was saying", Stampy gulped, "Can we stop and check if she needs anything from the store? I think she said she needed something to cook before I ran across you." "... Okay", Mickey calms down slightly. Stampy sighs in relief under his breath, "Okay. Let's get going." He saw Samantha. He motions to be quiet. Samantha saw Mickey and motioned the Heathens to wait. "Is there something wrong?", Mickey asked. "Um", Samantha looks to Stampy. "Sam", Stampy fakes a smile, "Is probably wondering where Mia is too! Don't worry Sam. If you follow me and Mickey here, we'll show you where she is." Samantha fakes a smile as well, "That's great. I was hoping she could train us today." Mickey remained stable. For now. Samantha walks with Stampy and whispers, "What's the plan here?" "Stall", Stampy said, "Do you know where she actually is?" Samantha looked ahead, "... She's dead." Stampy looks ahead, "... We're fucking dead." They head to the market. It was abandoned. "I guess they're busy", Mickey says. "Don't worry", Jimmy gives a thumbs up, faking a smile, "My Annabelle had taught me to ring up some groceries. I can do that for you." Stampy grabs a cart. Samantha saw his hands were shaking. "She um", Stampy swallows, "needed a few things." Mickey looked at the aisles, "We can split up and get them." "Good idea", Samantha motions, "Let's all split up and look for them." The other Heathens nodded and split up. Stampy took out his phone and looked at a blank screen, "She needs corn on the cob, pig feet, white cabbage-" Samantha sent the audio to the others. "Carrots, peas and potatoes." "Oh, she's making caldo", Mickey smiles, "Her favorite." Mickey goes, "I'll head and get frozen foods." Stampy waits until he's far enough to speak. "What do we do?", Stampy was panicked. "We hide that shit", Samantha spoke to the phone and him, "Go!" Jimmy snatched the pig feet out of sight. Ash burned the white cabbage and swept the evidence away. Sky took the potatoes and disquised them as onions. Tiny Dancer froze the freezer so it was difficult to tell what was what. Mickey came to the aisle. "Hey Mickey", Ash sighs, "looks like they're out of white cabbage." "Oh no", Mickey looks, "Maybe they have some in the back?" "I'll check for it', Ash motions, "I think Sky was having trouble finding the potatoes, can you see if you can help her?" Samantha was calling Matt. Matt answered, "Sam?" "Mickey is losing it", Sam said, "Has the first gen woken up?" Sunshine was kneeling and slapping the shit out of Winter. "... No", Matt said, "Have you've found Stampy?" "He's with us", Sam looks over to where the aisles were, "Is everyone else there?" "Yeah", Matt says. "Matt this is very important", Samantha said, "I need you tell everyone to get very comfortable. I'm taking we're-all-going-to-stay-in-a-cave-for-a-month confortable." "... Okay", Matt say, "I"m on it." Samathna messages the Heathens and Matt. We're leaving now. Leave Mickey and don't let him see you leave. Matt and the others head to a nearby exit. Samantha waited by the door, "I'm waiting for Sky. Go to the shelter." Sky was pretending to look for potatoes. "Can't find them?" "No luck", Sky rubs the back of her neck nervously. Her phone goes off. She looks to her text, "... Ash says he needs help in the back. There's some white cabbage in the back but there's a bunch of boxes in the way." "Okay",he goes. Sky waits and runs out. Her , Samantha, and the others ran to the shelter. Mickey goes to the back. No sign of Ash. "Ash?", Mickey called out, "Did you find the white cabbage?" He looks around. Odd. "Maybe he got them and is at the front?", Mickey heads to the front. He couldn't find them. "Sam?", he calls, "Stampy? Where are you guys?" At the cave, Samantha used her magic to turn the cave to unbreakable metal. David made a air purifier. They all got ready to camp. "How did it get this bad?", Logan sighs. "We'll help him", Nes assures him, "We just need Mia back." Mickey found no one at the store. "Maybe something came up?", Mickey goes out, "I wonder if Mia is at home?" He ignores that there was a giant hole he destroyed and enters the front door. "Honey?", he looks around, "Are you here?" He walks around, "Matt? Ryan?" He found the rooms empty. "Huh", he looks around, "Where is everyone?" He took out his phone and dialed Mia's cell. Nothing. He called Matt. Nothing. Ryan. Nothing. "Maybe Logan knows?" Nothing. "Tori?" Nothing. He looked at this phone, "Why isn't anyone answering?" He looked around the neighborhood. Nothing. "Why can't I find anyone?", he looked around. He then came across the unbreakable metal. "This wasn't here before', he touched it. He felt fear finally. "Wait", he said, "Mia? Are you in there?" He puts his hands on the metal, "Are you hiding from me?" The sky came more chaotic. "Was it something I did?", he asked, "Mia?" He felt anger, "Why won't you talk to me?" The ground shakes. Inside, the gen held onto each other. Samantha held Stanley, "He must've figured out we're in here." Mickey then started to panic, "Wait! I didn't mean to get mad. I'm sorry." It began to pour. "You know that I wouldn't be mad at you. Right?" Dawko held his heart. "You okay?", Jack asked. The purples sunk to the ground. "This anguish", Xavier said, "Is unbearable." Mickey sunk to the ground, "Mia?" Dawko covers his ears. "Please talk to me." Dan doubles in pain. "I'm sorry", Mickey cries. Xavier covers his mouth. "I'm sorry that I yelled." Felix held onto the wall. "Please come out." Veronica sobs and sinks to the ground. "I love you", Mickey sobs, "I love you, Mia." Bella May cries. "I love you, Mia", Mickey melts, "I love you..." He turns to ink and is washed away. The sky turmoiled on. Never seems to be ending.Chapter 49: TAILSPhil goes to a corner and doubles over. He heaves and holds his midsection. The purples could still feel Mickey's anguish. Jane rocked Bella May. It's been three days since they've been underground. Sunny leaned on Sunshine. Winter snapped up, "Mom?" "Oh thank God", James goes to her and hugs her. "Where in the cave?", Winter looks around. The first gen began to wake up. "Oh", Jason held his head, "My head." Johnahtan and MA turned to the side and threw up. "What the fuck is going on?", Jonas rubbed his head. "Long story", Sky says. "You!", Ryan held his middle, "This is your fault Tori!" "How the fuck is it my fault?", Tori then saw Mia. Winter covers her mouth. "No, no, no", Jonas said, "this isn't happening." Winter cries, "Mia!" "Guys come on!", Tori stands, "You're acting like she's actually dead! She's died several times before!" "That was before", Samantha said, "when she was immortal." Tori looked to Samantha, "... Wait." Tori took a step back, "No- No, you're lying." Samantha looked to Tori, "Do you think I would?" Tori sunk to the ground, "... Oh my God-" Tori covers her face, "This isn't happening." Host appears. "Bring her back", Winter begs, "Please." "I'm afraid", Host says, "This cannot be undone." Winter sobs, "Please. She can't go this way. Please." Host looks to them all, "Do you not wish for her to be at peace?" 'How is this peace?", Matt sits up, "If she's not here with us?" "... How about this?", she said, "If you can send someone here to the Relief and convince her to come back... I'll bring her back." The gen looked at each other. "Who's gonna do it?", Matt said. They all were silent. "... I'll go", Logan stands, "I don't care how long it takes. I'll bring her back." "Do you all agree for Logan to go?" They all nodded. "Alright", Host says, "Logan? Are you ready?" "Yes", Logan nods. Host reaches her hand out. Logan watched his skin began to boil. He sunk to the ground and grutned in pain. He screamd as he was burned. He collapsed.He woke at the Relief. He got to his feet. He looked around. "Hi." Logan looked to see Jonas, "Oh, hi." Jonas smiles, "Hi Logan." Logan looked around, "Have you've seen my mom?" "She's over there', he points. "Thanks", Logan nods. He goes over. He saw Michael and Maria. 'Logan!", Maria goes over to him. Logan backs away, "Wait-" "Is it really you?", Michael smiles. "My son", Maria cups his face, "You've come home." "I-", Logan pulls away, "Where's the other Mia?" 'Oh", Maria bows her head, "I guess she did raise you, huh?" Logan saw their sadness, "you had a Logan?" "You are my Logan", Maria said, "I just wasn't able to be with you." Logan felt bad, "I'm sorry but I need to see her." 'I understand", she rubs Logan's shoulder, "I'm happy she took good care of you." Logan was lead to where Mia was. Mia was resting against a tree. "Mom!', Logan knelt, "It's me." Mia woke sleepily, "Logan?" "It's me Mom", he kneels to her. Mia looked to him, "Why are you here?" "I came to bring you home", he said. Mia looked sad, "Oh, honey. You didn't need to do that." "Of course I did", he said, "We need you." Mia held herself and looked away, "I just ruin everything... you all don't need that." "Stop talking like that", Logan shook her, "I need you mom." She looked to Logan, "Is it okay. If I just stay here? For good?" Logan had tears in his eyes, "Mom?" "I don't hurt anymore", she holds his face, "I'm free." Logan cries, "But I- I need you." "You will be okay", Mia wiped his tears, "You all will." "But it's dad", Logan said, "He's heartbroken. He misses you." Mia looked at Logan, "... He is?" "He lost control, we're trapped in the cave. He'll hurt us if-" "Take me back", she said, "Right now." Nes nervously paces. Logan sits up and takes in a breath. "Daddy!', Bella May hugs him. Mia's body started turn back to human. "A deal's a deal", Host knelt and gave Mia back life. Mia's eyes open. She sits up, "... Damn, that hurts." She curls into fetal postion, "I swear this used to be so much easier." "Mia!", the gen boomed. "Ow- ow!', Mia said, "Careful! I'm a fragile human!" "You came back-", Stampy beams. "No time for mushy stuff!", Mia covers Stampy's face, "I need to stop this chaos." Samantha stands, "You need help?" "I can handle it", Mia said, "If I die, well, I'm sure I can walk it off this time." Samantha opens a pathway, "Please be careful." "Just shut it behind me", Mia said. Samantha shut the shelter. Mia popped her fingers and cracks her neck, "... I'm right here!" Her voice echoes around. She then was captured by some ink and an ink version of Mickey. "I found you!", Mickey beams. Mia crossed her arms. He frowns and sets her down, "Oh, are you mad at me?" "Do you think?", Mia taps her foot, "Look what you did." Mickey bows his head, "I'm sorry." She sighs and sits down, "You better clean this all up." Mickey goes. He rebuilds their house and fixed all that was destroyed. He goes back to her. She motions to the sky, "Now fix the cosmos." Mickey turns it back. She rested her chin on her hand, "I can't believe you did all this." "I'm sorry", he said, "I couldn't bare to lose you." She looks to the side, "... I'm still mad." He goes to her, "Do you hate me?" She looks to him, "No, I could never hate you." She pulls him close, "Just don't do this ever again, okay?" "I promise", he says. She cups his face, "My Mickey." "My Mia", he nuzzles her. She pulls him close, "I love you." "I love you", he kisses her. They kissed softly. She felt tears fill her eyes. Her heart ached for him. "Oh Mickey", she breathes, "I love you. I love you so much." He slowly changes back. She lays down and he goes over her. They kissed passionately. She moans and pulls him closer, "More." They drew closer. "More", Mia pants, "More baby." They moaned in pain. Their hearts were beating rapidly. She pulls him along, "Let's go home." He scoops her up and teleports them. She lays down and he goes over her. She smiles as they went further. She closes her eyes as he moves. They kissed and moaned. She cries happily, "I feel you. I feel you, Mickey." He pants and pleases her. She screamed his name and held onto him. He cups her face, "I love you." She pulls him close, "I love you." She wipes his tears, "I'll always love you." He nuzzles her. She hugs him close, "I'll always come back for you." They soon were in each other's arms. Their hearts and souls happy to be together.Mia woke to find Mickey in her arms. She moves and pulls him close, "Hey baby." He woke slowly, "Morning." They kissed. She laughs softly, "You feel better?" He nods and they kissed again. She smirks at him, "So I guess you were right." "About what?", he sat up slightly. "You love me more than I love you", Mia said. "Now you make it sound like you don't love me that much." "Just take the win dummy", she goes over him. He laughs softly, "Okay." She kisses him more, "Mm, hold on I have to tell Sam something." She texts Sam as Mickey kisses her back. "All clear", Mia texts. Samantha breaks down the walls and at they all ran out. "Oh sweet, sweet earth!", Snow kisses the ground, "God, I love grass." TimTom lays on the ground, "No more caves." Phil weakly walks, "I feel so groggy." "No more", Dan said, "God, no more please." Samantha texts Mia, "You good?" Mia replies, "Me and Mickey are going to go away for a couple days. Don't let the place burn down, yeah?" "Is she okay?", Stampy asked. "Yeah', Samantha says, "Just needs a few extra days." Mia sets her phone down, "Hey you." "Mm?', he kisses her collar. "Let's go on an adventure", she says, "Just you and me." "I'd like that", he smiles. "You can pack for us", Mia stroked his chest, "Right?" "Yeah", he said. "Good", she goes over him and they go again. Mia laughs as he kisses her body, "I- I don't want to stop." He looks to her, "Me neither." She whimpers, "Oh Mickey. I need you." They kissed passionately. "Okay", she pants, "We should get going." "Okay", he says. She manages to pull away for her to sit up. "Where should we go?" "Anywhere", Mia said, "I heard the mountains are nice this time of year." She dressed and he did too. Their tension was hard to control. "You try to wait a little longer", Mia strokes Mickey's cheek. "It's hard to", he closes his eyes. "I know baby", she says, "Just for a little while." He teleports them to the woods. Mia smiles and kneels, "Why don't we play some games?" "Like what?", he asked. "Why don't we race?" 'Okay", he said. "Ah, ah, ah", she said, "You have to get me a headstart." "How much?" "Ten minutes", she said. "Alright", he said, "You better start running." She takes off into a jog and runs ahead. Her heart racing. Mickey sits and waits. Mia ran and stops to a tree, out of breath. "Starting to miss magic", she pants. She turns to her wolf form and runs more. She bounds forward and saw the mountain base. "Time's up", Mickey appeared. "No fair', Mia skids to a stop, "You used your magic." "More like my speed", he said. She huffs, "Okay. Let's try another game then." She looked to the mountains, "... Uh... yeah... maybe no more games." "Agree", he picks her up and carries her up. She curls into him, "Don't drop me." "Wouldn't dream of it", he nuzzles her. They came to the top. They set up camp. The tension nearly gone. Mia sighs, "All that running has made me tired. I can't make anything for us to eat. " "I can make something", Mickey said. "But you won the game", she said, "I should be the one cooking." "You can make it up to me", he kisses her nose, "You just rest." She curls in a sleeping bag and falls asleep. She woke a few hours later. She yawn and stretches. Mickey was resting against a wall. She goes over to him and kisses him. He wakes and smiles at her, "You sure were tired." "Now I'm just hungry", she sits next to him. He and her eat. She wipes her mouth, "Not bad." "Not bad?" "Could use some salt." "We don't have salt." Mia laughs, "Don't feel bad honey. I'm just teasing you." He grumbles slightly. She pulls him close. The tension varied. "Mia?", he rested against her, "Do you think I've gone mad?" "We're all mad here baby", she stroked his head. "But I think something's wrong with me", he said, "Do you think there is?" "You're perfect", Mia licks the side of his face, "just the way you are." He smiles softly, "You don't need this." "I do", Mia lays him down, "I really do." They kissed passionately. The tension was stronger now. She pants and drools. He tasted her and they moved. She closed her eyes. It hasn't been his bad before. She turned her head and moans. This heartache, this love. She held to the wall. It was so much. Mia's claws dug into the wall. So hard to contain. She grunts, "Wait- Mickey- stop!" He pulls away, 'Mia?" She turned to her side, "My heart." Her heart pounded painfully. "What's wrong?", he asked. She pants, "I'll be okay- I just need- a little break-" She lays down, "I think... being human... has its limits." Host appears, "Hello." Mickey held Mia close to him, "Uh-" "I've seen it all", Host subconiously looks away, "but just cover up for now." Mickey dresses and he covers Mia with a blanket. "Host?", Mia asked, "What's wrong with me?" "You're body can't take this love", Host explains, "It's so strong it overworks your human heart." Mia looked to her, "So what do I do?" "It's time to take the second option", Host says, "you want to take it?" "Yes", Mia says. "I can't do this all now", Host says, 'but it should keep you alive for now." Host holds magenta ink syringe. She injects Mia. Mia sighs in relief as she takes the ink. Host goes. Mia slowly gets up. "Mia?", he knelt by her. Her eyes glowed magenta, "Woah." Her appearance changed. Her fur was highlighted gold along with her eyes. She got a second tail that resembles a fox. She looked to him, "How do I look?" "Like... a fox", he frowns, "Except with those antlers." "What?, Mia felt her head. He laughs. "You jerk", she punched him. He winced, "O-Oh, that hurt." Mia looked to her hands, "I got strength?" She punches the wall. It left a hole. She laughs, "Yes!" She pumps her fist in the air, "I'm back!" Mickey laughs through the pain, "That's great honey." She growls and pounces on him, "Now, where were we?" "Um", Mickey was nervous now, "Maybe we should call this off?" "Oh no", she tore off his clothes, "No going back now." He gulps. After some hours, Mia was curled around Mickey. He blinks and was sitting up. "See? It wasn't so bad", she laid on her back and her tails wagged happily. He blniks again, "... I... didn't think you could do that." She laughs, "Speehless are we?" She kisses his cheek, "You were so scared before, you're telling me that your scared right now?" "I", he tried to snap out of it, "um... what was the question?" She nuzzles him, "You're so silly." She stands, "I'm going to go take a break. Can you make dinner?" "... Yeah", he nods. She goes out. She relieves herself and checked herself out. "Two tails", she looked to them, "Who'd new they could be so useful?" She fixes her hair and comes back. Mickey was making dinner. She goes to him, "What are you making?" "Some soup", he blew and tasted, "... Needs salt." She nuzzles him, "Very funny." They ate and she lays down. She smiles, "Are you out of it yet?" "Sorta", he said. She pulls him close, "Don't be scared. It's just me." "I know', he said, "I'm just a little... out of it." She nuzzles him, "We'll snap out of it, okay?" "I'll try", he said. She pulls him close, "I love you." "I love you too honey", he says. They slept. Mia woke up and yawned. She stretched and flicked her tails. Mickey was asleep. She kisses him awake. He kisses her back. They kissed again. She laughs when he pulls her down. They moaned and moved. "You seem like you snapped out of it." "I just need to process this", he said. She licks his lips. They ate breakfast and curled next to each other. "So", he rested his chin on her collar, "this new power. How does it feel?" "Kind of like I'm five years younger", she looked to her flaws, "Like a new me." He closes her eyes, "Do you... still feel the same about me?" "Mickey", she kisses him, "I love you." They kissed softly. He nuzzles her, "It just feels... kinda different." "Different how?" "It's hard to describe it', he said, "It's like it's you... in another body?" "... I guess that makes sense", she nods, "but I'm still me." He kisses her, "I know." They kissed again. She goes over him, "We should be having an adventure! Let's do something fun!" He perched slightly on his elbows, "Okay. What should we do?" She and him went around the mountians. She bounds and bounds, "Come bound with me!" "Mice are meant to bound", he tries to tread through the snow." "You're no fun", she lays down. He goes over to her, "So what now?" She hums in thought, "... I'm not sure." She sits up and sniffs. Her ears perk, "I smell something." She snifs the ground and looks around. He was both in love and adored for her. She jumped in the air and lands on the snow. She dug ang to something. "Lok wha I foun", she had the object in her mouth. He goes over to her, "What is it?" She sets it down, "Treasure?" The object was oldly shaped. Mickey wipes it and they saw it was a piece of a shield. "Cool", Mia digs more, "Maybe there's more?" They found more pieces of the shield. They put what they found together. "It looks ancient", he said. "Cool", Mia's tail wags happy. "Let's head back", Mickey says, "It's late." "Okay", she nuzzles him, "Get on my back." He gets on her back. She was a larger wolf than before. She ran them back. When they got back, they ate and got ready for bed. "Mickey?", Mia said, "You don't think the others will feel weird about this look?" "Maybe at first", he admits, "but I don't think you need to worry." She nuzzles him, "I love you." "I love you too honey", he kisses her cheek. Mark was making a protein juice. "What the fuck is that smell?", Jack asked. "Some tuna fish", Mark pours a glass, "liquid chicken." "Smells like shit." Mark shrugs, "I think it's good." "I"m back", Mia comes around the corner. Mark spits his juice on Jack's face. Mark coughs and was trying to catch his breath. Mia winces, "What's that smell?" "Me", Jack wipes his face, "Now anyway- Oh my God-" Mia tilts her head, "What?" "You", Jack blinks and wipes his face, "You look different." Mia puts her hands on her hips, "And?" "I, um....", Jack said, "uhhhhhhh." Mia lifts a brow. Mark set the glass down, "You look great. You look good. You are... you." "Right", Mia sighs, "I'm out of here. I'm going to see my real friends." "No, Mia- wait", Jack goes after her, "I haven't answered yet. Just shun Mark!" "Hey I said she looked great!", Mark called after Jack, "You didn't even say anything! That's worse." Mia comes to the other YouTubers. Stampy acciently launched the Wii remote and it hit the TV. Mia crosses her arms. Stampy winced, "... Oops?" Mia sighs, "Unbelievable." "... Uhhhh", TimTom says, "How was the trip?" "It was great", Mia said, "Fun too." The YouTubers were uncomfortable. "Hi Mia", Phil waves and enters the room. "Hi Phil", she goes to him. They hug. "How are you?", Phil beams. "I'm good", she says, "I feel much better." Phil saw everyone's discomfort, "... Did I miss something?" "Phil is my new favorite", Mia said, "Officialy." Arin quietly stop Danny from attacking Phil. Stampy sat down, "Officially?" "I'm out of here", Mia goes. "Nooooooo", Jack held onto her feet, "Don't gooooooo." Mia drags Jack as she goes, "You guys are acting so rude." Stampy held onto Jack. Mia fumes as she ended up dragging Tim, Stampy and Jack. Jaiden sighs, "Show some dignity guys." Mia ended up dragging the three to home. Ryan blilnks, "Wow." "Hey hot mama", Matt smiles. "Matt. Ryan", Mia said, "Love of my life." Mickey saw the three, "Um... I take it that it didn't go very well." Mia sighs, 'No" "Wait", Jack lifts his head, "Matt can call you 'Hot Mama' but we can't be bashful about your new look?" "Matt and Ryan are stuck with me either way. I thought you guys would like me no matter what I look like." "It's not that you look different that we think of you different", Stampy said, "It just takes us a moment to process." "Give them a break honey', Mickey said, "It took me awhile to get use to it." TimTom, Stampy, and Jack gave Mia a look. "That was a different situation entirely." "Different how?", TimTom asked. "... Matt and Ryan you cover your ears and if I see that you didn't, I will punish you." Matt and Ryan obeyed. Mia told the three. TimTom's face went ready. Jack covers face. Stampy seemed in shock. Mia motions they could uncover their ears. "Okay", Jack clears his throat, "I guess you're right about that." Mia crossed her arms, "I'm going to ask you three to leave." TimTom blindly feels his way out. They heard the front door close. Mia sighs and sinks into Mickey, "This was harder than I thought." Mickey nuzzles her, "Just some more time." Mia shivers, "Oo." She stands and held her head, "I feel dizzy." Mickey, Matt and Ryan watched as Mia turned back to human. Mia saw this and panicks. She covers her ears, "Matt, Ryan. I need you to get Mickey out of the kitchen for me." Mickey nods. They blocked Mia's view of Mickey. "What's wrong?", Matt asked. Mia looked to them, "My human heart can't take our love. My heart will literally burst if I see him." "That sounds surprisely romantic", Ryan says. "Host?", Mia calls out. Host appears, "You called?" "I need more", Mia held her arm out." "I'm afraid you must ask Tori for some." "Fine", Mia said, "Mickey I'm leaving the kitchen, I'll be back later." "Okay", Mickey said behind the door, "I'll be in the bedroom." Mia went out. She got to Tori's house. Sam Sr. answered, "Oh, hi Mia?" "Where's Tori?", Mia asked. "In the living room-", he was moved aside and Mia went in. "Tori?", Mia went to her, "I need magenta ink." Tori set her book down, "Magenta ink?" "Please", Mia begs, "I need it." "Mia", Tori sighs, "Is this another 'power' chance-" "It's not power Tori!", Mia says, "It's the only thing that can keep me and Mickey together." Tori sees Mia wasn't lying, "... Even if it is, it's too dangerous." "Dangerous how?", Mia was frustrated. "You're whole personality will shift! You're character will change. You won't be considerd a Mia anymore!" "To hell with that", Mia said, "I want to be with Mickey." Tori pinches the bridge of her nose, "Okay. Let me put it this way." She motions, "Human's can't except colored ink except for black, right?" "Yup", Mia nods. "So since your human", Tori says, "You could except black ink." "Yup", Mia bored now. "So that means", she explains, "You can only take black ink." "Makes sense to me", Mia said sarcasticlly. "So don't take it", Tori said. "I need magenta!" "Sam, help me out here", Tori said. "She wants Mickey, Tori", he said, "we can't ignore that." Tori grew frustrated, "Alright fine!" She handed Mia the ink, "Just don't say I didn't warm you-" "Thank you", Mia hugs her, "It really means a lot to me." Tori felt her soft spot return. She hugs Mia back, "I can't lose you again, okay?" Mia kisses Tori once, "Thanks Tori." Mia injects herself and changes. "Wow", Sam Sr. blink. Tori rubbed the back of her neck, "You look good." Mia kisses Tori again, "Gotta go." Mia turns to her wolf form and leaves. Tori blushes and covers her cheeks, "Shameless." Mia stood in the bathroom. Mickey sees her, "Honey?" She shows him the test, "Look." He sits on the counter and looks. "I'm pregnant", she twitches a smile. "That's amazing honey", he hugs her. They hugged and nuzzled. "I'm excited", she smiles and her tails wag. "Me too", he smiles. They kissed softly. "We should celebrate", he jumps on the bathroom counter, "Have a festival." She laughs softly, "Maybe not that big." She stroked his head and held him close, "... I'm going to go to Host and see if I can make this permanent." He rested his chin on her shoulder, "... You always had to do things for me... it just doesn't seem fair." "I'd do anything for you", she nuzzles him, "I love you." They kissed and nuzzled. "I love you", he cups her face, "Mia." The ground shakes. She held him close and they heard the house rattle. "What was that?", he turned his head to listen. "I don't know", she said, "but it's probably isn't good." Samantha was at her house with Stanley and Scoob when the tremors happen. "What the reck was that?", Scoob frowns. Samantha hands Stanley to Scoob and walks to the door. She looks out and survels the surroundings, "... I don't see anything." She turns to Scoob, "I'm going to go around and see what's going on." "Rokay", he rested Stanley on his knee. She turned to her Cupid form and takes the sky. She flies over the Neighborhood and looks for any sign of danger. "Hey", Ash flies up to meet her, "I haven't seen anything." "Me neither", Samantha said, "I don't see how it could just be nothing." Meanwhile, at the YouTubers hall, Dawko and the others were wondering what caused the ground to tremor. "Maybe it was an earthquake?", James asked. "Since when do normal things happen like that?", Jaiden asked. "Yeah", Mark looks at his phone, 'Something's not right." Somewhere in the Neighborhood. A large hole is found. "Whoa", JJ ran around the hole, "Sunshine look!" "Please don't fall in my love", Sunshine said. 'What's it for?", JJ asked her. "I'm not sure', she looks in the hole. Eyes opened from the darkness. Sunshine frowns. A creature of darkness emerges from the hole. Sunshine backs away. JJ growls and get in front of Sunshine. The creature didn't seem interested in them. It moves along The creature went through the Neighborhood. Searching for something. The gen looked at it. "What is that thing?", Billy watched it pass his house. "I looks kind of dangerous", Charlie was by Victor's side. The creature came across a Heathen. Jane stood before the creature. Jane frowns and looks at it. The creature's mouth then opened. Rows and rows of teeth. Jane shivers seeing it. The creature shrieks as a light goes over it's neck. Tori grunted as she pulled it back, "Jane! Call Samantha!" Jane was struck across her body and was slammed to the ground. The creature thrashed at the light around it's neck. The other whites got light and held the creature down. Samantha came to the scene. "Kill it!", Tori said, "It's a Soul Eater!" The creature roared. Samantha turned to her Cupid form and aims an arrow. "You have to use the scythe!", Tori says. "Right", Samantha sent the weapon, "I um... don't know where that is." "You got to be kidding me", Tori says. The creature thrashed and was starting to break free. "What do you mean you don't know where it is!" It's not like I use it!", Samantha summoned her staff, "I'm not even sure if I can do that!" "Well try!", Tori said. Samantha held her staff and focuses, "Okay. Work please." Samantha spun the staff and struck the ground. Nothing. "... Shazam?", she asked the sky. Nothing. "Fuck me", Samantha sighs. The creature breaks free and goes to the nearest gen. Bella May paled as it loomed over her. "Bella May!", Sky called out, "Get away from that thing!" The creature started to suck up her sould. Bella May's eyes rolled back and life started to get out of her. "No!", Sky crossed her arms, "Stay away!" There was a loud clash. Mia had her claws dripping with magenta ink. The creature screams in pain and Bella May was released from the attempt. Mia stances as the ink drips down her arm. "Gran?!", Samantha, "What the fuck?!" The creature roared at Mia. Mia snarls, "You're using all my ink you dumb bastard!" It tried to take Mia's soul but Mia dashed and slashed again. "Samantha you better keep trying to use that scythe!", Mia said. "Okay", Samantha said, "Um, how do I do that!" Mia ducks from being slashed herself, "Try anything!" Samantha focuses on the staff. She made her eyes turn dark. Her hands started to turn to bones. Mia was slammed down on the ground. The creature opened it's mouth. Mia tried to break out and glares at it. Samantha grunts as she tries to turn to her Death form. Mia's eyes rolled back and her soul started to be taken away. Samantha heard her heart beat in her ears. Something went over her. A cold touch. A cold grasp over her. Don't let it control you. Samantha turned to Death. In one swipe she beheaded the creature. Mia gasped and coughs. Samantha went to Mia's side, "I'm sorry! Are you okay?" "Yeah", Mia gets up, "Damn kid. Taking your sweet ass time." "You never taught me to do this", Sam said annoyed. "Okay", Mia sighs, "Partially my fault." "What is that stuff?", Samantha looked to the magenta ink. "Long story short", Mia lifts her arms to see that the ink was still flowing, "My heart can't take much so the ink helps with that." "You're heart's failing?", Samantha was concern. "Not exactly", Mia said, "It's complicated." Samantha looked at Mia, "... You look nice I guess." Mia coughs, "Damn it." Mia watched the rest of the ink fall and she was back to before. She held her chest in pain. Samantha held onto Mia, "I guess you do need it, huh?" Mia laughs weakly, "Yeah." Host appears, "Are you sure of this?" "Needles suck", Mia was helped to her feet, "And being in pain sucks more. So, yeah." Host takes Mia and helps her along. As they walked Mia looked to her, is it true what Tori said? Will I change?" Host looks forward, "... Yes... but don't worry. You'll still be you." Mia sighs, "... Even with this ink... I can't do anything against the dangers they will face." "Even you have face things you cannot defeat by yourself. You had forgotten that there are people who want to protect you too." Mia looked to the ground, "I want to protect them from everything." "I admire that you do", Host said.Mia laid on an operation table. Host changes Mia's code. Mia felt as her body change permanently. Magenta ink was now her blood. After the operation, Mia went to Tori to run a diagnosis test. "Looks like everything is okay", Tori said, "Feel any different?" "Just me I guess", Mia stands. Tori leans on the wall and rested her head back, "... Why did you hide the book?" Mia looked to the side, "... I'm not sure... I think that... It's best we keep it in the past, right?" Tori crosses her arms, "And if the past catches up to us?" Mia looked to her, "... Then we just do what we do... survive or something." Tori sighs, "I don't know how I haven't beaten your ass up for being so careless." Mia smiles and shrugs, "What can I say? You gotta love me." Tori starts to put up the wires. Mia went to her, "I know that face. What is it?" Tori sets the wires aside, "You act like you're the only one thats restless about all this." Tori looks to her, "I know I was giving up being the Angel of Death, but I didn't think I'd wouldn't be able to fight by your side anymore." Tori sits down, "We all did things together. Fought together. Trained together. We just... were a unit." Mia sits next to her, "I guess I haven't thought about that." Tori looks to her hands, "Even these thorns are pretty useless when it just keeps my bones from shattering everytime I hit a wall or something." Mia took Tori's hands into her owns, "I'm just glad that they're your hands." Tori looked to Mia's fur and claws, "... How long has it been? Since we first became friends?" "Forever, right?", Mia smiles, "We were Death and her angel first." Tori grips Mia's hand, "I'm glad that I'm your Tori." "I"m glad that I'm your Mia", she looked to Tori. Mia's tails wagged happily. Tori watched Mia reach up and push Tori's glasses. "You're wearing your glasses again", Mia said, "brings me back." Tori blushed as Mia stroked her cheek, "Guess I can't be perfect perfect. Haha." Mia cupped her face, "Never wanted that anyway." They closed their eyes and kissed. Mia rested her forehead on Tori's, "Can you still read my mind?" "Yeah", Tori wrapped her arms around Mia, "I like your thinking." They kissed again. Mia kissed Tori's cheek, "It's been awhile. Since we've been like this." Tori laughs weakly, "I'm shaking." Mia kisses Tori's neck, "I can see that." Tori moved her head back as Mia kissed her collar, "Mia?" "Mm?", Mia moved her hands to the hem of Tori's shirt. "I love you", Tori lifts her arms and Mia slipped off her shirt. "I love you too", Mia lays Tori down. They kissed and moved. Mia grunted softly as Tori moved, "Tori." "Mia", Tori moaned. They nuzzled and kissed again. Afterwards, Mia rested next to Tori. Tori fixed her glasses, "Didn't know you could do that." Mia perched on her elbows, "There's a lot you don't know I can do." Tori turns to Mia, "Such as?" Mia smiled wickedly, "Okay, you asked for it." Tori laughed softly as they go again. Moments later, Tori was panting and dripping. Mia held Tori up and was out of breath as well. Tori leaned on the wall, "Oh, I love you." Mia kissed Tori's shoulder. Tori closed her eyes, "I really love you." Mia hugs Tori close, "I love you too." Tori turns to Mia. They kissed a few times before pulling away. "I have to get going", Mia said. "I know", Tori sad. They nuzzled. "Don't do something reckless for me, okay?", Tori watches Mia get dress. "I thought you knew me", Mia teased. Tori slips on her shirt and clothes on, "More than you think." Mia and her kissed once and Mia goes. Tori fixes her hair and shakes her head, "Somethings never change." Mia coughs and spits in the toilet bowl. Mickey rubs her back. Mia sits back, "Okay- I'm done." She clears her throat, "Can't remember the last time I had carrots but there they are." Mickey sits next to Mia, "You need a minute?" "You'd think I'd be use to this by now", she sighs, "guess not." Her phone goes off. She gets it out and looks at the screen, "Host is throwing a small festival." Mickey laughs softly, "I wonder why." She looked to him, "I'm sure this isn't the reason why." Mia gets up and rinses her mouth, "I'm going to be lazy today and just make eggs and bacon." He sits on the counter, "I got you something." "Again?', Mia rested her chin on his snout, "I haven't even gotten you anything and you've given me so much." He smiled, "Come on, I get to spoil you." Mickey hands her a large box. Mia opens it and sees inside, "Aww, honey." She picks up the dress and holds it to her, "... It's pink." "I thought you'd look cute in it." Mia sets it down, "I think I can make anything look cute so I see your logic."At the festival, there was carnival tents and performers. Logan watches a the performers go around to entertain, "Can't seem to get away from work." Nes laughs softlly, "I think you've capture this very well in your work, honey." Billy was excited to see other magicians. The YouTubers arrived to see the small games and attractions. "What's up losers?" They turned to see Daisy in a small toy car. Daisy twitched her nose, "As you can see, I'm still awesome, and now, I have some wheels." She honks the toy car. "Fear me", Daisy says, "As I destroy your feet." She drives about less than one mile per hour. She bumps into Mark's foot. More like it thunks and just run in one place. Mark just stands there, "Uh..." "Damn it", Daisy backs up, "Knew that this wasn't going to work. Good thing I made some upgrades." "A knife blade shot out from the car front." Daisy then started to zoom faster. The YouTubers started to run away. "You so dead!", Daisy was driving after them, "in five minutes!" Sam Sr. saw this, "Should we stop her?" "I'm afraid of trying",Tori said. TimTom was blowing some bubblegum and blew a bubble. He saw Mia and it popped all over his face. Mia wore a hot pink off the shoulder dress that went to the ground. She had a pink poppy in her hair. She saw Daisy and then turned from calm to mad. She stopped Daisy's car with her foot. Daisy was lauched into the air. Mia caught her and glares at her. Daisy twitches her nose, "You wouldn't hurt a tiny defensless bunny, would ya?" "No", Mia said, "but doesn't mean I can't hurt your pride." Mia sets Daisy in a baby carrier and places a baby bonnet on Daisy. "Jokes on you", Daisy said, "I'm into this shit." Mia sighs and pushes , "Why can't you play nice with anyone?" Daisy sucks on a pacifer. "Hi Mia', Phil waves at her. "Hey everyone", Mia smiles at them. "What's with the pink?", Dan asked. "What's wrong with pink?", Mia pushes the carrier past them and knocks Dan on the back of the head, "Seems like you have a pink in your think." Dan rubs the back of his head, "Still mad at us?" "Maybe", Mia goes on still. Samantha sees this and sighs, "Tis the struggle of beinga women." "You're just mad that you wore romething like that before", Scoob said. "We do not mention the dress!", Samantha hissed, "Never!" Scoob smiles. Host appears on a makeshift stage, "Alright everyone. I'm sure you're wondering what this festival is about. I'll be happy to tell you that Victoria has introduced a new ability. A sign that was blank with just black letters saying "Immunity". "Immunity is available to all YouTubers and Webtooners", she looked to them, "To explain, I'm going to need some volunteers." "Pick me!", Daisy hopped up and down. Host tried her best to ignore her, "Anyone else want to come up here." "Me! Pick me!", Daisy hopped more. Host sighs, "Okay fine. Just get up here." Daisy hoped to the stage. "This is only temporary so please don't ask again", Host cast her ability and Daisy transfored. A cloud of white and black smoke. "Hello!", Daisy smiles, "My lovelies." James covers TimTom's eyes. Mia slaps her forehead. Daisy was wearing revealing clothes with a new jester look. Instead of diamonds she had a black heart around her right eye, on her lips and left cheek. She had a heart shaped corset with langerie underwear. She wore flats and had her hair in low pigtails that mismatched rabbit ears. "Where's my praise?", Daisy pose, "the applause." "You suck!", Matt said toward the the back. "Who said that?", Joke was mad now, "I do not suck! The only time I suck is-" "Anyway", Host coves Daisy's mouth, "Moving along. Can I have a YouTuber please come up here?" Jack shoves Stampy forward. "You don't have to shove me", Stampy heads toward the stage. "Better you than me", Jack said. Stampy rolled his eyes and get on the stage. "Thank you Stampy", Host said, "It'll be quick I promise." She faces the gen, "Now the way immunity works is like so." Stampy suddenly went stiff. He was able to move his eyes his head slightly. Host and Daisy went stiff as well. "Victoria can move us in anyway she wishes", Host continues. Stampy, Host and Daisy started to move together by lifted their arms and waving. "She can also make us say, feel and do anything." Stampy did a backflip and stands on one hand, Host recites a poem, and Joke laughs to tears. "Which is pretty understandable", Host continues, "since she is the author." Stampy gets back to his feet and Daisy calms down. "Now when it comes to Victoria, certain things relate to the gen. Such as history, background, and basically what some things we are based on." Host motions to a screen the is moved behind her, "For example, the M.I." The first gen tensed. "As you know, the M.I. was a place Victoria created during the time of her parents divorce. As a form of outlet of her emotions." MA held onto Johnathan's arms. "Another example is depression", Victoria said, "Somethings have been given to some gen for reasons." Vicky held her left forearm. "Which is why we want to have some percaucions", Host looks to the gen, "In case another... incident occurs." Samantah glances back at Mia. Mia seemed scared. "So know whatever hapens to Victoria, it only happens to the gen." She claps her hands, "But let's not let that keep us from having some fun. Please enjoy the carmel apples and pizza." She motions and the performers started to perform again. The gen felt dread. Stampy went off stage, feeling sick to his stomach. Daisy was changed back to her bunny form, "No fair! Why do I have to be this stupid rabbit when I could be a sexy babe?" "You have no shame", Ryan tosses her back into the baby carriage. She grumbles and sucks on her pacifier. Mia stroked Mickey head, "I"m going to get something to drink, you want anything?" "I'm good", he watched her go. Mia got some punch and took so sips. "You okay?" Mia turned and saw Dawko. "I'm good. Great", Mia waves her pink dress skirt, "I'm pink!" "You don't sound that good", he said. She sighs, "It's fine. Just the daily dose of fear." She sips more punch. He awkwardly pats her back for comfort, "There, there." She snorts and spits out some punch, "What the hell was that?!" He blushed red, "I was just trying to be comfort you." Mia clears her throat and stops herself from smiling, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It just seemed so funny to see you try so hard." She wiped her eyes, "I need that thanks." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm glad my embarassment pleases you." She swayed her hand, "All embarassment pleases me. Except my own of course." He rolled his eyes. The gen soon began to enjoy the fesitval. Winter smiles as she got a new hat. Mark was mortified as James and TimTom did a pie eating contest. The gen even gathered for a tallk from Samantha. "Now for a special... talk", Billy was cringing from regret, "from Samantha over... somethings." The gen applauds slightly unenthusiastic. "Thank you", Samantha goes to the podium, "I'm so glad that so many gen that care about the issue that is the unfair unequality for woman." "We only came here because Victoria made us", Matt said. Samantha squints at Matt. She took out a tape gun and shot a line of tape. Matt's mouth was sealed shut. "As I was saying", Samantha puts the gun away, "Unequality is a great issue we are facing." She gets a pointer and points at a board. "Why do I always feel so uncomfortable wheneve I hear her talk about this stuff", Sam Jr. says, "Like it's a crime for having a penis?" "She just has very strong beliefs and we have to support her on this", Serafina said. "Now", Samantha said, "Can we please acknowledge that a woman's role should not be merely to make men happy. 'Cause that's bullshit." "I do enjoy these talks", Kit eats some popcorn. "But then what else is woman here for?", Ash mutters. Samantha snapped her head to his direction. He gulps. He now had tape over his mouth. "We can all agree that women are far more stronger than men", Samantha points to the statitics on the board, "Just merely based that we have badass women like the first gen." "She's got a point", Vicky took a sip of her soda. "So I should think it's fair that the men start to pull their own weight around her", Samantha said, "And actually do some shit." The male gen was so lost and confused. "Appreciate", she taps the board rapidly, "the woman you have in your life." The female gen applauds. "Wait", James blinks, "So this isn't the preview to the new Mia movie?" Samantha started to get the tape gun out. "Okay", Host stops her, "That is all." "What do you all have that dumb look on your faces!", Samantha was getting frustrated, "Can't you see that it's this stupidity that causes such ignorance." Host does a censory on Samantha. "All you @#$%@$# do is %$^$%$ slap a #%$@ label on us! And don't even get me started on the %#%$#% dumb@$# act of being a "good guy" because you all are just accepting those mother%$#$^$# idea that woman are a bunch of $%^$@$ for you to claim!" Scoob had an apologetic look on his face as he started to pick up Samantha and carry her away. "Another hand for Samantha everyone", Host nervously claps her hands. The gen clapped unenthusiastically. "Man that was brutal", Ryan rubbed the back of his neck. Matt pulled the tape off his mouth, "Man, that was dumb." Mia stand behind them, fuming with silent anger. "... I mean", Matt smiles in fear, "Such good points she has... haha." Mia grips their shoulder, "You damn right they are." She smiles when Mickey hugs her side. "I'm not like that right?', Mickey asked. "No, not at all", Mia nuzzles him, "Not my Mickey." They nuzzled. Felix cries out, "Simp!" Mia gets the tape gun and Felix breaks out into a run.Chapter 50: TRACEDawko saw the house of mirrors. He felt unnevered but decided to go in anyway. He looked for any distortion that wasn't ment to be there. "Looking for me?" Dawko turns to see Darko. "Well look no further", he smiles, "because here I am." "I need to ask you something about this immunity thing", Dawko said, "why would Victoria need to do this?" Darko burst out laughing, "You're joking right? Have you not realised who we are talking about? This is Victoria. Her mind is twisted and her life is not so great." Darko motions to himself, "Why do you think she made the YouTubers? For the fun? For the adventures? She made us so that she won't go off the deep end. So she won't... well you know." Dawko frowns, "So you're saying she's still struggling with this stuff?" "Well, obviously!", Darko said, "Why do you think there's still this fear? This darkness that takes a toil on the gen? You can't just rid of darkness. It remains as long as their life." Darko shakes his head, "As long as Victoria is alive, she will face this trail of life. Of her own demons." Dawko frowns, "You know there's something coming. Please, you need to tell me." "I cannot say', Darko said, "at least not that well. It's complicated. Joke usually gave me this information but now that she's Daisy. She can't tell me anything. Host doesn't want me to know things." "You said you knew things even Joke didn't know", Dawko said, "so you must have some source." "I want something in return", Darko says, "I want out." "I can't do that", Dawko said, "You're dangerous." "I swear I'll be good", Darko touches the mirror, "I just wish to be with her." "It's out of the question", Dawko said, "Tell me what you know!" Darko growls, "No escape, no deal." Dawko looked to the side in frustration, "Damn it. Fine! I'll give you one day." Darko smiles, "Okay, then I'll tell you a day's worth of information." He motions to the mirror, "I'll show you." Dawko hesitates but puts his hands to the mirror. Visions filled his head. Soul eaters. Genocide. A grave. Dread. War. Dawko gasped and he was in the mirror. Darko smiles from the outside, "Day starts now." "Wait", Dawko says, "Please. Don't hurt anyone." "You have my word", Darko mocks, "Scouts honor." Dawko felt he shouldn't have down this. Darko goes. Dawko sighs. "That guys a dick." Dawko jumps and turns. A tall man with black fur and eyes. "Who are you?!", Dawko said. "I'm Nogal", he said, "Logan's self-destruct mode." 'Oh", Dawko said, "I don't think we've met before." "Hello." Dawko turns to see an nosrep. "This is Mother", Nogal explains, "Nes's ink form." "Hello Dawko", she said. "Hello", he nods to her, "It's nice to meet you." "So", Airotciv approaches them, "Got ditched too?" "Air right?", Dawko said. "The one and only", Air shrugs, "well in this world anyway." "What is this place?", Dawko looks around. "Welcome', Air motions bored, "to the Other Side." Dawko frowns, "Other Side?" "Whenever a gen has a different mode or version of themselves", Mother explains, they are stored here." "Stored is probably an understatement", Air said, "This is a prision." Nogal rolled his eyes, "Mom, please don't make things sound so pathetic." "I'm just peti", Air waves her hand, "Ignore me." "Why can't you stay with the rest of the gen?" "Two of the same can't exist all at once without certain conditions", Nogal explains, "That's why Mia was attached to Air with a cord." "I see", Dawko says, "So basically they're your link out of this place." "Exactly", Air said, "Come on. We'll show you around." They walked a few steps and they were now in a room colored black with many broken doors. "Hi Dawko", Echo laughs. "What's up?", Madison said. "You're Mia's other modes", Dawko said. "Speak of the devil", Madison points to a mirror. Dawko saw the mirror flicker to show Mia was with the other gen. "You can see the gen?", Dawko said. "It's kind of hard to explain", Air said, "It's like a looking glass thing." Dawko goes to the glass. "Dawko", Mother whispers, "Step away from the glass." "Why-", he went still as something reached out and touched him. He turned his head slowly to see a black figure staring intensely at him with disturbing eyes. Dawko backs away. The creature resembled a nosrep but it had a menacing presence. It fades away. '... What the hell was that thing?", he asked. "It's a Wisp", Madison motions to sit next to her. He sits with them, "A wisp?" "Well that's what I call them", Air lean on the wall, "Don't worry. They're harmless. Most of the times." "What do they do?" "It's kind of unclear', Nogal sits, "Air believes they keep us safe from the outside world." "More like prison guards', Air mutters. "Why did it appear next to me?", Dawko asked. "Usually it means that your doing something you shouldn't", Madison shrugs, "Maybe it was just wondering why your here. Don't know." "Wait", Dawko says, "So when Mia turns into Air, she comes here?" "Not exactly", Air said, "She falls asleep." "Asleep?" "Whenever a mode activates", Nogal explains, "the charcter is shifted off. So their concious is muted." "So what does that mean for me?", Dawko said, "Is Darko a mode or something else?" "Never seen anything like this before", Echo rocks, "Very interesting." "Darko doesn't talk to us", Air scoffs, "Says he's too busy or that we're just annoying." Dawko leaned forward, "Who else is here?" They looked at each other. "Them", Echo points. Dawko turns his head and then stands. Death. She was sitting in a corner reading. He stands. "Dawko", Nogal said, "I wouldn't if I were you." "Why?", Dawko asked. "She's not a mode or another version", Mother says, "She's a manifestation of death. She has no soul." Dawko looked over to her. He goes. He sits across from her. Death does not look up from her book. "Can I ask you something-", Dawko went still. Death loomed over him. He felt her cold touch as she neared her face to his. Hello Dawko. He was cold but his body was too paralyzed to move. He cleared his throat, "H-Hi." She tilts her head, "Interesting." She reaches out and cups his face. He shivers as he felt her touch. A YouTuber. She strokes his face. With a Mia inside." Dawko grips his knees, "You're hands are cold." She doesn't pull away. I always am cold. She puts her hands away. You were saying? Dawko sits up, "So if you are now Samantha. Why are you here instead of with her?" Death sits back down. Samantha is not Death completely. At least, not yet. Death looks to the unlite fire place. Her flame has not been woken up yet. "Flame?", Dawko asked. It's a long story. Death stands. Perhaps if I will tell you it another time. "Wait", Dawko says, "I want to-" Not here. Death motions. Come. She goes to a broken door and opens it. She enters into a dark void. He stands and goes after her. A wisp appears in front of him. It's eyes glaring into his soul. He didn't know what to do other than stare back at it. He then heard a small whisper of a child. Those who dance with Death. Will find that dance is sealed with it. It then vanishes. He didn't understand what it meant. He shook off the doubt and went in.Darko winced at the sunlight. Why is so bright out here. He looked around in search of Hailey. He found her with Jonas at the carnival games. He beams and goes toward her. Two individuals stood in the way. Darko smiles, "Why, if it isn't my friend White and Black." They looked displeased at him. "Why the whole stand off gentlemen", Darko said, "I'm doing nothing wrong, am I?" "Don't act so innocent", White says, 'We know it's you, Darko." "So what if it is me", Darko said, "You don't think you can just keep me away from my precious Hailey, do you?" "It's not only that we can", Black said, "but it's for her own good. Your intentions aren't exactly good." "What's the harm of embracing my sweet Hailey", Darko says, "And simply being by her side." The two Guardian Angels seem unconvienced. "Tell you what", Darko says, "I had promised Dawko I would not hurt anyone so I can stay out for a day. I only asked to be with her for one day. Is that too much to ask?" White glares at Darko, "If you so much as hurt her, I'll-" "What's going on?" Hailey stood with Ceilo in her arms. Darko smiles, "Hailey! There you are I was looking for you." He goes to her. Black stopped White from making a scene. "I guess that face paint did take awhie huh?", Hailey smiles, "Do you like it?" "Like it?", Darko smiles, "I love everything you do!" Hailey laughs softly. "Say Hailey", Darko asked, "I was wondering if it'll be okay if I steal you away for awhile? Just have the two of us spend sometime together?" "If that's what you like", she said, "I'm sure Jonas wouldn't mind spending sometime with Celio for a couple of hours. "That's great", Darko beams. "I'll hand him over and I'll join you in a sec", she goes over to where Jonas was playing a carnival game. Darko looks back to the others, "See? That wasn't so bad." "You do anything", White glares, "And I'll make you sorry." Darko sighs, "Oh White. Such mistrust you have of me." Black scoffs, "You're not even her YouTuber. You're just a-" "I am her YouTuber!", his eyes glowed in anger, "Because you weren't there!" Black wanted to say something but Hailey had come back. "Okay", Hailey said, "Ready to go." Darko smiles, "Yay!' Hailey looks to White and Black, "Meet you at dinner later?" "Of course", White nods. Hailey and Darko walk away. Darko grins back at the two before turning his attention to Hailey. "He's up to something", White said, "Let's follow them." Darko held Hailey's hand and they walked around the festival. "Isn't it so beautiful",she looks to the lights, "How they glow so brightly in the air?" "You'd think lightbulbs would just float there you know. Like stars", Darko shakes his head, "Pity." She laughs, "You're so funny." She sees a game, "Oh! Dawko look!" They come to a carnival game. "I don't know if it's a duck or a panda but I want one", she said. "One game please", Darko said. The game was a shooting game. Darko fires at the metal ducks. "Winner!", the machine places a duck-pandaon the counter. Hailey hugs it, "Thank you!" Darko smiles softly. They walk around some more. "Why don't we go in there?", Darko points to the fortune teller booth. "Looks mysterious", she laughs. They went inside. The fortune teller had a hood draped with stars. "Welcome", she says, "I am Madam Zora. I will tell your future." Darko and Hailey sits. "Hmm", Madam says, "Ah, I see that a special person is here with me today." She smiles to Haily, "For I can see I have the Being of Creation is here with me." Hailey smiles, 'Yes. It's me." "And you", Madam Zora looks to her crystal ball, "You are..." She frowns. "Something wrong", Darko laughs. The woman gave Darko and strange look, "... You are not who you claim to be." Darko tensed. "Yes", the woman says, "you are... an imposter!" Hailey saw how serious the woman seems, "... Haha. You really had me there." Darko griped his seat. "Child", the woman looked to Hailey, "He is but a lying shell of what was something that was human." "Now there's no need to be so rude", Hailey started to feel defensive, "He's my friend and I don't think you should talk about him like that." "... Very well", Madam Zora says, "I apologize for misreading you young man." Darko laughs nervously, "It's okay. Was really worried there for a moment. Haha." Madam Zora looks into her ball, "Is there something you wish to know?" "Um", Hailey fixes her hair, "I guess I can ask about my son. Will he grow up alright?" Madam Zora looks into her ball, "Hmm... I see... A young man of golden locks and eyes of blue." Haileys sits forward. "I see him... walking somewhere... a hall." "A hall?" "He's been walking it for some time now", the woman said, "but he doesn't seem to notice that anytime is passing." "What do you mean?", Hailey asked, "Is he okay?" "My dear", Madam Zora shook her head, "I"m afaid this boy has no story." Hailey pales, "What?" "His role in life is yet to be written", Madam Zora looks to her, "This is all that I can see. I am sorry." Hailey sits back, "... I'm sorry. I... I need some air." Hailey stand goes leaves. Darko stands to go after here. "Young man", the woman says, "You might want to hear what I have to say." "You can tell me the whole world is ending", he was fuming, "but I don't care, she needs me-" "She", Madam Zora said, "will be burden with something dire." Darko frowns, "What?" Madam Zora looked to her ball, "Life is such a pure thing young man. But it has a toll on the person more than you could ever imagine. It takes you see. Life for life as you can say." Zora looked to him, "For with Daisy, she became barren. As for your watcher... I'm afraid it's something much more." "What is it", he goes to her, "Tell me." Madam Zora looks to her ball, "I see... a shift... the balance is unstable..." Madam Zora nods, "Life is shifting. Death is shifting. No in between." "What dos it mean?", Darko asked. "There is no telling", the woman says, "if the two will ever exist at once. Or not at all." She gasped, "Death will remain if the balance is not fixed!" She points to him, "You must stop this?!" "How?", he asked, "I don't understand!" "You must become the link between life and death. It's the only way." She looks to the side, "... She is getting the other ready." She motions, "Go! You must accompany life this night! While the balance is still here!" Darko goes. He finds Hailey is nowhere to be seen. Panic fills him. She will die unless I find her. He took off in a run to search. The room Dawko entered was like a void. Doesn't appear to have walls or a ceiling. He didn't see the floor but he knew it was under him. She stood there. What do you want to know? He walks toward her, "Everything." She laughs softlly. Something that seemed human-like. Ignorance is bliss, you know? She sits in a chair that appears. I'd be careful of what your asking. He sees a chair appear for him. He sits, "You waid you'd tell me a story." "Right", she says, "This story is about a kingdom long, long ago..." Dawko suddenly felt sleepy. He closed his eyes and dreamed. He was in a castle. Death stood with him. This place. Is a old memory. Dawko watched as Maria walked out from the hall. A very familiar one actually. She walked to the window to look out. "That's that woman", Dawko said, "she was in Mia." Michael turned a corner and saw her. He smiled and snuck up to her. He snatched her up and she laughed. This story is about love. Maria and Michael smiled and nuzzled. And a tragic end. Dawko frowns. Death motions. Come. There is more to see. Dawko glanced back to the two lovers before following Death. Death took him to the lower floors of the castle. Dawko had to take a double-take when he came across two individuals. "You know that's not what they mean when you can't have your cake and eat it too. It's just a figure of speech." The two individuals was Mark and James. "But I love cake", James said, "It's delicious." Mark and James had silver armor on. "Just because you ate the whole thing doesn't mean that it's a good thing", Mark said. "But I beat the system!", James said. Dawko watched them walk away. Surprising isn't it? "How are they here?", Dawko looked to her. They are all here. Dawko looked outside and intook a breath. It was like the Neighborhood. The houses were not like modern house but like they were like houses in the fifties or before. The gen was here. "How is this possible?", he said. Come. He follows her. They walk among the gen. This is the Village. Dawko watched as Xavier sits in a horse-pulled carriage. "So", Dawko looks around, "If we're in the past, does that mean history is repeating itself?" You catch on pretty fast. Death points. Dawko was taken back. It was him. He wore armor like Mark and James. Hailey was there too. She isn't Life at the time. Hailey smiles and hugs Dawko's arm. 'If this...", Dawko looked to her, "is the past... then... " Death leads him along. He saw the first gen. Tori was wearing her silver armor. "Why do we have to do this everyday?", Jonas wore similar armor. "You want to against the queens wishes?", Sam Sr. lifted a brow. Jonas sheaths his sword, "No." "You're just mad that you didn't go on the last adventure", Tori picks up her bag. "It's not my fault that I got the plague!" Death looked to Dawko. You're probably wondering why this is important. Let's move ahead sometime. Dawko sees the first gen walk together. They all wore armor. Maria led the way. She was dressed as the phoenix. "Your majesty", Jason said, "Just how far is this ancient power?" 'Just over yonder", Maria said. 'You said that five miles ago", he said, "Just how far is that?" "You can ask for a break Jason", she turns to him. "Good", he sits, "My dogs are barking." "I'll make lunch", Winter took out her knife. "No offense Winter", Johnathan said, "Your flesh isn't that appetizing." "Wait", Jason looked to him, "You actually tired it?" "No", Johantha rubbed the back of his neck, "I just don't wish to eat it." 'Okay", Winter said, "I'll find something else." Death stands beside Dawko. Somethings never change. They went ahead the story and the first gen were in a cave. Maria used her flames to light up the cave. Bats flapped around. "What is this power again?", Summer asked. Tori looked to the book. Dawko recognised the book that the letter for Michael were inside. "It saws this power is the essence of the beginning of time", Tori flips through the pages, "It also says whoever wields this power will have internal life." "That's lame", Jason says, 'Who wants to live forever?" "You're saying you don't want internal life with me?", Vicky gives him a warning look. "It's not that baby", he assures her, "but you know, it's be nice to not get bored after a couple centuries of doing the same thing. Like going on long ass adventures to dank caves." "He has a point", Jonas waves his foot in disgust after stepping in some sludge. "Come on guys", Maria says, "You know why we need to find it." "So what if it's the end of the world?", Jason says, "Shouldn't we let things happen as theyr'e suppose too?" Maria halted to a stop. Johnathan smacks the back of Jason's head, "Don't go against her majesty! You know why she-" "I must ask you all something", Maria turns to them, "This power... it's not without a heavy price." She puts a hand to her heart, "I cannot ask you to take on this burden by force. I only wish to be with you all as long as this life of mine is here. If you wish to be spared of this fate, please turn back." They all looked at each other. "No way", Winter beams, "We're with you to the end, Maria." "No matter how dangerous", Summer nods, "or how much Jason complains about his dogs." Jason rubs the back of his neck ,"Being with you forever, Maria, doesn't sound like a bad thing." Maria smiled softly, "I'm glad." Dawko and Death followed them further in the cave. "We are here", Maria lights the torches. There were five podiums. Five glowing orbs. Tori takes out the book again and reads them out, "Light, Magic. Strength, Love and Spirit. The five ultimate power elements." Maria goes to them, "... Winter? What does the wall say?" Winter goes to the wall and looks, "It reads... One will be made into a symbol of mortal relief. The remaining will be under the siege of the person of decay. If you wish to avoid this fate, the world that you know will perish and decay." "Symbol of relief", Tori looked to the book, "What does that mean?" "Like going to the bathroom?", Summer scratches his head. "Because that would make so much sense", Jason said sarcastically. Jonas looked to the orbs, "So there's ten of us and five of those so... we share?" "Hmm', Tori looks to the book, "It says her. Who's hearts are the same or have a strong link to another should share the power." "I don't know about you", Vicky points, 'but I'm all about the strength." "Wait", Winter says, "There's more." She reads, "The one who decides love will also be like the others. Yet two sides of the same." "So whoever chooses love", Tori said, "Needs to be a person of two?" "That'll be us", Johanthan says. "Maria", Jonas said, 'This price... what is it exactly?' Maria approaches the podiums, "I'm not sure entirely. But I'm sure the price is heavy." Tori looks to the book, "... The sacrafice of this power... is not merely of a life or of something dear to you... You will relive a tradegy... until it happens again... one will live... and the others will not follow." Maria looked to them. They all went silent. "... Maria', Tori said, "you should be the one to live." Maria frowns, "What?" "You need to live", Tori says, "It must be you." The others looked to her, agreeing. "Stop this!", Maria said, "Why must you persist I live instead of another?" "Because it's you Maria', Johnathan said, "We swear our life to you." "Well then I order you to pick someone else." They all went on one knee. "Please", Winter says, "Live for us." Maria felt troubled, "Then I won't let you have this power." She turn to her phoenix form, "I'll bare it all myself." Vicky and Jason smiled sadly and took the strength orb. "No!", Maria cried out. Vicky and Jason grunted as the power was shared between them. Vicky watches in horror as her body began to be cut and bleed. Jason's breathing is off as his body slumps. Winter and Summer took Spirit. Winter laughs sadly as she finds herself bleeding from the wounds. Summer's body was fried from the electricity that cooked him from the inside. MA and Johnathan took Love. Johnathan got on his knees and took his sword. Slitting his throat. MA held her throat as it was sealed shut. "Stop!", Maria begs, "Please!" Sam Sr. looks to Tori. "Tori", Maria was in tears, "Please don't go." Tori looked to Maria with tears in her eyes, "We'll be together right? Even if it's not in this life... I will always be your friend." Tori and Sam Sr. took Light. Sam Sr. coughs as something inside his body was now injected with a poisonous matter. Tori's head was shot back as bullet wounds riddled he body. Only magic remains. Jonas held out his hand, "Shall we?" Maria wipes her eyes, "I don't understand... Why would you all do this?" "It's not all about you, you know? This world... this life we have now... we'd do anything to keep this forever... Anything." She turns her flames off, "... But why must I live? Tell me why." He bows his head, "... We all care about you. The gen... your liege... Michael he... He needs you." "But I need you all", she cries, "You are all my dear friends." Jonas hugs her, "We'll be together again. I know we will." He helped her to the last power. "Jonas", she says, "I'm scared." "It's okay Maria', he said, "We all must face Death one way or the other." They stand before the orb. He looks to her, "Maria... Would you mind telling Hailey why I don't come home for me... I know she'll miss me but I... Tell her I wanted this... Okay." "I promise", she sniffs. He grabs the orb. Maria and Jonas cried out in pain. Jonas laughs weakly, "Damn- this hurts." Maria watched with a heavy heart as Jonas started to be patched with metal bonds. "Jonas', Maria goes to him. "I love you", he smiles sadly, "Maria." His eyes and mouth becomes shut. She held him close. He still. She sobs. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!", Maria screams. She presses her face to his chest, "My friends..." She gasped as she looked to her arms. Stitches appear. "Wait", she stands, "Wait I..." She lays down, "I thought... I'd be... here..." She collapsed. Dawko looks to Death, "Did it not work?" Death puts a finger to her lips and goes. Dawko watched as Death lifted the essence of each gen. Dawko watched as their eccence became Death's Crew. "You are my Angel", Death tells Tori. Dawko watched them all join Death. Dawko noticed only Maria remained. Death knelt and helped a person up. Peace. Peace looked to Death. "You are Peace", Death explains. Death led them away. Dawko waits. Some time must've passed because there was commotion. "There's something down here!" Dawko watched Mark and some of the YouTubers come down. Jaiden gasped. "No!", Stampy cried out, "Maria!" He goes over to her corpse, "No, no, no! Maria..." Dawko sees Michael. Michael was devasted. Michael goes to Maria and holds her close. Dawko sees Death returns. "They say she would live-" Stampy screamed. Maria was moving. Maria pulled at the thread and took in a breath. Michael smiles and holds her close, "Maria!" She coughs and he held her open her eyes. "You're alright', he pulls her close, "Maria." Mark knelt by Vicky, "Vicky?" Dan and Phil cried silently holding MA. Maria looked to Michael, "Baby?" He kisses her, "You're alive." She turns and sees where she is, "... but at what cost?" Death had the story along. Maria looked to the scars of the stitches. She looked to the reflection. She was ill. "My love", Michael said, "why are you so sad?" "... I miss my friends", she looked to him, "I didn't... deserve to be alive..." "Don't say that", he held her close, "They wanted you to live." She holds onto him, "It hurts." She cries. Death shows Dawko a little more ahead. There was the Moselum. Maria sees her friends bodies were displayed under glass. Their bodies perserved in their death. "My friends", Maria says, "I don't think it worked." She looked to her hands, "I feel my heart beating... but I feel cold... I 'm not alive..." She wipes her eyes, "I want to be free of this pain." She lays on a final bed that was meant fo her when she had died. "Can't you see?", she lays down, "I belong dead." She lays down. She goes still. The stitches return. Darkness goes over the kingdom. Dawko watched as the gen fall into a deep sleep. Michael find Maria. "No", he goes to her, "Please." He holds her close, "I need you." The world was beginning to end. "Why did you leave me?", he cries. Dawko sees Peace. She tried to reach out to him. He could not feel her or see her. "I'd do anything to join you again", he said. Dawko saw him fall off the cliff. Then the world slowly dies out. Death and him watched as it sunk deep underground and soon this world became Disney. "So this", Dawko said, "Was the real story." Death looked to him. More like the end of the beginning. Dawko looked to her, "So did it work at the end?" You see the Neighborhood right? The gen. YouTubers. All returned as it would. Dawko steps back, "But then something will happen.' Death goes to him. You can help stop it. Dawko looks to her, "How?" The balance is off. We must have it back or this will happen all over again.Meanwhile at the festival, Mia held to a table. "You okay Mia?", Matt goes to her. "But why...", she sunk to the ground. Ryan pales when he sees her stitches appear. The first gen started to sink to the ground. "James?", Winter stumbles, "I don't feel so good." He catches her, "Hey." Jonas grips onto the grass, "Why?" Tori watches as the bullet holes appear, "What did we do wrong?" MA was covering her face, "Please, not again." Dawko puts a hand to his heart, "I'll do it. I'll take the burden. Please." Death goes to him. You will have to pay a heavy price. "I don't care", he said, "I will do it." Darko finds Hailey. Hailey was crying in a tent. "Hailey", he goes to her, "Something's happening-" "Please', Haily said, "Don't ask me to do this." She looks to him with Life's eyes, "I don't want you to die." He smiles sadly, "Oh Hailey. I won't be gone for that long." She sniffed, "I love you Dawko." He pulls her close, "My Hailey... I'd do anything to protect you." Dawko looks to Death, "What do I do?" She reaches out and cups his face. Just hold me close. I'll do the rest. He reaches out and pulls Death close. Darko cups Hailey's face, "Hailey?" Dawko felt the cold touch of Death. "I love you", he smiles sadly, "With all my heart." Dawko gasped as Death took his lifeforce. Darko kisses Hailey. Hailey cries silently as she kissed him back. Death kissed Dawko softly. Dawko and Darko felt as their bodies were being ripped apart and being patched together. Darko kisses Hailey passionately as he felt his body decay. Dawko felt as his body became something in between life and death. Hailey. He falls. I swear to you. Darko collapses. I will come back. Hailey screams. To you. Mia gasped as the stitches goes away. Tori and the first gen sighed in relief. "James?", Winter looks to him and speaks weakly, "You like my new hat right? I look so cool." "The coolest", he sniffs and kisses her. White and Black sees Hailey holding Darko. "Help him please!", she sobs, "Please!" White goes to Hailey, "Hailey, he's-" "No!", she hits him, "Not again! Not ag-ain-" She sobs into him. Black punches and dents a metal pole, "Dawko you idiot! What have you've done!" It started to pour rain. "Are you okay?", Mickey goes to him. "Yeah', Mia holds her head, "Weird deja vu." The gen began to hear Hailey's screams. Some gen found the tent. They see Dawko dead. "P-Please", Hailey sobs and cries into him, "Come back." Mia and Samantha come to the scene. "Please?", Hailey trembles, "Dawko?" Mia covered her mouth. Samantha bows her head, "Oh no." Mia goes to Hailey, "Hailey-" "Don't touch him!', Hailey hugs Dawko close, "He's mine! He was- mine..." Mia reaches out and holds Hailey, "Hailey, you need to understand something. What he did wasn't in vain. He saved us Hailey." She shows the scars of her stitches, "He saved me." The first gen came to the scene. "And us", Jonas nods. Hailey covers her face, "Why? Why must he die?" Mia hugs her, "I'm sorry." Hailey cries into Mia. Dawko was buried in the graveyard. Hailey felt dread. Mia stood beside the grave, "... Dawko was a dear friend of mine... He hasn't been here the longest but... I always say that Ohana means family." Jonas holds the crying Hailey. "And..., Mia wipes her tears away, "and family means... " "No body gets left behind", the gen finished. "Or forgotten", Mia finishes and looks to them, "Dawko died a hero. And we'll never forget what he did for us." Hailey closed her eyes. "What he did for everyone", Mia nods, "Here and the whole universe..." Mia walks back to where she stood. The grave read Lewis "Dawko" Dawkins. Beloved friend and Hero of the Universe. The gen left one by one. Only Hailey remained. She sunk to her knees and hugged the Grave close to her. White and Black waited for her. "... I love you, Dawko", she kissed his grave, "Always." She stands and goes to the two. "We're so sorry", White said. She hugs them tightly. "Come on", Black says, "Let's take you home." It's been a few weeks since Dawko has died. Hailey would visit his grave. She knelt and placed small daisies on his grave, "... The... Time Council came today... said you did an honor act of bravery." She sets a medal beside his grave, "You really did save the universe, Dawko... You brought back the balance." She looked to the sky, "... Can you hear me?" She listens for a moment. "I miss you", she said, "All the time." She wipes her eyes, "... I hope that your at peace... and that you can watch over me." She stands, "... You're my hero... even before you did this..." She turns. Something rattles. She frowns and looks back. The medal was shifted. She waits, "... Dawko?" She goes back, "Did you move this?" She waits. "Are you here with me?" She reaches out to the medal. A hand burst from the ground and snatched her wrist. She screams. She tries to pull away but it clung onto her. "No, no!", it tried to pull her under. She pulled hard enough that it snapped the arm off. She stumbles back and looks in horror as the hand tighten still. She watched as another arm rise from the grave. She watched as a figure claws out. It's flesh was decayed and it's eyes white. It moaned inhumanly. "Dawko?", she goes to him, "Is that you?" It reaches out toward her. "Did you come back to me?", she had tears in her eyes. He looks at her. "Dawko-" He bites into her. She felt as something goes over her. Her eyes became glassy as she became like him. They both shuffle to the Neighborhood. Kadyn frowns and sees this, "... What the fuck?" Kadyn watched Vicky was busy getting groceries and didn't see the two walking at her. "Shit", Kadyn walks out the house, "Vicky! Behind you!" Vicky turns and sees them, "Oh shit-" She threw her groceries at them and turned to a run. Dawko was fast and managed to tackle her. Dawko sunk his teeth into Vicy. Vicky changed. "Sit", Kadyn said. Hailey snarls and goes after him. Kadyn summons his flames, "Don't know when if I can kill you or not." Hailey ran through the flames. "Better ran", he turns and run. "Kadyn?", Luna come out the house, "Have you've seen the egg beater-" Hailey bites into Luna. "... Hey since when do you...", Luna then turned. Billy hums as he sets the table. He hears something. He frowns and looks to the window. He goes and opens the curtain. Winter was scratchin at the window, snarling. "Grandma?", Billy frowns, "What are you doing?" He then saw Dawko break in. "Oh shit", he runs and barricades his bedroom door. He got out his phone and called Zoey. "Hello?", she was reading on her bed. "Hey", Billy said, "Where are you right now?" "I'm in my room", she sets her book aside, "Why?" "I need you to lock your windows and doors", Billy peeked out his window. "Why?" Billy gets his cards, "There's zombies.' "Zombies?!", she sits up, "Wait, what kind? Like Plants vs Zombies or Walking Dead ones? I think it's more like Last of Us ones", he said, "I'm coming to get you." "No Billy", she said, "It's too dangerous-" "If they bite you, you could die", he said, "I can't risk that." "Billy", she hugs her knees to her chest, "I'm scared." "I'm gooing to protect you", he gets a bag and opens his window, "I'll meet you there soon." "Billy", she said. "If anything happens", he says, "Know that I love you, okay?" "Oh Billy", she had tears in her eyes, "Please don't go." He smiles sadly, "You'll marry me, right?" "Yes", she wipes her eyes, "We'll have a big wedding and everything." "Okay", he smiles, "I'll see you soon." 'Billy-" He hung up and silenced his phone. He hops down and listens. I have to reach her. Mia was humming and rinsing dishes. "Um", Matt looks out a window, "Is it just me or is there a horde of zombies outside." Mia gets a knife, "Get the twins and go into the bathroom. Lock the door. Go." Ryan picks up the twins. "Mommy?", Tal said. "You go with them", Mickey summoned his magic. "Like hell I am", Mia was tripped and he caught her. "Mia", he said, "the baby." Mia cupped his face, "If you get bitten, I'll make you wish you were dead." They kissed softly. "I love you", he nuzzles her. "Please be careful", she hugs him. "Careful is my middle name", he watches her go, "Go." She goes with Matt and Ryan. Mickey used his magic to seal the door. "I have to see what's going on", he goes out. He sees that the zombies were the gen, "Not good-" "Hey! What about me?!" He went back to the house to see Daisy. "I'm not going to be a zombie!" "Shh", He gets a baby carrier and straps it to his back, "You know anything about this?" "Yeah", Daisy said, 'We have to get to Walt's tower." "Alright", Mickey said, "You better be right or I'm taking a Rabbits foot." "Trust me", Daisy said, "This isn't going to be pretty if I drawl this out longer than it can." Mickey ran toward Walt's Tower. "Why can't you just teleport us?", she asked. "I have to try and see if any of the gen need help." He halts to a stop. He sees Logan. Logan was under some rubble. Logan claws and snarls. Mickey felt his heart break. "He'll be fine", Daisy said, "Let's keep moving." Mickey turns and goes. Samantha was with Scoob at their house. Stanley was sleeping in her arms. Scoob moves the couch in front of the door. Stanley starts to fuse. "Shh, shh", she rocks him, "It's okay." Scoob goes to her, "Rhat do we do?" "I don't know", she whispers, "Zombies are something I didn't think I have to deal with today." Scoob turns his head hearing them hit the coverd windows. Stanley started to cry. 'Shh, Stanley", Samantha held onto him, "Please don't cry." The zombies started to hit louder. Scoob got out his gun. Samantha gives Stanley small kisses, "Shh, shh." Stanley calms slightly." Ash and Abcde where hiding at the library. Abcde rocks Oreo. Ash quietly moves the bookshelves to make a small barricade. "Ash", Abcde whispers, "You have to see if the others need help." He goes to her, "I'm not leaving you and the baby." Oreo looks to him. "But what about the other gen?", she asked. "You're first", he said, "Always." Oreo cooes. He kisses her little head, "They'll be fine." Manny and Molly were at their campsite. Molly pants, "Manny." He sees her in labor, "My love." She holds back her cries. He heard nearby movment. "Manny", she says, "It'll be okay." She takes some breathes, "Please saw yourself." "No", he puts on his skull headwear, "I'll fight to my very last breath." She grunts as she starts giving birth. Manny weld his weapon. Mark, Jack, and the YouTuber were barricaded the game room. "Felix died", Jack reloads a gun, "Fuck Felix." James cried out as Winter jumps on him. A horrible fate fell onto him. "... Well", TimTom said, "that's one way to go." Mark winced, "Poor guy." "We got bigger problems", Jaiden fires at the zombies. Billy manages to get to Zoey's house without much trouble. He gets to room and doe 'cut and a shave'. She opens the door and hugs him, "Billy!" He shuts the door behind him and barricades it, "It's not so bad out there." She cups his face, "You could've gotten hurt." There was zombies banging on the door. He got out his weapons. A few arms managed to burst through the walls. Billy threw his cards and cuts off some limbs. Zoey fires at the zombies. Manny was bashing the zombies heads and made them stay down. Molly screamed in pain as he pushed. She dug her claws into the earth. Manny snarled as the zombies neared her. He cut off their heads and broke them. She cries as she gave birth to a cub. She panted as it happened a second time. She had five cubs now. Manny hissed at the zombies and slayed them. She smiles weakly, "Manny." The cubs whimpered and began to nurse from Molly. Manny waited and then went to her. "We're a family", she rested her head down. He kisses her, "Molly. They're beautiful." The cubs nursed and Molly cleaned them. He heard a snarl and blocked it from getting to his family. He was bitten in his hand. He kills it and looks to his bite. "Manny", Molly looked to her. Manny works quickly, "It'll be okay my love." He got his weapon. "Manny!" He cuts off his hand. Mickey made it to Walt's tower. He knocks ont he door. No answer. Mickey blasted the door down. He waits. He goes up to find the tower empty. Walt was slouch in a corner. "Walt", Mickey goes to him, "Hey-" Mickey stumbles back. Walt was dead. He saw a note and read it to himself. "They managed to get in through the cellar and infect Bella. I managed to catch her and take her here. I was working on an antidote when she got out. She bit me and I ended up shoving her to my bath. I knew that if I turned, I'd be in my rat form. I would be a danger to the gen. Mickey saw the poison. "The instruction for the antidote is written on the back. Tell mom I'm sorry." Mickey looked to the back. "We better start working on this", Joke said. "Right", Mickey got some ingredients, "You keep watch." Billy and Zoey were getting overwhelmed. He ran out of cards. Zoey ran out of bullets. They started to come in. Billy puts her behind him. "Billy", she reaches out and cups his face, "Marry me." "I will", he kisses her, "Zoey." They hugged. Light went around them. A giant white wolf with red eyes. The zombies sunk their teeth into the wolf but the wolf was immune. The wolf growled and bite off their heads. It thrashed and fought them off. The wolf walked out and heard someone in distress. The YouTubers were in a corner. Tiffany, Jaiden, Mark, Jack, Stampy, Dan and Phil were the only ones left. Dan, Phil and Tiffany held up force fields. "I really don't want to be a zombie", Stampy said. The wolf broke through a window and attacked the zombies. Mark whistles, "Wow, that's pretty cool." The wolf finished and looked to them. "Are they friendly?", Jaiden asked. "It's Billy and Zoey", Phil puts his field down. They went to the wolf. The Wolf lays down, tired. "I hope the others are okay", Mark looked to the bodies. ... Why am I walking? A zombie lifted its head to the sky. Where am I even? It looked to the side. The other zombies seemed uninterested. He heard a female one moan next to him. It looked to her. She rested her head against his arm. He shuffles to a stop. They parted from the group. He had no memory of her. Or who he was. He and her go to a corner of a house. They rested their foreheads together. He didn't know why he wanted to be near her. Or why she wanted to be near him. "Dawko?" The zombie looked to a person dressed in white. "What...", the man looke to the female zombie. Another man, dressed in black, seemed just as distraught. The zombie went back to nuzzling the female zombie. "We need to get Mia or somebody", the one in black said, "she might know what to do." "... Alright." The zombie watched them fly off. The female zombie moaned softly. The zombie rested his head on hers. Dawko. He closed his eyes. Sounds familar. The female zombie reaches up and holds onto him. She made raspsing sounds. He pulls her closer. They pressed their cheeks together. They went inside a house. They nuzzled and held onto each other. He pulled at her clothes. What is this feeling? She did the same with him. He closed his eyes as she pressed her cheek to his. Why do I want to be near her? She reaches up and pulls him closer. Does this feeling have a name? He drew his mouth to hers. Does this feeling really exist? Their lips pressed together. Does this feeling only exist with me and her? She look to him as he kissed her body. Does it only exist because of what I am now? They moved to a bed. This sensation. She moans kisses him. It's something that he can't control. They moved. Something he desires. They grunted and rested their cheeks together. Something he wants with her. She kisses his chin and his neck. He kisses her. Something to have together. Mickey had finished the antidote. He knelt by Walt and dropped it into Walt's mouth. Walt's body started to return back to normal. Walt coughs and gasped. Mickey hugs him, "Hey." Walt holds onto him, "Hi Dad." Mickey, Walt and Daisy went down. Walt pulled Bella from the water. Mickey dropped the antidote into her mouth. Bella gasped and looked around. "You're alright", Walt hugs Bella. They went to the Neighborhood and healed everyone. "Braaaaains", Winter holds onto Mickey. "You're not a zombie anymore", he said. "You know I'm still a cannibal, right?", Winter laughs. Mark and the YouTubers who survived came with the White Wolf. The zombie and the female zombie were lying in bed. She rested her face against his chest. He felt... happy. He closed his eyes. Host appears, "Okay. It's time to get up." She waved her hand and they were dressed. She sent Hailey out. Dawko tried to follow her. "Ah, ah", Host said, "Not yet." He grunted in irritation. Mickey gave Hailey the antidote. She blinked and was back. Black and White hugged her close. "Where is he?", Hailey asked, "Where's Dawko?" Host had Dawko in her grasped. The zombie looked at Hailey. He moaned and tried to go to her. Hailey covers her mouth and had tears in her eyes. The gen looked to Dawko. "Do not worry", Host said, "He will be fine." Mickey handed Host the antidote. Dawko was give it. His eyes stared to clear. He blinks a few times, "... Uh... am I dead?' Hailey ran and hugged him. She cried into him. He carefully held her, "Hailey, I- I'm so sorry." Host waves her hand and the Neighborhood was back to normal. Mia ran to the Neighborhood and saw Dawko. She ran and hugged him. "Guess you missed me, huh?", he pats Mia's head. "This isn't a hug", she started to choke him, 'It's a choke hold." He grunted, "Okay, okay! You're mad at me." Hailey looks at him, "You're body." Dawko looks to his hands. His body was still rotten. "A link", he said, "between life and death..." Hailey hugged his arm. He looked to her and smiled sadly, "I'll be okay." Manny came with Molly in his arms. His cubs rested on her belly. He took a knee. "Manny!", Sunshine ran to him. He weakly looked to her, "Will you have Uncle Snow look at Molly?" "You're hand", Winter said. Manny had a bloodied bandage where his hand used to be. "It's nothing", he said. He coughs ans shivers. "You're burning up", Sunshine held his face. Manny slumped forward. "Manny!", she said. Molly held her cubs to her, she didn't know what to do. Sam Sr. saw Host looking at him. She gives a single nod. He looks to Manny and kneels beside Sunshine, "Manny, I want you take my place as Saint." Manny shook his head weakly, "You should... choose someone... else." "Well that's not up to you on who I choose", Sam Sr held his hand out, "I only want you except my request." Manny hesitates but takes Sam Sr. hand. Manny's eyes turn black and Sam Sr. became weak. The White Wolf immune to zombies laid down. "They're dying", Phil knelt by them. Johnathan goes to the wolf, "Billy. Zoey. Your fusion can take my place as Price. Will you accept this?" The wolf lifted it head in agreement. Price held their head to his. The wolf lets out a low growl as they excepted the new role. Johnathan became weak as well. Mia looked around the gen. "What is it Mia?", Matt asked. "... Just... never was use to change." Matt held her hand, "Change is good. Sometimes." She looks to him, "... Was it ever for the gen?" He squeezed her hand, "You got us right? That was good." She smiled, "Yes. It is good." She looked over to where Dawko was, "It's always good with family."

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