You'll find your name in this chapter if you're an active member of the club. Here, you'll be divided into separate groups, headed by an admin who will be responsible for managing your assignments and reviewing them.
The members will have to tag their admins in the 'done log' they leave after each of their assignments. You may give a follow to your admins for easier communication and you can always go to them for any queries or doubts.Group 1
Admin - Pb_write
Group 2
Admin - author_ankita
Group 3
Admin - Pb_write
Group 4
Admin - Junie_Grey
Group 5
Group 6
Admin - Pb_write
PageTurners Book Club
عشوائيOPEN Welcome to the PageTurners Book Club. What are you looking for? New books to check out? Honest feedback on your book? Sincere opinions on your novel? Truthful reviews on how your book can improve? Constructive criticism that will help you grow...