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(A/n : This story of mine has a slightly different approach in supernatural creatures. So I am going to fill you guys in, so it doesn't gets confusing.)


1. Dark Vampires
Demon and pureblooded Vampire hybrids.
the original bloodline of Dark vampires have specific powers from generation to generation.  Their powers are demonic in other words dark powers like blood bending, shadows manipulation, dark mind manipulation etc. Despite being stronger than normal vampires their weaknesses are the same. Sunlight and silver. They use dark magic to protect them from the light. They have venomous fangs and poisonous blood that could kill any human.

Physical difference: The whites of the eye are coal black and pupils are crimson red. Have bat- like wings. Has a second hideous form.

2. Luminous Vampire
Angel and pureblooded Vampire hybrids
Unlike Dark vampires and vampires, they are immune to sunlight. Since they are half Angel hybrids. An unusual creature being both pure and unholy. Still they are not immortal. Just like the other vampires they have only one common weakness which is silver.

Physical difference: rather than having crimson red eyes like a normal vampire they have crystal blue eyes. Feather white-like wings.

3. Average Vampires
Has no special abilities, Normal vampires who were once humans but truned into a vampire by a Vampire's bite or blood(luminous/pureblooded vampire) . They are the weakest of the three kinds but stronger than any humans. They do not have any heartbeat and can not have children. Their weaknesses sunlight and silver.

Physical difference: normal red eyes. No wings

{There is a another type of vampires:
Dhampires. Human and vampire hybrid. They are very common but only among Luminous Vampires. so they are concluded into Luminous Vampires.}


1. Alpha
The strongest of werewolf kinds. They lead the pack and in charge of everything done in the pack. They can be both male and female alphas.

2. Luna
The mate of Alpha. They hold the same respect and power as the Alpha has in the pack. Usually an omega becomes a Luna but sometimes it can be a Beta, Gama even Alpha but in some rare cases they can be other creatures (human, vampire, witch...etc) as well.

The second in command of the pack. The are in the second rank among the werewolves. They do not have any scent and do not have any destined mate.

4. Gama
third rank among the werewolves. Soldiers and suppliers of food.

5. Omega
They are in the lowest rank in the pack. They are seen as the weakest among the werewolves. Actually being an omega is a blessing from their moon goddess.


Black witches
Witches who uses dark/black magic which They drew from the dead. Their magic are powerful and wicked only uses for destruction.

White witches
Witches who uses light magic which comes from the nature and life around them. Their magic are not as powerful as black magic but if one able to master every spell, they can be superior. Used for healing and purification


Vampire and werewolf hybrids

Vampire and witch hybrids

Werewolf and witch hybrids

(Not rare but not common either)

Vampire, werewolf and Witch combined



(Fallen Angels)

(Angels of Death)


Aamon, the Devil , the demon king, the ruler of the seven region of hell.

Each demon is different from the another.

(There are also Banshees, shifters, mermaid &mermans , sirens , hellhound etc but they are the lower tier supernatural creatures so they will be mentioned less in the story.)

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