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Elissa surveyed the sophisticated marketplace. A wealthy man with a cane, walking with slow grace, a young couple, laughing at something that probably wasn't as funny as they made it out to be, and a woman who browsed the nearby market stalls with a smile, taking her time. That's it. She'd found her target. She began walking along the street, her hands in her pockets. Her red hair was hidden in a cap to avoid drawing attention to herself.

With a few steps, she walked to the stall and looked as if browsing. The woman paid little attention to her, so Elissa reckoned this would be simple. She stood up and sighed as if disappointed by the stall, and as she left, brushed past the woman. In her hand seconds later, was a leather pouch.

Elissa hurriedly headed to an alley before the woman could see her, and opened the pouch. Just enough to last her and Yoseff for a couple of weeks, it wasn't much but it was something. Elissa sighed in relief. See in Elissa's 6 years of pick pocketing, she'd come to know that people carried the strangest things in their pouches. After a while, Elissa headed back out onto the street. She bought bread from the market and began walking home.

At that moment, home was an abandoned house in a very poor part of London. The windows were almost all smashed in, some bricks from the roof were missing, but it was all she had. She whistled to her brother, to signal her arrival, and walked in.

Yoseff was a young freckled boy, at the age of 7. The feel of innocence and youth around him suited his looks well. He ran to hug his elder sister, who took her cap of with a grin and placed it on his head,
"Boy, I'm back, and look!" She grinned, taking the bread from her satchel to show him. Yoseff looked at the bread with wide eyes, before speaking merrily,
"Then let's eat, sister!" Giving her a kind, dimpled smile,

The night had spread over the sky quicker than Elissa had expected. It was like a fast dying flame, light had spreaded to dark in what had seemed like a blink of an eye. Elissa carried her snoring sibling to their room and placed him on the mattress on the floor. She walked over to her own, and lit the lantern next to it.
Though he was strong, Elissa knew her brother could never sleep well without a lantern in the room. Looking around the room, she sighed, and as she did every night, she made a wish. It was stupid for a girl of 18 to make wishes, she knew that, but it had become comforting in a way. She wished that one day, her Mother would come back.

Elissa was awoken by her younger brother very late that night. He spoke hurriedly, excited,
"Oh Elissa, you just come to the window! The most wonderful boy is here! Oh, he can fly and he can dance on air, Elissa," he leaned forward, eyes full of wonder, tugging at her hand, "Come!"

Elissa's mind snapped into action. She wouldn't let anyone in here, they may try to hurt her or Yoseff. She pulled Yoseff behind her slowly, took the knife from under her pillow, which she always kept and picked up the lantern. She cautiously headed to the window.

Stood in the sill of the window, was something Elissa had never seen before. It sent chills down her spine, fear rising high, she felt nauseous. All she could do was observe, her fear leaving her motionless and it stood still, almost letting her do as much. It's shoulders were back, it's feet were apart, it's chin was high and it's hands were on its hips. It looked so much like a boy, accept for it being completely dark. No signs of features, apart from the outline of hair and clothing. It was like a silhouette. The only way she could tell it wasn't some sort of trick of the light, was the big golden eyes that shone at her.

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