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Elissa woke to the musky scent of fish and soot. The ground below her was not the sand she'd expected, and the air around her wasn't full of salty water. She lay, her red hair damp and fanned around her, and she sat up and spluttered and coughed, trying to get rid of the exsess water. Her skin, growing paler as she did so, was covered in a fair scattering of scars and cuts. She ran her thumb over a few, and looked around her.

Elissa was on an old ship dock, and it seemed to be in use too. Gentlemen walked down it in strange clothing and some even had eyepatches and peglegs. Elissa scrambled back, so she was now hidden behind a crate, and peered out. One word raced through her mind and stayed there. Pirates. Elissa watched in awe at the multiple men, who she'd only known to be scum and killers. In fact, she'd even thought they were just in stories.

She took her hat from the dock next to her, still in tact, somehow, and placed it over her head. She made sure to hide all her hair in it. Who saved her? She was at the brink of death one moment, and absolutly fine the next? Surely, someone must of saved her, be it Poseidon himself! She went to stand up, her entire body aching, soaking. She looked to both sides, and made a rush for the crate opposite. If she was to be without clothing, weaponary, food around these brutes? She'd steal it.

The sound of waves crashing around her and deep voices of the burly men caught her attention, and she payed attention. She didn't know what these men would do if they found her. Her breath hitched as a pair of giant boots came beside her, out of what seemed nowhere. She closed her eyes, keeping her legs as close to her body as she could. And the boots stopped, took one of the crates from above her, and went off without the man catching a glimpse of her.

They were taking the crates onto the ship now, she noticed. And such would be her plan. She opened the very top crate, threw out the fish that were in there, into the water as swift as she could be, and climbed in herself. Being resonably small and thin, it was barely any more weight than the fish would be. And there she waited, for what could of been hours, and with every minute the box seemed to be smaller and less comfortable. The smell was bed enough, she spent the majority of the time trying not to breath though her nose.

After endless amounts of time, she felt it. A crash of two strong hands either side of the crate. She stayed as still as she could here, eyes scrunched closed, as if they couldn't see her if she couldn't they. And listening to the burly footsteps, she noticed the change in level, up, which she expected to be the ramp of the ship, and then straight back down some stairs. Eventually, the footsteps stopped, and she was dropped on the ground rather abruptly.

And then they were back out. She made a point of listening out for breaths, to no avail. So after he came with the next crate, she made her lucky break.

She heard the grunt of the man, and the slow ascending up the stairs, and immediately pushed the lid from above her with all her might. The area around her, dark wood and damp floors, was full with crates, but luckily, not enough to block her path. Her path to the wooden door with the large black handle.

She made a break to it, throwing it open and, inside, grinning. She supposed this level was for storage. And she'd hit the Jackpot. The room she'd ran into was full of weapons. Pistols and swords and daggers of all sorts lined the walls on handles, and all fashions of machinery and tools scattered the area. And so tucking her hair into her hat further, she went straight on it.

A sheathed long sword on her right, the sheath was now attached to her belt (or, lack there of, due to the wear of leather), as was two more on her right side for blades. Elissa had never handled a gun before, she knew it would only be wise to take the weapons she was experienced with. And so with a nod, she took her leave. Now to the fish, she took as many as she could on her person. Her manor was almost feverish in her speed. And in the midst of handling the fish, trying to take as many as she could...

And there she turned. The man stood grand, well above her small person. He was clad in well made clothing, a large jacket and a well designed vest. His face was rugged, stubble covered a defined structure, and his eyes, ringed with dark, were a bright blue. But what really got Elissa's attention, wasn't the attractiveness of the man. It was the hook that replaced one of his hands.

She stepped back here, stunned at such a thing. Of course living in London, she saw her fair share of gruesome. But this was so... Out of the ordinary. The man spoke again, his velvet deep voice laced with a thick accent,
"You having a good look there, lad? Perhaps you'd enjoy a closer one?"

He took a slightly limped stride towards her, doing this with speed, and Elissa, even though now disoriented, drew the sword. Metal met with metal. Clash. A hook against a blade, they both swung back immediately. Elissa met the man's blows well, the first few times. But as this continued, the constant meeting of metal, it was clear this man was experienced. Faster. Stronger. He even looked like he was suppressing a grin.

Knocking the blade from her fingers, he was now against her, against the wall. His hook was at her neck now, just over her vein. His eyes sparked with victory,
"Speak your purpose here boy and I might ask the Sharks to go easy," He hummed to her. She struggled against him here, but as the cool hook was pressed further against her neck, she became aware this was not an option. So, with as much confidence she could muster, she spoke the truth,
"I came here for supplies for my survival, as I was recently abandoned on the dock after-"
"You're a girl?" She was suddenly cut off, he was raising his brows high.

Before she could open her mouth to reply, she was pulled away.

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