Thieving from a theif

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Frozen with fear, the only sound echoing the large room was the heavy breathing from both her and her brother. Slowly but faintly, another noise was heard. It started out faint, but it ascended as their fear did. It was a sinister, ringing laughter. A laughter that was playful, innocent. It belonged to children. It grew louder, until Elissa felt like covering her ears and screaming. The figure began to move, unphased and almost amused by the laughter it seemed. It was walking gracefully, slow and careful as a panther, though not walking, so much as floating. It was just like Yoseff had said.

Elissa felt suddenly brought into the world, unfreezing but still watching the thing, she put her hands behind her back and grabbed her brother, keeping him as close as possible and shakily, she began to speak,
"Oi- get out! Y-ou... who are you?" The thing moved it's shoulders, almost as if laughing. Laughing at her, like she was pathetic. It moved closer, until it stepped out of the shadow and nearer to the lantern. In that moment, the light should of illuminated it. But it didn't.

Stood in front of her was exactly the same thing she'd seen at the window. All black, all shadow. It took everything in Elissa not to scream and run. She'd to protect Yoseff. As soon as she'd started going to it, it was almost as if it moved right through her. It leaned down in front of her younger brother. It looked at Yoseff like a lion would it's pray, and almost everything in Elissa's being was telling her not to let it pounce. Overcome with extreme anger and fear, she let her instincts take her over. She picked up the lantern, and threw it at the thing. And it moved. Just easily, as if avoiding bumping into someone. She was astonished, but tried running at it. With no avail.

It moved faster than any man- or even horse, she'd ever seen, almost mocking her with it's speed. She gasped, as did Yoseff. But one was in pure fear, one was in mystified disbelief. The sight of this thing fascinated him an awful lot, intrigued him. It's golden eyes felt as if they were drawing him in, though they had this sense to them. A sense of playfulness, of youth. The way it moved was so easy, so light, Yoseff found the mischievous feeling about the being to be fun. Yoseff bended his head at the thing, wondering as he watched his sister. Perhaps this was a boy like him... He could go with him to play for just a while.

So he pulled back Elissa, speaking to her,
"No! Don't hurt him, oh Elissa, he's my friend! Don't you see? He want's to play!" He begged. Elissa pushed back her brother, whose eyes were now watering,
"It's trying to take you Yoseff, please!" Yoseff looked between the two, and with a angry look at Elissa, he ran towards the thing.

Before Elissa had the chance to think, let alone act, Yoseff took the thing's long, outstretched hand. She screamed out, as it gracefully moved to the window. She ran after it but, something truly out of this world happened. It flew. Making it seem as simple as strolling, the thing jumped off the ledge and flew. And in a moment, she was too. she had caught onto the things foot. She was flying with the monster.

She found herself shooting past dangerously high roofs. The thing was caught off guard, this much was clear to her by it's leg shaking as she gripped on for her life. She wouldn't let this demon take away her brother! They flew past London like a blur, and higher and higher they went. She felt like any moment, she'd be struggling for oxygen. But it seemed, not to be the case. In a flash of light and purple, they were descending again. And in front of them, was certainly not London.

Vast blue seas, quiet and still and beautiful. It was simple, but Elissa had never seen the sea. But, she knew for sure, it was a long while's trip from London. Clouds surrounded her and fogged her view, but she found herself struggling to sea again. Even the glimpse of the beauty of it left her wanting more, almost as if it dazed her. She wanted just a look. And she got more than a look.

In a struggle of wiggling of the thing's leg and her bending to see the ocean, she lost grip. Distracted from such a foolish thing, she came flying off. She looked back desperately, trying to find a way back to her brother. But all she saw was a glance of her brother, who screamed after her as she fell. He didn't look angry anymore, but more lost. Though, Yoseff was not struggling against the thing, nor was he trying to go after her. In fact, he looked still enchanted by this whole thing, not at all phased by the monster that had taken him to this faraway place!

Before she could try anything, the ocean welcomed her. She couldn't swim, she'd never tried. She didn't ever think she'd need to. But as she sank down, and black spots covered her vision, she regretted it more than anything. She was almost certain her lack of skill, cost the person who she loved most's loss as well as hers.The laughter had faded as it had come. All she could hear was ringing in her ears, but equally as constant, as loud. But she had nothing left to fight with. So she did what she thought she had left. She closed her eyes, and let the darkness in. A thief cowering to a thief.

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