⚠️Chapter twelve - Hospital⚠️

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This chapter and will be dealing with topics of suicide, self harm, and etc. If those topics are triggering to you I would not read this chapter.


You paced in the visitor area with Bruce, sitting, watching you pace frantically. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying. You were waiting for the Doctor to come in to tell you if Harper was okay or was dead. You hope to god she wasn't dead.

"Y/n, I think you should sit down," Bruce says, softly, concerned about you. You bite your nails while pacing and back fourth and didn't respond to him,"Y/n,"

"I can't, I can't, I can't stop thinking about everything," You replied, voice shakey. You felt you could cry again at any moment.

Bruce stood up from his chair and grabbed your shoulders, making you stop in front of him. You looked up at him as he gave you a kind expression.

"Y/n, I know your worried and you have every right to be, I am worried too," He says, speaking gently and softly,"But I am sure she is fine, the doctor will come out and tell us she is fine, you just need to sit down for moment, try to relax,"

You felt tears fill your eyes once again as you brought Bruce into a hug. You cried into his chest as he gently wrapped his arms around you.

"I-I just want her to be okay..," You cry, pulling him closer,"I...I am so worried..,"

"It's okay, she'll be okay," Bruce reassures you, his voice kind, and gentle. You just cried into his chest, with no reply.

"Y/n L/n?" You heard a voice call. You and Bruce both let go of each other and turn to face the person who spoke out your name,"You can come and see him,"

"It's her," You quickly reply, furrowing your eyebrows. The nurse had a blank expression.

"Sorry," they reply,"you can come and see..her,"

You inhale deeply and give the nurse a glare. What the fuck is there issue? They sounded disapproving of Harper pronouns. What are your pronouns you fucking cunt.

You and Bruce begin walking to the room but Bruce was stopped.

"Only family beyond this point," The nurse says. You look back at Bruce with concerned eyes. You wanted him to come with you.

"I'll wait for you here, just text me if you need anything," He says, with a gentle smile. You nod your head as you then followed the nurse to Harper room.

You enter her room and see her laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, she looked numb and tired. Her head turns towards you once she heard the door creaked. Her eyes were red and puffy, she just looked very sad, you could tell all the energy and light from her face faded completely. You hated seeing her like this, at her most vulnerable moments.

You run over to her side.

"Harper," You say, lovingly, giving her a smile as you bend down and hug her. Tears were streaming down your face, glad that she was alive. She didn't hug back or even move,"I'm so glad your okay,"

You pull away and gently place a hand on the side of her cheek. You look at her as she sighs and removes your hand from her cheek and turns her head away.

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