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"What?" I panicked. I had no idea what was going on! If Father was really planning something, he wouldn't get me married legitimately, would he? What if this was real?

I would be free!

I ignored the temptation to smile. I could endure all of Xaviers hate if I was free from this cursed life with Father. Guilt pierced me at the same time as my excitement and I ignored both. I couldn't get my hopes too high.

"Shall we?" Mother asked King Darious, who was now standing in a similar pose to Mother and Father with Xavier.

"We shall."

My back straightened and we walked out of the ballroom. Xavier and King Darious walked out first. Drums sounded, fanfare and cheering could be heard. I guessed that the commoners were a part of this as well. It would be my first encounter with the commoners since the big parade for Castell's tenth birthday. After that I was told not to go and I had never been out for a public function.

My breathing quickened in excitement and I forced my smile away, remembering what Father was once said to me.

Never smile in front of them.

I was leaving for Albion, why should I care about what Father said? I let my smile peek out, after all I had to make this marriage believable right?

The second we left the room, screams drowned my ears and I slightly winced at the sound as it pierced into my head. I glanced around and watched as the villagers threw flowers and cheered. Calio was so peaceful compared to Maldon because of my aunt's supervision. I didn't want to know what would happen if she died and my father took over. I nearly shuddered at the thought.

I hid away the horror as we walked across the small courtyard and to another hall that all of the noble men and women already gathered in, waiting for us. A plush red carpeted walkway was laid out and rows and rows of seating were filled creating an aisle to walk in. I glanced up at the stained glass dome ceiling, squinting at the bright sun that shone through, lighting the entire room. The cheers from the villagers dulled as we walked in, replaced by the drums and trumpets blaring in the hall in celebration. On a wide white pillar at the end of the aisle, sat two golden wine glasses, a deep, red-colored ribbon, papers, and quills with ink. One of Father's ministers and another man stood on either side of the pillar as we joined them.

Sabrina and Aunt Marissa led me right up to the pillar where Xavier, King Darius, and Father stood. They left to join Mother in the seating area.

The chattering in the room stopped when Father spoke, "We shall begin the treaty signing!"

I realized that the other man by the pillar was from Albion as he began to converse with King Darius animatedly before they turned to me, "Are you ready?"

I nodded and Father stepped forward to sign the papers quickly followed by King Darius. I still didn't know if this was real or if Father was fooling us all but I watched patiently. Waiting until every agreement was communicated and signed on.

I looked at Xavier to see him standing confidently, his face clear of any emotion, but I could only guess that he would be happy to see the treaty was signed.

More negotiations were ruled out before both Kings turned from the papers and shook hands. Indicating the official treaty had begun.

"Let our kingdoms flourish in this new peace!"

Cheers broke out in the room and they were shushed as Father and King Darius took turns speaking. Once their speeches of peace were over and Xavier and I had also signed the treaty, Father announced, "We shall begin the betrothal!"

Father came toward me, grabbing my arm and pulling me aside, "You must not fail to finish this. You agree to this engagement in every way. Do you understand?"

I gulped and nodded, sighing as he finally let go of my arm. We joined the others again and Father nudged me roughly to the front of the pillar, in front of Xavier. I attempted to balance myself but failed miserably as I tripped and my body moved forward and right into Xavier's chest.

I gasped as I fell and he grunted at the impact of my body slamming into his. The side of face smushed onto his hard chest and I winced as I remembered all of the makeup that might come off onto his black clothing. Strong arms fell around me and stabilized me as Xavier stumbled back at the sudden force and helped me balance myself again. My cheeks burned as I looked down at the floor from embarrassment. There were a few concerned gasps, and snickers around the room as the ceremony began.

I looked back at Mother and her face was impassive. Sabrina mouthed something at me but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I turned back to Xavier and my eyes zeroed in on his chest. A huge beige stain sat smack in the middle of his chest and a little bit got onto the crossbody strap he wore, however, he didn't seem to notice. My eyes widened and I glanced back up at his face. Him looking so serious and confident with the stain on his clothing made me giggle softly.
Father's minister and the man from Albion gathered at our side and placed my hand in Xaviers. I jolted slightly at the contact and my gaze went from our hands to his eyes and I was surprised that he was smiling down at me.

It was all an act but I still smiled back. Remembering the stain on his chest, I touched it to get his attention to drift to it. His smile faded and his features morphed into rather cute confused expressions. He raised an eyebrow and looked down where my finger touched his chest and his eyebrows shot up. He looked back up at me and if looks could kill, I would have been dead.

I looked away and back to our hands where the ministers were using the red ribbon to tie together in an intricate knot. It was beautiful and I watched mesmerized as they finally finished tying it.

We turned towards the audience, our hands still bound together. The minister took my free hand and held it out. I flinched at the sound of Father unsheathing his dagger. My body jerked and I ignored the stare I felt from Xavier.

I turned my head to see Father coming closer and I panicked. What was he going to do?


I whipped my head back around at the entrance of the hall.

A/N: I know it's been foreverrrr since I last posted! I'm so sorry but I had such a hectic month and just couldn't get to it. Also the worst writers block everrr, anyone else hate writers block?? Anyway I hope you enjoyed...

- laeba

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