Walls (Hoseok and Jungkook)

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Jin and NamJoon have been making up rules, really for Jungkook and Hoseok

Both boys are very well behaved but put them together, their very bad.

Last week they threw the pillows everywhere claiming they were

'Fighting off a big scary monster'

Jin and Namjoon let it slide because the boys are to cute to punish

But it was driving them crazy

"NamJoon, go get your son's" Jin said "They just broke a vase" Jin said "Ughh, I don't know how two littles boys who are 3'10, both weight 64 pounds act so damn crazy" Jin said

"How about we punish them" NamJoon said "Ughh, has much as I can't stand when they pout and can't resist them, that's what we'll do" Jin said.

Taehyung then came to the door "Papa, dad. Kookie and Seokie are drawing on the walls" He said both males looked at each other knowing what had to be done

They got up and went to the room.

The walls covered in markers, crayons, pens everything they could find.

"KIM JUNGKOOK AND KIM HOSEOKS OUR ROOM NOW" NamJoon yelled he was beyond furious.

Both boys startled since their papa has never yelled at him "NOW" NamJoon added.

Both boy dropped the utensil in their hand.

Both of the kids hands covered in different color markers

"I'll start cleaning Joon you go talk to them" Jin said and NamJoon nodded.

NamJoon got to the room both boys standing there playing with their fingers looking down.

"What the heck are you two doing your not babies, Hoseok your 10 and Jungkook your 8, there's is no reason why you should be drawing on the damns walls, not even Yoongi would do something like this and he's 5" NamJoon said

"Sorry papa" Both boys managed to say at the same time

"I don't know if you really mean that" NamJoon said "So to make sure this never happens again, im spanking both of you, your both getting 15...no Hoseok you get 20 your older and should know better" NamJoon said

"Noo papa no, we won't do it again" Jungkook said "Kim Jungkook should I add more" NamJoon said "No papa" Jungkook said

"Me and your dad have let you both get away with way to much, we're gonna stop doing that, from now on, anything you do that breaks rules your getting spanked or a different punishment" NamJoon said.

"Do you understand" NamJoon added "Yes papa" Both boys said

"Good Hoseok come here" NamJoon said and sat on the bed.

Hoseok went to NamJoon tears already falling down his face

He got over his papas lap.

"I know your a good kid Hoseok I don't wanna do this again, okay" NamJoon said

"Y-yes papa" Hoseok said


NamJoon gave Hoseok his spanks and Hoseok was crying hard "I'm s-s-so S-s-sorry papa" Hoseok cried "It's okay sweet please don't do it again" NamJoon said and Hoseok nodded.

Jungkook was crying hard already "Kookie sweet boy come here" NamJoon said and Jungkook slowly walked to NamJoon

"Baby, you understand what you did was wrong right" NamJoon said and Jungkook nodded while crying

"And that you deserve a punishment" NamJoon said "S-s-sorry" Jungkook cried "I'll give you 10, because I don't want you to do this again, and it wouldn't be fair if you didn't get one and Hoseok did" NamJoon said and Jungkook got over NamJoons lap


"Sorry" Jungkook cried NamJoon hugged him.

NamJoon saw Hoseok was still crying also "Seokie Sweet boy come here" NamJoon said and Hoseok did and cried harder.

"It's okay, don't do it again. You promise" NamJoon said "Y-yes" They said "Okay good" NamJoon said.

"No go say sorry to daddy and help him clean up your mess" NamJoon said and both boys ran to their daddy

"Sorry daddy" They both said and Jin smiled "It's okay, let's clean it up" Jin said and they helped getting the sponges and cleaning the walls.

(Don't hate me, yes Sweet Jungkookie and Hoseokie got spanked, sorry not sorry)

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