A three-headed nightmare

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Hermione and I walked to dinner together after flying lessons and sat down with Ron and Harry. 

"Guys!" Harry lowered his voice after he got our attention, "I've been made seeker of the house team." He said proudly

"Seeker?!" Ron yelled. 

"Ron, how thick are you? Harry obviously didn't want the whole school to know." I said slapping him on the shoulder. 

"Ok, ok." Ron said. "First years never get on the team, you must be the youngest house player in abou-"

"A century." Hermione and I interrupted him, we noticed Fred and George walking up to Harry and when they got to our section of table they stooped down. 

"Congrats," Fred started, "Wood told us, we're beaters."

"I tell you, we're going to win that Quidditch cup for sure this year. We haven't won since Charlie left, but this year's team is going to be brilliant. You must be good, Harry, Wood was almost skipping when he told us." George added. As they stood up I noticed Malfoy and his goons, Crabbe and Goyle, walking up to us. 

"One last meal before you're sent on the train back?" Malfoy said nastily. 

"You're a lot braver now that you're back on the ground and you've got your goons with you." Harry replied, I choked on my water a little bit and Hermione slapped my back. 

"I'll duel you anytime you want Potter." Malfoy snarled. "Tonight, wizard's duel. Just wands. Never heard of a wizard's duel before have you?" Malfoy said noticing Harry's look of surprise. 

"Of course he has." I said. "I'm his second, who's yours?"

Malfoy paused, considering his options. "Crabbe, midnight tonight. The trophy room." 

Once Malfoy left Harry let out a sigh, I forgot he was raised with no-majs. "What's a wizard's duel and what do you mean you're my second?" 

"Well a second's there to take over if you die," Ron said casually, I nodded at what Ron said. After seeing the expression Harry made , he added quickly, "but people only die in proper duels, you know, with real wizards. The most you and Malfoy'll be able to do is send sparks at each other. Neither of you know enough magic to do any real damage. I bet he expected you to refuse anyway."

Hermione couldn't help herself. "I wish I could forget what you just said, but are you seriously going to go through with this?"

Ron rolled his eyes and muttered, "yeah what else would we do?"

"You can't go wandering around the school at night, think of the points you'll lose Gryffindor if you're caught, and you're bound to be. It's really very selfish of you." Hermione added as she looked at me. 

"We'll be fine, trust me." I said smiling at her as she returned to the conversation she was having with Parvati and Lavender. 

At half past eleven that night Harry, and I, along with Ron who practically begged to go made our way through the common room. 

"I cant' believe you guys are actually going to go." An all-too-familiar voice said. 

We all looked around in panic, searching every space in the common room. Then my eyes met Hermione's as she stood up from the chair she was sitting in. 

"You!" Ron said disgusted. "Go back to bed!"

"I almost told your brother Percy, he's a prefect. He could stop this." Hermione replied snidely. I saw Harry and Ron sigh and get disappointed, it was pretty clear that they didn't like her. Personally, I found her really nice and considerate. 

"Hermione, we're already down here, we're going to go whether you like it or not." I told her calmly. 

"Of all people Y/N, I thought you would have enough sense to know better!" 

Harry and Ron had both left through the portrait hole while Hermione and I were arguing, as I left she followed me and we were outside the common room in the stone corridor. She sighed, "Fine, I give up. It's your fault if you get caught and expelled." With that she turned around to get back into the dormitory but the fat lady was gone, she had gone on one of her nightly visits. 

"Now where am I going to go?" Hermione said with a hint of panic in her voice. 

"Just come on Hermione we'll be back before Peeves can say 'the baron'." Motioning for her to join us. 

Ron muttered something and I elbowed him in the side. "Be nice, it's better if she comes with us over staying out in the corridor alone."

The four of us started walking to the trophy room. It took almost a half hour for us to get there. When we entered we didn't see the platinum-blonde and his goon, instead we saw Filch walking around muttering, and his cat, Mrs. Norris. 

I cursed my own stupidity. Malfoy must have tipped him off. We saw Filch and Mrs. Norris start walking toward us but Ron had gotten his pajamas caught on a trophy case making it crash to the floor as we tried hiding. After the ruckus Ron caused we had to run for our lives, after running through multiple passages and doors we entered into an empty corridor. 

After we stopped Harry, Ron, and Hermione were gasping for their breath and clutching their chests. After they caught their breaths we tried making our way to the Gryffindor common room as quietly as possible when we ran into none other than Peeves, after a chorus of 'Ickle firsties!' and 'students out of bed!' we were running again but the staircase started moving underneath us and we ended up on the forbidden third floor Dumbledore let us know about at the beginning of the year. After realizing where we were Mrs. Norris trotted into the corridor with the braziers throughout lighting up around her, after running through a door Hermione unlocked with Alohomora, gosh she was brilliant, we tried catching our breaths again. 

I turned around and didn't know what I was looking at. A huge three-headed dog was breathing heavily and waking up. Almost immediately I pushed the door open and ran for the tower. After getting back into the common room I noticed Hermione had grabbed my hand. 

"Why would they keep that monster in a school?!" Ron yelled. 

"Do you even use your eyes? It was standing on a trap door!" I said quickly. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking at the ground when the massive three-headed dog was trying to kill us!" Ron said sarcastically. 

Hermione let go of my hand and started walking to the girl's dormitory. "I hope you're proud of yourselves. We could have all been killed, or worse, expelled. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to bed."

"Night 'Mione" I said watching her leave

"Goodnight." She said quickly before we heard the door slam shut. 

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