when their s/o doesn't say 'I love you' back (prank) [hyung line]

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# Heeseung 

"Okay, I'll be right back. I love you!" Heeseung called out, about to close the door, but when you just replied with an, "Okay bubs, drive safe!" He stopped in his tracks. 

"What did you say?" He questioned with a raised brow, coming back inside and closing the door. 

"I said...drive safe?" 

"But I said I love you." He pouted, making his way over to you and resting at the edge of the bed where you sat. 

"I know...I love me too" You smiled jokingly, poking his cheek, "Now go on before rush hour!" 

"Nope," he proceeded to take off his shoes and sat on the ground, "I'm not going anywhere until you say it back." 

"You're so stubborn." You laughed, getting off the bed and squatting on the ground, "You weren't supposed to react like that...but I love you too!" You squeezed his cheeks, placing a kiss in between his brows. 

"What do you mean I wasn't supposed to react like that?" 

"It was a prank I found on tiktok, 'not saying i love you back'" You shrugged, "You're so cute though!" 

Heeseung rolled his eyes, "All this, just for a prank? I'm probably going to hit traffic now...Silly girl!"

# Jay 

"I'm off the store, need anything?" He asked, grabbing his wallet from the dresser in the room. 

"Nah, I'm good." You replied from the kitchen. 

"Okay then, I'm off now, I love you!" 

"Mhm, see you in 30 minutes!" 

"Yeah, I love you!" He made sure his voice was clear enough to make sure you heard it. 

"Yep, you do! Oh and I forgot, can you pick up some tomatoes for the soup tonight?" 

Jay groaned, "I know you heard me." He made his way to the kitchen to give you a back hug, giving your shoulder a small kiss, "I love you." 

"Why do you keep saying it? I know you do," You giggled, stirring the food in the pan. 

"Yeah, but you have to say it back..." His voice softened as he rested his cheek on your back. 

"Why do I have to say it back. You know I do." 

"Yeah...but, every time I hear you say 'I love you' to me, it gives me butterflies...and when you don't say it, my stomach just sinks. Don't ask me why, it just does." He paused with a sigh, "Please?" He asked once more, butterflying kisses on your shoulder. 

You 'awwed' pouting. He wasn't one to normally give too much affection so this was a pretty rare sight of him to see. You couldn't help but turn around and shower his face in kisses, making sure not to leave a spot unkissed, "I love you too, you adorable sweet bean!" You ruffled his hair. 

He let a breath out in relief, "Thank God...I was worried you wouldn't say it before I leave and would have to talk to Enhypen about it." 

You laughed, "No no, it was just a prank, I'm sorry!" 

"You and Niki love pranks way too much. No wonder you two get along so well."

"Actually it was his idea for me to do this." You admitted and he widened his eyes. Poor Niki was going to get a lecture tomorrow at practice. 


"I'm off to a meeting. I'll be back a little late tonight, love you!" Jake fixed his jacket and grabbed his keys waiting to hear back from you. 

"Ah, I'll see you tonight then!" You replied from the living room, reading your book. 

Next thing you know, he is right next to you, hip to hip, "No I love you?" He whined out, shaking your arm. 

"Yah, I can't read!" You complained, pulling your arms from his hand. 

"Wait..." He paused, wrapping his arms around your waist, "I..I didn't do anything, right? You seem mad...and you didn't say I love you back." 

"What?" You asked, "You didn't do anything, but Jake, you're going to be late! Go on, go on!" You ushered him away, but he didn't budge, secured in his place. 

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong." 

"Nothing's wrong, really." You shook your head. 

"Okay...then I love you." He waited for your reply, but when you didn't respond, he threw his head back on the couch, "Y/n..." He drew out your name, "I don't know how to fix my mistake if you don't tell me..." 

You laughed, "Jake, you honestly did nothing wrong!" You bent over, kissing his nose, "I love you!" 

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier?" He asked confused, but couldn't help but smile finally hearing the words he wanted to. 

"Some prank I found on Youtube." You answered nonchalantly, "But you better go or else you really will be late!" 

He looked at the clock and gasped, "Yah, Y/n, you really had me worried! Next time do nicer prank please!" And with that, he rushed out the door. 


"I'm going to practice now, Y/n!" He said, kissing your cheek whilst you still laid with your eyes closed, the sky still dark from the early morning, "I love you!" 

You had a small smile on your face, planning on doing the prank you found, "Mmm...drive safely." 

"I will, I love you!" He eyed you, but knowing your tired, he knew you probably forgot. 

"I know..." You said sleepily, hugging your pillow closer. 

He scrunched his face up and jumped on top of you, knees on either side of you, "I love you!" 

"Hoonie, why are you on top of me? Let me sleep!" You whined, trying to push him away, but he shook his head. 

"I..." He kissed your forehead, "Love" another kiss to your nose, "You." and another one on your cheek. 

"I'm very aware." You chuckled, managing to push him on his side of the bed, "Aren't you going to be late if you keep going on like this?" 

"Yah! Why are you not saying it back?" He complained, groaning into the crook of your neck. 

"Saying what back?" You asked innocently. 

"I. Love. You." He said slower, but more firmly. 

"Oh yeah, you too!" You smiled and couldn't help but laugh when you saw his eyes widen.

"Oh, you too!? You too!?" 

"Okay okay, I'm joking!! I love you, Hoonie!" You confessed patting his thigh that was next to your hand. 

"Oh yeah, you too." He copied in a mimicking voice, rolling his eyes, but he smiled, kissing your nose, "When I get home, there better be a lot of kisses and cuddle waiting for me." he warned with a pout. 

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