✫ Chapter Three ✫

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It was no surprise when Wolf was in the top fifteen. They left the public arena and walked into a small building in the castle courtyard.

"Alright, everyone, listen up. This is the mental stage of the test. Go ahead and get a paper, and fill it out the best you can. When you think you're done or you can't go anymore, just put your paper in this basket and go outside and wait. If you pass, your name will be called. Begin."

There was a mad dash for the paper stack. Wolf did not participate. She held back and waited for the way to clear before sauntering over and lightly selecting a paper. She walked over to a secluded corner and began to work on the test.

Name : Wolf

Age : nope ;)

ID : n/a

What is the smallest item in the universe?

Obviously it's a Quark.

What is the longest word in the English language?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. The technical term for a lung disease, more commonly referred to as Silicosis.

How would you describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?

Normal. Idiots. You only have half your fingers on one hand, and half on the other.

A girl fell off a 50-foot ladder but didn't get hurt. Why?

She fell off one of the lower steps.

If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?


If it takes eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build the same wall?

No time, because the wall has already been built.

If you only had one match and entered a room containing an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and newspaper, which would you light first?

The match.

Beth's mother had three daughters. If one was named Lara and the other Sarah, what was the name of the third daughter?

Beth, you idiot.

Your squad passes the squad holding the title of second place. What place are you in now?


Which weighs more? A pound of Lead or a pound of gold?

They weigh the same.

What are the three parts of an atom?

Protons, neutrons, and electrons.

On a Sunday morning, the little girl in a family was murdered. The father was reading the paper, the mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, and the girl's brother was playing video games. Uncle George was visiting and was out getting the mail. Who murdered the girl?

Uncle George. There is no mail on Sunday.

What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years?

The letter M.

Is it illegal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

No, but since he is dead it would be hard to do so.

If an electric train is moving north at 100mph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10mph, which way does the smoke blow?

Electric trains produce no smoke.

How was it possible that every single person in a train died, but two people survived?

The two survivors were married.

Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days, but how many have 28 days?

All 12

"The attorney is my brother," testified the accountant. But the attorney testified he did not have a brother. Who is lying?

Neither. The accountant is female.

Imagine you're in a room that's filling up with water quickly. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?

Stop imagining

If you sit a cup on the table facing south while you are on the north side of the table, on which side is the cup's handle?

No matter which way the cup is turned, the handle is always on the outside.


She clicked her pen closed and walked towards the table. 'First one done.' She thought triumphantly.

She was quite shocked at the simplicity of the test. Logic puzzles always were their strong suit.

Glancing around at the other testers, she suppressed a giggle. They were all staring at their papers frustratedly, some barely having completed the first question.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

She walked around, stretching a bit and drinking some water to prepare for the final physical test.

After about an hour the last people either finished or gave up.

"Gather round, everyone, it's time to announce who passed. Out of the fifteen winners of the last challenge, only seven of you completed the test. Of those seven, only three got any answers right. One of you got all the answers right. Which is a new record. Outstanding job. The three finalists are, Wolf, Luko, and Dahir. Congratulations. If I did not call your name, please exit the facility in an orderly fashion. Thank you, enjoy the free cake on the way out."

With the mentions of cake, all anger was forgotten and a mad dash was made for the outer gates. Wolf looked around to see two men, both apparently strong and smart. She then looked back to the announcer for further directions.

"You have now arrived at the last part of the test. In order to be deemed worthy, you must hold your own against Champion and personal guard for Prince Technoblade, Dream."

Wolf's expression remained neutral, but her eyes lit up with a mischievous sparkle. Sounds like a challenge! She hadn't had one of those in awhile. Oh, this was going to be fun. 


Word Count: 894

A/N: Wooo five reads! ^-^ I mean if we're being honest i'm pretty sure they are all me testing the chapters... oh well... I guess i'm the only Taquito for now! Sadge, lol. Here's to hoping I get like... three real readers by the time this book is over lol. Anyway, if in the future anyone reads this book, question of the day, what is your favorite youtuber? Or top three if you're like me and you're indecisive lol. Kk have a lovely day, eat foodz and drink waterz, much luv, Queen

 Kk have a lovely day, eat foodz and drink waterz, much luv, Queen

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