The Parking Lot- Karl x reader

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I walked around the store, grabbing snacks and candy that would satisfy my hunger until tomorrow. I glanced around until I saw the where they kept their drinks and walked over, opening the cooler and grabbing 2 white monsters.

I was about to close the cooler then grabbed the light pink monster (pipeline punch) because I would probably regret not buying that later. I stalked over to the counter and put my stuff up, smiling at the old lady that was going to cash me out.

"Did you find everything alright, dear?" She asked, scanning my stuff.

"Yup." I took out my wallet and waited for her to say the price.

"$10.50 please."

I handed her a $20 and grabbed my stuff and was about to walk out where I heard the lady saying something.

"Oh miss! You forgot your change."

I turned around and smiled tightly. I'm not a girl.

"You can keep the change." I said, trying not to seem angry. She's just an old lady she wouldn't understand. Plus I do have boobs.

"Alrighty! Have a nice night."

"You too." I responded before walking out with my stuff.

I walked over to my car and was about to get in it but then I had an idea. I looked up to the guy that I saw when I pulled in and saw him looking at me. I shrugged and pulled my monsters and cheezits out of the bag, closing my door and sitting on the hood of my car just like the guy was.

"Hellooo" I said to him, trying to make conversation because I hated awkward silences.

He turned to me and smiled "Hi!" He glanced at the drinks in my hand and smiled "I love monsters. Monster ultra is my favorite."

"I bought an extra if you want one?" I motioned to the pink and white energy drinks in my hands.

"Sure." He grinned as I gently tossed him the monster.

He crossed his legs and turned his body to face me. "So, how'd you end up here?" He smiled, putting his chin in his hands.

He's adorable I thought to myself.

I shrugged and looked up at the sky "I got in a fight with my boyfriend and he wouldn't leave so I left." I looked back at him "how about you?"

The brunette also shrugged and lied back on the hood of his car, his legs still crossed. "I was bored."

I laughed and also went to lay down. Thank god I got a car wash this morning (technically yesterday morning) so my car wasn't dusty.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence I turned on my phone to check the time.


27 notifications from Twitter

I opened the text messages from Corpse




Where tf are you

You said you'd stream at 1:15 am est


Wake up

You called me 30 minutes ago what are you doing

Are you sleeping

Wake up




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