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 Hello again! This is the author, Purim.

I would like to thank you all for reading this far, whether this is your first time and have come here only by reading this book, or if you've been following along so far. We are still very early in all the plans I have for 'One Who Chases', but even so, reading everything up until now must have taken some time. To those especially that wait each weekend for the latest chapter, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

If the aim of Book 1 was to establish a baseline and to show Goh succeeding, this book was written for the purpose of showing Goh's flaws and weaknesses on full. From his inability to get a read on Felix's true character, to his inability to answer Chloe's question, all culminating his frustration reaching a boiling point where he attacked someone directly, this was not a story where Goh was being set up to succeed.

Even so, once he started doing the right thing, things seemed to right themselves, and it seems that even Chloe has forgiven him for his boorishness. I'm sure that their further adventures will continue drawing them together at a reasonable pace.

This was actually the first story I conceived for 'One Who Chases' but given its subject matter, it made sense that it couldn't be the first story in the series. After all, we needed the baseline before we could dip below or, as we will see in further books, rise above. So this story, about Goh making a bad deal and getting crippled with jealousy as he sought to save a Pokémon, was held back for this time.

As well, in original treatments for the story, Goh did not end up catching Argent! But as the story fell into place, Goh's treatment and connection with him made it an obvious move, one that even the series would pull, I feel. Argent has since been worked into the fabric of the plans for 'One Who Chases' and I hope you look forward to his future appearances.

This book was also written during November 2021, as part of a self imposed challenge. I was sweating as the days drew closer and closer to the end of the month, but I managed to finish it with only one day remaining. It's always good to challenge yourselves when you set out to start a project, so I hope you, too, don't settle for starting small and just throw yourselves into your next big thing!

The story will continue in "Chaser and the Rising Mountain", in three weeks on April 23, 2022. Until then, the next two weeks will feature shorter side stories focused on Goh and Chloe. I hope you enjoy the story once we get there.

I would like to thank my beta readers Viroro, Mezamun, and Penachu for reading the story for me and sharing their thoughts so that I could improve the story that you see here.

On a final note, my birthday is this coming Wednesday if you're reading this while it's new, so I would appreciate a comment/review, if it's not too much to ask.

Thank you for coming this far, so Let's GO! On to the next story.

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