Chapter 12

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Don't you just hate writers block! The only thing I hate worse than writers block is homework (which is another thing I have!). Well, funny story time! (You don't have to read it, skip to the chapter if you want) my BFFBWHH @DylanShiels and I where forced into school uring the holidays to do homework. He was writing a critical essay on our english book/drama 'A View from the Bridge' by Arthur Miller. He was writing about Eddie's jelousy towards his niece Cathrine and her boyfriend Rodolpho. Then all of a sudden he went into a day dream and insted of writing some boring English stuff like 'Eddie was furious at Rodolpho so he kissed him then kissed Cathrine' (yeah this play is pretty messed up) he wrote 'Eddie pulled out a flaming sword and struck Rodolpho, killing him. Cathrine was devistated. Eddie threatened her with the same fate...'. I went over to read it cause I had finished my homework (exept Media but I had given up by that point) and was just playing Pottermore. When I asked him about what he wrote, he said WITH A STRAIGHT FACE "It's a metophor for Eddie's anger" I burst out laughing and the whole 3 people in the school library looked at me like I needed to be put in a mental hospital (in their defence, I probably do) ANYWAY enough with my stories, and get on to my story.... that made total sence :P

"Why does my dad always go on jobs?" Rose moaned. She was once again being babysat by Levy.

"To get money, probably to spend on you" Levy told her turning a page of her book. Rose sighed.

"I know, and I'm greatful don't get me wrong, but why can't he take me with him" Levy put down her book, knowing that she wouldn't get to read anymore.

"He doesn't want you to get hurt" she explained "he worries about you, all dads worry about their little girls"

"Yeah but i'm not a little girl! I can do magic and I can help out!" Levy giggled slightly at Rose's reaction.

"No matter how old a girl gets they will always be 'daddy's baby girl'. I found that out the hard way" Levy said, remembering her dad's reaction when she first left home.

"But I really want to go on a job!" Rose moaned. Levy came up with an idea.

"Hey, since Jet and Droy are sick, how about I take you on a job, well, if your dad says yes" Rose jumped at Levy, giving her a hug

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!" A couple of hours later, Gajeel had returned. Levy and Rose explained the idea to him.

"No" he said firmly, Rose's face fell

"Why!" she asked

"It's way to dangerous" Levy pulled out the paper with the job they had chosen.

"I don't think entertaining nursary children with magic is that dangerous. I mean they may bite but..." (Nursary = Preschool) Levy said smirking. "Come on Gajeel, it'll only be for a day and a half and nothing's going to happen to her while I'm here so..."

"Please!" Rose finshed, putting on puppy dog eyes. Gajeel sighed

"Fine. but don't get into any trouble"

"I pinky promise!" Rose said holding out her pinky. This had became a thing for these two. Before Gajeel left for a ob he always had to pinky promise he would come back. Gajeel wrapped his pinky around Rose's grinning. Levy showed the job to Mira, who confirmed it and the two left to catch the train straight away.

They where early so they sat on a bench at the train station an waited for their train. They where silent for a coupe of seconds. Rose then spoke

"So when are you and my dad getting married" Levy sighed

"We've talked about this Rose. We are not getting married"

"But why? He likes you and you like him. You DO like him right?" Levy's face turned slightly pink. She then turned to Rose and looked completley serious.

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