Chapter 3

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-Sorry for short last chapter, I got a bit of writers block. Also, I was thinking of having this between the Edolas and Tenrou island arcs. I know that Levy and Gajeel didn't really interact much before tenrou but I had an idea that can only really work if it is between the two arcs. Hope that's ok with you guys-

As Levy stood there she couldn't help but smile at the sight. Rose lay cuddled into Gajeels chest, her little hands grabbing his shirt. Gajeel had one arm wrapped protectivly around her and the other one at his side. Levy noticed how cute Gajeel was when he was sleeping. She noticed how his long hair fell over his shoulders and his slow breathing as he slept. He looked vunrable. The vunrability was doubled when he had a baby on his chest. Levy blushed. She hadn't really interacted with Gajeel much unless he was teasing her, but she never relised how cute he really was. Levy then saw Rose stir. Her eyes fluttered open. She began to giggle instantly. She seemed to always be happy when she was with Gajeel, Levy thought. Rose then took her tiny hand.... and started pulling Gajeels hair.
"OW!!" he yelled jumping up. Levy dived to the floor and saved Rose from getting hurt as both her and Panther-Lilly had been thrown to the floor as Gajeel stood up in shock. Rose just laughed.
"Carful you idiot!" Levy shouted at him, cradling Rose in her arms.


Levy and Gajeel entered the guild with Rose in the doll buggy. Lucy saw them, smiled, and walked over to them.
"Hey Levy-chan, Why have you got a doll?" Lucy asked. She bent down to look at the 'doll'. Rose then reached out and grabbed Lucy's finger. Lucy screamed, getting the fright of her life. Everyone turned to look at the three at the door. Gajeel quickly turned his red, embarassed face so no one cold see it. "Levy-chan, why have you got a baby?!" Lucy exclaimed the whole guild went silent.
"It was left on m..."
"My doorstep" Gajeel cut in. His eyes instantly went wide. He didn't know why he had just said that.
"Ga..." the whole guild started to say
"NO!!" Gajeel shouted furiously. The guild went awkwardly quiet. Natsu then walked over to join Gajeel, Levy and Lucy
"Alright everyone, go back to you knitting" he anounced (A/N Harry Potter referance, lol :D). Everyone tunred around and went back to what they where doing. Lucy pointed to Gajeel, then the baby.
"Explain" Gajeel explained to Lucy everything that had happened, leaving out the bits where he acted like a little girl afriad of a spider, but Levy filled those bits in for him. Natsu laughed at him, so Gajeel smack his head.
"It's not funny" he growled at Natsu.
"No it's not" Natsu said seriously, before his face tunred into a grin "It's freaking hilarious!". Gajeel was about to hit him again, but then got an idea and smirked.
"Fine then flame brain, if you think it's so hilarious I got stuck with a kid why don't you try and hold her" he challanged. He looked at Levy, who glared at him for saying he had gotten 'stuck with a kid'.
"Fine!" Natsu said, accepting the challange. Levy undid the clips and Natsu picked up Rose. He held her under her arms pits, her feet dangling like Gajeel held her the first time. Gajeel smirked as Lucy and Levy shouted at him for doing it wrong
"Gi hi hi" he laughed. Natsu was about to put her down, when Gajeel grabbed her off him, holding her like Levy taught him. "Don't put her down, she's evil!" Levy just laughed and took Rose off Gajeel, placing her down on the floor.
"She's a baby, she's not....."


Everyone looked. Rose had grabbed a table cloth. The contense of the table had been thrown to the floor. Gajeel smirked at a shocked Levy. "Told you so" he said. After chasing Rose around the guild for about half an hour, they finally caught her. Laki made a crib with her wood make powers. Levy placed Rose in the crib and turned around. Her face paled. A 5 month old baby had managed to make more of a mess in the guild than Gray and Natsu ever have in their lives. She looked back at Rose. She had fallen asleep.


Levy and Gajeel where walking back to Gajeels house with Rose in the buggy and Lilly flying beside their heads. It was almost 7 and Rose was just to destructive. Just like someone else I know, Levy thought as she looked at Gajeel, who insisted that since she had pushed Rose there, he would push her back. Her face went red. They arived at the house and Gajee got out they key, fumbled with the lock, and opened the door. Levy took Rose out of the buggy and placed her in the crib that Laki had made. Some new guy that joined the guild had transportation magic and had helped by transporting it here.
"Well, I'd better get going" she said and started to walk towards the door
"Wait, your leaving her here with me!" Gajeel exclaimed. Levy giggled. Gajeel blushed at her giggle. "Well you did tell the guild she was left at YOUR door, so tecniquly she is YOUR responcibility. I'll be back tomorrow to check on you" she told Gajeel. "Bye!" she said as she went out the door.

Gajeel stared at Rose. Rose stared at Gajeel. Neither knew what to do. Rose kept trying to stand up, using the crib for support, but kept falling down. Gajeel chuckled to himself. Gajeel went into the kitchen, asking Lilly to keep an eye on Rose just in case, and got some iron to snack on. He decided that Rose would need something to eat. She already ate at the guild, but according to Levy, babies got hungry quickly. Gajeel remembered that at the guild, Levy had fed her some mashed up fruit. He looked my cupboards and found some of Lilly's Kiwis. He mushed them up using dragon slayer iron club and put the mushed up stuff in a bowl, got a spoon and took it through to her. Lilly left as Gajeel entered. He placed the bowl and spoon in the crib. Rose tilted her head to the side as if to say 'I'm 5 months old, how am I supposed to use this?' Gajeel sighed and picked up the spoon, bput some of the mush on it and put it towords Roses mouth. Rose happily ate the mush. Gajeel didn't understand why she was eating so calmy, at the guild she was throwing the food everywhere. Maybe she likes me, Gajeel thought with a smile. Lilly then came back through.
"Gajeel, have you seen the kiwis I had in the cupboard?"
"Sorry Lilly, the squirt was hungry"
"Squirt? Do you come up with nicknames for everyone?" Gajeel just rolled his eyes. Once Rose was finished, he took the stuff back to the kitchen and promised that he would buy Lilly some more kiwis. It was now 8 o'clock. Rose had fallen asleep after having her dinner. Gajeel went into his room and fell asleep. It was around 1 in the morning when Gajeel woke up to the sound of Rose crying. he ran down the stairs, thinking something had happened. When he got down, he was Rose sitting up, crying. Levy hadn't told him wheat to do if she woke in the middle of the night.....


Levy knocked on Gajeels door. No answer. She checked to see if it was open. It was. He must have forgotten to lock it after she'd left yesterday. She went in and shouted ''It's me!". Nothing. "Why is it always so quiet whenever I arrive?" Levy said to herself. She shut the door and went into the living room, placing down the bag she was carrying. The living room was empty. No Rose, no Gajeel, no Panther-Lilly. Levy panicked. She checked in all the rooms down the stairs then deiced to go up the stairs. She opened the first was Gajeels bedroom. Levy laughed silently. Rose had somehow gotten a hold of a pen and was drawing on Gajeels face as Gajeel slept. Levy couldn't hold it anymore, She burst out laughing, which started Gajeel awake. Like an evil genius, Rose dropped the pen off the side of the bed and smiled like an inoccent angle.
"What you laughing at shirmp?" Gajeel yawned in a sleepy voice. Levy would never say it out loud, but she thought Gajeels sleepy voice was sorta..... sexy. She tunred beet red at this thought. Just that night, Levy had been arguing with herself over whether she liked Gajeel or not. The conclution she came to. Yes. She was still laughing so Gajeel thought she was tunring re with laughter. She pulled a baby wipe from her pocket and walked over and started wiping his face. She noticed his face go red. She thought nothing of it. She then smiled and picked up Rose
"Your an evil genius you know that" Rose giggled in reponce. Gajeel was still confused as hell. "Why was Rose in your bed, I thought she couldn't stand, never mind walk"
"Shw was crying and wouldn't shut up" Gajeel grumbled getting out of the covers. Levy noticed Gajeel didn't have a shirt on, allowing her to see his muscles. She didn't relise she had been staring at them until Gajeel waved his hand in front of her face saying "Shirmp, Shrip you there?" Levy shook her head and mumbled something about being in a daydream. Lilly, who had been asleep at the end of Gajeels bed, smirked at Levy.


Levy had began making breakfast for everyone. She had brought along some extra kiwis in the bag she had, as well as some other baby stuff. She gave a whole kiwi to Lilly, threw Gajeel some iron and went over to Rose's crib wth some mashed kiwi. Rose was being stubborn, refusing to eat it for Levy. She tried everything, even pretending the spoon was a train.
"I give up!" Levy said, flopping onto the sofa. Gajeel just laughed and took the bowl and spoon off her. He started feeding Rose with no fuss. Levy was shocked and a bit mad that she wouldn't do that for her "Evil genius, I swear it!" she mumbled. making Gajeel laugh again. After Rose had been fed, she started to get wresless and bored. Levy had come prepared. In the bag she brought was a bunch of things to keep Rose happy that she had kept when she was a child, including a teddy and some dolls. She had also brought along some clothing and nappys. Levy changed her and dressed her (because Gajeel was to much of a wimp to) and put her in the buggy. They made their way to the guild

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