Excerpt 6-Survivors

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I didn't get much sleep that night. I had several nightmares that I was back in captivity that almost made it seem like I'd never escaped in the first place. Add that in with the constant low moans and scratching of whatever creature happened to be attacking the lounges walls at the moment and there you go.

When I woke up the next morning I found that the others were already awake and dressed. Sarah was cooking something on the stove, Jacob was reading something and Tyler was doing something on his PDA. I didn't see Allen around so I assumed that he was back in the security room. I pulled myself out of my cocoon and pulled on my pants, boots, gloves and vest, grabbed my FAL and walked into the security room where I found Allen reclined in the seat looking at the feed from a few security cameras, eating an MRE.

"When did you wake up?", he asked noticing me standing in the doorway.

"Like a half minute ago", I answered.

"Anyway", Allen said, "I've been going over the schematics for the lab for the past hour or two. I found that each piece of the lab operates on a closed system for power, security and computers. Meaning if we can kick start our generator, we'll have an easier time staying alive."

"So I take you wouldn't be telling me this unless you found our generator?", I asked.

"Correct", Allen said, "I've located our three generators in the Biome labs. It's outside too, so you won't have to worry about getting snuck up on unless you get careless, but the problem is that there are a lot of Chemical 240 and Number 12 treated plants and animals down there."

"Back up", I said, "Number 12?"

"A gene mutagen that never should have been developed in the first place", Allen said, "it leads to extreme mutations in anything it touches and in many cases death of the subject. It's what made the Skins so dangerous and damn near unkillable. You don't have to worry because the Acid you call blood with destroy it, still though, there are signs in the lab that mark Number 12 treated specimen, stay far, far away from them."

"Will do", I said, "mind giving me a map so I can get there?"

Allen held out his hand, "PDA please."

I handed it to him and he plugged it into the computer console. A few seconds passed before he handed it back to me.

"By the way Skyline", Allen said, "there's a lab down in the Biome's that was working on a genetic enhancement for humans. I want you to find it. It's not perfected, but it should work for you if I'm not mistaken."

"What enhancement?", I asked.

"Something to do with Telekinesis", Allen said, "I didn't get all the details out of the guy that was working on it, but from what he did tell me it was designed around Human and Xenomorph DNA. I think it's probably worth finding."

"Where would it be?", I asked.

"It would be in Lab 72 in Sector 3 of the Biome's, or way in the back", Allen said.

"I'll keep an eye out", I said walking out of the room.

I found the others in the front of the lounge gathered around the table eating what looked like bacon and eggs.

"Where are you going Sky?", Tyler asked.

"The Biome labs", I answered, "Allen said that he found the generators for our part of the lab there."

"In the Biome's?", Jacob asked, "heh, good luck domehead. That place is full of things that will eat you and not give a second thought."

I crossed my arms, "I am a 7 foot tall, 570 pound acid blooded bounty hunter proficient in 7 different kind of Martial Arts, a sword fighting expert and can field strip my FAL while my visor is covered in mud. What exactly do you think is gonna...."

I was cut off as Allen stormed in, "Guys, I got contacted by survivors."

The scientists dropped what they were doing and rushed into the security room. Allen was back at the console. There was a holographic projection that looked like the static I would get when my captors shut off the sat in the middle of a show. There was also this blur of audio that made it sound like the person on the other end of the screen was actually speaking static like a language.

"Who is it?", Jacob asked.

"I don't know", Allen answered, ""trying to get the signal to clear up."

Allen pulled a panel off the console and started screwing with the wires. A few seconds later, a still grainy image, but clear sound appeared on the TV screen. On it was what looked like a security guard. He was dressed in a short-sleeved white shirt, a desert tan plate carrier and tan pants. He had an M4 in his hands and looked like he'd been through hell. His face was covered in burns and blood, his arms had gashes where the bone was visible and his carrier had the front ripped off. I couldn't see anyone else in the background and looked like it was just him.

"Mayday, mayday", the guard said, "is anyone hearing me?"

"I hear you", Allen said, "this is Security Chief Allen Conrad, what's your name?"

"Staff Sargent Mike Taylor", the man answered, "I'm here in Biome lab 45 and I'm almost out of ammo."

"Fill me in", I said stepping forward, "what's going on down there?"

The guard looked confused.

"Whose the Xenomorph?", he asked.

"My name's Skyline", I answered, "I'm a bounty hunter and I'm here to rescue as many people as I can."

"A bounty hunter?", The guard asked, "this planet is facing an apocalypse and Biosphere sends a bounty hunter instead of oh, I dunno, maybe the Colonial Marines or how about the entire fucking military?"

"The planet is under a Class 1 quarantine", Allen answered, "the only reason Skyline got here was because Biosphere let him in. Now shut up and listen to me, where are you holed up?"

"Lab 45", the guard answered.

"Listen, Skyline is coming to get you, I'll stay on this chanel with you until he gets there. From there I want you to show him to the generators. If you can restore the power to this part of the lab, we make our situation that much better."

"I ain't keen to waiting for help", Mike said, "but I'm also in no mood to get killed. Send him my way."

"Sit tight", I said, "gimme about 10-15 minutes to get there."

The guard nodded and looked at a barricade, "hope I have that long. I heard a High-Power go off last night, was that you?"

"Yes", I answered.

"Bring it", the guard said, "there are Chem 240 treated Rhino's here."

I nodded and left the security room. I grabbed the high-power and slung it over my shoulder before exiting the lounge and once again entering the dark hallways.

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