Excerpt 11- X-Day

298 10 5

22 Years Prior

Prouxsas City, Bespin

11:01 AM, June 6th, 2144

"Your highness", The adviser said as he followed my Mom and I down the hall, "I must recommend that you and King Rizzolk attend the ceremony."

"On what grounds?", my Mother asked.

My mother who was around 37, stood at nearly seven and a half feet tall. Her light grey body color and head crest marked that she was the mate of the King and of the second highest authority. She was dressed in long flowing white silk robes with mahogany and crystal beads and she wore a diamond pendant with a gold inlay that carried Dad's seal on it.

"On the grounds that all of Prouxsas city will be expecting you and the King to attend", the adviser said, "we have a solider to receive a Royal Medal of Honor."

"For the fifth and FINAL time, I can not attend, I have things I need to get done", Mom said, "now please, go advise somewhere else."

"Your highness", The adviser said.

"Zip!", Mom said, "no more words!"

The adviser bowed and turned around, walking back down the hall.

"Mom", I asked tugging on her robes, "who was that?"

"A desk jockey as your Father calls them", Mom said picking me up.

She carried me down the hall to a set of mahogany double doors with some really cool engraving on them set in a gold and silver frame. The two Praetorian guards opened the doors as Mom walked through and closed them behind her. Behind the doors was a large hallway that was made of an expensive looking red carpet, more mahogany broads and paintings of Grandma and Grandpa as well as Mom and Dad that took up most of the wall. A fancy looking frame held each painting and there were diamond inlays in each corner. There was one guard on each side of the hallway spaced a bit apart from one another and they all dropped to their knees as Mom passed them. Near the end of the hall way, there was one guard I think that Mom knew because they both smiled as she opened the door for us. Mom walked up another set of stairs. They were elegantly made with mahogany steps and rails with marble supports and trimmed with a platinum inlay. At the top of the stairs were two more guards dressed in heavy battle armor carrying enormous axes that scared me...a little bit. They were fond of playing with them around me because they knew that they scared me.

"Afternoon your Highness", one said kneeling, "your mate is just inside with your son."

"Thank you Captain", Mom said, "you may rise."

"I see you have Skyline with you today", the guard said flashing his ax.

I buried my head in Mom's shoulder as the guards laughed and opened the door. Mom walked inside and the doors closed behind us. Once we were inside the room, I managed to summon my bravery again. Our house was made in a deeply stained Mahogany walls, gold and silver trim and tile floors. There was a carpet in the living room with our large leather couch and a few bean bag chairs that my brother and his friends used when they had video game days and there was a coffee table that sat between the couch and our 68 inch crystal screen TV. In the dining room behind that there was an oak table that had been stained even darker than the walls that had gold inlays on the legs and a huge vase of flowers set on top of it. Our kitchen was decorated with stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops and the light fixtures in the room were stainless steel with crystal decorations. My older brother Aegean and my Dad were sitting at the dining room table.

My Dad, who was 39, was king of Bespin, the only Giant Rock planet in the system. He stood at nearly eight feet tall, dwarfing Mom and rivaling Aegean, who was about the same height. He was still dressed in his white robes from earlier today and his body color was even lighter than Mom's, but not by much. He wore more decorations, beads and medals on his robes than Mom did, but that was because he was King. His head crest was the biggest and most elegant on the whole planet, telling everyone "I'm in charge."

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