1. First Impressions

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Set in 2008 :

Virat Kohli a young player was making his debut into National Indian Cricket Team against Sri Lanka. He was very nervous to meet everyone. He was continuously thinking that whether they will accept him or he will be just a team mate.

He was also a bit proud of himself that he had reached here. After facing so many hardships in life he had reached here. He had struggled so much in life but at the end he was here debuting for Indian Cricket team.

He took a deep breath and went towards the team room. Before entering he was practicing how will he meet his idol Sachin. He was preparing what will he talk.

"Hello Sachin Sir .. nhi aise nhi odd lagega"

"Hi Sachin Sir .. I am big fan of yours .. you are my idol. ... no no I will look like an idiot"

Just then Yuvi and Munaf saw him mumbling to himself and smirked seeing the new kid nervous. They had found the victim for their prank which will make their day.

Yuvi - "Oyeee.. what are you mumbling"

Virat nervously - "Nothing Yuvraj Sir, Hi Sir I am Virat"

Yuvi - "Ya ya okay"

Munaf - "Have u met anyone ?"

Virat nervous- "No sir .. I was going to meet Sachin sir first. But I don't know what to say to him."

Yuvi and Munaf smirked at each other.
Yuvi told him seriously - "You know whenever anyone meets Sachin Paaji first time na .. they have to touch his feet. That is the rule"

Virat looked at Munaf for confirmation to which he also nodded. Virat just gulped the lump in his throat.

Virat went with slow steps and saw Sachin sir there sitting in the team room. He went and touched his feet. But to his disappointment Sachin sir just jumped at that action.

Sachin got up and asked - "What are u doing ?"

Everyone in the team room was looking at Virat which was making him hell nervous.

Virat looked down and said - "Wo Yuvi sir and Munaf sir told me that I have to touch you feet when I meet u the first time. That is the rule."

Everyone including Sachin started laughing on that. Virat wanted to go hide somewhere. He just got ragged by his seniors and here he was thinking that he will be a friend or brother to them. How stupid he could be!

Mahi noticed his nervousness and went to him.

"Dont be embarassed Virat. They were just joking around you okay." said Mahi trying to make a normal conversation with him.

"Okay sir" said Virat

Mahi frowned at the 'sir' but did not push it as he didnt want him to be more nervous. "Come lets meet the team" said Mahi and introduced everyone to him. To which Virat acknowledged and replied "Hi,Hello" to everyone as he dont know what else to say.

"Okay so Virat here is your room key.. Now you are alone in the room. I will try to get a teammate with you soom. Just as everyone's room are allocated so. But dont worry okay if u need anything u can come to me" said Mahi trying to make him comfortable.

"Okay captain" said Virat.

"And one more thing dont call me captain or sir okay .. you can call me Mahi,MS anything" said Mahi not liking the formal approach.

"You can call him bhai as I do"said Rohit jumping in between.

"Okay Mahi bhai" said Virat.

Virat was fidgeting with his room key. He was so nervous to be alone. That was the thing he didn't get used to stay alone over the years.

Rohit noticed it as Mahi got busy with others.
"U okay right ?" Asked Rohit to Virat.

"Yes yes" said Virat and moved to his room.

He opened it and could only see loneliness in there. But he promised himself he will not fall weak. He took a deep breath and went to freshen up. Soon he was done and went to practice session.

He was looking at all the players feeling that whether it was a dream or reality.
"Common Virat pad up" said Mahi to him.

"Bhai should I practice bowling first" he asked nervously.

Mahi agreed as it was his first day. Virat went and started to bowl crazily as he does. He was so happy as according to him it was the best.

"Haha how good I am ! Perfect!" He was mumbling to himself happily after every ball.

Mahi told him then to show him some batting skills.
Zaheer was gonna bowl to him.

Virat was hell nervous and scared to see Zaheer khan bowling him. But he backed himself to be strong that this was the thing he waited and worked hard all his life.

He padded up and went on the ground. Rohit was his partner on non-striker end. Rohit patted his back in support.

Virat took the deep breath and got ready.He knew he could do this.

Zaheer bowled a pretty fast delivery but it was smashed through the covers by Virat.

"Beautiful shot!" Shouted Mahi.

Next was onto the pad which was flicked by his wrist and onto the boundary again.

"Wonderful flick Virat!" Said Sachin.

Rohit was also clapping from the other end which gave Virat confidence.

Everyone was surprised to see so much perfection in his shots. And with the professional and crisp approach he followed while batting.

"He is really good" said Sachin to Mahi.

Ofcourse they did notice his weakness which he had while playing pull shot. But in all he was very skilled player.

"Chalo it's enough for the day!" Said Mahi and everyone started packing their stuff.

"I really enjoyed practicing with you!" Said Rohit while packing his stuff.

"Same here" said Virat. And they went to their rooms.

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Idea by Paleja8

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