38. Big Bros

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Virat and Rohit were sitting together and watching a movie with so much concentration as the suspense was about to reveal.

They had met after the IPL and spending time with each other.. to watch movies, trouble each other. Talk to Sammy in gibberish language and what not! With the practice and gym sessions.

Ro- Yaar kya slow motion mai dikha rahe hai?
He whined.

Vi- Ro stop ur commentary, it is just here now! It's gonna get it revealed now!

'Virat bhai..'


'Virat bhaiya..'

'Rohit bhaiya...'

They were startled with the voices entered their room.

Vi- What the-
He exclaimed and saw the juniors there.

Ro- why did u pause? Where the fuck he hid the body?
He exclaimed as the suspense was interrupted.

Virat nudged Rohit and he looked up to see juniors with whining faces.

Ro- Just a min guys, end hai!

Before Rohit could play the movie again, Hardik closed the lid of the laptop and threw it on sofa.

Vi- Harry it's MacBook, aaram se!

Harry- You are freaking rich Virat bhai, focus now we have big problem!

Ro- What's wrong u guys?

Vi- Ha what's wrong, why these frown on all your faces.
He asked concerned.

Harry- Rah told that I am not his best friend and he enjoys monkey's company more!
How will I live now?
He said dramatically with so many fake tears.

Rah- He means Mayank.
He said seeing them confused and rolling his eyes on his drama.

Rishabh- That's not it bhaiya, Harry said that u love him more than me, it's not true Na!
He said with a pout.

Kuldeep- bhaiya why did u guys spend so much time with that IPL kids! Don't u love us anymore.
He whined.

Yuzi- Virat bhai how could give ur T-shirt to Shahbaaz, I wanted it but u didn't give me.

Rah- What the- Virat how could give it to him! I wanted that black T-shirt.
This time he whined.

Jassi- And Rohit bhai, u gave ur hoodie and bat to Ishan, I am ur fav kiddo Na!
Why would u do that?
Why are u spending so much time with him! He is always sticking with u like a leech!

Virat and Rohit were just looking back and forth and sometimes at each other trying to understand all the complaints which was difficult because they all were speaking together.

Kuldeep- you have ur hoodie to ishan and Virat bhai ur T-shirt to that junior!
Why did u do that?
I am not in your team so u would do like that!

Rishabh- Ya I feel u Kul! They are doing the same to me! Just because I am also in other team.
He whined!

Ro- I want to see the end yaar, where did he hid the body?
he whispered to Virat.

(P.S- Guess which movie he is talking about)

Vi- Ya me too, but what do we do! let's solve this first.
He whispered back.

Harry- How dare u say that he is your best friend?
He said gaining RohiRat's attention.

Rah- So what I said that! He is my best friend!
He doesn't trouble me like you! U destroyed my shoes!
And I hate you for that!
He snapped.

Harry- For godsake, that was a prank!
Don't u know me well enough to know that!
No- right u know only that monkey!

Vi- Stop u both!
He said sternly.

Rah- But my shoes..

Ro- Rah ur shoes in that table!
He pointed to the table.

Rah went and saw the shoes. He was relieved to which Harry turned his face in anger.

Rah- I am not gonna say sorry to you!
He said.

Harry- I dont expect you to, do your formalities with the Monkey.
He said and left the room with Rah running behind him.

Vi- Chalo ek toh clear hua!
He whispered to Rohit.

Ro- Yuzi, Kul, Jassi and Rishabh u can take any T-shirt of Virat and hoodie of mine!
He said wanting to end the whining and watch the end of the movie.

Instead of going to wardrobe they sat with them. Jassi and Rishabh cuddled to Rohit and Virat while yuzi  and Kul sat in front of them.

Vi- Kya hua?
He asked in softest voice seeing their kiddos needing their attention.

Jassi- We don't want the materialistic things. We just went ur pampering and care.
And tiny more than u do to the new kids who meet u during IPL which I don't like.

Kuldeep- Yes bhai!
We are your first set of kiddos! So we should get all the pampering as Mahi bhai would do for you both!

Rishabh- Yes, spend time with us first not them.
He whined.

Virat and Rohit looked at each other and smiled at that. They remembered how they used to whine this way to Mahi bhai.

They both suddenly feel how Mahi bhai's kiddos turn into big brothers for their juniors, their kiddos.

Harry and Rah came back and sat with them.

Vi- Okay we promise to spend lot of time with u this series and also in IPL.
He said ruffling Rishabh's hair.

Ro- And tonight we will have dinner and sleep over here. Now u all get ready for the gym.
He said and everyone stood up to leave one by one.

Virat rushed to get laptop and was about to play when Harry said from the door.

Harry- Bhai, body police station ke ground mai hai! He has hid it there!
He said and ran from there.

Virat and Rohit cursed how the suspense was ruined but smiled at childishness of Harry and others.

Later at dinner Harry didn't get sweet because he revealed the suspense Ofcourse Rohit and Virat wouldn't spare him.


Hi with a second update in a day!

Do tell me ur thoughts about it !

Happy Reading!

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