25. New Manager

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I am again super late on this book! I have been busy! But the good side of it is that I have planned 4-5 chapters of this book and will write it super quick and soon I hope! 😬

Also I have changed the cover and title of the book from
"Our little Brother" to "Some bonds are forever"
Do tell me if u liked it!

Anyway here is the update, I hope u guys like it!

After some days .. Virat and Rohit were the permanent part of the team now along with the remaining Jaddu, Ash and Bhuvi... they had a nice group and Virat was enjoying their presence and bond with them.

In all this he and Rohit were still inseparable... he needed Rohit more than anyone and same was for Rohit ... they were best of friends.. and Rohit was extra protective of Virat !! And Virat was possessive of Rohit ..

Bhuvi was someone other than Rohit .. who had become close to Virat .. in handling him .. and Virat opened to him unknowingly..

As once it had happened .. that Rohit went out with Jaddu and Ash. Virat had opened up to Bhuvi over one of his fears.

Flashback -

"You will be okay right .. jau mai ??" asked Rohit for the nth time as Jaddu and Ash had made plan to visit the Siddhivinayak temple nearby but Virat didnt want to go as he was being lazy ..

"Ha I will be okay ..." said Virat as Rohit wanted to go..

Rohit went and after sometime Mahi and Yuvi too went for some work ... Virat was sitting alone in his room ..

Virat was sitting in balcony .. observing the city in night .. which seemed so peaceful to him ..

After sometime when he came into the room... Rohit didnt arrive yet ... he closed his eyes and thought to rest... but it did not  last long ... as lights went off and the whole room was dark ...

Virat gasped in worry and fear .... seeing the whole dark room ... he hugged his knees ... and buried his face in that ... mumbling 'Ro's' name.

Bhuvi who was in the corridor ... thought to visit Virat .. he entered the room when lights also came back.... he could see Virat curled into a ball in fear ... closing his eyes tightly ...

Bhuvi kept hand on his shoulder to snap him out of his thoughts... Virat opened his eyes ... and saw blurred image of Bhuvi...

"B..h..u..v..i!!" mumbled Virat.

"Ha Virat I am here ... u are okay ..." said Bhuvi taking him into a hug...

"Its ... all .... dark" said Virat holding onto him.

"Dont worry .. it is not dark anymore ... see I am here ..." said Bhuvi calming him down.

"I am not going anywhere!! You are safe" said Bhuvi seeing him restless.

Virat had slept after sometime due to exhaustion and Bhuvi sat beside him patting his head...

Due to this incident Virat had opened upto Bhuvi and they share a quite different bond!

Back to present-

"Ro ... what are you doing ?? Lets go ... Bhai has called us in team room to talk about something important .. " Virat said coming in the room.

"I just slept yaar ... Do we have to go now ?? Is it important??" Rohit said irritated with the disturbance in his sleep.

"Ro ... get up otherwise we will get late ... and its important than your beauty sleep Mr.Panda.." said Virat pulling the comforter off him.

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