05. howie

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Mr. Watson let me inside early to help him set up for his newspaper classes. I walked through the class pushing the cart and placing the outdated textbooks on the equally outdated desks. Watson turned in the radio station to the local classical station and began to waltz back into my view. His 6 feet tall frame matched the youth in his 27 year old face, with a giant grin plastered on to his face.

"You ready for this year Watson? I asked.

"Yeah. New freshmen, different students, fresh ideas. Its gonna be great" he said. "What about you? Anything new you wanna try?"

"I have one thing, the National Filmmakers Association. I'm gonna try to do a joint project."

"With Magdalene?"

"With Magdalene."

"Hmm, you do have the same outlook on things, but eh," he paused.

"Bad eh or just apathetic eh?"

"Just eager to see this work eh."

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