Chapter Seven

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Until almost noon, Bucky and Sophia sat hugging each other on the sofa, just looking outside the window, listening to each other's breath and heartbeat.
Never in his life had Bucky felt so comfortable with someone, this was all totally new to him. He almost didn't know how to deal with it, if this was even right or wrong.
As far as he was concerned, they could have spent half an eternity like this.

Sophia also felt more than comfortable in his presence. She was glad she asked him to stay. Although the feeling of betrayal still weighed heavily on her, she was able to bear it to some extent with Bucky's help. Of course, he was wrong, not telling her what he knows, that's for sure, but she  decided to forgive him since he had done so much for her.

The almost simultaneous growling of their stomachs made them both realize that they hadn't eaten since last night's pizza.

Sophia lifted her head, looking Bucky straight in the face. He had so much warmth and security in his expression, it shot straight through her whole body.

Her gaze fell on his leather jacket, thickly smeared with her tears and snot.
"I think I messed up your jacket. I'm so sorry."

Bucky followed her gaze and shrugged. "I don't give a shit."
He cupped her chin and waggled his eyebrows. "I promise you, that won't be the only thing that gets messed up today."

The excitement shot right through her body and she shifted on his lap.
Bucky curled his lips into a soft smile. "Do you feel  better, sweetie?"

Nodding, she straightens up, changing her position on his lap, now straddling him.
"A little bit, yes."
She started playing with the hair at the back of his head. Bucky closed his eyes and enjoyed her touch to the fullest.

Her stomach started growling again. Chuckling, he opened his eyes.
"Hungry, doll?"

"Seems like."

"Me too. But not only for food." After a cheeky wink, he gave her a kiss on the forehead, picked her up, and carried her into the kitchen.

Sophia's core began to bubble again, but now she had to strengthen herself first, she was literally starving.

After he placed her on the counter, he started to look around. "I'll make breakfast. What do you want?"

She pulled a pout thoughtfully, picking the first thing that came into her mind. "Pancakes would be great."

Her kitchen was small but fine. The furniture was, how could it be otherwise, almost exclusively in white. The dark countertop was in contrast, strewn with small herb pots and spice jars of all kinds.

Bucky's eyes lit up when he saw her coffee machine. "Oh, yes. Coffee. For you too, doll?"

"Oh yes. With milk and sugar. please."

Before Bucky got to work making the pancakes, he made a cup of coffee for each of them.
"I have to warn you."
His tone sounded almost playful as he handed her the cup. "I'm kind of the CEO of making pancakes. Once you've tasted them, you'll never want to eat anything else."

Giggling, Sophia took a small sip. "Well, I'm curious."
After helping him find all the ingredients he needed, she took a seat at the kitchen table and just watched him.

Highly concentrated he prepared their breakfast. Sophia just couldn't take her eyes off him.
If someone had told her three days ago that Bucky Barnes would be standing in her kitchen and making their breakfast, she would probably have laughed out loud.

Thirty minutes later, he placed a plate of delicious-looking pancakes in front of her, drizzled some more syrup on top, handed her the cutlery, and looked at her expectantly.

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