Chapter 1

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No ones POV

It was a normal day at Salvatore school, well as normal at it can be, with all the monsters and all. This weeks hot topic was the breakup of the power couple of the school. It happened after Landon revealed himself with Hopes necklace in the old mill (End of ep3x12), Hope was beyond pissed, and after hearing new reason of his not so welcomed miserable existence, she broke up with him. If Dr. Saltzman were not there she would have killed him within that second. Its been 2 week since then, from that Day she has been focusing all her rage on studying on Malivore or the merge, she had involved her whole family in finding a solution to the merge, after gathering information different parts of the world everyone abroad decided to meet at Salvatore school to analyze everything they have collected.

Caroline was scheduled to be the first to arrive, then Marcel and Rebekah, then Freya and Keelin, then Kol and Davina.

Josie returned to the school ten days ago and few days ago Finch also arrived. They were both trying to settle in.

Josies POV

Its been a hectic couple of days, trying to re-adjust here. On top of it Finch is also here. We havent had the chance to talk much; she is adjusting quite well here, I asked Jed to help her. Today mom and The Mikaelsons are coming to school for discussing the solution to the merge. I am really looking forward to meet all of them. Hopefully Freya would not murder me on sight; well if she does there would be no point in discussing the merge.

Finchs POV

This school is really nice. Everyone is like a big family which I never actually had. Josie introduced me to one of her friend Jed. He is really nice, he told me many new things about werewolf, and they were quite interesting. Josie and I havent had much time to talk, but its fine we both are adjusting. There are some important people coming to school today. Jed told me they are Hopes family. Yes, 5 days here and I know all about that five feet trouble, I never had chance to talk to her, not that I am dying to talk to her, almost everyone in the school fears her, I obviously dont , she never in these five days once looked at me, as if she doesnt even know I am here. I heard she recently broke up with her boyfriend, Jed told me that is why she has been more angry these days, but I have never, not even a single time seen her angry at Josie, not even a little no matter whatever Josie says, she always gives her a polite, normal answer, with a smile. It is kind of infuriating. Jed told me not to get on her bad side, but if she comes after what is mine, then no one can stop me.

Anyways I am planning on talking Josie on a date in a few days, and then I will ask her to be my girlfriend.


Thank you for reading!!!

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