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??? POV

I was scared in this thing I'm not sure what it was. It is dark and cold but I could feel some heat coming from some place. I hear footsteps coming my way I sat in the corner of the bed hugging my knees. Then the footsteps stopped I heard keys rattling. I heard what sounded like metal rubbing together I just assumed it was the door.

That is when the same scent hit me. Axe Phoenix body spray with of motor oil and white rain it was impossible to have three scents for it to be my mate. When my mom told me and my sister about our dad's scent she said he only had two not three. The door was shut before I could even get up and try the door. Then he came in and sat on the edge of my bed at the end then he spoke in his foreign accent.

"Oh my love I am so sorry for kidnapping you like that. You shouldn't have run like that and I wouldn't have done that."

Then I spoke in a harsh feared filled tone "Why did you do it then huh?"

"My dear I did it for your safety I'm not going to hurt you. Plus we are mates and I tend to treat you like one. Here let me get those shackles off of you, sorry for putting them on you but you wouldn't stop fighting us." He said as he made his way over to me and he took the shackles off.

I grabbed my wrists and rubbed them not looking at the brute. I said "Thank you mister uh.... um.... Thank you." He then tried to get closer to me and failed epically.

He stood back and rubbed the back of his neck then said "It is fine honey and my name is Sheldon Rezone, but you can call me whatever you want to call me."

I sat there and thought for a moment and came up with something but I didn't say it just yet. "Anything I want to call you I can and you can't yell at me or smack me?" I asked him curiously. He nodded his head and I said "Okay I'm going to call you asshole and you can't do anything about it." He sat there in shock then his face softened from shock to understanding. He left the room or cell after that and I was in there alone.

I lay down on the bed and I silently cried myself to sleep. The reason why I cried myself to sleep was because I was starving myself until he let me go. Sleep soon came and consumed my body.

Ellie Bella's POV

"Teresa! I give up you can come out now!" I yelled out to nothing expecting an answer. You see we were playing a game of hide and go seek and it was my turn to go and find her. I couldn't find her anywhere I looked for her in our friend's houses, the forest, the trees, and the pack house. She was nowhere to be found that is when the scent hit my nose. The scent was Axe Phoenix with motor oil it smelled horrible then my sister's scent was in there too.

So you can imagine how burning wood and that mixed smells like, that is just gross. Any who I yelled for my mom, dad, beta, and third I told them everything. My mom, Luna Maxine, and my dad, Alpha Dee, were worrying and my dad got furious. That is when Dominic, my beta's son, came in with his mate and looked at us all confused. Dominic Stevenson and Angelica Stevenson they married and they sort of adopted my sister and I as their own.

Dominic his is the height of 6'0" with violet eyes and platinum hair. Now Angelica she has emerald eyes and purple hair plus her height is 5'11" she is short compared to my sister. Teresa was well is one inch taller than me. She is 6'1" with fire red hair that is shoulder length and has curls in it also her eyes are piercing fire red. Me well I am 6'0" and my hair is silver that goes half way down my back, also my eyes are ice baby blue.

Our wolves are all different, my wolf, Misty, is all white with gold eyes. Teresa's is wolf, Shelby, has burgundy eyes and amber fur, Angelica's wolf, Samantha, has burgundy fur and amber eyes. Now Dominic's wolf, Eiji, he has gold fur and silverish white eyes. We all are around the same age; Angelica is 23, Dominic is 24, Me I am 20 and Teresa is 21. Any who I looked over at Dominic and Angelica with fear and worry written on my face. He came over to me and hugged me then we went to my room with Angelica on our heels with worry written in her eyes.

We were in there for a good hour I was humming Wake Me up by Essence to calm myself down and Angelica was playing in my hair while Dominic was guarding the door. All of the sudden Jake, my dad's patrol captain, came barging into my room "Rogue on the territory... Watch her don't let her out of your sight." Was all he panted out and Dominic nodded his head then sniffed the air. I sniffed the air too and it was weird. On Florida's only pack, the MoonSeakers, was the smell of coconuts and a rogue. This day just keeps getting better and better.

Mina WhiteFang's POV

I was running on the MoonSeakers territory with all of the guards on our tail. By our I mean Midnight's, my wolf, and my tail. Midnight slid to the side snapping, snarling and showing her teeth at all of the guards the out of nowhere this blonde wolf with pacific blue eyes went for our neck but he soon missed because Midnight dodged the attack and latched onto its neck. She snapped its neck then the owner of the wolf spirit appeared with his neck snapped. The human was Shane Pown second beta in the MoonSeakers pack.

Once the taste of blood flooded my taste buds and my mouth I began to panic. I was too wrapped up in my thoughts. I didn't even realize that I was attacked with so much force to be slammed into a nearby tree and I was unconscious from the power behind it. It was three hours later and I was finally awake. I looked around the room and there were bars in front of my face glowing when the moonlight hit them.

I assumed they were made of silver then I seen a woman I swear I have seen her before but I'm not sure. She looks like she was maybe 20 years old and her hair was this beautiful silver that was shoulder length. A guard came and handed me a tray of food through the door, I looked at him and then the tray. Then I picked up the tray and threw it at him but it missed him and hit the sleeping woman. She woke up looking furious and surprised I got a good look at her eyes they were ice baby blue before they changed to gold.

She looked at me and then at the guard, she then grabbed the guard by his throat and put him against the wall. He was a babbling fool then the woman spoke "What are you doing down here and it better be good." The tone she used scared the living shit out of me and she gave me this menacing glance as in to say 'I'll be with you in a minute'. The guard just squirmed trying to get loose. That is when she crushed his windpipe and ripped opened the cell door, she went to say something but her eyes went back to her ice baby blue.

She looked around the room in horror then she ran out of the back door in the holding cell room. I followed her and she gained speed so I shifted to my wolf and followed her. Telling by the wet marks in the dirt she was crying that is when she slid to the side and snarled and showed her teeth. That there was clear sign to back the fuck off and leave her alone. So I did so and I went home and entered the house to take care of my wounds.

There was one question on my mind though. Why did she save me?

Dominic Stevenson's POV

It was morning and I was looking for Ellie because she wasn't in her room. I decided to go down to the holding cells and look there for her. She wasn't there but the scene was horrifying. The rogue was gone and Ellie along with her. My mind raced with questions like What if she kidnapped Ellie? What if she is torturing Ellie right now for answers?

I was by the territory caves before I knew it. When I passed them I heard someone sobbing. I went into the caves and I was two feet from the entrance when they stopped. "Ellie... Ellie is that you?" I called out expecting an answer and nothing so I left the caves. Once I left the sobbing started again so I ran in and to my surprise it was a person I knew but not the right person I was looking for.

"Angelica, what are you doing here, what is wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing, just I heard Ellie was missing so I came looking for her alone but that didn't work well as you see." She said looking down at her feet and hands.

I seen something shiny in her hands and asked "May I see it please?" Angelica handed me the thing in her hand and I turned on my night vision to get a better look at it. Sure enough it was Ellie's bracelet the one Angelica and I gave her. This means war so I'm going to kick ass and ask names and questions later.

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