Chapter 3: Gnarlack

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"He wouldn't happen to have an interest in paw prints, would he?" he asks


Newt's POV:

"He's interested in anything he can sell," Tina states

We then made our way to a dark alleyway and see a painting of a woman in a mirror, Tina and Queenie used a spell so they had formal party dresses, I then see Y/N doing it too, she was wearing a black dress with a slit on the side. 

"You look nice," I tell Y/N, I turned slightly red

"Thank you," she states, I then waved my wand and placed a bow tie on myself "Charming,"

She then knocks a certain pattern on the wall. The door opened. There were music and people drinking. I then see Y/N making her way to the bar and she sits on the stool. I then joined her.

"Gin," she states, the house-elf then snapped her fingers and the gin slid towards her 

"So continuing our conversation," I stated, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, your brother handed me a case to deal with last week," she starts off "Long story short, a man with a suitcase full of magical creatures from London went to New York to do who knows what," she finishes "Now what are you doing here?"

"I was going to return Frank to where he belonged," I stated "He was captured and I was going to return him back to Arizona,"

"I see," she says sipping her gin, I then looked at her face, her eyes were beautiful and charming, I then noticed that she had slight dark circles under her eyes covered with some makeup, she looked like haven't slept in days "Staring now?"

"N-No..." I stuttered

"Still as embarrassed," she says smirking she then sees a goblin walking toward us, assuming that is was Gnarlack, and Tina walks toward us

He then sits down next to Y/N. He takes his drink and takes a sip.

"So...You're the guy with the case full of monsters, huh?" he says attempting to reach Y/N's hand but she pulls away

"News travels fast," I stated, he then finished his drink "I was hoping you'd be able to tell me if there've been any sightings. Tracks sort of thing,"

"You got a pretty big price on your head, Mr. Scamander," he says writing something down with a quill "Why should I help you, instead of turning you in?"

"I take it I'll have to make it worth your  while," 

"Hm...Let's consider it as a cover charge," he says holding a cigar, I slid him some money, he scoffs "MACUSA's offering more than that,"

Y/N's POV:

I sighed, as this was getting nowhere. I then placed a big bag of gold onto the table, he then smirks.

"Long time no see Ms. L/N..." he chuckles "But I don't think that's gonna pay off the damage you've done last time and to spare Mr. Scamanders life,"

"What did you do last time?" Newt asks me

"I blew up the place...Accidentally," I sighed, I then noticed that something caught Gnarlacks eyes

"Wait...That's a Bowtruckle, right?" he asks curiously, Newt then hid him behind his collar

"No," he states

"Oh. Come on, they pick locks, am I right?" he says pointing at the Bowtruckle

"You're not having him," Newt states finally

"Well...Good luck getting back alive, Mr. Scamander," he says getting up "What with the whole MACUSA on your back,"

"Scamander, give him the Bowtruckle," I whispered to him

"What? No," he whispers back

"Don't worry, I have a plan," I said winking, he then sighs and thought about it for a moment

"Fine," he says slowly handing the Bowtruckle to Gnarlack, I can see Newt's face saddened 

"Something invisible's been wreaking havoc around 5th Avenue," Gnarlack states "You may want to check out Macy's Department Store. Might have what you looking for," 

I can see Newt wiping tears off his face. I then gripped my wand tighter, preparing to attack. 

"One last thing There's a Mr. Graves who works at MACUSA. I was wondering what you knew of his background," Newt asks

"You ask a lot of questions, Mr. Scamander, that can get you killed," he states

I then hear someone yell MACUSA is here. I then turned around and look and Gnarlack. I then blasted him with a spell, he flew backward and I gently grab the Bowtruckle and ran with Newt, I handed him the Bowtruckle

"That was your plan? To stupefy him?" he asks panting

"What? You wanted me to blow up the place instead?," I panted as we continued to run, it hurts to run in heels but I still continue to run

"That actually sounds like a better plan," he says as we continue to run

"Well, it's not worth the risk to get fired," I said

"Since when did you care whether you get in trouble or not?" he asks, I then scowled at him, he then grabs my hand and he apparatus away

We then made it to the empty streets of New York full of boutiques and stores, I can still see Newt holding my hand, we exchanged glances with each other and let go, I then see a bag of a mannequin moving, we then enter the shop watching.

"Demiguise are fundamentally peaceful," Newt whispers "But they can give a nasty nip if provoked,"

We then see the Demiguise placing items in the bag from the stands.

"You three," Newt telling Tina, Queenie and Jacob "Head that way, and try very hard not to be predictable,"

The three exchanged glances with each other, but left anyways. There was then a loud screech.

"That wasn't the Demiguise," I stated

"It wasn't, but I think it might be the reason that the Demiguise is here," he finishes, he then walks towards the Demiguise as it scurries away, he smirks and we both followed "Its sight operates on probability, so it can forsee the most likely immdeiete future," 

"What's it doing?" I asked

"He's babysitting," I then looked at him with a puzzled face

"What did you just say?" I asked

"This is my fault, I thought I had them all, but, uh, I must have miscounted," he says as we walked slowly towards the Demiguise 

"It's beautiful," I said as the creature appears from the dark

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