It's all going according to plan... or maybe not.

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Sidney's mother's murder was the case of all the downfall that led up to this point. Then Casey and her boyfriend Steve. Originally they were even going to kill the two love birds but Billy couldn't handle watching Stu's jealousy and heartbreak. It was 5 months from whenever Stu found out that Casey was cheating in him with that Steve fellow and he was still upset about it.

That's when Billy thought of the most reasonable option: to kill those two shit heads. To a quote n' quote, "sane person" that would sound absolutely crazy but when Billy proposed the idea to Stu, the class clown was over joyed to hear such a wonderful plan.

They got carried away a little but it was fine, both Sidney and her Father were now dead and they went around the house, checking the other three bodies to see if they were still alive. If they were, well, they wouldn't be for so much longer.

Stu was already dying so Billy impaled himself, groaning in pain as tears fixated in his eyes. He wasn't going to let a single water droplet escape though, sucking it up like "a man". He supported Stu and walked him carefully to their spots they both planned on "dying" in.

"It's alright Stu.. just please stay alive long enough for them to help." Billy whispered, holding Stu tighter and closer to him before laying him down on the ground. Stu coughed and nodded, "a-alright... I think I can stay awake for a few man." Stu breathed out, holding one of the stab wounds where Billy went too deep with the knife.

Billy nodded, sighing in relief as he walked a few feet away from the dying boy and dropped down, sprawling out on the floor in what he believed to be a believable "almost dead" pose would be. He's seen a lot of dead bodies in real life and in movies to know what position was better.

The sounds of police sirens almost seemed like a lullaby to the two killers but Billy quickly put on his act, dragging himself over to the door and yelling out for the police.

The cops busted their way in, armed and ready before they looked down and saw Billy who was covered in blood and tears.

"P-please! Help me! T-the m-man—" Billy croaked out before a loud sob came from his mouth. The man in blue quickly requested a medic and picked Billy up, grunting. Billy's face morphed into a small, crazy smirk before the act was put up again.

"Son, is there any more survivors that you might know of?" The cop, Brian as his name tag recalled, asked Billy.

The bloodied murderer nodded and sobbed, "I t-think I saw S-stu Macher breathing in there.. please you gotta help him!" Billy held on tight to the officer, burying his face in the chest as his muffled cries could still be heard.

Billy felt weird. It felt like he wasn't acting when he mentioned Stu to this Brian fella. He quickly shook away his thoughts about his partner in crime and focused his attention back at the situation at hand, being taken away from Brian and into the care of a male and female.

A soft blanket was draped over his shoulders not long before he was pushed down onto a stretcher. He groaned in pain as the stab wounds were touched by the hard surface below.

The last thing Billy saw was his best friend Stu being rolled up beside him. Then, a bright white light filled his video on before the secret murderer passed out. Or at least he think he passed out. Maybe he just fell asleep? He was a bit tired.. ah whatever, doesn't matter.


A day later, Stu woke up in the afternoon with a groan, holding his head softly. An audible gasp and a shift could be heard from beside him so he looked at the sound source to find no other than Billy Loomis with a semi-shocked expression that quickly changed into a small smile.

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