Is this little guy new?

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⚠️TW⚠️ : slight mention of animal abuse / wanting to kill an animal COUGHS


Stu gets a small black cat and Billy is jealous cause funny haha

Also they chickened out in the mass murder so they only killed Sidney's mother, Casey and Steve sooo


Billy knocked on Stu's door, shoving his hands into his pockets as he waited for his boyfriend to answer. He was about to knock again after a few minutes passed but just as soon as Billy raised his right hand to knock, the door suddenly swung open revealing his amazing boyfriend.

"Sorry about that I just have this uh— thing keeping me busy." Stu smiled, giggling a bit before stepping back to let Billy in his house,

"It's fine, as long as you tell me what that thing is." Billy said, a bit interested. What could be more important than your lover? Billy sure couldn't think of anything better worth his while other than Stu.

Stu rolled his eyes and scoffed, shutting the door before walking in his living room. Billy made sure to follow close behind and pay attention to any out of place detail.
Was Stu... cheating on him? No.. he could, right? It was Stu, they've been best friends for years and have been dating for a good few months with no problem. Who was better than Billy anyways?

"If you must know, you psychopath, it's my new beast friend and our new child." Stu laughed, bending down and picking something up.

Billy's eyebrow raised as he heard new beast friend and new child. If Stu showed him another goddamn plushie Billy will-

"I don't know what to name this little guy but, maybeee.. Billy the second? What'dya think?" Stu said, basically shoving a small, black kitten into Billy's face. With a small lick from the kitten Billy stumbled back, getting a good look at the baby.

"You know, for a murderer this is.. weird. And you know how I've been around animals I don't-" Billy started but was quickly interrupted by the tall, lanky man, "I know baby but, he was just too cute... and you wouldn't hurt him, cause you wouldn't have a fucking word out if you even thought of hurting him."

Billy blinked for a second, a bit taken back by Stu's confidence and threat. The greasy haired boy chuckled, stepping a bit closer, "wow. I feel sooo loved." He says before pecking Stu on the cheek which just earned him a goofy lopsided smile.

"I know you do-" Stu started but a beeping noise and slight smoke filled their senses, "fuck. Keep Billy two for a sec!" Stu said, gently giving Billy the other smaller, cuter Billy before running off to the kitchen.

Billy grimaced for a second, glaring at the small kitten as he went around to sit on the couch. He held the cat close to his face and glared more, "what makes you so special huh? You think you're better than me?" Billy semi-threatened but shortly after a furry paw smacked his face.

"Why you little—" "hey, Billy! Doesn't this remind you of anything?" Stu suddenly said, walking out in front of billy with a burning ball of tinfoil as burnt popcorn fell out of the ripped sides.

"Jesus! Stu oh my god- put that thing out before something bad happens.. and yes it does remind me of something. Of how much of an idiot you are!" Billy groaned which earned him another eye roll from the taller.

"Billy two wouldn't say that.." stu faked frown but pretended he was all sad as he slumped back into the kitchen to put out the fire.

The murderer had a look of offense plastered on his head as he yet again looked down at the kitten. Was this THING gonna replace him so easily? Just like that? If he didn't love Stu so much he would've snapped this things head off by now. He really wanted to.. maybe....

Billy softly wrapped his hands around the kittens neck, squeezing just a bit. Before he could do anything further though the kitten bit and scratched him and quickly ran into the kitchen with its little legs.

That bitch.

A good few minutes pass by, with Billy and Stu having an on and off conversation as Stu cooked another batch of popcorn since the other was burnt and ready in the trash.

"Hey, put on a movie so we don't have to wait. This is almost done babe." Stu said. Billy nodded even though Stu couldn't see him, getting up to look through the horror dvds which were a lot.

Billy finally decided on the oh so famous 'Friday the 13th', taking the disk out of its protective case to pop it into the player under the TV. Just as he did that, Stu came out with a red bowl filled to the brim with popcorn with a grin.

"C'mon, this?" Stu questioned, taking a seat next to Billy, "you can't blame me.. hey, name the killer in Friday the 13th." Billy smirked, putting on the best voice to mimic the voice changer which he sadly didn't have right now. It was somewhere in Stu's house though.

Stu laughed, shaking his head, "you're crazy man!" Billy hummed, scooting closer, "but you like that, don't you Stu." Billy smirked again as Stu's face burned bright red, shoving Billy playfully, "ah shut up dude." Stu smiled, sighing.

Just then the small kitten came up, meowing for Stu's attention which he gladly gave the thing. Picking it up he hugged Billy 2 softly as to not accidentally squeeze him to death.

Billy crossed his arms, pouting a bit. Stupid Billy 2. Getting all the attention of Stu. It wasn't even that great! That thing was just a small black kitty and Billy was an actual human being! PLUS HE'S STU'S BOYFRIEND!

They basically weren't even hanging out right now, only Billy was watching the movie and Stu was just playing with Billy 2, giggling whenever Billy 2 meowed or pawed at him.

"Hey, how about actually listening to the movie and watching it? Huh?" Billy unexpectedly spoke aloud, coming off in a bitchy way.

This obviously caught Stu's attention, setting the kitten down on the floor whom of which meowed sadly. Stu scooted over towards Billy, thighs touching as he leaned over more with a sad expression.

"I was just playing with the cat Billy.. no need to be jealous aha." Stu tried to joke but Billy's face seemed to stay the same and his crossed arms pushed into himself. Wait.. was Billy really jealous of Billy two? The- the cat?!
Stu wanted to laugh aloud but knew that would only upset the murderer more and most likely send him storming out of the house. He knew how Billy got.

"Hey hey.. are you really jealous of him?" Stu questioned, already suppressing down a laugh. Billy sighed and turned away, "I know it's stupid, I can just leave and—" "no no no! Please Billy, stay? I'm sorry for not watching the movie or being with you a lot today.." Stu frowned, kissing Billy's cheek.

The boy smiled a little and so did the lanky one before a small paw touched Stu's leg. Stu looked at Billy as if asking if he could pick him up and Billy groaned, nodding reluctantly.

Stu excitedly picked Billy two up but talked to him very quick, "you and Billy need to get along mr. I love both of you equally." Stu said, before leaning and whispering to Billy, "just kidding, I love you more." Before setting the kitty down on their thighs to lay and rest.


Billy looked over, seeing Billy two and Stu curled up on his lap. He smiled softly, petting Stu's hair. He could respect Billy two's confidence in trying to steal Stu away from him but he could never forgive him. Only for Stu though, he won't be a total dick to the cat.

Drifting off into a sleep of his own, the movie ended and now they all were curled up together.

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