head over heels - klitz <3

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(sorry these are taking so long, take this as an apology, other chapters should be out very soon, mwahmwahmwah<3 - kiv :] )

Klitz could tell that I must've been under the weather, from the fact that my texts were very short and blunt, and how I told him I had been in bed all day.. but hell, I was /way/ too stubborn to tell him, I wouldn't want to be such a burden, you know? little did I know that he didn't care less, and that he was on his way to my place as we speak...

I nestled deep into the comfort of my puffy bedsheets, letting out a solemn huff and beginning to practically cocoon myself as the sharp pangs of cramps sent waves through my body.. all I wanted was Klitz. I wanted him to hold me close, take care of me, whisper sweet nothings into my ear whilst soothingly rubbing up and down my back... I had such a raging crush on my own boyfriend. We had been dating for at least a year now, and I still find myself blushing under his touch, or whenever those forest eyes met mine, every little thing still sent armies of butterflies weaving around my stomach, heat never failing to rise onto my cheeks and for my lips to upturn into a sheepish grin... god I was so in love, a type of love that I would usually feel my stomach churn at, a type of love I'd find cringeworthy or sappy, whatever that type of love was? I was sure as hell feeling it towards this complete dork. the way he gets all shy at every compliment that comes his way, or how he attempts to flirt with a stumble in his voice, how his eyes seem to glimmer when I stare into them.. he was perfection personified, an encapsulation of something very beautiful, and I seemed to pine for him more and more each day...

I seemed to be lost in some sort of daydream, my e/c eyes almost starry against the dim bedroom light with my sheets wrapping me up tight.. I didn't notice the clicking of my front door, or the muffled conversations between my mother and someone else, it was all until I heard the slow yet swift closing of my bedroom door that I snapped out of it, my head snapping over in that direction with sharp eyes.. though my whole expression had softened as I saw a very familiar face.. Klitz had sent a sweet, sympathetic smile my way, in which my cheeks had immediately started to turn rosy, "hey Klitzy.." I had croaked out, gently shuffling in my bed in order to make room for the other, soon enough he awkwardly clambered in next to me, and our eyes met once more.. "hey, hun.. you doing ok?" ..god he was so comforting, I couldn't help but slowly enwrap my arms around his long, scrawny frame, my face nuzzling into his shoulder as I could feel heat snaking up his neck and onto his face.. "I'm just feeling sick, that's all.." I started in a whiny, tired tone, "I'm so happy you're here bub.. I needed a cuddle." those words that left my mouth had made him half-chuckle softly, more of a 'hmph' if you will, as he rested his chin atop of my hair.. "for someone who gags at romance movies, you're /real/ sappy, y/n/n." his words had made a small scoff depart my lips, squeezing his frame softly, "as if I can't feel your blushing right now.. nice try."

We lingered in that comfortable, lovey silence for a while, limbs entangled and bodies perfectly pieced together like an intricate puzzle, our breaths in sync with Klitz's thumb rubbing small, soothing circles into my shoulder.. I had slowly reached my hand up to lace my fingers through his silky, soft strands of brunette locks, twirling them in between my fingertips with soft hums emitting from my lips, in which Klitz let out a gentle sigh through his nose.. he was properly beautiful, he looked so delicate under the soft light, like a fine, porcelain doll, or a piece of art in which the artist put their all into every stroke of the pencil to produce.. I could stare at him all day, playing with his hair and staying in this heartwarming silence.. I broke the sweet tension in the air suddenly, "I'm head over heels for you, you know that?" I began, propping myself up on my elbow to look down into his emerald green orbs, "like— you seriously have me wrapped around your little finger, it's insane." ..I watched lovingly as the tone in his cheeks had gone a soft tinge of red, giggling when he attempted to hide it in my pillow, "yeah yeah.. I love you too I guess." with a roll of his eyes, his loving grip tightened on me so he could gently pull me back down onto him, "seriously though, I love you a disgusting amount, babe." ..his cold fingertips took a light hold of my chin, pulling me face upward so our lips could connect, humming into the sensation for a few seconds before pulling away, looking tiredly at one another and getting comfortable once more.. it wasn't too long before I had fallen asleep in his arms, and it didn't take long for him to follow on..

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