When my Lamborghini door opened up the door lifting up . I grabbed for my matching black pistols with bedazzled red roses on the barrels. Out the glove compartment , I placed my hand and on the hand print screen scanner .
Then keyboard popped up for the password to open the glove box and the scan the finger prints to.
I put in the password which was (D.B S.B 3.2 7.2 " dat my pota Dem" . Tymarie rapped to the glove compartment.
Some weird noise happened and the robotic women said " Welcome Back miss BETTON "👋. "Girl I'm finna go lit sum Bitch up ". Tymarie sighed . A tired yawn pulled from her plush , bubble gum pink-lips . As she grabbed her peach lip gloss , and her leather black gloves.
As she applied her lip gloss ,she unscrewed her peach colored lip gloss container and brushed the pink fuzzy part of her lip gloss applied her lip gloss on . Rubbing her glossy lips together .
Then she grabbed her edge brush , and edge control. And laid her edge's then her Arianna Grande : thank you next purfume to her neck , collar bone , and wrist lightly.
Then she looks at her Rolex watch to see the numbers :10:00 on the face and she signed exclaiming" Show fucking time !" She says . Before hopping out her car not before putting on her false eyelashes, and mascara and the taking her Lambo keys and clicking the big red button and the a tink sound is heard . And the door comes down to close .
And she takes a rose gun pistol out of her gun holster on her thigh and putting it in front of her and walks in the abandon Warehouse to finish her mission to kill the next Mafia gang single handedly. 🖤
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