열두 (12):

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Haruto's POV:

I was with Junkyu at their school today..I'm glad that he decided to talk to them again..

I noticed that Junkyu hyung is  nervous.. I tapped his shoulder as he looked at me..

"You're nervous,hyung?"I asked.....

"Uh yeah.. I don't know if they'll talk to me as usual after i ignored them for days.."He answered..

"I'm sure they will,hyung.. trust me.."I said as I ruffles his hair..

After that, we walked inside their classroom as Junkyu hyung walked to his seat and put his bag there..

His friends are already there too..

He walked to one of his friends..

"J-jihoon-ah.."He called.."C-can i talk with you?"

"Not right now, Junkyu.."Jihoon said,not looking at Junkyu..

Junkyu hyung looked at me, nervously..

"It's okay,hyung..you can try again later.."I said.

He sighed as he walked back to his seat..

After a few minutes,their teacher came and start talking..


Time Skip: (break time)

I saw Junkyu's friends left the classroom and take a look at Junkyu who also stares at them as they left..

"Hyung.."I called as I walked towards him..

"Ruto-ya,i don't know if i can do this.."Junkyu whines..

"Don't think like that,hyung..I'm sure you can do this.."I said.."let's go to your school cafeteria and try again.."

He nodded as he stands up and we walked out of the classroom and to the cafeteria..

When we get there, we saw his friends talking happily while eating their foods..

I tapped his shoulder as he looked at me..

"You can do it, hyung.."I mumbled..

He take a deep breath before walking towards his friends.

I stands besides him as he starts to talk...

"Guys..."Junkyu called as they looked at him.."I'm sorry that I ignored all of you last week, I regret what i did.. junghwan-ah,sorry you were scared because of me because I raised my voice..Yoshi,Asahi and mashi, I'm sorry that i forced you to answer my questions about haruto and the others I'm sorry that I scared you.. I want us to go back to what we were.."

Junkyu hyung said that without looking at them..

When i looked at his friends, they were smiling at him..

"Junkyu-ya,look up.."His friend ( Hyunsuk )
said as Junkyu hyung looked up..

"It's okay, Junkyu.. We're not mad at you for ignoring us.."Jihoon added.."We just give you some time for yourself to think about what you did.."

"You just ignored me earlier.."Junkyu pouted..

"That's just an act, Junkyu-ya..I just want to tease you haha.."Jihoon laughed..

"I thought you guys hated me.."Junkyu said..

"We don't hate you Junkyu hyung .. we're just waiting for you to talk to us again.. besides, we can't stay mad at you.. you're too cute to be mad at you."Doyoung added..

"You guys ~.."Junkyu whined as he walked towards his friends and hugged them..

I sighed in relief that they're back to normal..

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