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Iris looked at him.

Had she just heard him right?


He stopped her. "What happened to Jake? It shouldn't have, I'll never come to terms with it properly, but I've accepted that what happened, happened. If I spend the rest of my life bitter then it's a waste." His eyes met hers. "And if I'm honest? I didn't think that I would find anyone after the things that went on."

It was a wonder how he'd managed to secure his position here. His reputation back in Newton had been damaged that was for sure.

"After what Laurie did, I didn't think I'd trust another woman again. She pretty much took everything from me, and then when you called and said you wanted to talk about legal proceedings, part of me hoped I'd see you again - just not under the circumstances that have gone on..."

"I know I never properly said it, but did you know I wanted a divorce?"

"I was the only reason I could think of."

Iris needed an answer. "Do you think that if we had carried on doing what we did...would we have left them?"

He didn't speak for a moment. "I don't know...but all I know is that when you walked into that room the first time I saw you? I knew you were too good for Neal. You deserved better..."

She deserved him.

"I wish I could've got you outta there..." he admitted again.

"You have...you've helped me escape Newton, brought me here to try and help me recuperate. You've done more for me than you can imagine. Part of me still wants to know why."

Andy turned her head to look at him. "Why do you think?" He leant in and kissed her gently, her hand now running down the side of his face. That familiar electric touch bringing him to life again. "I love you Iris..."

She didn't freeze up at this like he thought she might, but instead she smiled lightly while he brushed the last few stray tears away. "I love you too..."

It was enough confirmation that he needed. They both deserved to keep one another going after the shit that they had both endured over the last couple of years. The one thing that Andy could do for her to really let her know that she was safe with him, was to help put away her husband for attempted murder and to help her divorce him.

And he would have satisfaction drawing up those papers for her.

She could rebuild her life, and he could with his. They'd been thrown back together for a reason, and this was it.

She had been his past, his present and now his future. Neal had robbed her of chances that she never was able to take.

But Andy was going to make certain that Iris could now take them with him.


Iris looked across at Andy as they were on the second and final day of their journey back to Newton.
The trial was to begin in two days and Iris would be taking the stand to tell them everything that she had endured at the hands of her husband, and to watch as he finally got what he deserved.

Joanna Klein had also offered her services and had been in contact with Andy lately to tie up the last pieces before officially going to trial.

"How long do you think he will get?" She asked nervously.

"Life - that's what we're aiming for and that's what we're gonna get." He told her, one hand gently placing itself on her leg. "Joanna is the very best we could ask for - she helped us with Jake and now we're gonna win this for you too."

Iris looked around as they walked into her home that afternoon- it had sat just the way that they had left it when she had decided to leave for Colorado. Andy had told her that he would help her when it came to selling the place and clearing it out, but that would be the focus after the trial.

Settling down in Colorado. Properly.

"How do you feel coming back?" He asked as he made some coffee for them.

"Not as scared as last time, but the sooner I can sell this place the better. It's just...too big. I never really noticed before but now? Did we really need this much space for just us?"

Neal had always been proud to show off his achievements- such as herself and the white picket fenced home that she found herself back in.

Looking at Andy she realised just how she had needed someone like him more.
Since the night that they had admitted to one another how they had felt they had taken things slowly. She'd been yearning to feel his body against her own once more, but neither had the courage to take that next step just yet.
There were times when she had been on the verge of just going for it, but had backed down at the last minute for fear of rejection - whether he had admitted that he loved her or not. Neal had always rejected her for the majority of the times she had tried, and Iris was scared that Andy would suddenly change his mind about her and do the same too.

"I'm going to go and out my things upstairs..." she told him quietly and hurried up the stairs with her bag.

Andy appeared some minutes later. "Iris..." he began, knowing that something was bothering her.

She turned and looked at him saying nothing.

He walked forward and took her face into his hands, kissing her gently as he backed her against the wall, hands sliding under her top and pulling it over her head.
She undid his belt, while he shed himself of his own top, both of them ridding themselves of their clothes before he hoisted her up against the wall, feeling her slender legs lock themselves around his waist.

They didn't have to say anything. This was already enough.

His mouth still hungrily devoured hers, her short gasp breaking their connection apart when he slowly edged his way into her, both of them beginning to move together once he was fully inside.

Finally, he felt her tense around him, and the ever building wave inside washed over them both - a long awaited pleasure that had been needed and was very much welcomed.

Actions would always speak louder than words.

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