Chapter XVIII: Menace and Cheer at the Merry Marlin

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The docks were alive with the sound of chatter. Men went about their work, carrying goods on and off ships and street vendors were calling to potential customers passing by on the quay. The midday sun was hot, distorting the world around like a mirage. The occasional droplet of sea spray was a cool relief to Tempest as she surveyed the hustle and bustle of the little town.

She noticed that most of the ships docked beside them flew black flags, if any colours at all. Below on the pier, a young man caught the mooring line she had just tossed in his direction. He tied it down before moving on to the next one thrown down by Fish. Eventually the ship was secured and the gangplank lowered, ready for them to go ashore.

Before docking Esteban had called Tempest down from the crows nest to explain the plan for the day to everyone. Tempest, Fish and himself would go into town and purchase supplies during the day, leaving the ship in Mad Mich and Bloom's care. Then they would return that night so that Bloom and Mad Mich could spend some time on land as well. All in all, it was supposed to be a quick stop before they set sail again the following day.

Before any of them could take leave of the ship however, a man called out to them in Spanish from the docks. Esteban answered him as the lad made his way up the gangplank. The two shook hands like old friends while exchanging pleasantries that Tempest could not understand. She remained in her spot, opting to watch from a distance.

The man was about the same age as herself, perhaps a little older, with the same tanned skin as Esteban. His fringe almost hung over his eyes, causing him to wipe it away irritatedly from time to time. The clothes that he wore were rumpled and he had a dirt smear across his cheek. A cutlass at his side was a clear indication that he too was a pirate.

After Esteban had finished his conversation he hurried Tempest and Fish onto the pier, leaving the stranger on the ship with Bloom and Mad Mich.
"What was all that?" Tempest asked the captain.
"Oh that? That was Andres. He is going to stay on the Wayfarer with a few of his men. Bloom and Mad Mich may be seasoned pirates but I do not expect they can protect the ship on their own." Came the answer.
"Are you sure you can trust him?" She gave a sceptical look in the ship's direction. "This doesn't seem all that safe to me."
Esteban chuckled, "He knows me and my crew." His voice became dark. "He also knows what will happen if he decides to do anything idiotic."

The streets were filled with buccaneers of all shapes, sizes and degrees of rotundness. Some were accompanied by (Tempest called them ladies out of politeness) wearing little clothing. And the clothing that they did wear was several sizes to tight. They were like overstuffed sauges; everything popping out at the top. Those who were not accompanied by a damsel were either trying to get the attention of one or were busy fighting. Tempest thought to herself that pirate ports had not changed at all in ten years.

A whistle came from a street corner to their side as the party of three continued walking. Tempest fixed her gaze on a group of particularly burly sailors that were leering at her. She made a point of looking each of them dead in the eye. They did not scare her. If anything she was prepared to show just how little she feared them if they tried anything.

Just then an arm wrapped around her shoulder. Esteban pulled her closer to him and strutted to the other side of the street.
"What are you doing?" Tempest gave him a quizzical look.
His answer was to nod at the gawking pirates.
"I'm not afraid of them."
"And that Querida, is exactly what worries me. I do not want any trouble because you punched someone like the other day at the fort."
Tempest huffed in reply, but continued onwards.

They stopped in front of a tavern. A wooden sign that read "The Merry Marlin" hung outside. The timber was decorated with an elaborate carving of a swordfish mid turn. It was withered and produced little squeaks as it swung in the gentle breeze on its rusted hooks.
Tempest folded her arms. "I thought we were getting supplies?"
"Rum counts as supplies, does it not?" Esteban gave her a cheeky smile and stepped inside.

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