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The world seemed to favor Moth on this particular afternoon; it had been raining all day, and the streets were covered in fog. He checked the time and gathered his stuff in a bag, trying not to be late for therapy. His keys, a notebook, cigarettes, his phone, and a picture of his best friend Erin.

He and Rin had been online friends since they were preteens, though Moth had seen his friend as something much more. He pulled up to the mossy brick building that he got therapy in when he saw a familiar figure walking towards the door. Moth would stare at the figure, trying to remember who it was when it hit him; It was Erin.

Moth ran up to xem and hugged Erin tight, startling the short, tired looking boy before xe realized who it was. "Moth?!" Erin exclaimed, hugging him back. "I never thought I would meet you in person!"
Moth pulled back from the hug and said, "Well, here I am!"

After talking for what seemed like hours, they both decided to just skip therapy and get slushies at sonic

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