Episode One Glorious Purpose

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Scene 1:

Gobi Desert, Mongolia 2012

[Loki somehow found himself in the middle of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. He sat up slowly]

Loki (Thinking to himself): Where the hell am I?

[He shot up to his feet and ran on top of a nearby ledge. Then he saw a group of tribal natives.]

Mongolian tribe woman: (in Mongolian): Who are you? Why have you come to our home?

[Loki glances down at the people then uses his Allspeak ability]

Loki: (In Mongolian): I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose. I-

[Loki was interrupted when he saw a strange portal come from nowhere. The natives saw this and ran away in fear.]

[From the portal, three armored people and one of them knelt in front of the Tesseract, examining it visually. Loki saw that as he jumped off the ledge.]

Loki: Don't touch that!

[The three aimed their weapons at Loki as the leader, Carla also, known as Hunter B-15, emerged from the portal]

Carla: Appears to be a standard sequence violation. (looks at the TemPad device in hand) Branch is growing at a stable rate in slope. Variant identified!

[Loki looks at the Time Hunter, puzzled]

Loki: I beg your pardon?

Carla: On behalf of the  Time Variance Authority, I hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline. Hands up.

[The other Time Hunters readied their weapons]

Carla: You're coming with us.

Loki: I'm sorry? Who's us?

[Carla readies her time baton]

Carla: Last chance, variant.

Loki: (chuckles in disbelief) It's been a very long day. And I think I have my fill of idiots in armored suits telling me what to do, so if you don't mind, this is actually YOUR last chance. (gives a death glare) Now, get out of my way!

[As Loki attempts to leave, Carla hits him with her time baton, putting him in slow motion just before she puts a collar around his neck]

Carla: You're now moving at 1/16 speed, but feeling all that pain in real-time.

[As soon as Loki's speed returns to normal, he collapsed into the ground; then two of the other Time Hunters got Loki up, restraining him]

Carla: Reset the timeline (grabs the Tesseract)

[Another Time Hunter places a device on the ground that erases any traces of Loki's presence at this location as if nothing happened]

Scene 2:
Aix-EN-Provence,France, 1549

[Inside a church cathedral, in Provence, France in the year 1549, there is an older man with short gray hair and a mustache. He wore a brown suit and a white shirt with a black tie. Accompanying him is a younger woman with blue eyes, blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She has a beige jacket with the orange word "intern" ironed on the back and wears a white blouse, black tie, and slacks. These two people are the TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius and his intern daughter Clara. Along with a team of time hunters are investigating dead bodies on the cathedral floor.]

Time Hunter #1: It appears that before they arrived somebody got a jump on them.

Mobius: You think?

Time Hunter #2: It's him.

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