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An astronaut idly floats in space,

With no force guiding him and no destination.

Does the spaceman who floats in darkness see what's ahead of him?

Does he know where he's going?

Does he have some type of way to get back home?

Did he have a home?

The spaceman idly floats through space with only a little bit of light behind him.

Does he think he's alone?

Does he think that there's someone by his side?

He hasn't looked around, not once.

Is he not scared? His oxygen may be running out.

He takes another breath, less time ticks on the nonexistent clock

He reaches his hand out towards his face and examines his hand, he twists and turns it as he looks at it.

What could he possibly thinking?

He puts his hand out in front of him as if he was trying to reach something.

Grab something or someone?

Was there a person in front of him? It's too dark to tell.

He ever so slowly gravitates towards the figure in front of him.

Who is that? What is that? Are they alive? Are they dead? Do they have a way back home?

1 minute passes, still a good distance away. The figure still hasn't moved as they come closer to the spaceman.

2 minutes pass, oh how he wish he could swim to the figure right now.

His patience was running very thin.

His hand grasped another hand, finally he's reached the figure.

The figure was still and hard, extremely cold to the touch.

They're dead.

The spaceman looked at the figure and examined the body, it was a man, who seemed to have possibly been in his early 30's, his pale face turned blue, his lips turned black and cheeks sunken in.

Where was his spacesuit? Where was his base? What happened to him?

So many questions, that may never be answered.

Spaceman took another breath. The anxiety started to hit.

This may be his near future, looking ahead and seeing absolutely nothing. There was the sun but it was billions of light years away though it gave the smallest amount of light, He was thankful for that or else he wouldn't have seen the man at all and probably bump into him.

Spaceman wondered what the man's name was, what is story was, his mission and his purpose. Sad to say that he can't actually ask the man.

He held on to the man's frozen body as he floated.

Surprisingly he didn't feel as lonely.

It was unusual of course, a man floating in space with a corpse.

That's definitely a headline of the century or galaxy if you will.

As he floated he continued to wonder about who the man was, who how the man walked the earth, all of it. Did he have a family?

This is was something that distracted him from the overwhelming feeling and thought of just when he's gonna die and this was good, he needed a distraction.

He doesn't know how long it's been but he knows that it's been a while. He's been floating in space for hours and it was amazing now how long his oxygen tank has held up. But the anxiety in his chest was overflowing, he was in constant state of panic but somehow a deadman floating in space was able to calm him down. A deadman was able to distract spaceman from the fear of dying.

At least he wasn't alone anymore right? That had to count for something.

He held onto the freezing body close, hoping that some type of heat would emit from the friction between the 2 bodies even though he knew it wouldn't work.

There were so many hopes, hope that he would be saved, hope that somehow he'd still live a long life, hope to see his family again, his friends, the ground. He just wanted to feel weighted again, feel secure and have control again, the absence of gravity was starting to get to him and he started to feel queasy, He tried to focus on anything else but his stomach still churned with anxiousness.

He took slow deep breaths to calm his nerves but every breath he took he felt the oxygen levels deplete quicker and quicker to the point where he started to panic and freak out. He twisted and turned, wiggiling about in space. His hands clawing at his neck forgetting about the body that he once clung onto like a kid with a stuffed animal.

He shut his eyes, terrified he let out a screech.

This is it.

This is the moment where it all ends, and no one will find him.

In his state of panic he saw a red flash in his suit.

His oxygen had finally run out.

'No no no, this isn't how it's supposed to go! I'm supposed to saved' he thought, tears slipped out of his eyes, he begged and begged for a miracle but nothing came.

His hands dropped back to his sides and he turned to see the body of  the man he was once holding drift away.

He turned his head to face back to his front, tears still falling.

Took one last breath closing his eyes once more and uttered one last thing


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Thank you for reading have a wonderful day :)

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