Chapter 2: luxuries

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"Do you like your tea then?" He looked up from the warm cup of tea to the alpha who was seated on the floor of the house, just a few inches away from the large nest Harry was seated in. "Yes, it is sweet unlike the one back at the pal—" he paused, eyes widening momentarily. From the looks of it, the alpha had no idea of who he was. His identity was still hidden and he supposed it could stay veiled until he deemed it should be revealed.

If he told the alpha that he was the Crowned Prince of the biggest kingdom on the continent then there was a slim chance of the alpha returning him to the palace in hopes of getting some sort of prize from the King. Or maybe, the alpha would take advantage of his vulnerability and mount him, knock him up with his pup that would tie Harry down with him for the eternity of his life. It would certainly benefit him in the end; to have a prince as his mate.

"Back at the?" The alpha quirked an eyebrow in question. The blue of his eyes was beautiful just like the rest of him. All ethereal and sublime. Maybe, just maybe, getting knocked up by an attractive alpha would be better than getting knocked up by a wrinkly, aged alpha (who was just two years junior to his father). But that would mean getting knotted by this alpha, an alpha with whom he wasn't married nor bonded. It was considered a repellent sin, mating with others before marriage and the bonding process. Harry was taught to save himself for his alpha all his life but he did not wish to have sexual intercourse with a man almost his father's age. He felt disgusted just at the prospect of being bedded by an old man.

He realized a few seconds later just how loopholes his 'current plan' had. He was certain that the alpha would reject him in heartbeat, but even if he did agree then the whole situation would lead to another level of shambles. It would simply mean Harry had taken advantage of the kind-heartedness of the alpha. And he did not want that.

"Back at the?" He blinked up at the alpha as he repeated his words, an eyebrow still quirked as if to prompt him to speak. "Back home."

"You were saying something else, though. Didn't sound like home to me."

"Um, I was going to say palace." He blurted out, observing how his words piqued the alpha's interest who smacked his lips in satisfaction before shuffling forward, eyes squinted in suspicion as he muttered his next words, "you aren't a royal brat, right? If so, the door is right there." His mouth fell open at the blatant tone, jaw slack as he processed the incongruous words. If it didn't scare him, it definitely convinced him to keep his identity concealed.

"I-I work at the palace," he murmured, blowing on his tea to avoid looking at the alpha. "You do?" He nodded, now a little grounded as the soft tone of the alpha had made an appearance again, his audacious self that had risen when Harry had mentioned the palace long gone and buried underneath the layers of a domesticated wolf.

"Yeah. It pays nice," he mumbled, licking his lips to rid any remnants of the scorching beverage. "It is Darjeeling." He raised his head at the sudden words, tilting his head to the side in bemusement.

"The tea, it is from Darjeeling." The alpha elucidated softly before raising the earthenware to his chapped lips. When the alpha noticed the clueless look painted across his features, he merely chuckled before shaking his head in amusement. "So, you work as a room cleaner, or are you the personal servant of the princess?"


"Oh." He fish-mouthed as the realization hit him before he was fumbling around to clear out the misconception. "I am from Eonshire. I work as the, uh personal servant for the prince?" He shed light on the fallacy, offering a diffident smile to the alpha as if that would prevent the feasible outburst again.

"Oh, well that's good. I once st—" The alpha paused momentarily, all the color draining from his face before he met his eyes, smiling almost sheepishly. "I once visited Eonshire." The alpha broke the heavy silence after a beat, pushing the earthenware cup away from him. "Did you like it?" He questioned curiously, taking one last gulp of the now lukewarm brew.

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