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3rd person POV:

Izuku smiled at all of the people gathered around him and his friends and cleared his throat loudly before beginning his speech "Mawage. Mawage is what bwings us togethah today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam wifin a dream!"

"Y/n and kacchan have come here to make this tweasured agweement in front of their family and fwiends, pwomising their commitment in this holy and magnificent pwace, today and each day fowawd." Izuku giggled excitedly for his best friends and the arrangement in which was taking place.

"We would not be here today without wuv. Wuv, twoo wuv between these two. Twoo wuv will follow you forevah, so tweasure your wuv kacchan and y/n, always. Do you kacchan, take y/n to be your lawfuwy wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in hewlf, in good timev and bad, committing yoursewlf to vem av long av you bof shall wivv?" "I do" kacchan said with a smile on his face and an adoring look in his eyes as he looked at y/n

"Do you y/n, take kacchan to be your lawfuwy wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in hewlf, in good timev and bad, committing yoursewlf to vem av long av you bof shall wivv?" "I do." Y/n smiled shyly at the look in her now husbands eyes, unsure what to feel as he looked at her with such sweetness in his gaze.

Izuku shifted to look down the small makeshift aisle to kirishima who was holding the pillow with the rings that kacchan had gotten for this event. "Kiripima pwease bwing the wings fowawd"

Kiri hustled down the small aisle as quickly as he could without dropping the rings and excitedly handed them over to the newly wed couple, a wide toothy smiled splayed across his features.

"Now kacchan pwease pwace this wing on y/n's fingew and wepeat aftew me." Kacchan delicately slips the ring on y/n's finger and kisses her knuckles gently. "I give you this wing as a symbol of my wuv. I promise to wuv you twooly, now and fowevah."

Y/n blushes madly at the proclamation and readies the ring in her hand. Izuku looked at her with a reassuring smile etched onto his features as he begins his next segment.

"Y/n pwease pwace this wing on kacchan's fingew and wepeat aftew me" Y/n nervously slips the ring on kacchan's finger and smiles shyly, unsure if she was expected to return the favor of kissing his hand. Izuku giggles at y/n's coy behavior and continues on with his speech.

"Wondweful! With these pwomises and wings, you make your wuv cleaw. By the powah invested in me by the state of the intewnet, I now pwonounce you mawwied! Kacchan you may kiss the bwide!" Kacchan's face flares up bright red when Izuku tells him to kiss his bride but he leans in and kisses her cheek right next to her lips, before pulling her into a tight hug.

Y/n smiles widely at the ceremony that just took place and once kacchan had let her go she ran to her mom in excitement. "Mom mom mom did you see the cewemony?" She asked giddily as her mother smiled quaintly and nodded. "Yes darling I saw the ceremony. It was quite beautiful" she said with a hint of disbelief at what just occurred, but she just shrugged it off as an innocent fake child wedding like everyone else.

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