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3rd POV:
Not long after their "fake" wedding, bakugo, Izuku, and kirishima all left without any warning or even a goodbye. Y/n was devastated, she may have only been 7 at the time and had no clue what love was but she felt a hole forming in her heart that would only get bigger over time.

Y/n wasn't quite sure why exactly she felt this way following their disappearance from her life, all she knew was it hurt. For weeks after their leaving, she cried to her mother every night, yet never once did she take off the ring he gave her. It was gold, carved to form a dragon and had a beautiful heart shaped red gem in the dragon's mouth. Her mother was convinced it was fake and yet she still treasured it like it was the most precious thing in this world. And to her it was, it was the reminder of her happiest childhood moment.

As the years went by y/n kept the ring with her everywhere she went. After a few years though she had to move it to a chain instead of wearing it on her finger. She still thought about bakugo daily, daydreaming of the boy with ruby red eyes, those beautiful eyes imprinted in her mind forever, the reminder of them lain in the mouth of the dragon ring he gave her, the ruby red gem and gleaming eyes of the creature burning a hole through her chest every time she looked down.

Y/n always wondered what could have happened if he would've stayed around a while longer. She was never sure if they would have even spoken after that day as she had only ever seen the boy on her many visits to the park.

It wasn't until about 5 years after that day that y/n begun to search for the boy she married as a child. She knew it was only a fake wedding and that there wasn't anything she really could do once she had found him but she wanted to try, though she never found anything on him.

It was 10 years after their fake marriage when y/n gave up on searching and tried to move on. She never could though, the memory of those ruby eyes staring into her own with such love and adoration. Never had the memory of that gorgeous gaze left her mind no matter how hard she tried to erase it so she could move on with her life. It had been 10 years after all, and she couldn't keep hoping that he would pop up and tell her he couldn't stop thinking about her as much as she couldn't stop thinking about him.

After 15 years it had been obvious to y/n that he was never coming back. And so like any person would, she had begun to forget her childhood husband, though she never took off the ring even as she began to move on from the thought of him. She still wasn't sure why it took so much and so long for her to move on but now that she had she couldn't help but feel like she had done something wrong. The thought of him still lingered in her mind, always a bittersweet memory of the kid she married in 2nd grade.

It was nearing 20 years since the day she married bakugo next to the swing set in the park and yet still the memory of him never ceased to exist. At this point her friends had said many times that she needed to forget him and stop hoping he would show up again. But no matter how many times she tried she could never get his memory out of his mind completely.

A few days after the 20th anniversary of the day y/n married a boy named Katsuki Bakugo she received a strangely formal looking envelope in the mail. She waited a few days to open it, too anxious to see the contents of the formal looking envelope and she just couldn't stand to open it. Just as she was about to open the letter she heard a knock ring out against her front door. She walked up to the door and opened it only to see a man who was the spitting image of her best friend who married her and bakugo as children. She shook her head in shock from his appearance in an attempt to shake the daydream or hallucination, whatever the helm this was away. But when she looked back up he was still standing in front of her with a light smile on his chiseled face. She gasped loudly at his presence and stumbled back a little "I-Izuku? Is that you?" She stumbled over her words from the sheer shock of it all and nearly passed out when his smile grew into that big cheeky smile of his and nodded "it is. It's been a while hasn't it y/n. It's been what? 20 years now?" He asked redundantly

"20 years and 5 days to be exact." Y/n piped up and Izuku looked at her with a questioning gaze. "I counted every day since that day because for some reason I could never seem to get him out of my head. And yet here you are, in the flesh. Wait. Wait a second. Is he here too? Is bakugo here too?" She asked incessantly, desperate to know if he was there so she might have a chance at finally letting go of the memory she had with him. However, much to her dismay he shook his head with a slight frown. This however sparked another question for her.

"It might sound rude of me to ask but why are you here? And why now? It's been 20 years and only now does any one of you three decide to pop back into my life. I waited for an answer as to why you left for 20 years Izuku. 20 awful years where I couldn't move on because the memory of kacchan was so strongly imprinted on my mind that I could hardly think of anyone else. 20 years of thinking something bad happened to all of you. 20 years of being told to move on and find someone to live my life with. And yet now you're here again. After I had finally begun to crush that memory to dust so I could forget and move on. And yes it was just a fake wedding when we were seven but I lost my best friends that very next day. All of you left me without a word or any form of communication. You just up and left me in the dust. So honestly I'm not gonna lie I'm pissed that after all this time of me wondering why you left, you decide to show up at my door and I don't even know why you're here"

Izuku nods knowingly and sighs "it was never any of our choices to leave. We had to go back home, and we were never allowed to contact you due to strict rules placed upon each of us." He didn't elaborate any further and y/n shook her head angrily "that still doesn't explain why you decided to show up after all this time"

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