What the hell???

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3rd POV:

Izuku sighed as he tried to put together the right words to tell y/n why he was there when he saw the letter, unopened, on her coffee table. He nodded at the letter "open it" he said quietly. Y/n's eyes shot to the letter on the table with the wax seal and she went to retrieve it. The envelope was made from a very high quality paper and was almost too pretty to open but she reluctantly pulled at the seal as she sat back down. Nervously looking at Izuku, she pulled the piece of parchment out of the envelope. As she gently unfolded the parchment she saw the beautifully written cursive scrawled across the unlined page.

"My dearest y/n,

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reach out to you, but due to some certain rules I have been unable to since I moved back to my country. I haven't stopped thinking about you since that day, I mean how could I? You're my wife and I had to move away right after we got married. However that's not what this letter I am sending you is about. Before I moved back home, we got married. A marriage of which in my country is seen as valid. In other words we are legally married and have been for 20 years. Trust me I know. A lot to take in. But I have sent this letter as a request for you to join my side and become my queen. If you choose to join me, return to Drakoth with Deku, he will bring you where you need to go."

Shock was written on y/n's features "What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening." She practically screamed as she looked at Izuku. "You're fucking kidding. This is just one big joke! Where are the cameras?" She said hysterically, unable to believe the words on the parchment. Izuku smiled coyly, unsure what to say to calm her down but also unable to deny the situation at hand. "I wish I could tell you it's fake or a prank but it isn't. When you and bakugo got married as children it was an arrangement for his future. He wasn't allowed to tell you until he was prepared for his future and he was old enough to step up, but trust me he wanted to. We all did."

Y/n couldn't process what was going on and in shock, she feinted in her chair. Izuku panicked when he watched her eyes roll back into her head and her body go limp. He quickly rushed over and moved her limp form from the chair to the couch and sat next to her on the floor til she came to.

Y/n came to a couple minutes later and just laid there still unable to process what was going on. She looked over at Izuku and shook her head "this can't be really happening. My entire life for the last 20 years I thought that it was just a joke. And my friends all told me to forget about it and move past it and I tired but I couldn't. For 20 years I thought you guys had left because you didn't wanna see me or because something really bad happened and you couldn't come back. And now this." Izuku nodded "I know. Trust me I know how crazy the whole thing sounds. But just like you for the last 20 years bakugo hated himself for having to leave and tries to find any way to reach out to you but our families wouldn't let any of us contact you. And I know it sounds totally unreasonable but you'll see when we get there"

Y/n gave Izuku a crazed look "when we get there?! Are you kidding me? You can't seriously expect me to just up and leave my life that I have to go with you to a made up sounding city or country or whatever the hell it is! I have a life here. I have friends. I have a job for fucks sake I can't just uproot my entire life to go somewhere I've never even heard of!!"

Izuku sighed and ran a hand down his face but nodded as if he understood. "Look I get that. I do. But bakugo and kirishima really wanna see you. Especially bakugo. So how about I make a few calls and get some stuff arranged so that you can come with me and if you don't like it then we bring you back. There's already a room arranged for you there and other amenities you could need. You can bring whatever you need to feel comfortable." Y/n hesitated at the offer but accepted anyway and went to pack anything she would need while Izuku made the calls

About ten minutes later y/n comes back into the living room to see Izuku pacing around the living room on the phone "I know I know kacchan but she's unsure about just entirely leaving her life here so I've already called and gotten someone to come watch her apartment and make sure everything's good over here we just need to make sure if she wants to she has a way to come home.." there was a pause in his side of the conversation and y/n could hear the loud sigh from the other party "okay thank you" he said with a smile to who she assumed was bakugo and hung up the phone.

Izuku smiled at y/n as he tucked his phone back into his pocket and turned to her "everything is ready for your arrival if you want to go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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