Anuj's surprise

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After Anupamaa had accepted the marriage proposal, MaAn had to leave for Udaipur for a business meeting.

While Anuj stayed back, Anu had to return home all alone. Anuj knew it would be tough for Anu as she would have to face the Shah's. He was worried about her.

Also he did want to celebrate the occasion and spend sometime with Anu. So while returning back, he did arrange to surprise Anu.

He asked her to meet him at a five star hotel, under the pretext of a business meeting with a client for their upcoming project.  Anu did not suspect anything and agreed to meet as she was waiting for him.

As it was their first meet after the big occasion, she decided to dress up in a different attire to meet the live of her life.

She knew he was in a blue suit. To colour coordinate she wore a blue silk kaftan with a high pony tail and minimal jewellery that added charm to her simplicity.

When she reached the venue, she was guided to a private poolside banquet by the hotel manager (instructions provided by Anuj).

She was pleasantly surprised. The place was lit with dim lights,  candles placed strategically at regular intervals to add the spark of romance. The places was decorated with red roses, the path that lead her to Anuj was also decorated with petals.

She slowly walked towards the pool where Anuj was sitting with his feet immersed in pool water. He knew she was coming towards him  He looked at her with a sweet smile.

He was mesmerized to see her dressed in a different attire than her regular saree. As usual, he forgot to breathe. He has been always smitten by her looks, whether in a simple attire or festive look. He was glad to read that she had dressed for him and admired her more than ever.

He asked for her hand and she quietly placed her hand on his palm and sat besides him.

Their eyelocks were enough to convey their feelings for each other. They sat besides each other for sometime. Looking at her and realising that she was too exhausted with the drama back home, he didn't ask or start any topic. He allowed her to cherish this moment that he had planned for her.

As they were still holding hands, with Anuj just softly carressing her hands with his fingers, he quietly reached for the diamond ring he got for her from Udaipur.  He quietly took her hand and with his eyes asked her if he can. With a blush and smile, she just lowered her head and gestured a YES. He slide the ring in her finger and gently planted a soft kiss on her hand. She didn't object to it.

For the first time ever, she just placed her head on his shoulder, holding his had, sat besides him for some more time. She planted a soft kiss sheepishly on his shoulder, which ofcourse didn't go unnoticed by Anuj. He just smiled and kept quite.

Later on, as the dinner was still overdue, they ordered food and ate.

While leaving from the hotel, they still wanted to be with each other for some more time. As it was too late, they had to leave and Anuj dropped her back to the Shah house.

On the way back home, in Anuj's car, she was still holding his left hand. He never wanted to leave her even for a second. He didn't miss to kiss her hand atleast a dozen times even while driving her back home.

He dropped her at the gate of Shah house with a promise that she would soon come to meet him and will be back in her apartment.

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