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"i hope that's enough reasons why i was so eager to know what's happening to you... but if you still dont want to tell, i understand."

i felt how he held my hand tight and covered it using his both hands and i was feeling but the warmth of it and how he was planting a small kisses there. i could hear him sobbing a few times before it stops as i felt how he was staring at me which i dont know what do i looked like right now because as far as i remember, i fainted right after we went out of the cabin earlier. the room became silent and it took more than some minutes before i felt how he was slowly lossening his grip from my hands, means he was finally letting go of it and he decided to go already since he thought i didnt heard what he said and there was no way for me to tell him whats been happening to me and the reason why i fainted. 

when i felt how he placed back my hand from where he got it earlier carefully, i also knew he stared at me for a moment before he heave a sighed and prolly was deciding to stood up already to went out of where i was. i heard and felt how he started to walked away from me that became my indication to forced myself to opened my eyes and called him even before he could went out of this so-called room im not sure of. when i opened my eyes, a tears escape from it as i saw how his board back was already reaching the door and was about to held the doorknob which i tried so hard to finally speak, to halt him from what he was supposed to do. 


though i dont know if he heard me enough because my voice sounded so low, sick and almost barely audible.. but guess that the silence that was filling this whole room was enough for him to hear me calling his name as i saw he stopped from his tracks even his right hand that was in the air that supposed to twitched the doorknob. the room was dark but it is enough for me to see how he swallowed hard as he slowly shifted his gaze to me...and the moment our eyes met, another set of tears just cascade through my cheeks as i got reminded of what he said a minute ago that was enough for my heart to shrink, at the same time, melt. 

he swallowed hard again. "minnie.. you're awake."

i nodded as i let out a small smile. "yes, im all awake even before you started talking."

he blinked thrice. "you heard?" 


the smile on my face didnt fade as i extended my hand he used to held earlier and gestured him to come closer to me which he didn't hesitated to do but he was doing it slowly and once he held my hand once again, it made me let out a giggle when i saw and heard how he sobbed for the nth time at this moment as tears cascade through his cheeks. he sat on the floor.. oh yes, maybe because there was no single chair beside the bed so i do really bet he sat on the floor as he held my hand tight again and cried there. i extended my free hand without changing my position, oh part two, i was lying sideways on the right sakto para makita nya ko kanina when he thought i was asleep. 

"you still looked cute in my eyes shua even when you're crying.." i laughed as i tried to removed his hand from covering his face and so i could wipe his tears. "stop crying love, it was breaking my heart."

"seoks.." he sobbed once again that was enough for me to shed tears too. it was making my heart to shrink. i was never aware that seeing him crying could be one of my major weaknesses. "im so coward, im so fucking coward that i couldn't even told it to you more sooner that you're more than just a fling to me.. no, ever since then minnie, i never treated you just a fling or for worst, you weren't a revenge. you werent just for a show, or a play... "

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