- T H E D E V I L -

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Althea Potter

Today is the first day back at Hogwarts and the beginning of my 6th year. Should I be worried? Should I feel scared? I should be, but I'm not. I've seen worse and faced much worse. It will all be fine.

Everyone is busy, either chatting away or whining about how they didn't get to see each other in long. But my head is down, hating yet admiring the color of my robes. Emerald Green.

Yes, my name maybe Althea Potter, but I'm wearing the color of robes no one in my family has ever worn before. Maybe I'm different or a mistake, but either way, I'm a Slytherin.

I glance over my shoulder to see Harry laughing, truly happy, its been a few weeks since I saw that. He is back with his family, Ron and Hermione.

I purse my lips and look back towards where Dumbledore is going to give his welcome speech that he gives every year. Behind me, my name is being called so, I turn and see my friend Sasha. Sasha valentine, like me, too is a first generation Slytherin of her family, so she understands me.

"Hey A, how are you? Oh my, I cannot believe it's been so long since we talked." she says as she sits down while she flips her beautiful brunet locks behind her shoulder.

"Ah, come here. I've missed you" she pulls me in for a small hug.

As I pull away, I notice that she's as stunning as always, plum and glossy lips, rosy cheeks, beautiful doe eyes, and the glint of false innocence. She's a girl who slept around a lot, and knows it all, but hey, that innocent vibe she gives off is how she gets so many men in her bed.

"I haven't missed you bitch, you did not write me even once," I scoff and roll my eyes. Before Harry left uncle and aunt, he couldn't receive letters or write them but now that we live in the house that was previously the head quarters of the order of the pheonix, we can now write and receive the letters.

"How would you know? Maybe, I wrote them and my stupid owl didn't deliver them or.. or maybe you didn't receive them!" She tries to defend herself even though she knows that it's pointless.

"I would have received them, but it's fine. I forgive you. After all, you're my roommate. Can't have too much drama now, can we?" I smirk and we both burst into giggles. We both know that where ever I am, drama follows. It's not like I ask for it, and maybe that's why Harry does not like to be around me much.

"But I missed you a lot, too." With a lot of emotion, I say. Every time I leave, I miss this place.

"I know," she says, after which she gives me a side hug.

It's still too early for the announcement. Half the hall hasn't made its way in yet, so I keep looking at the door, wishing people would show up faster. Draco and Blaize aren't here yet, neither is Pancy, and I'm hoping Finn too will be early for once. Finn Starr is another friend I made over the very few years I've been here.

Speak of the devils, all four of them enter the hall as soon as I thought of them. Finn enters, and he's locks his eyes with me for a good 3 seconds while he made his way next to me. I pulled him into a hug as soon as I could. Damn, I missed him so much.

"how are you?" he mumbles into my neck.

"I'm good," I say with a smile. "How are you?" I ask as I pull away. He's mental state wasn't the best last year and I couldn't check on him during the holidays in person so I'm afraid that he was lying and I'm way too concerned.

"I'm good, I swear" He smiles back. 

 I swear I felt Harry's glare sent my way as I hugged him. He told me not to talk to Starr because he's apparently trouble and to stay away, but couldn't resist the urge to disobey him. Breaking rules gives me such a therapeutic feeling, and every time I get it, I crave more.

I sit down, greeting Pansy and Blaise. I don't greet Draco very well, I just give a small nod to acknowledge him. I notice the hall is quite filled up, so I look towards the podium expecting Dumbledore to come on and make his speech any moment now.

He makes his way onto the stage and keeps his wand to his neck to yell "Silence" and begins his speech. He gives his first day speech and I just silently day dream. I think he said something about safety, and that there's no need for any student to be alarmed.

"Students, we have known that good has always won over evil because it was on the side of justice and justice means also giving a chance to those who have also been misjudged, misunderstood and have never been given a chance to prove themselves. So, now that has been said, I will bring forth someone who has never had a chance before being outcast"

And that caught my attention. Dumbledore obviously meant someone who was a death eater, but who could it be? I think those who had the potential of being forgiven already had been forgiven. I wonder who it could be.

"I want all of you students to understand that having blood of someone evil does not and will never make you evil unless you choose to be so." My blood moves to my head faster. My gut says to close my ears, not listen to anything and just daydream or to protect myself, but now I need to know who it is.

I feel lightheaded, almost as if someone hit me. My hand with my elbow on the table, supports my head so I don't faint just yet. I need to know who this is.

"Now that all of that has been said, I welcome... Matteo Riddle"

My hand slips, I almost hit my head on the table and I just stare right ahead not moving, not breathing, just so utterly shocked that I can't speak even if I want to yell and scream, not out of anger but of fear. Dread fills my veins and all I can think is "I don't want to go back, I don't want to remember," I hear someone choke as the hall goes deadly silent.

Fear crawls up my spine bursting into goose bumps all over my skin making me want to curl up into a ball, the air all around me turns hauntingly cold making me shiver in anticipation of what's to come and the smell of all the freshly baked food has disappeared making way for the scent of panic and fear I sniff out everywhere.

There enters the boy, who is the blood of the man who murdered hundreds, tortured thousands and also the blood of the monster who kidnapped a baby girl who was no more than a year old and subjected her to such cruel torture for 14 years.

There he is, The very embodiment of evil as I knew it, with a celestially crafted tattoo on his toned neck, the hellishly perfect lip, the blinding aura, the dominating eyes-shit his entire being for that, couldn't be compared to a god. He is, in fact, an entropy of the devil himself.  

Authors Note.

Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. I understand that this chapter is a bit short and I apologize for that but this is only an introduction and a small sneak peek into Althea's mind. 

If any of you are cover designers please pm me, I would appreciate it a lot if someone could help me out with a cover. (You definitely will be credited if I choose to use it)

Thank you for choosing to waste your precious time on my book. Hope you had a wonderful time in doing so.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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