267 12 12

9:10 PM

I walked into the house that was filled with people singing dancing or getting high. I was looking for Tana in the crowd but I didn't saw him so I decided to go outside in the garden to see if he was there but I saw Namil sitting in a corner and suddenly what Tana had told me the other day got back in my mind so I decided to go and see him.

Me:i thought you would flirt with a "bunch of girls" tonight . I said sitting next to him

Namil:And I though you were not "into parties" he said ironically


Namil:So what are you doing here ?

Me:I'm looking for Tana but I don't see him do you know where he is?

Namil:No I don't

Me:Okay but you, what are you doing here and not in the dance floor?

Namil:See I'm not in the mood for partying .He said while whispering

Me:You're missing a lot cuz these girls really fine

Namil:Dont worry its the same girls who's runnin after me in my dms

Me: Stop being arrogant plus i'm sure your dms emptyyy as hell.

Namil:He chuckled No im not and It's not because yours are empty that mine too

Me:Mine ain't empty

Namil:show me then

Me:Ok I grabbed my phone opened my Insta and showed him my dms.As you can see it aint empty

Namil:Your dms are just Russian people asking you to click in their freaky links (A/N i swear russian do it fr 💀☠). I'm gonna show you my dms

Me:See. I said while scrolling through my dms.It ain't only Russian ppl.I said while showing him boys messages.

Namil:My dms are even fuller than that

Me:There's a difference between you and me .Some of these girls are just some groupies who wants you only for the fame . If ppl dm me it's because I'm fine and funny

Namil:You said some


Namil:Just admit you're wrong, it won't kill you 🤷🏽‍♂️

10:00 PM

To be honest she's not that bad .She's cool and she funny now I understand why Tana forced so bad


We were debating about NBA Young Boy to say if he was a good rapper or not (because he thinks he's a good rapper even if it's false ) when I saw a girl approaches us I heard Namil says oh shit

Unknown girl: So you left me on seen for her ?!!!! She said while Screaming. Everyone started to look at this scene

Me:What the hell are you talking abt?

Unknown girl:Shut up hoe I ain't talking to you!!!

Me:Excuse me Repeat bitch!!I said while i was standing up

Namil:Maya stop!!!!

Maya:No I won't and I said you are a hoe!!! H O E she spelt

I was ready to slap her but she did it first.And then a huge fight started .We were beating eachother when Tana came and he separated us

Me:If I see you again I'm gonna fuck you !!

Maya:Bitch you think you scare Me?!!

Chris:Enough!!!Maya I want you out of this house!!!!!


It was just a joke don't worry I won't stop this story 😂

Buuuut I wasn't lying when I said I was embarrassed that you had to read the first few chapter of the story bc they're boring

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