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If you know Made It you're a real one 👏🏽👏🏽

Tana:Y/N what are you doing here??

Y/n:Ohh i was looking for you thats why i came

Tana:ok lets go

we decided to go into the house

Tana:Tell me

Me:I got no house anymore


Me:I decided to leave the house cuz it was enough for me

Tana: Fr?!!What you gonna do rn?

Me:I think im gonna go to my friend house

Tana:In case if its not possible, you can come to my house

Me:Oh tanny you're so adorable!!

Tana:Dont start with your bullshit again 🤦🏾‍♂️

Me:I will

We decided to go back again into the garden and "chris" came to me.

Chris:Hey you good?

Me:Dont worry i am. But what abt you? 2 girls start fighting in your house during a party and you dont even know one of the girl who were fighting . i said sarcastically

Chris:Im good tbh... i know it's Maya who started the fight she's a real trouble maker

Me: Fr .... But anyway i think im gonna go rn its getting late.Bye!

I said bye to everyone even Namil i got into my car and i called Maya



Maya:Y/n how are you?

Me:Bitch i called you atleast 5 times?!!!

Maya:Sorry i was with my sneaky link hes so good like he-

Y/n:Girl i dont wanna know what you did with your "sneaky link" anyway are you home?

Maya:Yes i am wh-

And i cut the phone off

i started driving when i arrived to her house i parked the car i started walking to her house and i ring the bell

Maria:Hi darling how are you? its been a long you didn't even called me !

Me:Hi im fine ma i was just so busy and its even more complicated with my mom cuz i got no house anymore...

Maria :For real !!! she said surprised

Me:Yes i decided to leave the house. Everyday she was remebering me that Robert leaved she insulted me for no reason and beated me for stupid things

Maria:You can stay here as long as you want my girl. and she hugged me, Maya is in her room

Me:Thank you ma im so grateful to know you!

Maria is Maya's mom but i consider her as my mom cuz she always been here for me .I went up the stairs and i got in maya's room.

Me: Hi bitch

Maya: Hi slut

I putted my affairs on the flor and i layed on her bed

Me:Anyway i got so many things to tell you so what you wanna know first ?My fight ? Or the fact that i decided to leave the house ?

Maya:You whatttt??


But i got a reason... im in my exam season and those exam are really important cuz first im gonna get a new phone (11) im gonna go in Italy plusss it gonna define if i can join highschool

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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