Part 32

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Sky began to stir awake, opening her eyes as she rolled about on the Couche a little. She felt something touch her leg, she looked at her legs to see Ash sat next to her with her legs on his lap. He looked at her as she was very confused, she began to get up a bit her legs still on Ash's lap.

"what's going on?" Sky asked, Ash just looked at Fez who was stood in front of them. Fez just looked at sky, he didn't really know what to say, but he needed to say something.

"sky what you doing man" he said, sky just looked at him confused then it clicked, they knew she was high.

"look I fucked up I know, Fuck I just, I don't know" she had no other words than sorry, she had no excuses

"why Sky we worked so fucking hard on being clean" Ash said

"look I know I had a moment, and took a small step back, I'm gonna be fine" She said

"no your not Sky, I'm not gonna watch you kill yourself, you were clean and now what your a fucking addict? I put so much effort into helping you and you do this, does it make you happy?" He was mad, he had done so much and she was better and now she had thrown it all away.

"look ash I-" she was cut off by him.

"no Sky don't Ash me you cant keep doing this, acting like your okay" he now stood up and was stressing, he knew they would have to start all over again.

"why the fuck are you blowing up on me like this?" she said, she had no idea why he was so mad

"because I have a girlfriend who's a drug addict and I'm a fucking drug dealer you do know that makes us hard to be together right, I fucking feel like I'm killing you" he said

"ye but your no Ash"

"fine then where did you get the drugs"


"where do you think Rue got the drugs from, huh?"

"I-" she went silent

"exactly me" the endless process was only just starting.

She looked at him sadly, she knew what she had done was wrong, she promised she would stay clean, and he trusted her, but the words he was coming out with were implying something.

"Ash what are you implying?" she said slowly and calmly, Ash just looked at fez

"its not that deep man" Fez said trying to calm his brother down.

"no it is, all them times I fucking stayed up while you were going through withdrawal, I cant fucking do that again, I fucking love you Sky but if it means we have to break up for you to see that I wont be with someone if there going to kill themselves then that's how it has to be, I cant do it again..." he stopped then looked at her "I wont watch you kill yourself sky" he said then walked off.

To say Fez was shocked was a understatement, he knew Ash was mad but this, this he did not expect.

Sky just sat there trying to make sense of what happened, she then got up and left, telling Fez she was going to stay at a friends awhile. But Sky didn't stay at her friends, she crawled back to her mum.

For weeks Sky had fallen into a depression, her mum saw it and tried to help, while Sky was gone her mum was seeing someone, apparently she was getting better. To be fair she was, she was paying the bills and curved her drinking, it really seemed like she moved on.

Sky had endless texts off Fez, he was checking on her and she gave replies like I'm fine or hope your okay too, everything was different now and that's what Fez was so scared of.

But Sky was adamant she was fine living back with her mom, and for awhile she was.

Sky decided to be clean, not for everyone else but for her, she redid her exams passing them and was back on track with her life.

She didn't go to party's anymore, the alcohol and drugs would overwhelmed her. She stuck her head into books and made sure she would have a good life.

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