♡ Fate (Part 1) ♡

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Hey there my waflets~~~ The storyline is not by me, I repeat, NOT by me. I got it from a book, a manga actually, written by Mia Ikumi. It's called "Wish", consisting of four stories all revolving around this message:

It's easy. Just send a text to a certain address and a dark angel will appear and grant you a wish- but only one! But choose your wish carefully- sometimes a dream come true can be a nightmare!

And yeah. It's about the last story, which you will read about in a few seconds.

That's about it, so ja ne~!


Atop a roof in some part of a small city, a cat mewled for attention.

"What's the matter?"

She had long white hair, with an almost-purplish tinge in it, and devious blue irises. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt, with plum cuffs and a purple bow at the collar, which was hidden by the midnight-black cape latched around her neck. It fluttered in the wind, shrouding her purple pleated skirt in its dark glory. Her black boots stabbed the ground as she went to where her cat was sitting.

Oh, and we cannot forget, a pointy, black witch-hat was perched on the top of her head.

As the angel gazed at the town below, a sparkling fountain caught her stare. Two people were sitting by it- a boy and a girl. The space between them was occupied by their-

-cell phones.

She could not believe how two things belonging to two totally different people, different gender, different age and probably different likings; could look so similar.

But she was about to be proven wrong.


"Lucy!" The said girl looked up from where she was: on the edge of a small fountain. For some reason she found it relaxing, the soothing sound of the water cascading from the top of the fountain and splashing her lightly, the refreshing feel of it on her back. How poetic she was; she was a novelist, after all.

Two girls were walking towards her: a redhead and a bluenette. "Sorry we're late, Lucy." The taller of the two, the redhead, spoke to her.

Lucy sighed dramatically. "You took so long!" she exclaimed at the two, who giggled.

"Juvia's going to treat us for it." Lucy chuckled. "Then let's go." The bluenette, upon hearing this, pouted. "Oh, come on. You were the one who took longer than me, Erza!"

They all laughed together. "Wait, let me get my cell," Lucy called, and picked it up. She then slipped both her arms into each of her friends'. "Let's go!" The redhead, bluenette and the blonde left with happy smiles, not noticing the raven-haired man talking to his friend on the fountain's edge.

"How interesting." mused the angel.


"Your phone's ringing. Isn't that your ringtone?" pointed out Erza as they walked back from the local chock lit shop at the end of the road. "Hai, yes." Pushing her straight golden hair from her eyes, Lucy reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell.

The ringtone... it sounds different. Her black flared skirt rustled as she eyed the number. "Is it broken?" Juvia asked, as she distinctly remembered that her friend's ringtone didn't sound like that... or had she changed it?

This number... it looks really familiar. The blonde squinted at it for a moment, wondering whose phone number could it be. Hey... it's my cell phone number.

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