♥ Breathe ♥

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From the beginning I have been thinking that we are just simply good friends.
Starting to like you, who now has a boyfriend, is something not possible, am I right?

For the first time in his life, Natsu Dragneel felt hopeless. 

It was impossible to organize his feelings—they were whizzing all around his head, making him even more confused than before. Staring at his crush, Lisanna Strauss, who he'd just taken out for a trip to the library and lunch, the food in his mouth now tasted disgusting.

He did not understand why he felt so empty when the  Lisanna Strauss was sitting across from him. Maybe it was because his best friend, Lucy Heartfilia, couldn't give him obvious directions on how to court her, or just simply the fact that she wasn't here. He indeed missed his best friend.

Perhaps... he was beginning to like  her...?

But that just wasn't  right. Lucy was now with Sting Eucliffe, master of Sabertooth; people on the street started to called her 'Sabertooth's Princess' even though she was still in Fairy Tail. Hearing all these with his sharp hearing senses, Natsu couldn't help but feel pissed. She wasn't in Sabertooth at all, she belonged in Fairy Tail, she belonged with him...!

I, too, have somebody that's on my mind, and I have told you this many times as well.
But around these days, we no longer interact with one another.

But it was hard, since he was with Lisanna now, and Lucy with Sting, and they don't even talk anymore. Maybe it was because they were so caught up with each other's love life, he guessed, trying to swallow down the next mouthful of food.


Meanwhile, in a cafe not very far from where Natsu was, Lucy Heartfilia gazed absent-mindedly at the Exceed figurines she had hung on her phone when it vibrated. She turned it over, her fingers sliding over the smooth, pale-pink cover. She opened the text from her current boyfriend.

From: Stingy-Bee xx

I can't come over now, have an appointment with the dentist :( sorry if it was last minute. See you tomorrow for dinner? :) xoxo

Sent 1:56 p.m, Saturday, 15th March 2015

The blonde's brows furrowed slightly, then a sigh escaped her lips in exasperation. She texted her reply back.

To: Baby xx :)

Sure baby :) I'll see you tomorrow, love you xoxo :)

Send Message?

From the beginning I have been thinking that we are just simply good friends.

She really wasn't sure of her and Sting's relationship. He always seemed to be busy when they planned to meet up, but he always passed it off with a brief 'xoxo' or something through text message. And to think she had dressed up for him today... she sighed again. 

Starting to like you, who now has a girlfriend, is something not possible, am I right?

Her mind began to drift to a certain pinkette, who, on this very day, decided that he would call off his meeting with a white-haired girl early. How was Natsu exactly? It had been so long since he'd asked her for any sorts of advice... not that that was the only thing he knew to talk about. They;d been best friends ever since he rescued her and took her to Fairy Tail, and yet; they don't even see each other anymore, much less talk. 

I, too, have somebody that's on my mind, and I have told you this many times as well.
But around these days, we no longer interact with one another.

Her eyes directed toward the sea below, where she climbed the rocks and let the calm breeze soothe her inner turmoil. At that moment, her heart developed an instant yearning for her best friend, and she looked off into the distance, wondering if fate would allow them to cross paths once more.

The sound of the summer rain that began to fall,
and the sound of stepping on fallen leaves,

Following the familiar path strewn with leaves colors that faded in the breeze, her shoes crunched and pitter-pattered at the same time as they tapped to the rhythm of the summer rain falling through the slots in the trees. Closing  her eyes, she listened, reminiscing the times she would come here when she was in search of an adventure, climbing trees and going to nearby food stalls, talking on a bench shoulder to shoulder with someone so out of her reach for now...

it was you who was listening to them right next to me.  

She opened her eyes.

There was no logic to prove the fact that she felt it, right there, when it passed her. Such magic cannot be tampered with when it was all in fate's hands.

She turned, slowly, edging around with her shoes. Her alabaster skin caught the sun's rays and reflected them into her eyes. A familiar flash of pink grinned at her.

He was dressed casually for a summer morning, with grey-themed clothes and a white scarf minus the scales on his usual one. His spiky pink tufts were styled to flow in the wind, and his tanned skin stretched over muscles she knew were there but had yet to show. He stepped toward her, quietly, surreal-like, like he couldn't believe she was there, right at their meeting place at the same moment. Her golden locks swayed with his pink strands, in time with nature and the spinning world.

"Luce, it's really... you."

In my mind I hope that you, he, me, and she,
All of us will be able to laugh with each other even more.

Oh, Natsu... it's always been you.


I know the last bit sounded a little weird, but hey, let's have a bit of NaLu action for once. No StingLisanna or any other stuff. Just NaLu.

I actually planned to have this one-shot once Ending 15 came out, but I got so mad because all my progress was deleted when my PC hanged. And I procrastinated, for very long indeed... and then I rediscovered this. And that's how this is here.

Seems familiar to Fate, huh? Leave a comment and maybe hit that star button up there? Love you guys!


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