Starting point

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"Candi!Stop Playing video games!Even though your smart at least make friends!Get your butt down here!"My mom yelled at me when it was breakfast time.I took a deep breath and closed my video game,and headed down the stairs.My mom looked at me with a delicate face and said,"Candi,You'll have to go to school in 30 minute so eat fast."My mom sat near me and we both ate.My mom asked,"Why haven't you made friends at school since 3rd grade?"I didn't reply to my mom.When I was little I had lot of friends and I was nice to them.But as I turned to 2nd grade a girl betrayed me and would make people hate me.So I got separated from people and got bullied but I never told my mom.My dad is a business man who work over seas."Mom,I'm finished." I stood up and went back to my room and checking the time.I had 15 minute to get ready for school.I brushed my Dark brown/black hair.I put on my blue and white uniform.As I went to the mirror and remembering being called ugly I put on my glasses to hide my face.I am going back to school from a 2 week spring break.
I ran down stare and put my shoes on,"I'm going to school mom." I said to my mom before walking out.She yelled back,"Have fun!!" I ran out the door and though,Of course have I'm going to have fun being picked on.I walk to school and then on my way saw a cat,I loved cats. I went closer to the cat and pats it's head.The owner of the cat was on of the girls who bullied me and she pulled her cat away from me and said,"Ew!!Get away ugly!don't touch my cat!" I stood up and walked my own way without saying a word.I walked and it was just a normal day.I went to class and put my stuff in my locker.When I got into class our teacher Mr.Lay stood near his table without saying a word.After the late bell ringed Mr.Lay said,"Class we are going to have an assembly right now so make two lines.One girl line and one boy line.Hurry hurry." We lined up and while lining up I was pushed and had to walk at the end of the line.When we went to the assembly there was 2 guys and 2 girls around our age standing there.One girl looked like a character from my video games and I was super surprised,one guy looked like a cool boy.The other two people looked plain but dressed so fashioned.When they introduced them self the girl who looked like one of my video game character said,"Hello.I'm summer." Her name matched her exactly and I was already focused.The cool guy said,"Hi I'm Mark.Tee hee."The other guy said,"Sup I'm Jackson,I'm wild and sexy" he winked.I was kinda grossed out but then the other girl said,"Hey!!Im Missy but I'm called MS." She said in a weird childish way.I got more grossed out when MS said it.All of the people clapped.
They talked about music and dances which I can do.They also talked about acting and rapping,which I can do.Im a pretty talented girl.But when people meet me all they think is I'm a weird un-talented person.Then they all said,"If you guys could all do that,why don't you join our School,Talented-Stars,and audition to get in?" All the kids in the school looked worried and then Jackson said,"Raise your hand if you can do all of those." I slowly raised my hand and then realized about 2 other people could do it all too.Everyone stared at me and I felt like I was going to get picked on again.Sarah(The meanest person in the school) started saying,"Omg,ha,Look Candi think she ca-" before she could finished her sentence summer said,"Okay the people who raised their hands come up here." I went up with 2 other people.When I went up MS said in a slightly funny way,"Well tomorrow we will come pick you three up and let you guys audition~" I slightly blushed feeling happy that if I do make it I can live longer.So then the day continued normally me being picked on getting gum in my hair.Hating notes in my locker.When I went back home that day from school,I rushed fast to my computer home to write about it to my internet friends.My mom creaked into my room and said,"Did something good happen?"I smiled.My mom sat on my bed and said,"Say...Candi do you want to switch schools?" By my mom tone she probably heard from my principle that I got hit by someone.I replied,"Mom,tomorrow I'm going to audition to go to Talented-Stars." My mom eyes widen but she wanted me to be happy and said,"Okay if that's what you want.Ill let you attend when you make it,okay?" My mom gave me a peck on the cheek and went back to her room and called my dad.She told my dad and I went near her bed room door to hear what my dad says.My dad said,"Well if she doesn't get picked on then let her go there." I smiled and went back to my room and played a game and fell asleep.

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