The fateful day of confessions.

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Hey guys so sorry for the almost one month long wait.Won't bore you withthe AN notes so next chapter up enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

One year ago

I was fifteen when it all started. I recently had moved to NY so I was the shy,awkward but so not the typical new girl.One look. It was all it took(AN: Hmmmm kinda rhyming don't you think).I fell fast and hard for Damon Keats.His bright eyes,his strong chiselled face his........... SERIOUSLY guys don't you ever learn this is not a cliche. I was new yes but not stupid.

All day long I struggled with my new schedules and classes.At the end of the day I was exhausted to say the least.I plopped down under the giant oak in the school parking lot.And suddenly,out of nowhere a hand came into my line of sight and offered me an apple.I looked up and saw a handsome guy in front of me with deep blue eyes,a strong jaw and a smirk set in place.This one act of kindness made me fall in love with Damon Keats.I knew of his player ways and his attitude towards girls and life, in general.But I plan to change that.Through the entire one month I saw him in corridors,AP classes and parking lots.I never once talked to him.

But suddenly,one day,a craziness gripped me and I ,the most unimpulsive person on the entire freaking planet,decided to act on it.As soon as Damon entered the cafeteria I stood on one of the tables and said"Damon Keats,Hear me out once and for all.I'm deeply in love with you.You are my one and only."The entire cafeteria froze.Damon's response was this-He was shocked and stunned into silence for a few moments but then burst out laughing and said"Honey,If i have given you any indication that I feel the same ,you are grossly mistaken.I don't do LOVE.Hell,I don't even do dates.So if I was unclear the first time I'm making it very clear this time-I REJECT YOU."

The cafeteria had probably heard all this numerous times.But they were not ready for my NOT SO HYSTERICAL reaction. I smirked"Damon you really think I'm like one of those sissy admirers who can't handle a temporary and immature rejection.Yes,you hear me correctly.TEMPORARY.Because you Mr.Player will change your ways and for me only.I'm going to make you fall hard you'd wish you never get up.One Year and 2 months,that is all the time I need for you to start learning your lesson and by the end of 2013 you will be my husband."Now let him smirk.

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